import {css, html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues, TemplateResult} from "lit"; import {et2_IInput, et2_IInputNode, et2_ISubmitListener} from "../et2_core_interfaces"; import {Et2Widget} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; import {HasSlotController} from "../Et2Widget/slot"; import {et2_csvSplit} from "../et2_core_common"; import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js"; import {Validator} from "../Validators/Validator"; import {ManualMessage} from "../Validators/ManualMessage"; import {Required} from "../Validators/Required"; import {EgwValidationFeedback} from "../Validators/EgwValidationFeedback"; import {dedupeMixin} from "@open-wc/dedupe-mixin"; /** * This mixin will allow any LitElement to become an Et2InputWidget * * Usage: * export class Et2Button extends Et2InputWidget(LitWidget)) {...} */ /** * Need to define the interface first, to get around TypeScript issues with protected/public * This must match the public API for Et2InputWidgetClass * @see */ export declare class Et2InputWidgetInterface { readonly : boolean; disabled : boolean; protected value : string | number | Object; public required : boolean; public set_value(any) : void; public get_value() : any; public getValue(submit_value? : boolean) : any; public set_readonly(boolean) : void; public set_validation_error(message : string | false) : void; public isDirty() : boolean; public resetDirty() : void; public isValid(messages : string[]) : boolean; } /** * Massively simplified validate, as compared to what ValidatorMixin gives us, since ValidatorMixin extends * FormControlMixin which breaks SlSelect's render() * * We take all validators for the widget, and if there's a value (or field is required) we check the value * with each validator. For array values we check each element with each validator. If the value does not * pass the validator, we collect the message and display feedback to the user. * * We handle validation errors from the server with ManualMessages, which always "fail". * If the value is empty, we only validate if the field is required. * * @param skipManual Do not run any manual validators, used during submit check. We don't want manual validators to block submit. */ export async function validate(widget,skipManual = false) { if(widget.readonly || widget.disabled) { // Don't validate if the widget is read-only, there's nothing the user can do about it return Promise.resolve(); } let validators = [...(widget.validators || []), ...(widget.defaultValidators || [])]; let fieldName =; let feedbackData = []; let resultPromises = []; (widget.querySelector("egw-validation-feedback"))?.remove(); // Collect message of a (failing) validator const doValidate = async function(validator, value) { if(validator.config.fieldName) { fieldName = await validator.config.fieldName; } // @ts-ignore [allow-protected] return validator._getMessage({ modelValue: value, formControl: widget, fieldName, }).then((message) => { feedbackData.push({message, type: validator.type, validator}); }); }.bind(widget); // Check if a validator fails const doCheck = async(value, validator) => { const result = validator.execute(value, validator.param, {node: widget}); if(result === true) { resultPromises.push(doValidate(validator, value)); } else if(result !== false && typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(doValidate(validator, value)); resultPromises.push(result); } }; validator => { let values = widget.getValue(); if(!Array.isArray(values)) { values = [values]; } if(!values.length) { values = ['']; } // so required validation works // Run manual validation messages just once, doesn't usually matter what the value is if(validator instanceof ManualMessage) { if(!skipManual) { doCheck(values, validator); } } // Only validate if field is required, or not required and has a value // Don't bother to validate empty fields else if(widget.required || !widget.required && widget.getValue() != '' && widget.getValue() !== null) { // Validate each individual item values.forEach((value) => doCheck(value, validator)); } }); widget.validateComplete = Promise.all(resultPromises); // Wait until all validation is finished, then update UI widget.validateComplete.then(() => { // Show feedback from all failing validators if(feedbackData.length > 0) { let feedback = document.createElement("egw-validation-feedback"); feedback.feedbackData = feedbackData; feedback.slot = "help-text"; widget.append(feedback); if(widget.shadowRoot.querySelector("slot[name='feedback']")) { feedback.slot = "feedback"; } else if(widget.shadowRoot.querySelector("#help-text")) { // Not always visible? (widget.shadowRoot.querySelector("#help-text")).style.display = "initial"; } else { // No place to show the validation error. That's a widget problem, but we'll