<?php /**************************************************************************\ * phpGroupWare - administration * * http://www.phpgroupware.org * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ function account_read($method,$start,$sort,$order) { global $phpgw; if (! $start) { $start = 0; } if ($order) { $ordermethod = "order by $order $sort"; } else { $ordermethod = "order by account_lastname,account_firstname,account_lid asc"; } if (! $sort) { $sort = "desc"; } if ($query) { $querymethod = " where account_firstname like '%$query%' OR account_lastname like " . "'%$query%' OR account_lid like '%$query%' "; } $phpgw->db->query("select account_id,account_firstname,account_lastname,account_lid " . "from accounts $querymethod $ordermethod limit " . $phpgw->nextmatchs->sql_limit($start)); $i = 0; while ($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $account_info[$i]["account_id"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_id"); $account_info[$i]["account_lid"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_lid"); $account_info[$i]["account_lastname"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_lastname"); $account_info[$i]["account_firstname"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_firstname"); $i++; } return $account_info; } function account_view($loginid) { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw; $phpgw->db->query("select account_id,account_firstname,account_lastname from accounts where " . "account_lid='$loginid'"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $account_info["account_id"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_id"); $account_info["account_lid"] = $loginid; $account_info["account_lastname"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_lastname"); $account_info["account_firstname"] = $phpgw->db->f("account_firstname"); return $account_info; } function account_add($account_info) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $phpgw->db->lock(array("accounts","preferences")); while ($permission = each($account_info["permissions"])) { if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["enabled"]) { $phpgw->accounts->add_app($permission[0]); } } $sql = "insert into accounts (account_lid,account_pwd,account_firstname,account_lastname," . "account_permissions,account_groups,account_status,account_lastpwd_change) values ('" . $account_info["loginid"] . "','" . md5($account_info["passwd"]) . "','" . addslashes($account_info["firstname"]) . "','". addslashes($account_info["lastname"]) . "','" . $phpgw->accounts->add_app("",True) . "','" . $account_info["groups"] . "','A',0)"; $phpgw->db->query($sql); $phpgw->db->query("select account_id from accounts where account_lid='" . $account_info["loginid"] . "'"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); add_default_preferences($phpgw->db->f("account_id")); $phpgw->db->unlock(); $sep = $phpgw->common->filesystem_separator(); $basedir = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . $sep . "users" . $sep; if (! @mkdir($basedir . $account_info["loginid"], 0707)) { $cd = 36; } else { $cd = 28; } return $cd; } function account_edit($account_info) { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw; $phpgw->db->lock(array('accounts','preferences','sessions')); $lid = $account_info["loginid"]; if ($account_info["c_loginid"]) { $phpgw->db->query("update accounts set account_lid='" . $account_info["c_loginid"] . "' where account_lid='" . $account_info["loginid"] . "'"); $account_info["loginid"] = $account_info["c_loginid"]; } if ($account_info["passwd"]) { $phpgw->db->query("update accounts set account_pwd='" . md5($account_info["passwd"]) . "', " . "account_lastpwd_change='" . time() . "' where account_lid='" . $account_info["loginid"] . "'"); $phpgw->db->query("update sessions set session_pwd='" . addslashes($account_info["passwd"]) . "' where session_lid='" . $lid . "'"); } while ($permission = each($account_info["permissions"])) { if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["enabled"]) { $phpgw->accounts->add_app($permission[0]); } } if (! $account_info["account_status"]) { $account_info["account_status"] = "L"; } $cd = 27; if ($account_info["c_loginid"] != $account_info["loginid"]) { $sep = $phpgw->common->filesystem_separator(); $basedir = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . $sep . "users" . $sep; if (! @rename($basedir . $lid, $basedir . $account_info["loginid"])) { $cd = 35; } } $phpgw->db->query("update accounts set account_firstname='" . addslashes($account_info["firstname"]) . "', account_lastname='" . addslashes($account_info["lastname"]) . "', account_permissions='" . $phpgw->accounts->add_app("",True) . "', account_status='" . $account_info["account_status"] . "', account_groups='" . $account_info["groups"] . "' where account_lid='" . $account_info["loginid"] . "'"); $phpgw->db->unlock(); return $cd; } function account_delete($account_id) { global $phpgw; $phpgw->db->query("select account_lid from accounts where account_id=$account_id"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $lid = $phpgw->db->f(0); $i = 0; $phpgw->db->query("select cal_id from webcal_entry where cal_create_by='$account_id'"); while ($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $cal_id[$i] = $phpgw->db->f("cal_id"); echo "<br>" . $phpgw->db->f("cal_id"); $i++; } $table_locks = array('preferences','todo','addressbook','accounts', 'webcal_entry','webcal_entry_user','webcal_entry_repeats', 'webcal_entry_groups'); $phpgw->db->lock($table_locks); for ($i=0; $i<count($cal_id); $i++) { $phpgw->db->query("delete from webcal_entry_repeats where cal_id='$cal_id[$i]'"); $phpgw->db->query("delete from webcal_entry_groups where cal_id='$cal_id[$i]'"); } $phpgw->db->query("delete from webcal_entry where cal_create_by='$account_id'"); $phpgw->db->query("delete from webcal_entry_user where cal_login='$account_id'"); $phpgw->db->query("delete from todo where todo_owner='$account_id'"); $phpgw->db->query("delete from addressbook where ab_owner='$account_id'"); $phpgw->db->query("delete from accounts where account_lid='$account_id'"); $phpgw->common->preferences_delete("all",$account_id); $phpgw->db->unlock(); $sep = $phpgw->common->filesystem_separator(); $basedir = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . $sep . "users" . $sep; if (! @rmdir($basedir . $lid)) { $cd = 34; } else { $cd = 29; } return $cd; } function account_exsists($loginid) { global $phpgw; $phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from accounts where account_lid='$loginid'"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); if ($phpgw->db->f(0) != 0) { return True; } else { return False; } } function account_total() { global $phpgw, $query; if ($query) { $querymethod = " where account_firstname like '%$query%' OR account_lastname like " . "'%$query%' OR account_lid like '%$query%' "; } $phpgw->db->query("select count(*) from accounts $querymethod"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); return $phpgw->db->f(0); } // This is need for LDAP, so this is a dummy function. function account_close() { return True; }