ID of clicked node Event raised immideatly after text part of item in tree was clicked, but after default onClick functionality was processed. Richh mouse button click can be catched by onRightClick handler. ID of clicked node Event raised immideatly after item in tree was doubleclicked, before default onDblClick functionality was processed. Beware using both onClick and onDblClick events, because component can generate onClick event before onDblClick event while doubleclicking item in tree. ( that behavior depend on used brouser ) true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing; ID of node which will be closed Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not childs, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened. Event raised immideatly after item in tree was opened/closed , and before item opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored. Event not raised if node opened by dhtmlXtree API. true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing; ID of node which will be closed Current checkbox state. 1 - item checked, 0 - item unchecked. Event raised immideatly after item in tree was opened/closed, but after item checked/unchecked. ID of source item ID of target item Event occured after item was dragged and droped on another item, but before item moving processed. Event also raised while programmatic moving nodes. true - confirm drag-and-drop; false - deny drag-and-drop; Commercial ID of source item ID of target item ID of clicked node Event raised after drag-and-drop processed. Event also raised while programmatic moving nodes. Commercial (not released yet) ID of tree item ID of target item ID of clicked node Event occured after right mouse button was clicked. Assigning this handler can disable default context menu, and noncompattible with dhtmlXMenu integration. Commercial (not released yet) ID of tree item ID of target item ID of clicked node Event occured after right mouse button was clicked. Assigning this handler can disable default context menu, and noncompattible with dhtmlXMenu integration.