Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: improvements regarding the handling of no emailprofile available
2010-11-30 14:22:49 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix for broken send_to mail links
2010-11-22 12:54:28 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: timezone and timeformat issues as reported in egroupware.org Tracker#2755
2010-11-17 09:52:05 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
use exceptions to report failure on PEAR::Errors to UI for moveMessages and delteMessages
2010-11-11 16:25:45 +00:00 |
Ralf Becker
Fix as discussed on the developer list:
Check for the availability of mailpreferences before using them.
2010-11-10 18:26:55 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix problem with wrong encoded/displayed autofolders with specialchars like umlauts, etc
2010-11-09 09:07:05 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
improved error handling for additional issues (getAttachment, getTextPart, getMessageRawHeaders,...), by testing on PEAR Errors before trying to process the data/pipe the data for handling in UI
2010-11-05 13:59:52 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
implementing fallback for wrong headerdata encoding; try to detect encoding from headerdata to improve message header data display, due to wrong encoding
2010-11-05 09:06:00 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
* eMail: fixing problem with double converted date/time strings for certain DateTime Settings (reported with the user-list)
2010-11-02 09:35:24 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
detect if function iconv exists before trying to use it while detecting charset
2010-10-11 12:54:17 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
*eMail: feature to be able to import an email recieved or while sending as a tracker item; (that includes the move of some functions from infolog to bofelamimail, to make it available to more than one app); better charset detection on message body parts that do not carry a charset information (e.g.: base64 and quoted-printable messages, seem not to carry that info)
2010-10-06 12:56:54 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
allow for/expect encoded MAILBOX/EMAIL Parts of an RFC822 EMail in MessageList creation, and decode it
2010-09-24 12:40:44 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
add helperfunction to normalize bodyParts structure (as of problems with reply on mails with MULTIPART/RELATED with array as subparts)
2010-09-15 14:10:02 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
handle to address in MDNSent correctly, when a full rfc822 Address is given
2010-09-15 10:50:41 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
*felamimail feature: basic KEN Support; improvement of error control
2010-09-15 08:16:23 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
decode of MessageEnvelope: forgotten subject in getMessageEnvelope
2010-09-10 14:04:51 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fixed bug reported by V.Richert, about not decoded envelope information; thus allow arrays to be passed and processed to bofelamimail::decode_header; use the new ability; provide better control if data should be decoded or not
2010-09-10 13:39:14 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
rework of bofelamimail::_strtotime, to make propper use of egw_time; performance issue: limit the number of links and email to be parsed (and adapted) to 100 each, as it should be sufficient for most standard emails; try to further improve the display of textmails
2010-09-07 09:04:50 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
handling totally absent dates in _strtotime, return current timestamp is all failes
2010-09-06 13:04:03 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
hook processing of addAccount/deleteAccount; open Admin Connection if not connected
2010-09-03 10:38:00 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
improve convertHTMLToText, for toggle editor and mail2infolog process; better control of insert Signature at Top. Only insert the signature, when the compose window is opened the first time (compose/reply/forward), dont do it if sending failes, and the compose window is refreshed (in general when mySigID is set)
2010-08-31 14:29:01 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
Using egw_time for date/time handling; handle unrecognized timezones like 'Westeuropäische Sommerzeit' by splitting them off, when strtotime failes
2010-08-27 08:13:42 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix for cascading Multipart/Alternative
2010-07-15 11:23:39 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
quitening warning for mb-strpos, when attachment->cid is not set
2010-07-08 09:12:33 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix typo
2010-07-08 08:44:02 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
added missing echo in uifelamimail; recognize plain VIDEO messages (only video, nothing else)-> display as attachment
2010-06-15 09:22:26 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
plain text/calendar messages, are now displayed as event.ics attachment too
2010-06-11 09:26:07 +00:00 |
Ralf Becker
Creating branches/Stylite-EPL-10.1
2010-06-09 18:36:13 +00:00 |