%1 requires sieve extension %2, maybe try %1 or higher number of days.	mail	zh	%1 需要 Sieve 扩展名 %2,也许可以尝试 %1 或更高的天数。
(leave empty for no quota)	mail	zh	(留空表示没有配额)
(no subject)	mail	zh	(无主题)
acl rights retrieve failed, seems there are no rights set!	mail	zh	ACL 权限检索失败,似乎未设置任何权限!
activating by date requires a start- and end-date!	mail	zh	以日期激活需要一个开始和结束日期!
add all my aliases	mail	zh	添加我所有的别名
add as new	mail	zh	添加为新内容
add files as %1	mail	zh	添加文件为 %1
add raw message, ignore mail attachments	mail	zh	将邮件转换为项目,添加原始信息(忽略邮件附件)。
add this certificate into contact	mail	zh	将此证书添加到联系人
add to addressbook	mail	zh	添加至通讯录
adding %1 to blacklisted email addresses failed because of %2	mail	zh	将 %1 添加到黑名单电子邮件地址失败,原因是 %2
adding %1 to whiltelisted email addresses failed because of %2	mail	zh	将 %1 添加到已列入黑名单的电子邮件地址失败,原因是 %2
after reply, visible during compose	mail	zh	回复后,在撰写过程中可见
aliases+forwards	mail	zh	别名+转发
all of	mail	zh	所有的
allow images from external sources in html emails	mail	zh	在HTML邮件中允许外部图片来源
allways a new window	mail	zh	允许新窗口
always respond / auto-responder	mail	zh	始终回复/自动回复
always show html emails	mail	zh	总是显示HTML邮件
always show notifiction	mail	zh	总是显示通知
answered	mail	zh	已回答
any of	mail	zh	任何
any status	mail	zh	任何状态
attach files	mail	zh	附加文件
attach users vcard at compose to every new mail	mail	zh	在撰写每封新邮件时附加用户的 vCard
attachment has been saved successfully.	mail	zh	附件已成功保存。
attachments	mail	zh	附件
attachments, ...	mail	zh	附件,...
be aware by adding all selected files as %1 mode, it will also change all existing attachments in the list to %2 mode as well. would you like to proceed?	mail	zh	请注意,将所有选定文件添加为 %1 模式时,也会将列表中的所有现有附件更改为 %2 模式。\n \n 您想继续吗?
be aware that all attachments will be sent as %1!	mail	zh	请注意,所有附件都将以 %1 模式发送!
by date	mail	zh	以日期
by default 'http://' is just replaced with 'https://'. feel free to configure 'https://proxy.egroupware.org/' to also load images only available via http.	mail	zh	默认情况下,"http://"只是用 "https://"代替。您可以随意配置 "https://proxy.egroupware.org/",使其也能加载仅通过 http 提供的图片。
caching of flags	mail	zh	标记缓存
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment!	mail	zh	无法解析 winmail.dat 附件!
certificate details	mail	zh	证书详细信息
certificate in text	mail	zh	证书文本
certificate info for email %1	mail	zh	电子邮件 %1 的证书信息
certificate issued by	mail	zh	颁发证书的机构
changing subject failed because of %1	mail	zh	更改主题失败,因为 %1
changing subject failed folder %1 does not exist	mail	zh	更改主题失败 文件夹 %1 不存在
check message against next rule also	mail	zh	也用下一个规则检查邮件
compose	mail	zh	撰写
compress folder	mail	zh	压缩文件夹
condition	mail	zh	条件
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email.	mail	zh	在撰写新邮件时,配置的值将在撰写对话框中自动设置,用于尊重的领域。
contact label	mail	zh	联系标签
contains	mail	zh	包含
copy to	mail	zh	复制到
cross account forward attachment is not allowed!	mail	zh	不允许跨账户转发附件!
