Ralf Becker
move trigger and error-log under same comment
2014-01-21 11:20:11 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Some UI for client error log, log egw.open() calls
2014-01-21 09:21:46 +00:00
Ralf Becker
first step of a javascript error notifier and clientside log
2014-01-20 15:23:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
pass an id to _add_topmenu_info_item, so templates can use that to generate an id for each div
2014-01-17 09:23:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix permanent reload on idots login screen caused by trying to show (on login page not existing) quick-add selectbox, now not loading idots javascript files at all for login page, as they are not needed
2014-01-16 08:56:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
wait for all js-files to be included
2014-01-16 08:27:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
aligning new logo
2014-01-11 19:16:42 +00:00
Ralf Becker
add async include and et2 render times to page-generation-times shown
2014-01-09 12:20:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
remove configurable image-type preference in favor to hardcoded one always prefering png over gif, also removed all .gif images which have a png counterpart
2013-12-05 02:04:59 +00:00
Ralf Becker
reverting to previous app.css file and remove app.less files, as they are not used by pixelegg template and create some glitches, might re-introduce .less for regular templates later
2013-11-18 19:57:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
renamed idots orange-ball.png to bullet.png, to use identical name in all templates
2013-11-18 16:12:50 +00:00
Ralf Becker
newewst pixelegg changed from today
2013-11-14 19:29:55 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Allow app.appcode.function(); calls in sidebox in addition to global functions. Needs the (); at the end though.
2013-11-14 16:50:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow templates packed as apps to replace login screen template by setting it as default template (without setting it in header.inc.php)
2013-11-14 13:52:50 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using now CSS preprocessor less ( http://lesscss.org ) to create some of our css files, used a lot in new Pixelegg template
2013-11-11 19:10:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
mark popups as such by enclosing there content in div#popupMainDiv and properly closing html markup for popups
2013-11-03 09:30:25 +00:00
Ralf Becker
open all sidebox admin link in admin vi admin.admin_ui.index loader
2013-10-15 16:53:43 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using jQueryUI resizable to resize sidebox, getting it to work under CSP that way
2013-10-08 12:06:07 +00:00
Ralf Becker
switching on Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' for all templates, old non-et2 apps can call egw_framework::csp_script_src_attrs('unsafe-inline') to enable inline scripts in their scope, et2 does it for CK editor which does not support CSP currently and old etemplate does it for all apps using it
2013-10-05 13:33:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
idots now also automatic resizes its application area like Stylite template, so eg. et2 nextmatch can fill full area
2013-10-04 11:58:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
when displaying topmenu in sidebox as "General menu", use same code to display new topmenu items too
2013-10-04 11:56:47 +00:00
Ralf Becker
add context sensitive link to ACL/grant access to top-menu, same is to be happen for cats and preferences itself and preferences in sidebox will be removed
2013-10-02 16:29:08 +00:00
Ralf Becker
global method egw_message(_msg, _type) to display success-, warning- or error-messages in app-header
2013-09-04 19:02:34 +00:00
Ralf Becker
remove inline javascript from idots and jerryr templates
2013-08-21 20:22:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
rendering quick-add menu on clientside and content-security safe, thought not yet in idots template, also removed not used inline javascript from idots
2013-07-22 19:20:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
$extra parameter for framework->header()
2013-07-19 17:07:05 +00:00
Ralf Becker
replacing egw.LAB with egw_LAB, as egw object is shared by all iframes and popups, while LAB has to work on document
2013-07-17 12:47:21 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
wrap a set_preferences call in LAB.wait to avoid run time problems
2013-07-16 14:48:49 +00:00
Ralf Becker
prototype for an admin app using et2 and a navigation tree, need to set index url in database: UPDATE egw_applications SET app_index="admin.admin_ui.index&ajax=true" WHERE app_name="admin" (dont forget to clear cache)
2013-07-01 17:07:07 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow to use protocol independent url like "//host/path/to/logo.png" for logo in admin site configuration
2013-06-24 07:45:11 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix background of dialogs in calendar, tested with resources to keep intended fix from Nathan
2013-06-06 15:02:47 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Avoid additional visible border on some hidden popups
2013-04-02 21:41:43 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Style for empty row placeholder
2013-03-20 16:43:43 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Move default app preference out of Text editor settings into template settings section
2013-01-17 23:21:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
cache, concat and minify all css resources to speed up requests, javascript files planned too
2012-10-14 19:38:32 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Restrict nm header height to ~6 lines, then scroll
2012-06-25 15:12:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
