(update in sec. %s) notifications sl (Posodobitev v sekundah% s) account: notifications sl Račun: all possible notification backends notifications sl Vsa možna obvestila are you sure you want to delete all notifications? notifications sl Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati vsa obvestila? automatic deleted notifications older than admin sl Samodejno brisanje obvestil, starejših od browser notifications sl Brskalnik browser is starting. notifications sl Brskalnika je zagnan. cancal settings? notifications sl Prekinem nastavitve? cancal? notifications sl Prekinem? certification-information: notifications sl Informacije o potrjevanju: check both (first try (active) user defined account, if none use emailadmin profile) admin sl Preverite oba. Najprej poskusite aktivno uporabniško definiran račun, če nimate, uporabite profil eMailAdmin. choose a notification-chain. you will be notified over the backends included in the chain.
note: if a notification-chain is marked as "disabled", your administrator does not allow one or more of the backends included in the chain and notifications falls back to "e-mail" while notifying you. notifications sl Izberite verigo obveščanja. Obveščeni boste prek zalednih koncev, vključenih v verigo.
Opomba: Če je veriga obveščanja označena kot "onemogočena", vaš skrbnik ne dovoli enega ali več zalednih koncev, vključenih v verigo, se obveščanje med obveščanjem vrne na "e-pošto". choose from mailsettings used for notification admin sl Izberite nastavitve pošte, ki se uporabljajo za e-poštno obvestilo common chains notifications sl Skupne verige connection error. notifications sl Napaka v povezavi. connection error. please check connection to server. notifications sl Napaka v povezavi. Preverite povezavo s strežnikom. continue to connect? notifications sl Se še naprej povezujete? cookies are required to login to this site. notifications sl Piškotki se morajo prijaviti na to spletno mesto. delete all messages notifications sl Izbrišite vsa sporočila delete notifications notifications sl Izbriši obvestila delete this message notifications sl Izbriši to sporočilo disabled chains notifications sl Onemogoči verige do not notify me at all notifications sl Sploh me ne obvesti domain not found, please check serveraddress. notifications sl Domene ni mogoče najti, preverite naslov strežnika. e-mail only notifications sl Samo e-pošta egroupware has notifications for you notifications sl EGroupware ima obvestila za vas egroupware login is starting, please wait. notifications sl Začetek prijave v EGroupware, počakajte. egroupware logindomain: notifications sl EGroupware Logindomain: egroupware logindomains founds, please select. notifications sl EGroupware Logindomains najden, prosim izberi. egroupware not found by url or connection lost to server. notifications sl EGroupware ni bilo mogoče najti po URL-ju ali povezavi, izgubljeni s strežnikom. egroupware not found by url. notifications sl EGroupware ni mogoče najti po URL-ju. egroupware-popup and e-mail notifications sl EGroupware popup in e-pošta egroupware-popup and windows-popup notifications sl Pojavno okno programa EGroupware in pojavno okno programa Windows egroupware-popup backend admin sl EGroupware popup nazaj egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications sl Najprej preskusno okno EGroupware, če me ne obvesti po e-pošti egroupware-popup only notifications sl Samo pojavna skupina EGroupware egroupware-popup verbosity notifications sl EGroupware popup verbosity email notifications only, if user is not logged in notifications sl Samo e-poštna obvestila, če uporabnik ni prijavljen emailadmin profile only (do not use user defined (active) mail profiles for notification) admin sl Samo profil EmailAdmin. NE uporabljajte uporabniško določenih profilov aktivne pošte za obveščanje. enable egroupware-popup backend admin sl Omogoči povratni konec programa EGroupware enable windows-popup backend admin sl Omogoči povratni konec programa Windows enabled chains notifications sl Omogočene verige error browser can`t start. notifications sl Napaka brskalnik se ne more zagnati. error on loading tray icon notifications sl Napaka pri nalaganju ikone pladnja error ssl notifications sl Napaka SSL exit notifications sl Izhod folder notifications sl Mapa from notifications sl Od host: notifications sl Gostitelj: how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:
low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!
