True ); function uilog() { global $phpgw, $_cols, $editable, $modifytable, $nocols, $_delcol, $phpgw_info; $this->bolog = CreateObject('admin.bolog',True); $this->html = createobject('admin.html'); $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',$phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('admin')); $this->lastid = ""; $this->editmode = false; // Handle the Edit Table Button if (isset($editable)) { $this->editmode = $editable; }; // Handle return from Modify Table form... if (isset($modifytable)) { // the delete column must not be empty if (!isset($_delcol)) { $_delcol = array(); }; // Build New fields_inc array... if (isset($_cols)) { $c = array(); for ($i=0;$i<$nocols;$i++) { if (!in_array($i, $_delcol)) { $c[] = $_cols[$i]; }; } $this->fields_inc = $c; }; // Reset Mode to display... $this->editmode = false; // Save the fields_inc values in Session and User Preferences... $data = array('fields_inc'=>$this->fields_inc); $phpgw->session->appsession('session_data','log',$data); $phpgw->preferences->read_repository(); $phpgw->preferences->delete('log','fields_inc'); $phpgw->preferences->add('log','fields_inc',$this->fields_inc); $phpgw->preferences->save_repository(); } // Make sure that $this->fields_inc is filled if ( !isset($this->field_inc)) { // Need to fill from Session Data... $data = $phpgw->session->appsession('session_data','log'); if (isset($data) && isset($data['fields_inc'])) { $this->fields_inc = $data['fields_inc']; } else { $phpgw->preferences->read_repository(); // Get From User Profile... if (@$phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['log']['fields_inc']) { $fields_inc = $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['log']['fields_inc']; $this->fields_inc = $fields_inc; $phpgw->session->appsession('session_data','log',array('fields_inc',$fields_inc)); } else { // Use defaults... $this->fields_inc = array ('log_severity', 'log_id', 'log_date_e', 'log_app', 'log_full_name', 'log_msg_seq_no', 'log_msg_date_e', 'log_msg_severity', 'log_msg_code', 'log_msg_text' ); // Store defaults in session data... $phpgw->session->appsession ('session_data', 'log', array ('fields_inc' =>$this->fields_inc ) ); } } } // Values already filled... } function list_log() { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; /* $phpgw->log->message('I-TestMsg, msg: %1','This message should appear in log'); $phpgw->log->error('I-TestInfo, info: %1','This Informational should not be in log'); $phpgw->log->clearstack(); $phpgw->log->error('I-TestInfo, info: %1','This Informational should be in log'); $phpgw->log->error('W-TestWarn, warn: %1','This is a test Warning'); $phpgw->log->error('E-TestError, err: %1','This is a test Error'); $phpgw->log->error('F-Abend, abort: %1','Force abnormal termination'); $phpgw->log->commit(); // commit error stack to log... */ $this->t->set_file(array('log_list_t' => 'log.tpl')); // Get list of Possible Columns $header = $this->bolog->get_error_cols_e(); // Set Table formating parameters $header['_table_parms']='width="98%", bgcolor="D3DCFF" border="0"'; // Set User Configured List of columns to show $header['_cols']= $this->fields_inc; // Column Log_ID $header['log_id']['parms_hdr'] = 'align="center", width="2%"'; $header['log_id']['title'] = 'Id'; $header['log_id']['parms'] = 'align="center"'; // Column Log_Severity $header['log_severity']['parms_hdr'] = 'align="center", width="2%"'; $header['log_severity']['title'] = 'S'; $header['log_severity']['parms'] = 'align="center"'; // Column Trans Date $header['log_date_e']['title'] = 'Tans. Date'; $header['log_date_e']['parms'] = ''; // Column Application $header['log_app']['title'] = 'Application'; $header['log_app']['parms'] = ''; // Column FullName $header['log_full_name']['title'] = 'User'; $header['log_full_name']['parms'] = 'align="center"'; // Column log_msg_seq_no $header['log_msg_seq_no']['parms_hdr'] = 'align="center"'; $header['log_msg_seq_no']['title'] = 'Sno'; $header['log_msg_seq_no']['parms'] = 'align="center"'; // Column log_msg_seq_no $header['log_msg_date_e']['title'] = 'TimeStamp'; $header['log_msg_severity']['title'] = 'S'; $header['log_msg_code']['title'] = 'Code'; $header['log_msg_text']['title'] = 'Error Msg'; // Hack Get All Rows $rows = $this->bolog->get_error_e(array('orderby'=>array('log_id','log_msg_log_id'))); $header['_edittable']=$this->editmode; $table = $this->html->hash_table($rows,$header,$this, 'format_row'); $this->t->set_var('event_list',$table); $this->t->pfp('out','log_list_t'); $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); // $this->set_app_langs(); } function format_row($rno, $row) { if ($rno == 0) { $this->lastid = ''; } if ($this->lastid != $row['log_id']) { $this->lastid = $row['log_id']; } else { $row['log_id'] = '  '; $row['log_severity'] = '  '; $row['log_date_e'] = '  '; $row['log_app'] = '  '; $row['log_full_name'] = '  '; } switch($row['log_severity']) { case 'I': $lcolor = 'C0FFC0'; break; case 'W': $lcolor = 'FFFFC0'; break; case 'E': $lcolor = 'FFC0C0'; break; case 'F': $lcolor = 'FF0909'; break; } switch($row['log_msg_severity']) { case 'I': $color = 'C0FFC0'; break; case 'W': $color = 'FFFFC0'; break; case 'E': $color = 'FFC0C0'; break; case 'F': $color = 'FF0909'; break; } reset($this->fields_inc); while(list(,$fld) = each($this->fields_inc)) { if (substr($fld,0,7) == 'log_msg') { $c = $color; } else { if ($fld == 'log_severity' && $row['log_severity'] != '  ') { $c = $lcolor; } else { $c = "FFFFFF"; } }; $parms = 'bgcolor="' . $c . '"'; $row['_'.$fld] = $parms; } return $row; } } ?>