Ralf Becker
fixed "PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected \ (T_NS_SEPARATOR)" error caused by email validation, also added error_log for these type of parse-errors
2013-07-30 10:15:01 +00:00 |
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager/eTemplate: fix for MyStylite bug #2495: deleting files containing [ as first char deletes whole directory
added encoding of square brackets in eTemplate and improved etemplate_bo::(get|set|isset|unset)_array() to split indexes at ][ and not just [
2011-11-09 14:34:19 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix for bug #1631 on Stylite tracker: no browsing/navigation in egws popup filenavigation used for image browsing for CK-Editor.
2011-05-16 07:48:36 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix typo that prevented the referencing of sub elements in get_array in some cases
2011-05-12 14:57:45 +00:00 |
Klaus Leithoff
fix typo found/fixed by jaytraxx
2011-01-10 10:17:25 +00:00 |
Ralf Becker
also quote quotes in variables surounded by curly brackets, eg. '{[nm][path]}'
2010-09-14 16:34:28 +00:00 |