Klaus Leithoff
option/configuration to enforce the use of emailadminprofiles only for notifications
2010-07-16 12:04:02 +00:00
Christian Binder
added configureable poll interval for egwpopup - default is 60 seconds
2009-04-06 21:46:11 +00:00
Christian Binder
fixed typo
2009-02-27 18:51:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
sms notifications from aleksander.adamowski(at)olo.org.pl
2008-04-21 17:23:18 +00:00
Christian Binder
enabled class autoloading for notifications, let admins enable or disable notification backends, security fixes for email and egwpopup backend, unified link arrays used for notifications
2008-01-30 18:58:00 +00:00
Christian Binder
re-commit of winpopup-backend. the commandline to execute is now hardcoded into the backend for security reasons
2007-12-05 08:55:10 +00:00
Christian Binder
fixed typo in configuration example for winpopup notifications
2007-11-29 04:45:58 +00:00
Christian Binder
Extended notification-app and egwpopup. Added winpopup-backend and email-backend. PHP5.1+ is now mandatory in trunk. For more infos look at the egw-developers list.
2007-11-22 08:29:16 +00:00
Cornelius Weiß
new notification module
2006-09-07 07:04:15 +00:00
Cornelius Weiß
me again against svn
2006-09-07 06:58:58 +00:00
Cornelius Weiß
New notificaion module
* Notifies users according to their preferences.
* @abstract NOTE:Notifications are small messages. No subject and no attechments.
* If you need this kind of elements you probably want to send a mail, don't you :-)
* @abstract NOTE: This is for instant notifications. If you need time dependend notifications use the
* asyncservices wrapper!
* The classes doing the notifications are called notification_<method> and should only be
* called from this class.
2006-03-06 17:11:45 +00:00