js stuff is not needed by login page and gives errors
2012-05-10 08:43:40 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
giving selected bg-coloring precedence over other bg-color classes using important
2012-03-21 09:11:46 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* InfoLog: icons to visualise entry has a parent or subs, using these icons (arrow left or up) in context-menu too
2012-03-20 11:21:53 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Now again using a local etemplate2 instance on the client
2012-03-12 12:05:14 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Fixed bug with etemplate2 not working properly especially in idots: JS files only get included if they really have not already been included; egw object gets included before 'lang' in idots
2012-03-12 09:20:24 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Always include egw.js, as determining whether the current window is a popup or not does not work properly when not running an etemplate2 application
2012-03-09 09:29:05 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Now always including egw and etemplate2 javascript code if we are in the top window
2012-03-08 14:05:00 +00:00
Ralf Becker
framework->isTop($consider_navbar_not_yet_called_as_true=true): true if we are rendering the top-level EGroupware window
2012-03-07 08:45:57 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixes for PHP 5.4 warnings and strict warnings, thought disabled E_STRICT for now, because of various strict warnings in working code, which could not be easy fixed in all areas (see comment in phpgwapi/inc/functions.inc.php)
2012-03-04 13:33:10 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Splitted the egw object into multiple files, added system for allowing a application specific client-side api (use 'egw' as a function)
2012-03-01 16:24:29 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* API/Login: using tabindex to control tab succession on/in loginscreen.
2012-01-26 11:57:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
make basic data of current user available via egw.user(_field)
2011-08-31 12:17:34 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using php5 constructors
2011-08-31 07:50:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new clientside image-name to url map: egw.image(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
eg. egw.image('favicon') returns '/egroupware/phpgwapi/templates/default/favicon.ico'
--> pondon to serverside common::image($app,$name) method
2011-08-30 22:19:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- sending EGroupware configuration (non-sensible stuff) to browser and make it available via egw.config(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
- sending link-registry in the same file
- used javascript file uses etag to ensure there's no need to load it on each request
2011-08-26 16:27:57 +00:00
Ralf Becker
got clientside translations working for etemplate2 apps: egw.lang("%1 timesheet(s) %2", 5, egw.lang("deleted"))
2011-08-23 16:15:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new clientside API object currently supporting the following methods:
- egw.preferences(_name, _app='common') return preference _name of _app (only common prefs loaded currently)
- egw.open() allowing to open app-entries utilising the link registry, deprecating egw_open from jsapi.js
- egw.lang(_msg, _arg1, ..., _argN) placeholders are not yet implemented
2011-08-23 14:29:56 +00:00
Ralf Becker
removed two css settings messing up existing eTemplate layouts:
- spans were different vertical aligned the prefixing text
- all nextmatch header were forced to left alignment
--> seems to have no negative effect, but fixes some ugly layout bugs
2011-07-13 12:51:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
style for disabled buttons
2011-07-10 18:23:27 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixing the last fix, code was still needed ;-) and automatically hiding the location bar for mobile browsers
2011-07-10 12:05:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed division by zero, by removing not longer needed mobile code
2011-07-09 16:53:24 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- improved mobile template: calendar & email sidebox is showing now, removed most of the former css hidden stuff
- fixes jscalendar to work will in sliding sidebox
2011-07-09 16:35:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Template for mobile browsers: only show application area, all apps are available via slideout menu
2011-07-06 07:19:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
consolidating icons
2011-06-30 13:01:03 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Fixed typo
2011-06-15 21:08:45 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Implemented default focusing of objects in the tab manager, added new egw_getAppName function on js side, which returns the name of the currently active application - this is needed for the keyboard handler to pass the key events to the correct application object manager.
2011-06-15 20:54:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new javascript method egw_open() to open egw_entries using there registered url and popup sizes from the link registry
2011-06-02 11:13:41 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using a single print icon (from fmail) now
2011-05-31 18:35:18 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
added clear function to egwActionObject, reverted change done by klaus leithoff in egw_action.js as it caused serveral problems, fixed problem with no actions being executable when all action objects were selected using the setSelectAll function, added iframeFix to egw_action_dragdrop.js, made draggedOver style working for all tables.