medium: bring notification window to front
high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications sl Kako bi se obnašal program EGroupware-Popup, če bo uporabniku poslano obvestilo:
nizko: samo v zgornjem meniju prikažite zvonjenje za obvestila - glavni meni mora biti omogočen!
medij: prinesite obvestilno okno na sprednji strani
visoko: prinesite obvestilno okno na sprednji strani in dovolite, da brskalnik naredi nekaj, da se napove if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications sl Če je nastavljeno, vdelane povezave postanejo posebne za zunanje naročnike info on load config file: create config file. notifications sl Informacije o konfiguracijski datoteki nalaganja: ustvarite konfiguracijsko datoteko. issuer dn: notifications sl Izdajatelj DN: java desktop notification app preferences sl Aplikacija za namizje Java last month notifications sl Prejšnji mesec linked entries: common sl Povezani vnosi: login aborted, application exit? notifications sl Prijava prekinjena, izstop iz aplikacije? login in egroupware: notifications sl Prijava v EGroupware: mail account to use for notifications admin sl Poštni račun, ki se uporablja za obvestila mail backend admin sl Pošta beckend mark all as read notifications sl Označi vse kot prebrano mark as read notifications sl Označi kot prebrano message from notifications sl Sporočilo od minutes notifications sl Minut more info notifications sl Več informacij notification common sl Obvestilo notifier notifications sl Obveščevalec notify me by notifications sl Obvesti me only used if no push server available! admin sl Uporablja se samo, če ni na voljo potisnega strežnika! open notified entry notifications sl Odprti vnešeno obvestilo optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications sl Optimizirajte e-pošto za zunanji e-poštni odjemalec page not found, please check serveraddress. notifications sl Stran ni našel, prosimo, preverite naslov strežnika. password: notifications sl Geslo: permission notifications sl Dovoljenja permission denied for notifications application. notifications sl Dovoljenje za zavrnitev prijave. placeholders with user/ prefix admin sl mesta z uporabnikom/predpono please contact your egroupware admin. notifications sl Obrnite se na skrbnika programa EGroupware. please enter the url of your egroupware. notifications sl Prosimo, vnesite URL vašega programa EGroupware. please enter your egroupware username. notifications sl Vnesite svoje uporabniško ime za skupino. please enter your password notifications sl Prosimo vnesite svoje geslo poll interval notifications sl Interval ankete preferences for notification notifications sl Lastnosti za obvestila received notifications sl Prejeto refresh notifications notifications sl Osvežitev obvestil repeat login? notifications sl Ponovite prijavo? run application notifications sl Zagnati aplikacijo save password notifications sl Shranite geslo setting notifications sl Nastavitev setting aborted, application exit notifications sl Nastavitev prekinjenega, izhoda aplikacije settings notifications sl Nastavitve signature admin sl Podpis signature added to every change notification admin sl Dodan je bil podpis vsakemu obvestilu o spremembi sorry, your login has expired notifications sl Oprostite, vaša prijava je potekla step notifications sl Korak subject dn: notifications sl Predmet DN: the server certificate is not a valid trust center certificate! notifications sl Strežniški certifikat ni veljaven certifikacijski center! this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications sl Ta e-poštna obvestila o e-pošti so vam poslana po pošti, ker je vaša this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications sl Ta e-poštna obvestila o e-poštni storitvi vam pošljemo po pošti, ker je skrbnik izbral vašo izbrano verigo obveščanja. V vaših željah izberite drugo vrsto obvestil! this month notifications sl Ta mesec user: notifications sl Uporabnik: warning notifications sl Opozorilo windows-popup and e-mail notifications sl Windows popup in e-pošta windows-popup backend admin sl Windows popup zadnji konec windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications sl Windows popup najprej, če me ne obvesti po e-pošti windows-popup only notifications sl Samo Windows popup yesterday notifications sl Včeraj you can also use admin sl Uporabite lahko tudi you have %1 unread notifications notifications sl Imate %1 neprebranih obvestil you have been successfully logged out notifications sl Uspešno ste se odjavili you've got new mail notifications sl Imate novo pošto your session could not be verified. notifications sl Vaša seja ne more biti preverjena.