show it as message widget.egw().message(feedback.textContent, "error"); } } }); return widget.validateComplete; } type Constructor = new (...args : any[]) => T; const Et2InputWidgetMixin = >(superclass : T) => { class Et2InputWidgetClass extends Et2Widget(superclass) implements et2_IInput, et2_IInputNode, et2_ISubmitListener { private __readonly : boolean; private __label : string = ""; protected _oldValue : string | number | Object; protected node : HTMLElement; // Validators assigned to one specific instance of a widget protected validators : Validator[]; // Validators for every instance of a type of widget protected defaultValidators : Validator[]; // Promise used during validation protected validateComplete : Promise; // Hold on to any server messages while the user edits private _messagesHeldWhileFocused : Validator[]; protected isSlComponent = false; // Allows us to check to see if label or help-text is set. Override to check additional slots. protected readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'help-text', 'label'); /** WebComponent **/ static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` /* Allow actually disabled inputs */ :host([disabled]) { display: initial; } /* Needed so required can show through */ ::slotted(input), input { background-color: transparent; } /* Used to allow auto-sizing on slotted inputs */ .input-group__container > .input-group__input ::slotted(.form-control) { width: 100%; } .form-control__help-text { position: relative; width: 100%; } ` ]; } static get properties() { return {, /** * The label of the widget * Overridden from parent to use our accessors */ label: { type: String, noAccessor: true }, // readonly is what is in the templates // I put this in here so loadWebComponent finds it when it tries to set it from the template readonly: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }, required: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }, onchange: { type: Function }, /** * Have browser focus this input on load. * Overrides etemplate2.focusOnFirstInput(), use only once per page * */ autofocus: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }, autocomplete: { type: String }, ariaLabel : String, ariaDescription : String, helpText : String, }; } /** * List of properties that get translated * Done separately to not interfere with properties - if we re-define label property, * labels go missing. * @returns object */ static get translate() { return { ...super.translate, placeholder: true, ariaLabel : true, ariaDescription : true, helpText : true, } } /** * Compatibility for deprecated name "needed" * * @deprecated use required instead * @param val */ set needed(val : boolean) { this.required = val; } /** * Compatibility for deprecated name "needed" * * @deprecated use required instead */ get needed() { return this.required; } constructor(...args : any[]) { super(...args); this.validators = []; this.defaultValidators = []; this._messagesHeldWhileFocused = []; this.readonly = false; this.required = false; this._oldValue = this.getValue(); this.isSlComponent = typeof (this).handleChange === 'function'; this.et2HandleFocus = this.et2HandleFocus.bind(this); this.et2HandleBlur = this.et2HandleBlur.bind(this); this.autocomplete = 'on'; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this._oldChange = this._oldChange.bind(this); this.node = this.getInputNode(); this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.addEventListener(this.isSlComponent ? 'sl-change' : 'change', this._oldChange); }); this.addEventListener("focus", this.et2HandleFocus); this.addEventListener("blur", this.et2HandleBlur); // set aria-label and -description fallbacks (done here and not in updated to ensure reliable fallback order) if (!this.ariaLabel) this.ariaLabel = this.label || this.placeholder || this.statustext; if (!this.ariaDescription) this.ariaDescription = this.helpText || (this.statustext !== this.ariaLabel ? this.statustext : ''); this._setAriaAttributes(); } /** * Set aria-attributes on our input node * * @protected */ protected _setAriaAttributes() { // pass them on to input-node, if we have one / this.getInputNode() returns one const input = this.getInputNode(); if (input) { input.ariaLabel = this.ariaLabel; input.ariaDescription = this.ariaDescription; } } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); this.removeEventListener(this.isSlComponent ? 'sl-change' : 'change', this._oldChange); this.removeEventListener("focus", this.et2HandleFocus); this.removeEventListener("blur", this.et2HandleBlur); } /** * A property has changed, and we want to make adjustments to other things * based on that * * @param changedProperties */ updated(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.updated(changedProperties); // required changed, add / remove validator if(changedProperties.has('required')) { // Remove all existing Required validators (avoids duplicates) this.validators = (this.validators || []).filter((validator) => !