checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::READONLY); } /** * Test to make sure a writable link to home gives write access, but just * to user's home */ public function testHomeWritable() { $dir = Vfs::get_home_dir().'/'; $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::WRITABLE); } /** * Test for a readonly share of a path with versioning turned on */ public function testVersioningReadonly() { $this->files[] = $dir = Vfs::get_home_dir().'/versioned/'; // Create versioned directory if(Vfs::is_dir($dir)) Vfs::remove($dir); Vfs::mkdir($dir); $this->assertTrue(Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected"); $this->mountVersioned($dir); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::READONLY); } /** * Test for a writable share of a path with versioning turned on */ public function testVersioningWritable() { $this->files[] = $dir = Vfs::get_home_dir().'/versioned/'; // Create versioned directory if(Vfs::is_dir($dir)) Vfs::remove($dir); Vfs::mkdir($dir); $this->assertTrue(Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected"); $this->mountVersioned($dir); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::WRITABLE); } /** * Test for a readonly share of a path from the filesystem */ public function testFilesystemReadonly() { // Don't add to files list or it deletes the folder from filesystem $dir = '/filesystem/'; // Mount filesystem directory if(Vfs::is_dir($dir)) Vfs::remove($dir); $this->mountFilesystem($dir); $this->assertTrue(Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected"); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::READONLY); // Test folder in filesystem already has this file in it // It should be picked up normally, but an explicit check can't hurt $this->checkOneFile('/filesystem_test.txt', Sharing::READONLY); } /** * Test for a readonly share of a path from the filesystem */ public function testFilesystemWritable() { // Don't add to files list or it deletes the folder from filesystem $dir = '/filesystem/'; // Mount filesystem directory if(Vfs::is_dir($dir)) Vfs::remove($dir); $this->mountFilesystem($dir); $this->assertTrue(Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected"); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::WRITABLE); // Test folder in filesystem already has this file in it // It should be picked up normally, but an explicit check can't hurt $this->checkOneFile('/filesystem_test.txt', Sharing::WRITABLE); } /** * Test for a readonly share of an application entry's filesystem (/apps) */ public function testLinksReadonly() { // Create an infolog entry for testing purposes $info_id = $this->make_infolog(); $bo = new \infolog_bo(); $dir = "/apps/infolog/$info_id/"; $this->assertTrue(Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected"); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::READONLY); // Can't delete it here, we're still the anonymous user until after $this->entries[] = Array(Array($bo, 'delete'), Array($info_id, false, false, true)); } /** * Test for a writable share of an application entry's filesystem (/apps) */ public function testLinksWritable() { // Create an infolog entry for testing purposes $bo = new \infolog_bo(); $info_id = $this->make_infolog(); $dir = "/apps/infolog/$info_id/"; $this->assertTrue(Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected"); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::WRITABLE); // Can't delete it here, we're still the anonymous user until after $this->entries[] = Array(Array($bo, 'delete'), Array($info_id, false, false, true)); } /** * Test merge stream wrapper */ public function testMergeReadonly() { if(!class_exists("\EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Merge\StreamWrapper")) { $this->markTestSkipped(); return; } // Don't add to files list or it deletes the folder from filesystem $dir = '/merged/'; // Mount filesystem directory if(Vfs::is_dir($dir)) Vfs::remove($dir); $this->mountMerge($dir); $this->assertTrue( Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected, check {$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']} is in Admin group (Merge requirement)" ); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::READONLY); // Test folder in filesystem already has this file in it // It should be picked up normally, but an explicit check can't hurt $this->checkOneFile('/filesystem_test.txt', Sharing::READONLY); } /** * Test merge stream wrapper */ public function testMergeWritable() { if(!class_exists("\EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Merge\StreamWrapper")) { $this->markTestSkipped(); return; } // Don't add to files list or it deletes the folder from filesystem $dir = '/merged/'; // Mount filesystem directory if(Vfs::is_dir($dir)) Vfs::remove($dir); $this->mountMerge($dir); $this->assertTrue( Vfs::is_writable($dir), "Unable to write to '$dir' as expected, check {$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']} is in Admin group (Merge requirement)" ); $this->checkDirectory($dir, Sharing::WRITABLE); // Test folder in filesystem already has this file in it // It should be picked up normally, but an explicit check can't hurt $this->checkOneFile('/filesystem_test.txt', Sharing::WRITABLE); } /** * Test that creating a share on a symlink actually creates the share on the * link target instead. */ public function testSharingSymlinkActuallySharesTargetFile() { $target = Vfs::get_home_dir(); $this->files = $this->addFiles($target); // Make symlink $this->files[] = $symlink = $target.'/symlink.txt'; $file = $target.'/test_file.txt'; if(Vfs::file_exists($symlink)) Vfs::remove($symlink); $this->assertTrue( Vfs::symlink($file, $symlink), "Unable to create symlink $symlink => $file" ); // Create share $this->shares[] = $created_share = Sharing::create('', $symlink, Sharing::READONLY, '', ''); $this->assertEquals($file, $created_share['share_path']); } /** * Test that creating a share on a symlink actually creates the share on the * link target instead. */ public function testSharingSymlinkActuallySharesTargetDirectory() { $target = Vfs::get_home_dir(); $this->files = $this->addFiles($target); // Make symlink $this->files[] = $symlink = $target.'/symlinked_dir'; $file = $target.'/sub_dir'; if(Vfs::file_exists($symlink)) Vfs::remove($symlink); $this->assertTrue( Vfs::symlink($file, $symlink), "Unable to create symlink $symlink => $file" ); // Create share $this->shares[] = $created_share = Sharing::create('', $symlink, Sharing::READONLY, '', ''); $this->assertEquals($file, $created_share['share_path']); } /** * Test that a share of a single file gives the file (uses WebDAV) */ public function testSingleFile() { $dir = Vfs::get_home_dir().'/'; // Plain text file $file = $dir.'test_file.txt'; $content = 'Testing that sharing a single (non-editable) file gives us the file.'; $this->assertTrue( file_put_contents(Vfs::PREFIX.$file, $content) !== FALSE, 'Unable to write test file "' . Vfs::PREFIX . $file .'" - check file permissions for CLI user' ); $this->files[] = $file; $mimetype = Vfs::mime_content_type($file); // Create and use link $extra = array(); $this->getShareExtra($file, Sharing::READONLY, $extra); $share = $this->createShare($file, Sharing::READONLY, $extra); $link = Vfs\Sharing::share2link($share); // Re-init, since they look at user, fstab, etc. // Also, further tests that access the filesystem fail if we don't Vfs::clearstatcache(); Vfs::init_static(); Vfs\StreamWrapper::init_static(); // Log out & clear cache LoggedInTest::tearDownAfterClass(); $this->checkSharedFile($link, $mimetype); } }