date(newest first)	mail	zh	日期 (最近邮件优先)
date(oldest first)	mail	zh	日期 (最早邮件优先)
default sorting order	mail	zh	默认排序
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor	mail	zh	写邮件时在HTML编辑器工具栏中启用的功能
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes	mail	zh	记忆S/MIME口令的默认值为分钟
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available.	mail	zh	定义在写邮件时,在收件人/副本/盲文中添加的联系人标签显示什么。缺省值是firstname lastname,空意味着包括所有可用的东西。
delete folder	mail	zh	删除邮件夹
delete selected folders	mail	zh	删除选定文件夹
deleted	mail	zh	已删除
disable	mail	zh	禁用
disable caching of flags	mail	zh	禁用标志的缓存
discard	mail	zh	取消
discard message	mail	zh	取消邮件
display messages in multiple windows	mail	zh	在多窗口显示邮件
display of html emails	mail	zh	显示HTML邮件
display only when no plain text is available	mail	zh	仅当邮件非纯文本时显示
displaying html messages is disabled	mail	zh	显示HTML邮件被禁用
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view?	mail	zh	您真的想在当前视图中为所有邮件切换标记 %1 吗?
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view?	mail	zh	您真的想在当前视图中为所有邮件切换标签 %1 吗?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail?	mail	zh	您是否希望在将选定邮件附加到新邮件之前要求确认?
does not contain	mail	zh	不包含
does not match	mail	zh	不符合
does not match regexp	mail	zh	不符合条件
don't use draft folder	mail	zh	不使用草稿夹
don't use sent	mail	zh	不使用发件箱
don't use trash	mail	zh	不使用回收站
draft folder	mail	zh	草稿夹
edit account	mail	zh	编辑账户
edit vacation settings	mail	zh	编辑假期设置
email address	mail	zh	邮件地址
emailaddress	admin	zh	邮件地址
emailadmin: profilemanagement	mail	zh	eMailAdmin: 资料管理
emails in whitelisted domains are not marked as spam	mail	zh	白名单域名中的电子邮件不会被标记为垃圾邮件
empty trash	mail	zh	清空回收站
enable	mail	zh	启用
enabled	mail	zh	已启用
encrypt your message with smime certificate	mail	zh	使用 S/MIME 证书加密邮件
event details follow	mail	zh	事件细节
every %1. day	mail	zh	每 %1.
everyone	mail	zh	所有人
examine namespace to retrieve folders in others and shared	mail	zh	检查命名空间以检索他人和共享文件夹
exclude attachments greater than given size from automatic saving as draft (in mb)	admin	zh	将大于给定大小的附件排除在自动保存为草稿的范围之外(以 MB 为单位)
extended	mail	zh	扩展
failed to subscribe folder %1!	mail	zh	订阅文件夹 %1 失败!
failed to unsubscribe folder %1!	mail	zh	取消订阅文件夹 %1 失败!
file into	mail	zh	移至
file into:	mail	zh	移至:
filemanager	mail	zh	文件管理器
filemode has been switched to %1	mail	zh	文件模式已切换为 %1
flagged	mail	zh	已标记
flagged %1 messages as %2 in %3	mail	zh	在 %3 中将 %1 邮件标记为 %2
flagged %1 messages as flagged in %2	mail	zh	将 %1 邮件标记为 %2 邮件
flagged %1 messages as unflagged in %2	mail	zh	在 %2 中将 %1 邮件标记为未标记邮件
folder	mail	zh	邮件夹
folder %1 %2 failed because of %3!	mail	zh	文件夹 %1 %2 因 %3 而失败!
folder %1 has been created successfully, although the subscription failed because of %2	mail	zh	文件夹 %1 已成功创建,但由于 %2 的原因订阅失败
folder settings	mail	zh	邮件夹设置
forward	mail	zh	转发
forward to	mail	zh	转发到
from	mail	zh	从
from(a->z)	mail	zh	从 (A->Z)
from(z->a)	mail	zh	从 (Z->A)
general	admin	zh	通用
get acl rights failed from imap server!	mail	zh	从 IMAP 服务器获取 ACL 权限失败!
