- the etemplate_request object which stores the request data in the
a) session (as before) or
b) compressed and encrypted in the form transmitted to the user
Benefit of b) is that the session does not grow and the form can
be submitted as long as the session exists, as we need no garbadge
collection. Of cause more data needs to be submitt between
browser and webserver. b) is choosen automatic if mcrypt and
gzcompress are available, but can be turned off via setting
etemplate_request::$request_class = 'etemplate_request_session';
- static class variables instead of the before used global ones
--> This new version of eTemplate is fully backward compatible with 1.6!
In the example the tab itself is named "tabs", with tabs "one", "two"
and "three". Therefore the name of the tab-widget (where the select tab
gets reported and used to disable a single tab) does no longer depend on
the available tabs. This allows for a deeper customization.
Examples on how to use it are in the next two commits: tracker and pm
- class of select-widgets is now correctly geneated as attr class
- killed warning generated for boxes (array passed to htmlentities)
- class-vars now just set (not in the constructor, as required by php3)
- widget editor works quite nice
- beware it can create Templates the old editor cant understand and destroy if you save or export them from the old editor!
=> need to move the other functionality (import, export, dump, ..) of the old editor to the new one, so the old editor can retire ;-)
2) Step #1 of removing eTemplate's limitation on allowing only a grid as root element of the widget tree (which can NOT directly contain further grids, thought references to other templates/grids are ok). The storage layer allows now a real tree. Redering and editing only works on the old data variable, which is now a reference to the first grid in the tree.
More to come ...
- needed (= not to be empty) fields are enforced now
- min and max values and format of int and float fields
- validator for text-fields (perl regular expression)
The input-validation is handled completly withing eTemplate, the application dont need to implement any code, just set the right attributes in the template. Validation-errors are displayed in red behind the concerning field, try the template 'etemplate.validation-test' in the editor.
- load_via works now in boetemplate::read
- included templates are relative to the includeing tpl, if they contain no '.'
- xul_io is alway writing the comple/absolute name
- HBox gets width=100% if alignment other then left set (new!)
- added links as 2. option to label
- added header function to uietemplate
- added vbox and hbox support: container to put widgets in one row or column
- complete rows and column can now be disabled (even with a simple comparison with a variable in content, eg. disabled if the var is empty)
- labels and helptexts from tpls with 'test' in there name, get no longer written to the lang-file
- update the documentation
moved attributs from <menupopup> to <menulist> (execpt options and id)
added several options for the predefined phpgw selects like cats or accounts
changed the referenz.html accourdingly