* @copyright (c) 2006 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ require_once('HTTP/WebDAV/Server.php'); require_once(EGW_API_INC.'/class.vfs_home.inc.php'); /** * FileManger - WebDAV access * * Using the PEAR HTTP/WebDAV/Server class (which need to be installed!) */ class oldvfs_webdav_server extends HTTP_WebDAV_Server { /** * instance of the vfs class * * @var vfs_home */ var $vfs; var $dav_powered_by = 'eGroupWare WebDAV server'; /** * Debug level: 0 = nothing, 1 = function calls, 2 = more info, eg. complete $_SERVER array * * The debug messages are send to the apache error_log * * @var integer */ var $debug = 0; function __construct() { if ($this->debug === 2) foreach($_SERVER as $name => $val) error_log("vfs_webdav_server: \$_SERVER[$name]='$val'"); parent::HTTP_WebDAV_Server(); $this->vfs =& new vfs_home; } /** * PROPFIND method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @param array return array for file properties * @return bool true on success */ function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files) { $vfs_data = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root // at first only list the given path itself 'checksubdirs' => False, 'nofiles' => True ); if (!($vfs_files = $this->vfs->ls($vfs_data))) // path not found { // check if the users home-dir is just not yet created (should be done by the vfs-class!) // ToDo: group-dirs if ($vfs_data['string'] == '/home/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']) { $this->vfs->override_acl = true; // user has no right to create dir in /home $created = $this->vfs->mkdir(array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root )); $this->vfs->override_acl = false; if (!$created) { if ($this->debug) error_log("vfs_webdav_server::PROPFIND(path='$options[path]',depth=$options[depth]) could not create home dir"); } $vfs_files = $this->vfs->ls($vfs_data); } if (!$vfs_files) { if ($this->debug) error_log("vfs_webdav_server::PROPFIND(path='$options[path]',depth=$options[depth]) return false (path not found)"); return false; // path not found } } // if depth > 0 and path is a directory => show it's contents if (!empty($options['depth']) && $vfs_files[0]['mime_type'] == 'Directory') { $vfs_data['checksubdirs'] = (int) $options['depth'] != 1; $vfs_data['nofiles'] = false; if ($vfs_files[0]['directory'] == '/') // sub-dirs of the root? { $vfs_files = array(); // dont return the directory, it shows up double in konq } else // return the dir itself with a trailing slash, otherwise empty dirs are reported as non-existent { $vfs_files[0]['name'] .= '/'; } $vfs_files = array_merge($vfs_files,$this->vfs->ls($vfs_data)); } if ($this->debug) error_log("vfs_webdav_server::PROPFIND(path='$options[path]',depth=$options[depth]) ".count($vfs_files).' files'); $files['files'] = array(); $egw_charset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(); foreach($vfs_files as $fileinfo) { if ($this->debug) error_log('dir="'.$fileinfo['directory'].'", name="'.$fileinfo['name'].'": '.$fileinfo['mime_type']); foreach(array('modified','created') as $date) { // our vfs has no modified set, if never modified, use created list($y,$m,$d,$h,$i,$s) = split("[- :]",$fileinfo[$date] ? $fileinfo[$date] : $fileinfo['created']); $fileinfo[$date] = mktime((int)$h,(int)$i,(int)$s,(int)$m,(int)$d,(int)$y); } $info = array( 'path' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($fileinfo['directory'].'/'.$fileinfo['name'],$egw_charset,'utf-8'), 'props' => array( $this->mkprop('displayname',$GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($fileinfo['name'],$egw_charset,'utf-8')), $this->mkprop('creationdate',$fileinfo['created']), $this->mkprop('getlastmodified',$fileinfo['modified']), ), ); if ($fileinfo['mime_type'] == 'Directory') { $info['props'][] = $this->mkprop('resourcetype', 'collection'); $info['props'][] = $this->mkprop('getcontenttype', 'httpd/unix-directory'); } else { $info['props'][] = $this->mkprop('resourcetype', ''); $info['props'][] = $this->mkprop('getcontenttype', $fileinfo['mime_type']); $info['props'][] = $this->mkprop('getcontentlength', $fileinfo['size']); } $files['files'][] = $info; } if ($this->debug == 2) foreach($files['files'] as $info) error_log(print_r($info,true)); // ok, all done return true; } /** * GET method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function GET(&$options) { if ($this->debug) error_log('vfs_webdav_server::GET('.print_r($options,true).')'); $vfs_data = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root 'checksubdirs' => False, 'nofiles' => True ); // sanity check if (!($vfs_file = $this->vfs->ls($vfs_data))) { return false; } $options['mimetype'] = $vfs_file[0]['mime_type']; $options['size'] = $vfs_file[0]['size']; if (($options['data'] = $this->vfs->read($vfs_data)) === false) { return '403 Forbidden'; // not sure if this is the right code for access denied } return true; } /** * PUT method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function PUT(&$options) { if ($this->debug) error_log('vfs_webdav_server::PUT('.print_r($options,true).')'); $vfs_data = array( 'string' => dirname($GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8')), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root 'checksubdirs' => False, 'nofiles' => True ); if (!($vfs_file = $this->vfs->ls($vfs_data)) || $vfs_file[0]['mime_type'] != 'Directory') { return '409 Conflict'; } $vfs_data = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root ); $options['new'] = !