greater than	mail	zh	大于
ham folder	mail	zh	垃圾邮件文件夹
handling of external http images / mixed content in mails	mail	zh	处理电子邮件中的外部 http 图像/混合内容
header lines	mail	zh	邮件头
html	mail	zh	HTML
ident name	mail	zh	标识名称
ident name email	mail	zh	身份名称 [电子邮件]
ident name organization email	mail	zh	身份名称 组织 [电子邮件]
identity	mail	zh	身份
identity label	mail	zh	身份标签
if	mail	zh	如果
if mail header	mail	zh	如果邮件头
if message size	mail	zh	如果邮件大小
if you want to see a preview of a mail by single clicking onto the subject, enable this.	mail	zh	如果你想单击邮件主题查看邮件预览,请启用此功能。
if you would like to select multiple folders in one action, you can hold ctrl key then select a folder as start range and another folder within a same level as end range, all folders in between will be selected or unselected based on their current status.	mail	zh	如果想在一次操作中选择多个文件夹,可以按住 ctrl 键,然后选择一个文件夹作为起始范围,选择同级别的另一个文件夹作为结束范围。
imap	mail	zh	IMAP
imap server	mail	zh	IMAP 服务器
import of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3	mail	zh	导入邮件 %1 失败。由于以下原因,无法将邮件保存到 %2 文件夹: %3
import of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist.	mail	zh	导入邮件 %1 失败。目标文件夹 %2 不存在。
import of message %1 failed. destination folder not set.	mail	zh	导入信息 %1 失败。未设置目标文件夹。
import of message %1 failed. no contacts to merge and send to specified.	mail	zh	导入信息 %1 失败。没有指定要合并和发送的联系人。
importance	mail	zh	重要性
important	mail	zh	重要信息
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3	mail	zh	邮箱中:%1,ID:%2,PartID:%3
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked.	mail	zh	为了保护您的隐私,此电子邮件中的所有外部来源均已封锁。
inbox	mail	zh	收件箱
information to show on email tag	mail	zh	电子邮件标签上显示的信息
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem.	mail	zh	邮件模块初始化失败。请使用配置向导更正配置。
inline	mail	zh	转发
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures)	mail	zh	打开撰写对话框时在新邮件(或回复)顶部插入签名(可能无法切换签名)
job	mail	zh	工作
junk	mail	zh	垃圾邮件
junk folder	mail	zh	垃圾邮件文件夹
keep a copy of the message in your inbox	mail	zh	在收件箱保留一个邮件副本
kilobytes	mail	zh	kb
later	mail	zh	晚一点
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1	mail	zh	由于 %1 的原因,作为火腿肠(非垃圾邮件)学习失败
learning as spam failed because of %1	mail	zh	学习垃圾邮件失败,因为 %1
less than	mail	zh	少于
limit mailing list results when searching for addresses	mail	zh	搜索地址时限制邮件列表结果
list of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. mail compose save as infolog action)	mail	zh	默认开启/激活的操作列表(例如,邮件撰写保存为 InfoLog 操作)
mail	common	zh	邮件
mail acl	mail	zh	访问权限
mail filter	mail	zh	邮件过滤器
mail filter rule	mail	zh	邮件过滤规则
mail settings	mail	zh	邮件设置
mail source	mail	zh	邮件来源
mail-address	mail	zh	邮件地址
mailaccount	mail	zh	邮件账户
mailinglist	mail	zh	邮件列表
mails	common	zh	邮件
mails can be copied to that folder via context menu, if folder is configured.	mail	zh	如果已配置文件夹,则可通过上下文菜单将邮件复制到该文件夹。
mailserver reported:\n%1 \ndo you want to proceed by deleting the selected messages immediately (click ok)?\nif not, please try to empty your trashfolder before continuing. (click cancel)	mail	zh	邮件服务器报告:\n%1 \您想立即删除所选邮件(单击“确定”)吗?\n如果没有,请在继续之前尝试清空垃圾文件夹。 (点击取消)
mark all as read	mail	zh	标记所有为已读
mark all messages in folder as read	mail	zh	将文件夹中的所有邮件标记为已读
mark as deleted	mail	zh	标记为已删除
matches	mail	zh	符合
matches regexp	mail	zh	符合规则
message learned as spam and moved to spam folder	mail	zh	邮件被识别为垃圾邮件并移至垃圾邮件文件夹
modify subject	mail	zh	修改主题
modify subject of this message	mail	zh	修改此信息的主题
move selected to	mail	zh	将选定邮件移至
move to	mail	zh	将选定邮件移至
move to trash	mail	zh	移动至回收站
name and domain	mail	zh	名称和域名
name and email	mail	zh	姓名和电子邮件
name of account	mail	zh	账户名称
name of imap servers (space separated host or host:port)	mail	zh	IMAP 服务器名称(空格分隔的主机或主机:端口)
never display html emails	mail	zh	从不显示 HTML 邮件
never show	mail	zh	从不显示
never show notification	mail	zh	从不显示通知
new mail from %1	mail	zh	来自 %1 的新邮件
new mail notification	mail	zh	新电子邮件通知
new message type	mail	zh	新信息类型
new subject	mail	zh	新的主题
no access	mail	zh	无访问
no address to/cc/bcc supplied, and no folder to save message to provided.	mail	zh	未提供 TO/CC/BCC 地址,也未提供保存邮件的文件夹。
no folder destination supplied, and no folder to save message or other measure to store the mail (save to infolog/tracker) provided, but required.	mail	zh	未提供文件夹目标,也未提供用于保存邮件的文件夹或用于保存邮件的其他措施(保存到信息日志/票务系统),但必须提供。
no plain text part found	mail	zh	未找到纯文本部分
no recipient address given!	mail	zh	没有给定收件人地址!
