/** * eGroupWare egw_action framework - egw action framework * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel * @copyright 2011 by Andreas Stöckel * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package egw_action * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses jquery.jquery; egw_menu; /phpgwapi/js/jquery/jquery-tap-and-hold/jquery.tapandhold.js; /phpgwapi/js/zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.min.js; */ /* Set flashLoadTimeout to something close to immediate as we need to inspect error event, right when * we open the context menu in order to detect Flash player's click-to-play mode*/ ZeroClipboard.config( { swfPath: egw.webserverUrl+"/phpgwapi/js/zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.swf", flashLoadTimeout: 400} ); if (typeof window._egwActionClasses == "undefined") window._egwActionClasses = {}; _egwActionClasses["popup"] = { "actionConstructor": egwPopupAction, "implementation": getPopupImplementation }; function egwPopupAction(_id, _handler, _caption, _icon, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple) { var action = new egwAction(_id, _handler, _caption, _icon, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple); action.type = "popup"; action.canHaveChildren = ["popup"]; action["default"] = false; action.order = 0; action.group = 0; action.hint = false; action.checkbox = false; action.radioGroup = 0; action.checked = false; action.shortcut = null; action.set_default = function(_value) { action["default"] = _value; }; action.set_order = function(_value) { action.order = _value; }; action.set_group = function(_value) { action.group = _value; }; action.set_hint = function(_value) { action.hint = _value; }; // If true, the action will be rendered as checkbox action.set_checkbox = function(_value) { action.checkbox = _value; }; action.set_checked = function(_value) { action.checked = _value; }; // If radioGroup is >0 and the element is a checkbox, radioGroup specifies // the group of radio buttons this one belongs to action.set_radioGroup = function(_value) { action.radioGroup = _value; }; action.set_shortcut = function(_value) { if (_value) { var sc = { "keyCode": -1, "shift": false, "ctrl": false, "alt": false }; if (typeof _value == "object" && typeof _value.keyCode != "undefined" && typeof _value.caption != "undefined") { sc.keyCode = _value.keyCode; sc.caption = _value.caption; sc.shift = (typeof _value.shift == "undefined") ? false : _value.shift; sc.ctrl = (typeof _value.ctrl == "undefined") ? false : _value.ctrl; sc.alt = (typeof _value.alt == "undefined") ? false : _value.alt; } this.shortcut = sc; } else { this.shortcut = false; } }; return action; } var _popupActionImpl = null; function getPopupImplementation() { if (!_popupActionImpl) { _popupActionImpl = new egwPopupActionImplementation(); } return _popupActionImpl; } function egwPopupActionImplementation() { var ai = new egwActionImplementation(); ai.type = "popup"; ai.auto_paste = true; /** * Registers the handler for the default action * * @param {DOMNode} _node * @param {function} _callback * @param {object} _context * @returns {boolean} */ ai._registerDefault = function(_node, _callback, _context) { var defaultHandler = function(e) { // Prevent bubbling bound event on tag, on touch devices // a tag should be handled by default event if (egwIsMobile && e.target.tagName == "A") return true; if (typeof document.selection != "undefined" && typeof document.selection.empty != "undefined") { document.selection.empty(); } else if( typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") { var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); } _callback.call(_context, "default", ai); // Stop action from bubbling up to parents e.stopPropagation(); e.cancelBubble = true; // remove context menu if we are in mobile theme // and intended to open the entry if (_egw_active_menu && e.which == 1) _egw_active_menu.hide(); return false; }; if (egwIsMobile()) { $j(_node).bind('click', defaultHandler); } else { _node.ondblclick = defaultHandler; } }; ai._getDefaultLink = function(_links) { var defaultAction = null; for (var k in _links) { if (_links[k].actionObj["default"] && _links[k].enabled) { defaultAction = _links[k].actionObj; break; } } return defaultAction; }; ai._searchShortcut = function (_key, _objs, _links) { for (var i = 0; i < _objs.length; i++) { var sc = _objs[i].shortcut; if (sc && sc.keyCode == _key.keyCode && sc.shift == _key.shift && sc.ctrl == _key.ctrl && sc.alt == _key.alt && _objs[i].type == "popup" && (typeof _links[_objs[i].id] == "undefined" || _links[_objs[i].id].enabled)) { return _objs[i]; } var obj = this._searchShortcut(_key, _objs[i].children, _links); if (obj) { return obj; } } }; ai._searchShortcutInLinks = function(_key, _links) { var objs = []; for (var k in _links) { if (_links[k].enabled) { objs.push(_links[k].actionObj); } } return ai._searchShortcut(_key, objs, _links); }; /** * Handles a key press * * @param {object} _key * @param {type} _selected * @param {type} _links * @param {type} _target * @returns {Boolean} */ ai._handleKeyPress = function(_key, _selected, _links, _target) { // Handle the default if (_key.keyCode == EGW_KEY_ENTER && !_key.ctrl && !_key.shift && !_key.alt) { var defaultAction = this._getDefaultLink(_links); if (defaultAction) { defaultAction.execute(_selected); return true; } } // Menu button if (_key.keyCode == EGW_KEY_MENU && !_key.ctrl) { return this.doExecuteImplementation({posx:0,posy:0}, _selected, _links, _target); } // Check whether the given shortcut exists var obj = this._searchShortcutInLinks(_key, _links); if (obj) { obj.execute(_selected); return true; } return false; }; /** * Registers the handler for the context menu * * @param {DOMNode} _node * @param {function} _callback * @param {object} _context * @returns {boolean} */ ai._registerContext = function(_node, _callback, _context) { var contextHandler = function(e) { //Obtain the event object if (!e) { e = window.event; } if (_egw_active_menu) { _egw_active_menu.hide(); } else if (!e.ctrlKey && e.which == 3 || e.which === 0) // tap event indicates by 0 { var _xy = ai._getPageXY(e); var _implContext = {event:e, posx:_xy.posx, posy: _xy.posy}; _callback.call(_context, _implContext, ai); } e.cancelBubble = !e.ctrlKey || e.which == 1; if (e.stopPropagation && e.cancelBubble) { e.stopPropagation(); } return !e.cancelBubble; }; if (egwIsMobile()) { $j(_node).bind('taphold', contextHandler); } else { $j(_node).on('contextmenu', contextHandler); } }; ai.doRegisterAction = function(_aoi, _callback, _context) { var node = _aoi.getDOMNode(); if (node) { this._registerDefault(node, _callback, _context); this._registerContext(node, _callback, _context); return true; } return false; }; ai.doUnregisterAction = function(_aoi) { // }; /** * Builds the context menu and shows it at the given position/DOM-Node. * * @param {object} _context * @param {type} _selected * @param {type} _links * @param {type} _target * @returns {Boolean} */ ai.doExecuteImplementation = function(_context, _selected, _links, _target) { if (typeof _target == "undefined") { _target = null; } ai._context = _context; if (typeof _context == "object" && typeof _context.keyEvent == "object") { return ai._handleKeyPress(_context.keyEvent, _selected, _links, _target); } else if (_context != "default") { //Check whether the context has the posx and posy parameters if ((typeof _context.posx != "number" || typeof _context.posy != "number") && typeof _context.id != "undefined") { // Calculate context menu position from the given DOM-Node var node = _context; x = $j(node).offset().left; y = $j(node).offset().top; _context = {"posx": x, "posy": y}; } var menu = ai._buildMenu(_links, _selected, _target); menu.showAt(_context.posx, _context.posy); // Bindings for copy to system clipboard menu.instance.dhtmlxmenu.attachEvent("onShow", function(zoneId,ev) { var client = new ZeroClipboard($j('#'+this.idPrefix+'egw_os_clipboard', this.base)); // We need to check if the browser settings for Flash player is set to click-to-play // then prompting user in order to allow or block Flash player jQuery('#global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge').hover(function (){ var $zeroClip = jQuery(this); if ($zeroClip.hasClass('flash-deactivated')) { $zeroClip.addClass('flash-click-to-play-dialog'); egw.message("In order to copy to clipboard, you need to allow Flash player by clicking on gray box.