(validator instanceof Required)) if(this.required) { this.validators.push(new Required()); } } if(changedProperties.has("value")) { // Base off this.value, not this.getValue(), to ignore readonly this.classList.toggle("hasValue", !(this.value == null || this.value == "")); } // pass aria-attributes to our input node if (changedProperties.has('ariaLabel') || changedProperties.has('ariaDescription')) { this._setAriaAttributes(); } } /** * Change handler calling custom handler set via onchange attribute * * @param _ev * @returns */ _oldChange(_ev : Event) : boolean { if(typeof this.onchange == 'function' && ( // If we have an instanceManager, make sure it's ready. Otherwise, we ignore the event !this.getInstanceManager() || this.getInstanceManager().isReady )) { // Make sure function gets a reference to the widget, splice it in as 2. argument if not let args =; if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) { args.splice(1, 0, this); } return this.onchange(...args); } return true; } /** * When input receives focus, clear any validation errors. * * If the value is the same on blur, we'll put them back * The ones from the server (ManualMessage) can interfere with submitting. * * Named et2HandleFocus to avoid overwriting handleFocus() in Shoelace components * * @param {FocusEvent} _ev */ et2HandleFocus(_ev : FocusEvent) { if(this._messagesHeldWhileFocused.length > 0) { return; } // Collect any ManualMessages this._messagesHeldWhileFocused = (this.validators || []).filter( (validator) => (validator instanceof ManualMessage) ); // Remove ManualMessages from validators list for(let i = 0; i < this.validators.length; i++) { if(this._messagesHeldWhileFocused.indexOf(this.validators[i]) != -1) { this.validators.splice(i, 1); } } this.updateComplete.then(() => { // Remove all messages. Manual will be explicitly replaced, other validators will be re-run on blur. this.querySelectorAll("egw-validation-feedback").forEach(e => e.remove()); }); } /** * If the value is unchanged, put any held validation messages back * * Named et2HandleBlur to avoid overwriting handleBlur() in Shoelace components * * @param {FocusEvent} _ev */ et2HandleBlur(_ev : FocusEvent) { if(this._messagesHeldWhileFocused.length > 0 && this.getValue() == this._oldValue) { this.validators = this.validators.concat(this._messagesHeldWhileFocused); this._messagesHeldWhileFocused = []; } this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.validate(); }); } set_value(new_value) { this.value = new_value; // Save this so we can compare against any user changes this._oldValue = this.getValue(); if(typeof this._callParser == "function") { this.modelValue = this._callParser(new_value); } } get_value() { return this.getValue(); } set_readonly(new_value) { this.readonly = new_value; } // Deal with Lion readOnly vs etemplate readonly public set readonly(new_value) { this.__readonly = super.__readOnly = new_value; this.requestUpdate("readonly"); } public get readonly() { return this.__readonly; } /** * Was from early days (Lion) * @deprecated * @param {boolean} new_value */ set readOnly(new_value) { this.readonly = new_value; } /** * Lion mapping * @deprecated */ get readOnly() { return this.readonly; } /** * @param boolean submit_value true: call by etemplate2.(getValues|submit|postSubmit)() */ getValue(submit_value? : boolean) { return this.readonly || this.disabled ? null : ( // Give a clone of objects or receiver might use the reference this.value && typeof this.value == "object" ? (typeof this.value.length == "undefined" ? {...this.value} : [...this.value]) : this.value ); } /** * The label of the widget * Legacy support for labels with %s that get wrapped around the widget * * Not the best way go with webComponents - shouldn't modify their DOM like this * * @param new_label */ @property() set label(new_label : string) { if(!new_label || !new_label.includes("%s")) { super.set_label(new_label); return; } this.__label = new_label; const [pre, post] = et2_csvSplit(new_label, 2, "%s"); this.label = pre; if(post?.trim().length > 0) { this.__label = pre; this.updateComplete.then(() => { const label = document.createElement("et2-description"); label.innerText = post; // Add into shadowDOM (may go missing, in which case we need a different strategy) this.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".form-control-input").after(label); }); } } get label() { return this.__label; } isDirty() { // Readonly can't be dirty, it can't change if(this.readonly) { return false; } let value = this.getValue(); if(typeof value !