no signature	mail	zh	没有签名
no sneak preview in list	mail	zh	没有信息预览
no subject given!	mail	zh	没有指定的主题!
non	mail	zh	非
on	mail	zh	在
once per day	mail	zh	每天一次
one address is not valid	mail	zh	其中一个地址无效
only email	mail	zh	仅电子邮件
only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outside of this mail to recipients!	mail	zh	只有在通过不同渠道/在此邮件之外向收件人发送密码时才有意义!
only name	mail	zh	仅名称
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level	mail	zh	只有在某些服务器上才需要,这些服务器不会返回根级别查询的所有文件夹,以检索该级别的所有文件夹
only one window	mail	zh	只一个窗口
open with collabora office	mail	zh	使用 Collabora Online 打开
organisation	admin	zh	组织
organization	mail	zh	组织
organization | real name email	mail	zh	组织机构 | 真实姓名 [电子邮件]
original message	mail	zh	原始信息
outbox	mail	zh	发件箱
permission denied	mail	zh	没有权限
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog.	mail	zh	请在 "编辑帐户 "对话框的 "加密 "选项卡中配置您的 S/MIME 证书。
please contact your administrator to validate if your server supports serverside filterrules, and how to enable them in egroupware for your active account (%1) with id:%2.	mail	zh	请联系您的管理员,确认您的服务器是否支持服务器端过滤规则,以及如何在 EGroupware 中为 ID:%2 的活动帐户 (%1) 启用这些规则。
please contact your administrator to validate if your server supports serverside vacationmessages, and how to enable them in egroupware for your active account (%1) with id:%2.	mail	zh	请联系您的管理员,确认服务器是否支持服务器端休假信息,以及如何在 EGroupware 中为 ID:%2 的活动帐户 (%1) 启用这些信息。
please enter password	mail	zh	请输入密码
please select a address	mail	zh	请选择地址
please select the number of days to wait between responses	mail	zh	请选择回复之间要等待的天数
please supply the message to send with auto-responses	mail	zh	请提供要自动回复的内容
post	mail	zh	发送
predefined addresses for compose	mail	zh	撰写的预定义地址
preview pane	mail	zh	窗口布局
printing	mail	zh	打印
processing of file %1 failed. failed to meet basic restrictions.	mail	zh	处理文件 %1 失败。不符合基本限制。
provide a default vacation text, (used on new vacation messages when there was no message set up previously)	admin	zh	提供默认的假期文本,(用于之前未设置假期的新邮件)
push notifications	mail	zh	推送通知
quicksearch	mail	zh	快速搜索
quicksearch (with cc)	mail	zh	快速搜索(+复制)
real name	mail	zh	真实姓名
real name email	mail	zh	真实姓名 [电子邮件]
real name organization email	mail	zh	真实姓名 组织 [电子邮件]
refresh time in minutes	mail	zh	刷新时间分钟数
reject with	mail	zh	拒绝
remember the password for	mail	zh	记住以下密码
remove all	mail	zh	全部删除
remove immediately	mail	zh	立刻删除
removing %1 from blacklisted email addresses failed because of %2	mail	zh	从黑名单电子邮件地址中移除 %1 失败,原因是 %2
removing %1 from whiltelisted email addresses failed because of %2	mail	zh	从白名单电子邮件地址中移除 %1 失败,原因是 %2
rename folder	mail	zh	重命名邮件夹
replace 'http://' in image urls with (trailing / required!)	mail	zh	将图片网址中的 "http://"替换为(尾部/必须!)。
