* * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you * did not receive this file, see http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lgpl.html. * * From Binary XML Content Format Specification Version 1.3, 25 July * 2001 found at http://www.wapforum.org * * @package XML_WBXML */ class XML_WBXML_Decoder extends XML_WBXML_ContentHandler { /** * Document Public Identifier type * 1 mb_u_int32 well known type * 2 string table * from spec but converted into a string. * * Document Public Identifier * Used with dpiType. */ var $_dpi; /** * String table as defined in 5.7 */ var $_stringTable = array(); /** * Content handler. * Currently just outputs raw XML. */ var $_ch; var $_tagDTD; var $_prevAttributeDTD; var $_attributeDTD; /** * State variables. */ var $_tagStack = array(); var $_isAttribute; var $_isData = false; /** * The DTD Manager. * @var object XML_WBXML_DTDManager $dtdManager */ var $_dtdManager; /** * The string position. * @var integer $_strpos */ var $_strpos; /** * Use wbxml2xml from libwbxml. * @var string $_wbxml2xml */ var $_wbxml2xml = '/usr/bin/wbxml2xml'; /** * Arguments to pass to wbxml2xml. * @var string $_wbxml2xml_args */ var $_wbxml2xml_args = '-o - -'; /** * Constructor. */ function XML_WBXML_Decoder() { if (empty($this->_wbxml2xml) || !is_executable($this->_wbxml2xml)) { $this->_dtdManager = &new XML_WBXML_DTDManager(); } } /** * Return one byte from the input stream. * * @param string $input The WBXML input string. */ function getByte($input) { return ord($input{$this->_strpos++}); } /** * Takes a WBXML input document and returns decoded XML. * * @param string $wbxml The WBXML document to decode. * * @return string The decoded XML document. */ function decode($wbxml) { // Figure out if we're going to use wbxml2xml to do the // conversion, or do it all in PHP code. if (!empty($this->_wbxml2xml) && is_executable($this->_wbxml2xml)) { $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), ); $wbxml2xml = proc_open($this->_wbxml2xml . ' ' . $this->_wbxml2xml_args, $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($wbxml2xml)) { fwrite($pipes[0], $wbxml); fclose($pipes[0]); // Grab the output of wbxml2xml. $xml = ''; while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $xml .= fread($pipes[1], 8192); } fclose($pipes[1]); $rv = proc_close($wbxml2xml); return $xml; } else { return PEAR::raiseError('wbxml2xml failed'); } } else { $this->_strpos = 0; // Get Version Number from Section 5.4 // version = u_int8 // currently 1, 2 or 3 $this->_wbxmlVersion = $this->getVersionNumber($wbxml); // Get Document Public Idetifier from Section 5.5 // publicid = mb_u_int32 | (zero index) // zero = u_int8 // Containing the value zero (0) // The actual DPI is determined after the String Table is read. $dpiStruct = $this->getDocumentPublicIdentifier($wbxml); // Get Charset from 5.6 // charset = mb_u_int32 $this->_charset = $this->getCharset($wbxml); // Get String Table from 5.7 // strb1 = length *byte $this->_stringTable = $this->getStringTable($wbxml, $this->_charset); // Get Document Public Idetifier from Section 5.5. $this->_dpi = $this->getDocumentPublicIdentifierImpl($dpiStruct['dpiType'], $dpiStruct['dpiNumber'], $this->_stringTable); // Now the real fun begins. // From Sections 5.2 and 5.8 // Default content handler. $this->_ch = &new XML_WBXML_ContentHandler(); // Default content handler. $this->_dtdManager = &new XML_WBXML_DTDManager(); // Get the starting DTD. $this->_tagDTD = $this->_dtdManager->getInstance($this->_dpi); if (!$this->_tagDTD) { return $this->raiseError('No DTD found for ' . $this->_dpi); } $this->_attributeDTD = $this->_tagDTD; while ($this->_strpos < strlen($wbxml)) { $this->_decode($wbxml); } return $this->_ch->getOutput(); } } function getVersionNumber($input) { return $this->getByte($input); } function getDocumentPublicIdentifier($input) { // 'dpiType' 'dpiNumber' $dpistruct = array(); $i = XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos); if ($i == 0) { $dpiStruct['dpiType'] = 2; $dpiStruct['dpiNumber'] = $this->getByte($input); } else { $dpiStruct['dpiType'] = 1; $dpiStruct['dpiNumber'] = $i; } return $dpiStruct; } function getDocumentPublicIdentifierImpl($dpiType, $dpiNumber, $st) { if ($dpiType == 1) { return XML_WBXML::getDPIString($dpiNumber); } else { return isset($st[$dpiNumber]) ? $st[$dpiNumber] : null; } } /** * Returns the character encoding. Only default character * encodings from J2SE are supported. From * http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets and * http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/nio/charset/Charset.html */ function getCharset($input) { $cs = XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos); return $charset = XML_WBXML::getCharsetString($cs); } /** * @TODO needs to be fixed. Does this still really need to be * fixed? */ function getStringTable($input, $cs) { $stringTable = array(); $size = XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos); // A hack to make it work with arrays. // How/why is this necessary? $str = 'j'; $numstr = 0; $start = 0; $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ ) { /* May need to fix the null detector for more than single * byte charsets like ASCII, UTF-8, etc. */ $ch = $input[$this->_strpos++]; if (ord($ch) == 0) { $stringTable[$numstr++] = $str; $str = '#'; $start = $i + 1; } else { $str[$j++] = $ch; } } if ($start < $size) { $stringTable[$numstr++] = $str; } return $stringTable; } function _decode($input) { $token = $this->getByte($input); $str = ''; switch ($token) { case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_STR_I: // Section $str = $this->termstr($input); $this->_ch->characters($str); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_STR_T: // Section $str = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($intput)]; $this->_ch->characters($str); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_I_0: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_I_1: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_I_2: // Section $str = $this->termstr($input); $this->_ch->characters($str); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_T_0: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_T_1: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_T_2: // Section $str = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($intput)]; $this->_ch->characters($str); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_0: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_1: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_2: // Section $extension = $this->getByte($input); $this->_ch->characters($extension); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_ENTITY: // Section // UCS-4 chracter encoding? $entity = $this->entity(XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)); $this->_ch->characters('&#' . $entity . ';'); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_PI: // Section // throw new IOException("WBXML global token processing instruction(PI, " + token + ") is unsupported!"); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_LITERAL: // Section $str = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; $this->parseTag($input, $str, false, false); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_LITERAL_A: // Section $str = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; $this->parseTag($input, $str, true, false); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_LITERAL_AC: // Section $str = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; $this->parseTag($input, $string, true, true); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_LITERAL_C: // Section $str = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; $this->parseTag($input, $str, false, true); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_OPAQUE: // Section $size = XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos); $b = substr($input, $this->_strpos, $this->_strpos + $size); $this->_strpos += $size; $this->_ch->opaque($b); // FIXME Opaque is used by SYNCML. Opaque data that depends on the context // if (contentHandler instanceof OpaqueContentHandler) { // ((OpaqueContentHandler)contentHandler).opaque(b); // } else { // String str = new String(b, 0, size, charset); // char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); // contentHandler.characters(chars, 0, chars.length); // } // This can cause some problems. We may have to use a // event based decoder. break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_END: // Section $str = $this->endTag(); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_SWITCH_PAGE: // Section $codePage = $this->getByte($input); $this->switchElementCodePage($codePage); break; default: // Section 5.8.2 // Section 5.8.3 $hasAttributes = (($token & 0x80) != 0); $hasContent = (($token & 0x40) != 0); $realToken = $token & 0x3F; $str = $this->getTag($realToken); $this->parseTag($input, $str, $hasAttributes, $hasContent); if ($realToken == 0x0f) { // FIXME Don't remember this one. $this->_isData = true; } break; } } function parseTag($input, $tag, $hasAttributes, $hasContent) { $attrs = array(); if ($hasAttributes) { $attrs = $this->getAttributes($input); } $this->_ch->startElement($this->getCurrentURI(), $tag, $attrs); if ($hasContent) { // FIXME I forgot what does this does. Not sure if this is // right? $this->_tagStack[] = $tag; } else { $this->_ch->endElement($this->getCurrentURI(), $tag); } } function endTag() { if (count($this->_tagStack)) { $tag = array_pop($this->_tagStack); } else { $tag = 'Unknown'; } if ($tag == 'Data') { $this->_isData = false; } $this->_ch->endElement($this->getCurrentURI(), $tag); return $tag; } function getAttributes($input) { $this->startGetAttributes(); $hasMoreAttributes = true; $attrs = array(); $attr = null; $value = null; $token = null; while ($hasMoreAttributes) { $token = $this->getByte($input); switch ($token) { // Attribute specified. case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_LITERAL: // Section if (isset($attr)) { $attrs[] = array('attribute' => $attr, 'value' => $value); } $attr = $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; break; // Value specified. case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_I_0: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_I_1: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_I_2: // Section $value .= $this->termstr($input); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_T_0: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_T_1: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_T_2: // Section $value .= $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_0: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_1: case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_EXT_2: // Section $value .= $input[$this->_strpos++]; break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_ENTITY: // Section $value .= $this->entity(XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_STR_I: // Section $value .= $this->termstr($input); break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_STR_T: // Section $value .= $this->_stringTable[XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos)]; break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_OPAQUE: // Section $size = XML_WBXML::MBUInt32ToInt($input, $this->_strpos); $b = substr($input, $this->_strpos, $this->_strpos + $size); $this->_strpos += $size; $value .= $b; break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_END: // Section $hasMoreAttributes = false; if (isset($attr)) { $attrs[] = array('attribute' => $attr, 'value' => $value); } break; case XML_WBXML_GLOBAL_TOKEN_SWITCH_PAGE: // Section $codePage = $this->getByte($input); if (!$this->_prevAttributeDTD) { $this->_prevAttributeDTD = $this->_attributeDTD; } $this->switchAttributeCodePage($codePage); break; default: if ($token > 128) { if (isset($attr)) { $attrs[] = array('attribute' => $attr, 'value' => $value); } $attr = $this->_attributeDTD->toAttribute($token); } else { // Value. $value .= $this->_attributeDTD->toAttribute($token); } break; } } if (!$this->_prevAttributeDTD) { $this->_attributeDTD = $this->_prevAttributeDTD; $this->_prevAttributeDTD = false; } $this->stopGetAttributes(); } function startGetAttributes() { $this->_isAttribute = true; } function stopGetAttributes() { $this->_isAttribute = false; } function getCurrentURI() { if ($this->_isAttribute) { return $this->_tagDTD->getURI(); } else { return $this->_attributeDTD->getURI(); } } function writeString($str) { $this->_ch->characters($str); } function getTag($tag) { // Should know which state it is in. return $this->_tagDTD->toTagStr($tag); } function getAttribute($attribute) { // Should know which state it is in. $this->_attributeDTD->toAttributeInt($attribute); } function switchElementCodePage($codePage) { $this->_tagDTD = &$this->_dtdManager->getInstance($this->_tagDTD->toCodePageStr($codePage)); $this->switchAttributeCodePage($codePage); } function switchAttributeCodePage($codePage) { $this->_attributeDTD = &$this->_dtdManager->getInstance($this->_attributeDTD->toCodePageStr($codePage)); } /** * Return the hex version of the base 10 $entity. */ function entity($entity) { return dechex($entity); } /** * @TODO FIXME reads a null terminated string. */ function termstr($input) { $str = '#'; $i = 0; $ch = $input[$this->_strpos++]; while (ord($ch) != 0) { $str[$i++] = $ch; $ch = $input[$this->_strpos++]; } return $str; } }