- primary unique id: id (default), uid, or any custom field
- fallback: id, uid(default), two from n_family, org_name or n_given,
or any custom field
- use default addressbook for new contacts (user preferences), if no
owner specified
- some bugfixes
- bug #1772: custom fields for single addressbook types show in all
- removed template warning, if no template was selected
- showing type icon if available
- added "all" to type selection
- removed some weird doublicate code
This was caused by the (only) clientside code, which could not evaluate
the whole query. It's now done on serverside, thought there's still a
limit of the number of id's transfered in the url.
Reworked it not in the following way:
- numerical limit or total disabling (setting "no"), are only valid for
- addressbook has it's own value, but uses now the global one, if no
addressbook specific limit is set
- configurable extra tab for the private cf's
- cf's displayed in the list are now configurable like in InfoLog via
the column-selection
- row color of the list get's now set by category, if cats have colors
defined (first match for multiple cats)
- fax is now allways direct visible in list and edit
- to, cc, bcc is working again in the email-selection-popup
- shortcut to directly add the whole list in the email-popup
- error message that a list already exist
- javascript only get's loaded if not already loaded
- fix for bug #588: content of emailpopup to wide
- fix for bug #713: wrong redirect creating distrib.list via popup from fmail
- filter for business country
- sorting by postal code
- add can create now already linked entries by specifying app/id pairs in the url (as eg. timesheet)
- setting egw_info[flags][currentid] in view to allow to add already linked entries via quick add
some bugfixes:
- sql can now change the ownership if a user gets deleted, ldap implementation still missing, but gives no more error
- photo template was not shown under some circumstances
- fixed not working paging (lost advanced search)
- uses now a named window and gives it focus
- disabled for org-views
- can be unset via clicking on the addressbook icon (index.php)
- last search can always be restored from session
- new hook editaccountcontact to sync other apps with these data
- admin ACL "edit users" is now respected by the contact class for account-contact-data too (you can deny admins to edit accounts)
- fixed bug in ldap-backend: it was deleting all not set contact fields