replied	mail	zh	已回复
reply	mail	zh	回复
reply all	mail	zh	全部回复
reply to	mail	zh	回复到
replying to this message failed because the content of this message seems to be encrypted and can not be decrypted properly. if you still wish to include content of this encrypted message, you may try to use forward as attachment instead.	mail	zh	回复此邮件失败,因为邮件内容似乎已加密,无法正常解密。如果您仍希望包含此加密邮件的内容,可以尝试使用转发作为附件。
replyto	mail	zh	回复到
report as ham	mail	zh	报告为垃圾邮件
report as spam	mail	zh	报告为垃圾邮件
report this email content as ham (not spam) - spam solutions like spamtitan will learn	mail	zh	将此电子邮件内容报告为垃圾邮件(非垃圾邮件) - 垃圾邮件解决方法(如 spamTitan)将学习
report this email content as spam - spam solutions like spamtitan will learn	mail	zh	将此电子邮件内容报告为垃圾邮件 - 垃圾邮件解决方案(如 spamTitan)将学习
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found.	mail	zh	未找到所需的 PEAR 类 Mail/mimeDecode.php。
required to disable if you use dovecot with private seen flags on shared or user folder!	mail	zh	如果您使用 Dovecot 并在共享文件夹或用户文件夹上设置了私人可见标志,则需要禁用!
row order style	mail	zh	行排序类型
save all	mail	zh	保存所有
save all attachments to filemanager	mail	zh	保存所有附件到文件管理器
save as draft	mail	zh	存为草稿
save as infolog	mail	zh	存为记事本
save as infolog on send	mail	zh	发送时保存为 InfoLog
save message to disk	mail	zh	保存邮件到磁盘
save the drafted message as eml file into vfs	mail	zh	在文件管理器中将起草的邮件保存为 eml 文件
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist.	mail	zh	保存邮件 %1 失败。目标文件夹 %2 不存在。
saving of message %1 succeeded. check folder %2.	mail	zh	保存邮件 %1 成功。检查文件夹 %2。
saving the rule failed:	mail	zh	保存规则失败:
security	mail	zh	安全
see attachments for content of the orignial mail	mail	zh	原始邮件内容见附件
select all	mail	zh	全选
select an existing entry in order to append mail content to it	mail	zh	选择一个现有条目,以便将邮件内容添加到该条目中
select an item to read	mail	zh	选择一个项目阅读
select or insert email address	mail	zh	选择或插入电子邮件地址
selected date range (with quicksearch)	mail	zh	选定日期范围(使用快速搜索)
send message and move to send folder (if configured)	mail	zh	发送信息并移至发送文件夹(如果已配置)
send message pgp encrypted: requires keys from all recipients!	mail	zh	发送 PGP 加密邮件:需要所有收件人提供密钥!
sent folder	mail	zh	发件夹
server supports special-use folders	mail	zh	服务器支持特殊用途文件夹
set predefined values for compose...	mail	zh	设置用于撰写的预定义值...
should signature be inserted after (standard) or before a reply or inline forward, and should signature be visible and changeable during compose.	mail	zh	是否应在回复或转发之后(标准)或之前插入签名,以及是否应在撰写过程中显示和更改签名。
show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane	mail	zh	在主屏幕文件夹窗格中显示所有文件夹(已订阅和未订阅文件夹
show notification for new arriving mails	mail	zh	显示新到邮件通知
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed?	mail	zh	显示测试连接部分并控制显示信息的级别?
