- all commands get loged and optional documented with requesting
person and a comment
- all commands can be run immediatly or scheduled for a later execusion
- all commands can be run either from a command line (admin-cli), from
the web GUI or via a remore administration from a different instance
current status:
- command queue / history table created (need to be installed)
- base class for all comments
- one exemplary command to change application rights of users or groups
- admin-cli used the above comment and has additional parameters to set
the requesting person, scheduled execution time and comment
- GUI to watch the queue / history
- URL to excute/schedule commands remote
More to come now on a daily basis
- the backup is independent of the used DB and can eg. be used to port an install to an other DB type
- autom. backup before upgrades of the DB structure
- installing backups instead an installation from scratch
- own backup screen in setup and admin to:
+ shedule repeating backups
+ up- and download of backups
+ creating and restoring backups
- allows to parse arguments ot the hook and return content
- all access to the hook-table is now handled by the hook-class (for admin and setup too)
- all existing hooks continue to work of cause