$this->vfs->file_exists($vfs_data); $vfs_data['content'] = ''; while(!feof($options['stream'])) { $vfs_data['content'] .= fread($options['stream'],8192); } return $this->vfs->write($vfs_data); } /** * MKCOL method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function MKCOL($options) { if ($this->debug) error_log('vfs_webdav_server::MKCOL('.print_r($options,true).')'); $vfs_data = array( 'string' => dirname($GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8')), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root 'checksubdirs' => False, 'nofiles' => True ); if (!($vfs_file = $this->vfs->ls($vfs_data))) { return '409 Conflict'; } if ($this->debug) error_log(print_r($vfs_file,true)); if ($vfs_file[0]['mime_type'] != 'Directory') { return '403 Forbidden'; } $vfs_data = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root ); if ($this->vfs->file_exists($vfs_data) ) { return '405 Method not allowed'; } if (!empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) // no body parsing yet { return '415 Unsupported media type'; } if (!$this->vfs->mkdir($vfs_data)) { return '403 Forbidden'; } return '201 Created'; } /** * DELETE method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function DELETE($options) { if ($this->debug) error_log('vfs_webdav_server::DELETE('.print_r($options,true).')'); $vfs_data = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root ); if (!$this->vfs->file_exists($vfs_data)) { return '404 Not found'; } if (!$this->vfs->rm($vfs_data)) { return '403 Forbidden'; } return '204 No Content'; } /** * MOVE method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function MOVE($options) { return $this->COPY($options, true); } /** * COPY method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function COPY($options, $del=false) { if ($this->debug) error_log('vfs_webdav_server::'.($del ? 'MOVE' : 'COPY').'('.print_r($options,true).')'); // TODO Property updates still broken (Litmus should detect this?) if (!empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) // no body parsing yet { return '415 Unsupported media type'; } // no copying to different WebDAV Servers yet if (isset($options['dest_url'])) { return '502 bad gateway'; } $source = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root ); if (!$this->vfs->file_exists($source)) { return '404 Not found'; } $dest = array( 'string' => $options['dest'], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root ); $new = !$this->vfs->file_exists($dest); $existing_col = false; if (!$new) { if ($del && $this->vfs->file_type($dest) == 'Directory') { if (!$options['overwrite']) { return '412 precondition failed'; } $dest['string'] .= basename($GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8')); if ($this->vfs->file_exists($dest)) { $options['dest'] .= basename($GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8')); } else { $new = true; $existing_col = true; } } } if (!$new) { if ($options['overwrite']) { $stat = $this->DELETE(array('path' => $options['dest'])); if (($stat{0} != '2') && (substr($stat, 0, 3) != '404')) { return $stat; } } else { return '412 precondition failed'; } } if ($this->vfs->file_type($source) == 'Directory' && ($options['depth'] != 'infinity')) { // RFC 2518 Section 9.2, last paragraph return '400 Bad request'; } $op = $del ? 'mv' : 'cp'; $vfs_data = array( 'from' => $source['string'], 'to' => $dest['string'], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT,RELATIVE_ROOT) ); if (!$this->vfs->$op($vfs_data)) { return '500 Internal server error'; } return ($new && !$existing_col) ? '201 Created' : '204 No Content'; } /** * PROPPATCH method handler * * The current version only allows Webdrive to set creation and modificaton dates. * They are not stored as (arbitrary) WebDAV properties with their own namespace and name, * but in the regular vfs attributes. * * @todo Store a properties in the DB and retrieve them in PROPFIND again. * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function PROPPATCH(&$options) { foreach ($options["props"] as $key => $prop) { $attributes = array(); switch($prop['ns']) { // allow Webdrive to set creation and modification time case 'http://www.southrivertech.com/': switch($prop['name']) { case 'srt_modifiedtime': case 'getlastmodified': $attributes['modified'] = strtotime($prop['val']); break; case 'srt_creationtime': $attributes['created'] = strtotime($prop['val']); break; } break; case 'DAV:': switch($prop['name']) { // allow netdrive to change the modification time case 'getlastmodified': $attributes['modified'] = strtotime($prop['val']); break; // not sure why, the filesystem example of the WebDAV class does it ... default: $options["props"][$key]['status'] = "403 Forbidden"; break; } break; } if ($this->debug) $props[] = '('.$prop["ns"].')'.$prop['name'].'='.$prop['val']; } if ($attributes) { $vfs_data = array( 'string' => $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($options['path'],'utf-8'), 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT), // filename is relative to the vfs-root 'attributes'=> $attributes, ); $this->vfs->set_attributes($vfs_data); } if ($this->debug) { error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": path=$options[path], props=".implode(', ',$props)); if ($attributes) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": path=$options[path], set attributes=".str_replace("\n",' ',print_r($attributes,true))); } return ""; // this is as the filesystem example handler does it, no true or false ... } }