Hadi Nategh
Resize the sieve edit popup window to proper size for felamimail
2013-11-27 08:56:03 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: fix problem regarding lost control/warning when no recipient and/or no subject is provided on submit
2013-11-26 15:14:09 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix missing jquery browser support
2013-11-05 14:41:14 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix javascript error, if no infolog or tracker rights exist
2013-11-04 13:39:31 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
switch to INSTANCE Cache for getSortedList ResultCache; close Session as early as possible on ajax-calls; fix problem for IE8 window closes on submit of compose, despite of selecting to_infolog/to_tracker
2013-10-31 12:26:19 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
use 870 as new width for popup windows in felamimail
2013-10-01 10:38:53 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
better window height/resize control for display window; ported from compose
2013-09-27 12:50:11 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
make sure compose window will not be subject of further height adaptions in inital step of opening, if the compose window is opened with a height smaller than 650
2013-09-27 09:58:58 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
instead of moving the window up a bit, when availHeight and height differ for screen, just reduce the window.height by that portion
2013-09-26 08:59:53 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: limit compose window height to 1000px
2013-09-25 11:08:02 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
pass imapClassName, imapLoginType and imapDomainName to addACL Form to be used by setACL Routine; that way being independent of originating imapClass
2013-08-14 12:44:29 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail/Compose: make address suggestion selectbox scrollable
2013-07-10 12:45:25 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: handle problem when calculated IFrame height for preview area is too small (negative)
2013-07-09 13:37:33 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: while composing try refreshing listview for Draftfolder (this is, when email app is open, and draft folder is selected)
2013-06-06 11:56:04 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: allow to delete messages immediately (on userinteraction), if OVERQUOTA error is encountered
2013-05-27 09:55:59 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: allow open as HTML/Plain Text on right click action
2013-05-10 13:58:19 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: ^Cke sure all of an compose/view window is shown and not hidden by e.g. the taskbar
2013-04-29 11:24:29 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: handle Focus Issues (browser pops in front when in background on mail list refresh)
> make use of document.hidden or document.msHidden or document.webkitHidden; if browsers do not support these use old behavior
2013-04-24 12:15:10 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: handle problem popup foldertree does not show subfolders of folders with umlauts
2013-04-24 09:59:09 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle focus issue only for IE
2013-04-23 07:36:56 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: handle IE10 focus issue (open attachment link on list view; multiple select on list view) when on single BrowserInstance
2013-04-05 12:12:02 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* *eMail: work around losing focus for IE10, on message view, when on single BrowserInstance
2013-03-07 15:50:14 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: limit resizing of compose and view windows to available screen height
2013-01-24 12:13:36 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: improve control regarding the unwanted selection of NoSelect Folders
2013-01-10 15:47:14 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: offer last moveTo folder as direct menuaction; try to avoid to access --topfolder--
2012-12-19 14:49:20 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
preserve ACL Edit Active State on FolderChange
2012-12-07 15:01:25 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle problem experienced with sending, when previously saved as draft manually; make sure we reset the saveAsDraft hidden value
2012-11-28 13:53:01 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle problem experienced with sending, when previously saved as draft manually; we need to return true on Send (after doit.submit())
2012-11-28 13:30:00 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle problem experienced with sending, when previously saved as draft manually
2012-11-28 13:13:19 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
improved control of ACL edit (by checking capabilities first); offer selectbox with user (and group) selection depending on the loginmethod of the defaultprofile, group selection is bound to imapClass managmentserver_cyrusimap (as of now)
2012-11-22 09:40:01 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
initially when opening manage folder section of email module, disable ACL Management (to avoid unwanted changes); activate on single checkbox click
2012-11-16 12:15:28 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: restructuring of manage folder section (ACL area, no tabs, different layout)
2012-11-13 16:24:29 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
comment unused code, which is causing scripterrors for IE8
2012-11-07 14:54:59 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: attempt to fix problem regarding pop up of draft-message-dialog regarding do-you-want-to-keep-draft on send; allow additional parameters in send_to, which might be base64 encoded
2012-10-31 14:35:13 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: fix misbehavior regarding the unwanted sending of a mail with no subject (despite the warning was given)
2012-10-29 16:22:15 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: fix problem regarding the deletion of the last message in list if pagination is switched on
2012-10-23 15:29:41 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
attempt to fix problem regarding pop up of draft-message-dialog regarding do-you-want-to-keep-draft on send
2012-10-12 11:47:33 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* email: fix for ->no initial border on plaintext editor textarea<-
2012-08-15 14:56:37 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* email: better height control of attachment popup
2012-07-09 10:37:00 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix not marking messages as seen, when using up/down arrows on mail display popups
2012-04-25 11:05:50 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
use app_refresh now, for part of the refresh when deleting a message: e.g. cleanup of previewed message
2012-04-18 13:52:08 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
implement app_refresh to present status messages of other apps to the user (, and trigger a reset of that message after 5 seconds)
2012-04-18 08:29:13 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
disable alertbox of app_refresh
2012-04-18 07:12:53 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* mail: improve refresh of messageList on message deletion
2012-04-17 15:11:26 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
better control of message forwarding inline/as attachment (was partially dependent on associated preference-setting)
2012-03-29 12:20:56 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
better control for cleanup of drafted messages by using onunload and onbeforeunload
2012-03-22 12:23:11 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: feature to save messages that are in progress of being composed to draft every 3 minutes;
* eMail: fix bug regarding language strings with single quotes in Javascript;
masking hash char when saving mails to filemanager, using purifyCreateHTMLTidyConfig when trying to use purifier as tidy substitution
2012-03-16 09:59:26 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
mask # as _ while saving/exporting to vfs
2012-03-12 14:57:01 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
allow to choose forward mode on rightclick action (forward inline OR forward as attachment)
2012-03-12 09:50:57 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle drafted versions of viewed messages on close window, when opened from vfs/filemanager; all other actions like composeasnew, reply, forward, print,etc. preserve the viewed (imported) message stored in draft folder; handle special chars in filename when saving messages to filemanager; treat import/view from vfs more gently (try to guess name and mimetype, and set some size, to pass checkFileBasics tests)
2012-03-09 14:33:00 +00:00