== typeof this._oldValue) { return true; } if(this._oldValue === value) { return false; } switch(typeof this._oldValue) { case "object": if(Array.isArray(this._oldValue) && this._oldValue.length !== value.length ) { return true; } for(let key in this._oldValue) { if(this._oldValue[key] !== value[key]) { return true; } } return false; default: return this._oldValue != value; } } resetDirty() { this._oldValue = this.getValue(); } /** * Used by etemplate2 to determine if we can submit or not * * @param messages * @returns {boolean} */ isValid(messages) { var ok = true; // Check for required if(this.required && !this.readonly && !this.disabled && (this.getValue() == null || this.getValue().valueOf() == '')) { messages.push(this.egw().lang('Field must not be empty !!!')); ok = false; } return ok; } /** * Get input to e.g. set aria-attributes */ getInputNode() { return this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('input'); } transformAttributes(attrs) { super.transformAttributes(attrs); // Set attributes for the form / autofill. It's the individual widget's // responsibility to do something appropriate with these properties. if(this.autocomplete == "on" && window.customElements.get(this.localName).getPropertyOptions("name") != "undefined" && this.getArrayMgr("content") !== null ) { = this.getArrayMgr("content").explodeKey(; } // Check whether an validation error entry exists if( && this.getArrayMgr("validation_errors")) { let val = this.getArrayMgr("validation_errors").getEntry(; if(val) { this.set_validation_error(val); } } } /** * Massively simplified validate, as compared to what ValidatorMixin gives us, since ValidatorMixin extends * FormControlMixin which breaks SlSelect's render() * * We take all validators for the widget, and if there's a value (or field is required) we check the value * with each validator. For array values we check each element with each validator. If the value does not * pass the validator, we collect the message and display feedback to the user. * * We handle validation errors from the server with ManualMessages, which always "fail". * If the value is empty, we only validate if the field is required. * * @param skipManual Do not run any manual validators, used during submit check. We don't want manual validators to block submit. */ async validate(skipManual = false) { return validate(this, skipManual).then(() => this.requestUpdate()); } set_validation_error(err : string | false) { /* Shoelace uses constraint validation API if(err === false && this.setCustomValidity) { // Remove custom validity this.setCustomValidity(''); return; } this.setCustomValidity(err); // must call reportValidity() or nothing will happen this.reportValidity(); */ if(err === false) { // Remove all Manual validators this.validators = (this.validators || []).filter((validator) => !(validator instanceof ManualMessage)) return; } // Need to change interaction state so messages show up // submitted is a little heavy-handed, especially on first load, but it works this.submitted = true; // Add validator this.validators.push(new ManualMessage(err)); // Force a validate - not needed normally, but if you call set_validation_error() manually, // it won't show up without validate() this.validate(); } /** * Get a list of feedback types * * @returns {string[]} */ public get hasFeedbackFor() : string[] { let feedback = (this.querySelector("egw-validation-feedback"))?.feedbackData || []; return => f.type); } /** * Called whenever the template gets submitted. We return false if the widget * is not valid, which cancels the submission. * * @param _values contains the values which will be sent to the server. * Listeners may change these values before they get submitted. */ async submit(_values) : Promise { this.submitted = true; // If using validators, run them now if(this.validate) { // Force update now this.validate(true); await this.validateComplete; return (this.hasFeedbackFor || []).indexOf("error") == -1; } return true; } /** * Common sub-template to add a label. * This goes inside the form control wrapper div, before and at the same depth as the input controls. * * * @returns {TemplateResult} Either a TemplateResult or nothing (the object). Check for nothing to set * 'form-control--has-label' class on the wrapper div. * @protected */ protected _labelTemplate() : TemplateResult | typeof nothing { const hasLabelSlot = this.hasSlotController?.test('label'); const hasLabel = this.label ? true : !!hasLabelSlot; return hasLabel ? html` ` : nothing; } protected _helpTextTemplate() : TemplateResult | typeof nothing { const hasHelpTextSlot = this.hasSlotController?.test('help-text'); const hasHelpText = this.helpText ? true : !!hasHelpTextSlot || this.hasFeedbackFor.length > 0; return hasHelpText ? html`
` : nothing; } } return Et2InputWidgetClass as Constructor & T; } export const Et2InputWidget = dedupeMixin(Et2InputWidgetMixin);