- using string 'not set' for a not set lastname, as LDAP allows no accounts without lastname.
- addaccount hook was not called if account was auto-created at login-time (as the apps array is not yet read). Atm. app-names with hooks need to be listed here. I just added felamimail, which need to create mailboxes for new users
- only needs host- and domain-name
- needs NO extra account on the ADS host
- can be used with accounts in SQL or LDAP to auto-create autheticated users
- new param to lowercase the user-names before auto-creating them (to deal with case-insensitve and case-sensitive system)
1) fixed problems pointed out by gulftech, iframes get now unset too
2) unset variables from _check_script_tags are now found in $GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars'], eg. a posted input-field called content would be found in $GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars']['_POST[content]'] (please not the array is only 1-dimensional!), if it has been unset by check_script_tags
3) speed up the function a bit, by not checking all possible names of the superglobals arrays, if nothing found in $_GET and $_POST
2) rewrote some methods with new db-functions
3) add possibility to delete an app/location for all accounts
4) fixed get_location_list_for_id() method (it was not returning all locations)
2) $GLOBALS['phpgw{_info}'] ==> $GLOBALS['egw{_info}']
3) moved setup-classes from phpgwapi/inc back to setup/inc (they are not used anywhere else, but in setup)
1) $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'] to $GLOBALS['egw_info'],
2) $GLOBALS['phpgw'] to $GLOBALS['egw'],
3) PHPGW_ to EGW_ constants
The phpgw ones ars now a reference to the new egw ones, to allow a soft migration
1) correct the displayed page-generation-time for idots and jerry
2) use ob_start to get rid of "Header could not be sent, output started at ..." errors
3) changing from $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'] to $GLOBALS['egw_info'], the phpgw one is now a reference to the new egw one, to allow a soft migration
- Oracle via oci8 or odbc extension
- MsSql via odbc extension
2) added checks for the neccesary extension incl. loading them if they are not loaded by default: db extensions and session extension. This is now consitent wiht check_install.
3) sessions class tries now to load the php session extension and silently fallbacks to db-sessions
- it looks nearly like a multiple selectbox, eg. scrolls for further lines
- it acts in the same way in forms
- it's NOT identical if using it via javascript