2011-05-28 15:24:31 +00:00
Christian Binder
projectmanager: added a moreOptions dropdown list to the link add widget in elements view to be able to assign eRoles to added elements quick; added a preference to give a downloaded merge document a default name
2011-04-08 19:32:17 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Added grid styles to the jerryr template (probably the CSS + the images should be kept in the default theme, but I'm not sure what's the best way to do this), added 'evenQueue' object to grid JS code, which allows you to cancle or postpone JS events connected to it.
2011-04-05 20:23:09 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Implemented grid column sorting
2011-04-01 16:38:31 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Updated code for image overlay on grid entries
2011-04-01 12:49:14 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Added .lettersearch css border-radius compatibility code for other browsers
2011-03-30 21:14:05 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
removed egwGridView_outer margin
2011-03-30 12:28:24 +00:00
Ralf Becker
identical lettersearch for etemplate and admin via central css file
2011-03-30 08:18:06 +00:00
Ralf Becker
styles for nextmatch lettersearch
2011-03-30 07:34:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
activated new table style and row selection for etemplate, not yet with contect menus
2011-03-27 16:14:08 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Added content of phpgwapi/js/egw_action/test/grid.css to traditional.css - styling of tables has to be actiated by giving the table containing the data rows the class 'egwGridView_grid'
2011-03-25 14:26:00 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add new hook 'sidebox_all' to allow another app to add something to all other apps' sidebox instead of just adding in importexport stuff
2011-02-03 16:30:40 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add Import / Export links to sidebox for all apps, if there are definitions allowed.
2011-01-28 19:45:33 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Changes to work with registration rewrite
2011-01-25 17:30:47 +00:00
Ralf Becker
make NOT the default for cookie auth
2010-12-19 21:17:37 +00:00
Ralf Becker
for some reason $this->tpl is no instanciated on the home page in 1.8
2010-11-18 08:08:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
framework->navbar() now automatically calls framework->header(), this way navbar or sidebox can include JS or CSS, because header is called after
2010-10-18 10:46:47 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Attempt at a fix for error that prevented sidebox menu from sliding out in IE8
2010-09-16 20:06:48 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix for Safari Padding-Bug
2010-09-15 08:28:16 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
idots: IE8 Compatibility, reduce to 1pxpadding-left; resources select box was not shown in calendar sidebox
2010-09-06 15:50:50 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
idots: fix for IE8 Compatibility; resources select box was not shown in calendar sidebox
2010-09-06 15:17:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow to change password without run rights for preferences via a new password app (part of preferences app, but separate to install)
2010-07-27 14:29:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
remove border and use black color for nicer printing of input elements
2010-07-17 15:52:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
setting vars empty, which get only conditionally set
2010-06-10 15:37:47 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow json in body on(Load|Unload|Resize) tags
2010-06-10 14:31:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
making template name a parameter
2010-06-09 11:03:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new framework method to return javascript to call manual
2010-06-07 22:06:35 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Moved after_navbar hook into a egw_framework method
2010-06-07 17:31:43 +00:00
Ralf Becker
moved top menu logic from idots_framework class to egw_framework,
to be able to use it from other templates too
2010-06-07 11:49:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
"removed double declaration of new prompt styles (idots.css includes traditional.css)"
2010-05-01 06:17:28 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
use more stylish dialog for prompt action on edit-series; translations provided by mkk
2010-04-28 13:42:10 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix for a problem with IE7 and IE8(Compatibilitymode) displaying Icons and text in Navbar
2010-02-19 14:53:24 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Imported latest version of wz_tooltips (5.31) as they no longer need to
process the whole dom tree to enable the tooltips.
(Also made the changed from r23372 again)
2010-01-17 03:20:45 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Completely revert changes from rev 28826.
Now using a seperate array to hold additional topmenu entries from hooks to prevent occasional duplication of info items. Apps should now be able to call ['egw']->framework->add_topmenu_item('name', 'url', 'title') to add an additional entry to the topmenu.
2009-12-17 18:07:59 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
revert n.gray s rev 28826, as it clutters the topmenu occasionaly
2009-12-17 14:48:19 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Don't clear items, it will erase anything added by apps in topmenu_info hook
2009-12-09 23:15:46 +00:00