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed??	mail	zh	显示测试连接部分并控制显示信息的级别?
show them this time only	mail	zh	仅在此时显示
show vertical	mail	zh	垂直显示(三栏视图)
show vertical with all columns	mail	zh	垂直显示所有列
show/hide preview pane in mail list view	mail	zh	在邮件列表视图中显示/隐藏预览窗格
shows a temporary visible notification including from address, subject and a snippet of the mail	mail	zh	显示临时可见通知,包括发件人地址、主题和邮件片段
sieve script name	mail	zh	Sieve 脚本名
signature	mail	zh	签名
signature at top	mail	zh	签名在顶部
signature position and visibility	mail	zh	签名的位置和可见性
signed by	mail	zh	签名者
size(...->0)	mail	zh	大小 (...->0)
size(0->...)	mail	zh	大小(0->...)
small view	mail	zh	小视图
smime encrypted message	mail	zh	S/MIME加密的信息
smime signed message	mail	zh	S/MIME签名信息
smtp	mail	zh	SMTP
sneak preview in list	mail	zh	信息预览
sort order	mail	zh	分类排序
subject(a->z)	mail	zh	主题 (A->Z)
subject(z->a)	mail	zh	主题 (Z->A)
text	mail	zh	文字
the imap server need to meet certain requirements and be configured for it:	mail	zh	IMAP 服务器需要满足某些要求并为此进行配置:
the mimeparser can not parse this message.	mail	zh	MIME 解析器不能解析这个邮件。
the rule with priority %1 successfully saved!	mail	zh	优先级为 %1 的规则已成功保存!
then	mail	zh	然后
there is no space left to store sieve script, please check sieve_maxscriptsize option on your mailserver's config.	mail	zh	没有剩余空间存储筛子脚本,请检查邮件服务器配置中的 sieve_maxscriptsize 选项。
this mail contains external images served via insecure http protocol. be aware showing or allowing them can compromise your security!	mail	zh	此邮件包含通过不安全 HTTP 协议提供的外部图片。请注意,显示或允许这些图片可能会危及您的安全!
this message is smime encrypted and password protected.	mail	zh	此邮件经过 S/MIME 加密并受密码保护。
timeout on connections to your imap server	mail	zh	IMAP 服务器连接超时
to do	mail	zh	操作
toggle all folders view for %1	mail	zh	切换 %1 的所有文件夹视图
toggled on actions	mail	zh	切换操作
trash	mail	zh	回收
trash folder	mail	zh	回收站
unflagged	mail	zh	已清除标记
unread	mail	zh	未读
vacation notice	mail	zh	假期通知
vacation notice is active	mail	zh	假期通知已激活
vacation start-date must be before the end-date!	mail	zh	假期开始日期必须是在结束日期之前!
view header lines	mail	zh	查看邮件头
when deleting messages	mail	zh	当删除邮件时
write	mail	zh	写入
wrote	mail	zh	写信
yes, only trigger connection reset	mail	zh	是,只触发连接重置
yes, show all debug information available for the user	mail	zh	是,显示用户可用的所有调试信息
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both.	mail	zh	您可以选择保存为信息日志或跟踪器,但不能同时选择。
you can select what info to be displayed on email tag	mail	zh	您可以选择要在电子邮件标签上显示的信息。
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date.	mail	zh	您可以使用 $$start$$ 表示上述开始日期,使用 $$end$$ 表示结束日期。
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature.	mail	zh	如果您信任此签名,可以将此证书添加到联系人中。
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message.	mail	zh	您需要输入 S/MIME 密码才能发送此邮件。
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from %1.	mail	zh	您需要安装 Mailvelope 插件,该插件可从 %1 安装到 Chrome 浏览器和 Firefox 浏览器。
you need to save the message as draft first before to be able to save it into vfs	mail	zh	您需要先将邮件保存为草稿,然后才能将其保存到 VFS 中。
you need to select some folders first (by clicking on them)!	mail	zh	您需要先选择一些文件夹(点击它们)!
you will loose current message body, unless you save it to your clipboard!	mail	zh	您将丢失当前邮件正文,除非将其保存到剪贴板!
you've got new mail	mail	zh	您有新邮件
your remaining quota %1 is too low, you may not be able to send/receive further emails.\n although cleaning up emails in trash or junk folder might help you to get some free space back.\n if that didn't help, please ask your administrator for more quota.	mail	zh	您的剩余配额 %1 太低,您可能无法继续发送/接收电子邮件。<br>虽然清理垃圾邮件或垃圾文件夹中的电子邮件可能会帮您恢复一些可用空间。<br>如果这还无济于事,请向管理员申请更多配额。