/** * EGroupware eTemplate nextmatch row action object interface * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT stylite.de) * @author Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * Contains the action object interface implementation for the nextmatch widget * row. */ var EGW_SELECTMODE_DEFAULT = 0; var EGW_SELECTMODE_TOGGLE = 1; /** * An action object interface for each nextmatch widget row - "inherits" from * egwActionObjectInterface */ function nextmatchRowAOI(_node, _selectMode) { var aoi = new egwActionObjectInterface(); aoi.node = _node; aoi.selectMode = _selectMode; aoi.checkBox = ($j(":checkbox", aoi.node))[0]; // Rows without a checkbox OR an id set are unselectable if (typeof aoi.checkBox != "undefined" || _node.id) { aoi.doGetDOMNode = function() { return aoi.node; } // Prevent the browser from selecting the content of the element, when // a special key is pressed. $j(_node).mousedown(egwPreventSelect); // Now append some action code to the node selectHandler = function(e) { // Reset the focus so that keyboard navigation will work properly // after the element has been clicked egwUnfocus(); // Reset the prevent selection code (in order to allow wanted // selection of text) _node.onselectstart = null; if (e.target != aoi.checkBox) { var selected = egwBitIsSet(aoi.getState(), EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED); var state = egwGetShiftState(e); switch (aoi.selectMode) { case EGW_SELECTMODE_DEFAULT: aoi.updateState(EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED, !egwBitIsSet(state, EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_MULTI) || !selected, state); break; case EGW_SELECTMODE_TOGGLE: aoi.updateState(EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED, !selected, egwSetBit(state, EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_MULTI, true)); break; } } }; if (egwIsMobile()) { _node.ontouchend = selectHandler; } else { $j(_node).click(selectHandler); } $j(aoi.checkBox).change(function() { aoi.updateState(EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED, this.checked, EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_MULTI); }); // Don't execute the default action when double clicking on an entry $j(aoi.checkBox).dblclick(function() { return false; }); aoi.doSetState = function(_state) { var selected = egwBitIsSet(_state, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED); if (this.checkBox) { this.checkBox.checked = selected; } $j(this.node).toggleClass('focused', egwBitIsSet(_state, EGW_AO_STATE_FOCUSED)); $j(this.node).toggleClass('selected', selected); } } return aoi; } /** * Default action for nextmatch rows, runs action specified _action.data.nm_action: see nextmatch_widget::egw_actions() * * @param _action action object with attributes caption, id, nm_action, ... * @param _senders array of rows selected */ function nm_action(_action, _senders) { // ignore checkboxes, unless they have an explicit defined nm_action if (_action.checkbox && (!_action.data || typeof _action.data.nm_action == 'undefined')) return; if (typeof _action.data == 'undefined' || !_action.data) _action.data = {}; if (typeof _action.data.nm_action == 'undefined') _action.data.nm_action = 'submit'; var ids = ""; for (var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++) { ids += (_senders[i].id.indexOf(',') >= 0 ? '"'+_senders[i].id.replace(/"/g,'""')+'"' : _senders[i].id) + ((i < _senders.length - 1) ? "," : ""); } //console.log(_action); console.log(_senders); var mgr = _action.getManager(); var select_all = mgr.getActionById("select_all"); var confirm_msg = (_senders.length > 1 || select_all && select_all.checked) && typeof _action.data.confirm_multiple != 'undefined' ? _action.data.confirm_multiple : _action.data.confirm; // let user confirm the action first (if not select_all set and nm_action == 'submit' --> confirmed later) if (!(select_all && select_all.checked && _action.data.nm_action == 'submit') && typeof _action.data.confirm != 'undefined') { if (!confirm(confirm_msg)) return; } // in case we only need to confirm multiple selected (only _action.data.confirm_multiple) else if (typeof _action.data.confirm_multiple != 'undefined' && (_senders.length > 1 || select_all && select_all.checked)) { if (!confirm(_action.data.confirm_multiple)) return; } var url = '#'; if (typeof _action.data.url != 'undefined') { url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,encodeURIComponent(ids)); } var target = null; if (typeof _action.data.target != 'undefined') { target = _action.data.target; } switch(_action.data.nm_action) { case 'alert': alert(_action.caption + " (\'" + _action.id + "\') executed on rows: " + ids); break; case 'location': if(target) { window.open(url, target); } else { window.location.href = url; } break; case 'popup': egw_openWindowCentered2(url,target,_action.data.width,_action.data.height); break; case 'egw_open': var params = _action.data.egw_open.split('-'); // type-appname-idNum (idNum is part of id split by :), eg. "edit-infolog" console.log(params); var egw_open_id = _senders[0].id; if (typeof params[2] != 'undefined') egw_open_id = egw_open_id.split(':')[params[2]]; egw_open(egw_open_id,params[1],params[0],params[3]); break; case 'open_popup': // open div styled as popup contained in current form and named action.id+'_popup' if (nm_popup_action == null) { nm_open_popup(_action, _senders); break; } // fall through, if popup is open --> submit form case 'submit': // let user confirm select-all if (select_all && select_all.checked) { if (!confirm((confirm_msg ? confirm_msg : _action.caption.replace(/^( | | )+/,''))+"\n\n"+select_all.hint)) return; } var checkboxes = mgr.getActionsByAttr("checkbox", true); var checkboxes_elem = document.getElementById(mgr.etemplate_var_prefix+'[nm][checkboxes]'); if (checkboxes && checkboxes_elem) for (var i in checkboxes) checkboxes_elem.value += checkboxes[i].id + ":" + (checkboxes[i].checked ? "1" : "0") + ";"; document.getElementById(mgr.etemplate_var_prefix+'[nm][nm_action]').value = _action.id; document.getElementById(mgr.etemplate_var_prefix+'[nm][selected]').value = ids; if (typeof _action.data.button != 'undefined') { submitit(mgr.etemplate_form.context, mgr.etemplate_var_prefix+'[nm][rows]['+_action.data.button+']['+ids+']'); } else { mgr.etemplate_form.submit(); } // Clear action in case there's another one document.getElementById(mgr.etemplate_var_prefix+'[nm][nm_action]').value = null; break; } } /** * Callback to check if none of _senders rows has disableClass set * * @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.disableClass to check * @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects * @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders * @returns boolean true if none has disableClass, false otherwise */ function nm_not_disableClass(_action, _senders, _target) { return !$j(_target.iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.disableClass); } /** * Callback to check if all of _senders rows have enableClass set * * @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.enableClass to check * @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects * @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders * @returns boolean true if none has disableClass, false otherwise */ function nm_enableClass(_action, _senders, _target) { return $j(_target.iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.enableClass); } /** * Enable an _action, if it matches a given regular expresstion in _action.data.enableId * * @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.enableId to check * @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects * @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders * @returns boolean true if _target.id matches _action.data.enableId */ function nm_enableId(_action, _senders, _target) { if (typeof _action.data.enableId == 'string') _action.data.enableId = new RegExp(_action.data.enableId); return _target.id.match(_action.data.enableId); } /** * Callback to check if a certain field (_action.data.fieldId) is (not) equal to given value (_action.data.fieldValue) * * If field is not found, we return false too! * * @param _action egwAction object, we use _action.data.fieldId to check agains _action.data.fieldValue * @param _senders array of egwActionObject objects * @param _target egwActionObject object, get's called for every object in _senders * @returns boolean true if field found and has specified value, false otherwise */ function nm_compare_field(_action, _senders, _target) { var field = document.getElementById(_action.data.fieldId); if (!field) return false; var value = $j(field).val(); if (_action.data.fieldValue.substr(0,1) == '!') return value != _action.data.fieldValue.substr(1); return value == _action.data.fieldValue; } var nm_popup_action, nm_popup_senders = null; /** * Open popup for a certain action requiring further input * * Popup needs to have eTemplate name of action id plus "_popup" * * @param _action * @param _senders */ function nm_open_popup(_action, _senders) { var popup = document.getElementById(_action.getManager().etemplate_var_prefix + '[' + _action.id + '_popup]'); if (popup) { nm_popup_action = _action; nm_popup_senders = _senders; popup.style.display = 'block'; } } /** * Submit a popup action */ function nm_submit_popup(button) { button.form.submit_button.value = button.name; // set name of button (sub-action) // call regular nm_action to transmit action and senders correct nm_action(nm_popup_action, nm_popup_senders); } /** * Hide popup */ function nm_hide_popup(element, div_id) { var prefix = element.id.substring(0,element.id.indexOf('[')); var popup = document.getElementById(prefix+'['+div_id+']'); // Hide popup if(popup) { popup.style.display = 'none'; } nm_popup_action = null; nm_popup_senders = null; return false; } /** * Activate/click first link in row */ function nm_activate_link(_action, _senders) { // $j(_senders[0].iface.getDOMNode()).find('a:first').trigger('click'); not sure why this is NOT working var a_href = $j(_senders[0].iface.getDOMNode()).find('a:first'); if (typeof a_href != undefined) { var target = a_href.attr('target'); var href = a_href.attr('href'); if (target) window.open(href,target); else window.location = href; } }