\nYou can permanently allow Flash player for EGroupware in your browser settings.","info") } else { $zeroClip.removeClass('flash-click-to-play-dialog') } }); client.on({ error:function (e){ // Detect if the Flash player is on click-to-play mode or is deactivated if (e.name == "flash-deactivated") { // Indicate both flash-deactivated and click-to-play mode jQuery('#global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge').addClass('flash-deactivated'); } else { jQuery('#global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge').removeClass('flash-deactivated'); } } }) client.on("copy",function(event) { event.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', $j(_links.egw_os_clipboard.actionObj.data.target).text().trim()); event.clipboardData.setData('text/html', $j(_links.egw_os_clipboard.actionObj.data.target).html()); }); }); return true; } else { var defaultAction = ai._getDefaultLink(_links); if (defaultAction) { defaultAction.execute(_selected); } } return false; }; /** * Groups and sorts the given action tree layer * * @param {type} _layer * @param {type} _links * @param {type} _parentGroup */ ai._groupLayers = function(_layer, _links, _parentGroup) { // Seperate the multiple groups out of the layer var link_groups = {}; for (var i = 0; i < _layer.children.length; i++) { var actionObj = _layer.children[i].action; // Check whether the link group of the current element already exists, // if not, create the group var grp = actionObj.group; if (typeof link_groups[grp] == "undefined") { link_groups[grp] = []; } // Search the link data for this action object if none is found, // visible and enabled = true is assumed var visible = true; var enabled = true; if (typeof _links[actionObj.id] != "undefined") { visible = _links[actionObj.id].visible; enabled = _links[actionObj.id].enabled; } // Insert the element in order var inserted = false; var groupObj = { "actionObj": actionObj, "visible": visible, "enabled": enabled, "groups": [] }; for (var j = 0; j < link_groups[grp].length; j++) { var elem = link_groups[grp][j].actionObj; if (elem.order > actionObj.order) { inserted = true; link_groups[grp].splice(j, 0, groupObj); break; } } // If the object hasn't been inserted, add it to the end of the list if (!inserted) { link_groups[grp].push(groupObj); } // If this child itself has children, group those elements too if (_layer.children[i].children.length > 0) { this._groupLayers(_layer.children[i], _links, groupObj); } } // Transform the link_groups object into an sorted array var groups = []; for (var k in link_groups) { groups.push({"grp": k, "links": link_groups[k]}); } groups.sort(function(a, b) { var ia = parseInt(a.grp); var ib = parseInt(b.grp); return (ia > ib) ? 1 : ((ia < ib) ? -1 : 0); }); // Append the groups to the groups2 array var groups2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { groups2.push(groups[i].links); } _parentGroup.groups = groups2; }; /** * Build the menu layers * * @param {type} _menu * @param {type} _groups * @param {type} _selected * @param {type} _enabled * @param {type} _target */ ai._buildMenuLayer = function(_menu, _groups, _selected, _enabled, _target) { var firstGroup = true; for (var i = 0; i < _groups.length; i++) { var firstElem = true; // Go through the elements of each group for (var j = 0; j < _groups[i].length; j++) { var link = _groups[i][j]; if (link.visible) { // Add an seperator after each group if (!firstGroup && firstElem) { _menu.addItem("", "-"); } firstElem = false; var item = _menu.addItem(link.actionObj.id, link.actionObj.caption, link.actionObj.iconUrl); item["default"] = link.actionObj["default"]; // As this code is also used when a drag-drop popup menu is built, // we have to perform this check if (link.actionObj.type == "popup") { item.set_hint(link.actionObj.hint); item.set_checkbox(link.actionObj.checkbox); item.set_checked(link.actionObj.checked); item.set_groupIndex(link.actionObj.radioGroup); if (link.actionObj.shortcut) { var sc = link.actionObj.shortcut; item.set_shortcutCaption(sc.caption); } } item.set_data(link.actionObj); if (link.enabled && _enabled) { item.set_onClick(function(elem) { // Pass the context elem.data.menu_context = ai._context; // Copy the "checked" state if (typeof elem.data.checked != "undefined") { elem.data.checked = elem.checked; } elem.data.execute(_selected, _target); if (typeof elem.data.checkbox != "undefined" && elem.data.checkbox) { return elem.data.checked; } }); } else { item.set_enabled(false); } // Append the parent groups if (link.groups) { this._buildMenuLayer(item, link.groups, _selected, link.enabled, _target); } } } firstGroup = firstGroup && firstElem; } }; /** * Builds the context menu from the given action links * * @param {type} _links * @param {type} _selected * @param {type} _target * @returns {egwMenu|egwActionImplementation._buildMenu.menu} */ ai._buildMenu = function(_links, _selected, _target) { // Build a tree containing all actions var tree = {"root": []}; // Automatically add in Drag & Drop actions if(this.auto_paste) { this._addCopyPaste(_links,_selected); } for (var k in _links) { _links[k].actionObj.appendToTree(tree); } // We need the dummy object container in order to pass the array by // reference var groups = { "groups": [] }; if (tree.root.length > 0) { // Sort every action object layer by the given sort position and grouping this._groupLayers(tree.root[0], _links, groups); } var menu = new egwMenu(); // Build the menu layers this._buildMenuLayer(menu, groups.groups, _selected, true, _target); return menu; }; ai._getPageXY = function getPageXY(event) { // document.body.scrollTop does not work in IE var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : document.documentElement.scrollTop; var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft ? document.body.scrollLeft : document.documentElement.scrollLeft; return {'posx': (event.clientX + scrollLeft), 'posy': (event.clientY + scrollTop)}; }; /** * Automagically add in context menu items for copy and paste from * drag and drop actions, based on current clipboard and the accepted types * * @param {object[]} _links Actions for inclusion in the menu * @param {egwActionObject[]} _selected Currently selected entries */ ai._addCopyPaste = function (_links, _selected) { // Get a list of drag & drop actions var drag = _selected[0].getSelectedLinks('drag').links; var drop = _selected[0].getSelectedLinks('drop').links; // No drags & no drops means early exit if((!drag || jQuery.isEmptyObject(drag)) && (!drop || jQuery.isEmptyObject(drop))) { return; } // Find existing actions so we don't get copies var mgr = _selected[0].manager; var copy_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_copy'); var add_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_copy_add'); var clipboard_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_os_clipboard'); var paste_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_paste'); // Fake UI so we can simulate the position of the drop if(this._context.event) { var ui = { position: {top: 0, left: 0}, offset: {top: 0, left: 0} }; var event = this._context.event.originalEvent; ui.position = {top: event.pageY, left: event.pageX}; ui.offset = {top: event.offsetY, left: event.offsetX}; } // Create default copy menu action if(drag && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(drag)) { // Don't re-add if it's there if(copy_action == null) { // Create a drag action that allows linking copy_action = mgr.addAction('popup', 'egw_copy', egw.lang('Copy to clipboard'), egw.image('copy'), function(action, selected) { // Copied, now add to clipboard var clipboard = { type:[], selected:[] }; // When pasting we need to know the type of drag for(var k in drag) { if(drag[k].enabled && drag[k].actionObj.dragType.length > 0) { clipboard.type = clipboard.type.concat(drag[k].actionObj.dragType); } } clipboard.type = jQuery.unique(clipboard.type); // egwAction is a circular structure and can't be stringified so just take what we want // Hopefully that's enough for the action handlers for(var k in selected) { if(selected[k].id) clipboard.selected.push({id:selected[k].id, data:selected[k].data}); } // Save it in session egw.setSessionItem('phpgwapi', 'egw_clipboard', JSON.stringify(clipboard)); },true); copy_action.group = 2.5; } if(add_action == null) { // Create an action to add selected to clipboard add_action = mgr.addAction('popup', 'egw_copy_add', egw.lang('Add to clipboard'), egw.image('copy'), function(action, selected) { // Copied, now add to clipboard var clipboard = JSON.parse(egw.getSessionItem('phpgwapi', 'egw_clipboard')) || { type:[], selected:[] }; // When pasting we need to know the type of drag for(var k in drag) { if(drag[k].enabled && drag[k].actionObj.dragType.length > 0) { clipboard.type = clipboard.type.concat(drag[k].actionObj.dragType); } } clipboard.type = jQuery.unique(clipboard.type); // egwAction is a circular structure and can't be stringified so just take what we want // Hopefully that's enough for the action handlers for(var k in selected) { if(selected[k].id) clipboard.selected.push({id:selected[k].id, data:selected[k].data}); } // Save it in session egw.setSessionItem('phpgwapi', 'egw_clipboard', JSON.stringify(clipboard)); },true); add_action.group = 2.5; } if(clipboard_action == null) { // Create an action to add selected to clipboard clipboard_action = mgr.addAction('popup', 'egw_os_clipboard', egw.lang('Copy to OS clipboard'), egw.image('copy'), function(action) { },true); clipboard_action.group = 2.5; } var os_clipboard_caption = this._context.event.originalEvent.target.innerHTML.trim(); clipboard_action.set_caption(egw.lang('Copy "%1"', os_clipboard_caption.length>20 ? os_clipboard_caption.substring(0,20)+'...':os_clipboard_caption)); clipboard_action.data.target = this._context.event.originalEvent.target; if(typeof _links[copy_action.id] == 'undefined') { _links[copy_action.id] = { "actionObj": copy_action, "enabled": true, "visible": true, "cnt": 0 }; } if(typeof _links[add_action.id] == 'undefined') { _links[add_action.id] = { "actionObj": add_action, "enabled": true, "visible": true, "cnt": 0 }; } if(typeof _links[clipboard_action.id] == 'undefined') { _links[clipboard_action.id] = { "actionObj": clipboard_action, "enabled": os_clipboard_caption.length > 0, "visible": os_clipboard_caption.length > 0, "cnt": 0 }; } } // Create default paste menu item if(drop && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(drop)) { // Create paste action // This injects the clipboard data and calls the original handler var paste_exec = function(action, selected) { // Add in clipboard as a sender var clipboard = JSON.parse(egw.getSessionItem('phpgwapi', 'egw_clipboard')); // Fake drop position drop[action.id].actionObj.ui = ui; // Set a flag so apps can tell the difference, if they need to drop[action.id].actionObj.paste = true; drop[action.id].actionObj.execute(clipboard.selected,selected[0]); drop[action.id].actionObj.paste = false; }; var clipboard = JSON.parse(egw.getSessionItem('phpgwapi', 'egw_clipboard')) || { type:[], selected:[] }; // Don't re-add if action already exists if(paste_action == null) { paste_action = mgr.addAction('popup', 'egw_paste', egw.lang('Paste'), egw.image('editpaste'), paste_exec,true); paste_action.group = 2.5; paste_action.order = 9; paste_action.canHaveChildren.push('drop'); } // Set hint to something resembling current clipboard var hint = egw.lang('Clipboard') + ":\n[" + clipboard.type.join(',')+"]\n"; paste_action.set_hint(hint); // Add titles of entries for(var i = 0; i < clipboard.selected.length; i++) { var id = clipboard.selected[i].id.split('::'); egw.link_title(id[0],id[1],function(title) {if(title)this.hint += title+"\n";},paste_action); } // Add into links so it's included in menu if(typeof _links[paste_action.id] == 'undefined') { _links[paste_action.id] = { "actionObj": paste_action, "enabled": false, "visible": clipboard != null, "cnt": 0 }; } while(paste_action.children.length > 0) { paste_action.children[0].remove(); } // If nothing [valid] in the clipboard, don't bother with children if(clipboard == null || typeof clipboard.type != 'object') { return; } // Add in actual actions as children for(var k in drop) { // Add some choices - need to be a copy, or they interfere with // the original var drop_clone = jQuery.extend({},drop[k].actionObj); drop_clone.parent = paste_action; drop_clone.onExecute = new egwFnct(this, null, []); drop_clone.set_onExecute(paste_exec); paste_action.children.push(drop_clone); paste_action.allowOnMultiple = paste_action.allowOnMultiple && drop_clone.allowOnMultiple; _links[k] = jQuery.extend({},drop[k]); _links[k].actionObj = drop_clone; // Drop is allowed if clipboard types intersect drop types _links[k].enabled = false; _links[k].visible = false; for (var i = 0; i < drop_clone.acceptedTypes.length; i++) { if (clipboard.type.indexOf(drop_clone.acceptedTypes[i]) != -1) { _links[paste_action.id].enabled = true; _links[k].enabled = true; _links[k].visible = true; break; } } } } }; return ai; }