Andreas Stöckel
Removed debug messages and made it work with ff
2011-08-31 15:58:24 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
First version of the dataview which does... well... 'something' at least (currently shows dummy rows with non-etemplate content) Need to cleanup code and test auto hiding of rows (code is actually there)
2011-08-31 15:39:24 +00:00
Ralf Becker
docu fixes
2011-08-31 12:24:50 +00:00
Ralf Becker
removed not existing image
2011-08-31 12:24:35 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using egw.user(_field) to get account_id and phone-number, plus fixing precedence of "tel:" for iOS/Android
2011-08-31 12:18:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
make basic data of current user available via egw.user(_field)
2011-08-31 12:17:34 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- fixed image map was empty created when not loged in (now directories are used and not $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'])
- fixed not working vfs-image-dir
- deleteing image-maps when:
+ apps get installed, updated or removed
+ admin >> register hooks
+ admin >> site configuration: vfs-image-dir get changed
- fixed not displayed validation errors (thought there were no validation) in admin >> site config
--> you need to register hooks, in order to get the admin >> site configuration validation hook ;-)
2011-08-31 10:16:12 +00:00
Ralf Becker
forgot to switch of error_log for not found images, as that happens regulary in some parts of EGroupware
2011-08-31 08:01:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed not working jerryr template set, needs image_on and previously not working template image dir
2011-08-31 07:52:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using php5 constructors
2011-08-31 07:50:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using egw.image(), thought there are some problems:
- src attribute get never translated: fixed
- label is in etemplate not the alt attribute, it is a title / tooltip (probably ok as alt too)
- egw.image should be called with appname part of template
- if image is not found, etemplate should render an empty widget, not a broken one
2011-08-31 06:29:51 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- if image not found, check if it might contain extension and try without (better is not to use extension at all!)
- changed default to current app as in API, but it is not yet working, because egw object runs in framework for jdots :-(
2011-08-31 06:26:05 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Include the handler code that caused the error
2011-08-31 00:09:55 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Fix missing popup button
2011-08-31 00:08:59 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Fix missing onclick
2011-08-31 00:03:50 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new clientside image-name to url map: egw.image(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
eg. egw.image('favicon') returns '/egroupware/phpgwapi/templates/default/favicon.ico'
--> pondon to serverside common::image($app,$name) method
2011-08-30 22:19:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
re-added common::find_image() and common::image_on() as deprecated
2011-08-30 22:16:31 +00:00
Ralf Becker
use one instance specific image_map to translate between image-names and URLs, which can be transfered to the browser for etemplate2 (next commit)
2011-08-30 22:03:17 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Fix regexp - no match() function, switched to test()
2011-08-30 21:36:55 +00:00
Nathan Gray
- Add image widget
- Add missing dependency on et2_core_common
2011-08-30 20:56:01 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Code cleanup - remove debug, late date class handle date-houronly
2011-08-30 20:52:10 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Implement last of the date widgets
2011-08-30 20:50:55 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* richtext custom-fields
2011-08-30 19:19:56 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* WebDAV: allow locking of not (yet) existing files to create them
- failed before as there are no write-rights for not existing files
- now we check for not existing files the write rights of the parent directory
2011-08-30 17:04:04 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* WebDAV: allow locking of not (yet) existing files to create them
- failed before as there are no write-rights for not existing files
- now we check for not existing files the write rights of the parent directory
2011-08-30 17:03:34 +00:00
Nathan Gray
* Translate basic HTML formatting (bold, underline, cursive, text & background color, bullets & lists, fonts, size) into target document's formatting when merging into a template. Works for odt, docx and some xml.
2011-08-30 16:08:34 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
code cleanup: as bo_merge::is_export_limit_excepted checks for ->is Admin<- already
2011-08-30 15:27:47 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
code cleanup: as bo_merge::is_export_limit_excepted checks for ->is Admin<- already
2011-08-30 15:13:58 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
adapting missed export_limit_excepted processing to static bo_merge::is_export_limit_excepted
2011-08-30 14:49:49 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
adapting missed export_limit_excepted processing to static bo_merge::is_export_limit_excepted
2011-08-30 14:02:00 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Initializing configs variable with empty object, to have code running standalone
2011-08-30 09:15:00 +00:00
Ralf Becker
adding an empty hidden field, to force some return value, if no account was selected for export_limit_excepted, without any return value nothing gets returned and therefore stored
2011-08-30 08:16:51 +00:00
Nathan Gray
- Get email widget working with felamimail if user has access, mailto: otherwise
- Get phone widget working using telephony integration if configured, tel: if user's on an Android or iPhone
- Popup calendar on date widget
2011-08-29 21:15:53 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add base64 functions for communciationg with felamimail
2011-08-29 21:14:09 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Just commiting current state of my work on the 'dataview' (grid), does NOT do anything usefull right now
2011-08-29 15:04:10 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
using new bo_merge static function to check for is_export_limit_excepted; fixing an off but vone error regarding the limit of rows returned
2011-08-29 15:02:00 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using bo_merge::is_exportlimit_excepted() which takes care of not longer serialized egw_info/server values
2011-08-29 12:20:16 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
have edit.xet renewed; handle onclick event in addressbook view mode for name popup for IE9
2011-08-29 12:01:25 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
silence some export-limits warnings
2011-08-29 11:33:10 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix bug regarding the deletion of all rows, when removing an address from mail compose form, when more than 4 addresses where in the list. Reason: remaining Address rows have been set to height 0, instead of defaulting to a defaultvalue, when reading the value of clientHeight of the first row in the list failed
2011-08-29 08:45:07 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager: "Save as" option for files to force download and not open in browser
2011-08-29 08:42:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager: "Save as" option for files to force download and not open in browser
2011-08-29 08:40:22 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix bug reported on devel-list:
egw_cache::get_provider(Instance) no provider found (error instanciating provider egw_cache_files: egw_cache_files::__construct() server/temp_dir
--> made egw_cache::get_config_value public, so egw_cache_files can use it and for regular egw sessions read install_id and temp_dir together with system_charset, before calling config::read()
2011-08-29 05:58:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['lang_ctimes'] is now an array
2011-08-28 12:48:31 +00:00
Ralf Becker
egw API update missed in r36331:
- sending EGroupware configuration (non-sensible stuff) to browser and make it available via egw.config(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
- sending link-registry in the same file
- used javascript file uses etag to ensure there's no need to load it on each request
2011-08-28 08:28:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow to call a function instead of a static helptext
2011-08-27 18:36:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow to call a function instead of a static helptext
2011-08-27 18:35:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager: handle clipboard via ajax to copy with multiple open tabs and cuting and pasting between them
2011-08-27 18:31:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager: handle clipboard via ajax to copy with multiple open tabs and cuting and pasting between them
2011-08-27 17:54:56 +00:00
Ralf Becker
one server-config missed in r36329: arrays in $GLOBALS[egw_info][server] are now automatically serialized and unserialized
2011-08-27 16:11:10 +00:00