Jörg Lehrke
Fix SyncML addressbook handling
2010-12-19 22:25:30 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Implode arrays when not exporting human-friendly values so they don't say 'Array'
2010-12-15 23:06:36 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
using bocontacts->default_addressbook for add_default; do not try to rebuild the logic of bo construct
2010-12-13 13:20:20 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
filter @ from n_fn when trying to add the email via addressbook.email dialog
2010-12-07 15:16:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* fixed birthday of contacts/accounts in LDAP could not be modified in addressbook
2010-12-06 18:26:54 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: remove invalid -at- when occurring in full name, when adding address to email; skip addresses that produce a parse error while parsed with imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist
2010-12-06 15:07:48 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Merge custom fields when merging contacts
2010-11-29 15:23:16 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
dont use the global template object anymore; do our own now
2010-11-29 11:25:47 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
handle whitespace in emailaddresses when adding distributionlists to email-compose window
2010-11-25 13:34:32 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix for wrong parameter warning in foreach, if multiple fields are to be exploded or not
2010-11-24 11:21:06 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Skip the step about multi-select columns if none of those columns are selected
2010-11-23 16:12:56 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Respect convert to human friendly values option
2010-11-22 23:43:32 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Fixes to special export category columns:
- Sub-categories are properly detected, and the main category added if needed
- Sub-categories are listed as the path (Sub/Sub-Sub/Level 3) not just their name
2010-11-19 18:40:46 +00:00
Ralf Becker
disable history log tab, if it is not applicable (LDAP or new entries)
2010-11-13 09:11:04 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow all fileas types as link-title types (plus value of fileas)
2010-11-10 09:38:04 +00:00
Ralf Becker
switching new id column off by default
2010-11-10 08:31:14 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Remove options tab when exporting
2010-11-09 17:45:05 +00:00
Nathan Gray
New options for exporting categories: New field for each category, new field for main categories
New options for multi-select custom fields: new field for each option
2010-11-09 17:38:51 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Use common conversion function
2010-11-05 20:24:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* read access to groupmembers for account-selection "groupmembers" (only for account_repository sql!)
fixes not shown users in "grant access" for non-admin users
2010-11-05 08:57:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
forgot to remove comment, photos get now resized
2010-11-05 07:51:42 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* scaling now addressbook images uploaded via CardDAV or SyncML to 60 pixel width like already done for web GUI
2010-11-04 20:41:51 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Fix Apple CardDAV issue
2010-10-29 08:42:24 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Some data conversions from internal to something with more meaning:
Dates, times, User IDs, Category IDs
2010-10-28 23:16:45 +00:00
Ralf Becker
separate method display_var(&$content=null,...) called by original display($content=null,...) method, to allow extending classes to use changes in content
2010-10-27 08:38:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed warning (ExecMethod does not allow var parameters)
2010-10-27 08:21:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* CardDAV pref which addressbooks to sync and many fixes for iPhone OS 4.0, 4.1, 4.2beta and Mac iCal and contact app
Merge of following commits from Trunk:
r32609: * GroupDAV preference for addressbook-home-set (requires to register hooks)
r32610: missing groupdav hooks
r32611: fixed missing "users" of principal url in calendar-user-address-set
r32615: as the pricipal of current user is influenced by GroupDAV prefs, we have to include them in the etag
r32619: loop over existing addressbooks, to make sure each ab is only once in addressbook-home-set, even when selected multiple times in the prefs because of symbolic ab like "primary group"
r32620: urlencode and decode account_lid in url to cope with group-names with space in it, which stall iPhone OS 4.2 devices
r32621: fixed bug: GroupDAV/CardDAV PUT request to /addressbook/ changes owner, also checking now required ACL for moving contacts between addressbooks
r32622: returning "403 Forbidden" if addressbook_bo->save() fails, happens when writing new entries in ABs without ADD rights
r32623: * iCal on iPhone detects URL now correct
reverted calendar-home-set to report only users calendar, as reporting multiple break propfind
r32624: we need a real redirect, not just a proxy
r32631: fixed working in GroupDAV prefs and translation
2010-10-21 11:17:46 +00:00
Nathan Gray
* Fix for Addressbook History NOT showing old or new value for some custom fields (Stylite #8230 )
2010-10-14 15:53:09 +00:00
Nathan Gray
* Fix for Addressbook History NOT showing old or new value for some custom fields (Stylite #8230 )
2010-10-14 15:08:05 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Backport 32513 - Add mimetype to export plugin
2010-10-12 22:50:12 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add mimetype to export plugin
2010-10-12 22:48:43 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- fix for egw.org bug #2729 : extended search for recipients filtered by categories does not work
- cancel button in advanced search, cancels now the advanced search and not just closes the window
2010-10-12 14:05:48 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- fix for egw.org bug #2729 : extended search for recipients filtered by categories does not work
- cancel button in advanced search, cancels now the advanced search and not just closes the window
2010-10-12 14:01:36 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Announce all available addressbooks and calendars of the current user with GroupDAV
2010-10-09 22:49:10 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
Announce all available addressbooks and calendars of the current user with GroupDAV
2010-10-09 22:36:04 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Backport 32461 - Add wizard for creating export definitions
2010-10-07 23:11:21 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add wizard for creating export definitions
2010-10-07 23:07:02 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
finnish/suomi translations provided by mkk
2010-10-07 08:14:22 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
finnish/suomi translations provided by mkk
2010-10-07 08:09:31 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
preserve accountstatus: only write to errorlog if condition is met
2010-10-06 15:42:57 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
preserve accountstatus: only write to errorlog if condition is met
2010-10-06 15:42:32 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
prevent the change of owner, if the entry to be changed is an account
2010-10-06 15:30:58 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
prevent the change of owner, if the entry to be changed is an account
2010-10-06 15:30:07 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
add a fieldmapping to enable the query for contact_bday
2010-09-30 09:59:59 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
add a fieldmapping to enable the query for contact_bday
2010-09-30 09:49:23 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
feature to show contact_id in list and editview; ability to sort by contact_id, ability to search for contact_id (or parts of it), so beware if you search for a contact by id, you may find more than one, since the number you search for may be part of the content of more than one field and contacts, as numbers can occur also in eg.: phonenumber, roomnumber, ZIP-Code, ...
2010-09-29 12:00:19 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
ralf requested the id to be located within an column of its own
2010-09-29 11:10:11 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
feature to show contact_id in list and editview; ability to sort by contact_id, ability to search for contact_id (or parts of it), so beware if you search for a contact by id, you may find more than one, since the number you search for may be part of the content of more than one field and contacts, as numbers can occur also in eg.: phonenumber, roomnumber, ZIP-Code, ...
2010-09-29 10:38:44 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Update private address country code also
2010-09-28 19:55:55 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Better dealing with 2 letter country code:
- Moved handling into BO layer, per Ralf
- Clear country name if user saves with a code, and use the code
- Updated search filter to use code, so filter works in any language
2010-09-28 19:50:50 +00:00