In 1.6, this results in all events being shown for which the selected user is
the owner (but not participant).
In trunk, this can be filtered out by the new filter feature.
This code seems to have sneaked in during a syncml backport.
To use them, you need to create two files in the app/importexport directory, '' and ''.
The minimum required files are shown below, but they can be modified as needed to override the basics and add capabilities.
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/');
class import_appname_csv extends basic_import_csv {
protected function import_record(&$record, &$import_csv) {
// Handle one record here. Handle conditions and call action() as appropriate.
// See basic_import_csv.
protected function action($action, Array $record, $record_num = 0) {
// Take the given action (none, insert, delete, update) etc. as understood for your app.
// See basic_import_csv.
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/appname/importexport/');
require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/importexport/inc/');
class wizzard_import_appname_csv extends wizzard_basic_import_csv {
public function __construct() {
$this->mapping_fields = array(
// List of destination fields available in appname
'field' => lang('name')
$this->conditions = array(
// List of conditions supported by import_appname_csv
'field' => lang('name')
$this->actions = array(
// List of actions supported by import_appname_csv
'field' => lang('name')