$var = $val; } } class calendar { var $today = array("full","month","day","year"); var $printer_friendly = False; var $repeated_events; var $checked_events; var $re = 0; var $checkd_re = 0; var $sorted_re = 0; var $hour_arr = Array(); var $rowspan_arr = Array(); var $days = Array(); var $first_hour; var $last_hour; var $rowspan; var $weekstarttime; var $daysinweek; var $filter; function calendar_($p_friendly=False) { global $phpgw; $this->printer_friendly = $p_friendly; $now = time(); $this->today = $this->splitdate($now); } function set_filter() { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw, $filter; if (!isset($this->filter) || !$this->filter) { if (isset($filter) && $filter) { $this->filter = " ".$filter." "; } else { if (! $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["defaultfilter"]) { $phpgw->preferences->change("calendar","defaultfilter","all"); $phpgw->preferences->commit(); } $this->filter = " ".$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["defaultfilter"]." "; } } } function group_search($owner=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $owner = $owner==$phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]?0:$owner; $groups = substr($phpgw->accounts->sql_search("calendar_entry.cal_group",$owner),4); if (!$groups) { return ""; } else { return "(calendar_entry.cal_access='group' AND (". $groups .")) "; } } function get_sunday_before($year,$month,$day) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $weekday = date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)); if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["weekdaystarts"] == "Monday" && $weekday == 0) { $day -= 7; $weekday = date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year) ); } return mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day - $weekday,$year) - (3600 * intval($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"])); } function normalizeminutes(&$minutes) { $hour = 0; $min = intval($minutes); if($min >= 60) { $hour += $min / 60; $min %= 60; } settype($minutes,"integer"); $minutes = $min; return $hour; } function addduration($hour,$minute,$ampm,$duration) { $minute += $duration; return $this->fixtime($hour,$minute,$ampm); } function fixtime($hour=0,$minute=0,$ampm="") { global $phpgw_info; $hour += (int)$this->normalizeminutes(&$minute); if ($hour > 0) { if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") { // $hour %= 12; if (strtolower($ampm) == "pm" && $hour <> 12) { $hour += 12; } } } return ($hour * 10000) + ($minute * 100); } function splittime_($time) { global $phpgw_info; $temp = array("hour","minute","second","ampm"); $time = strrev($time); $second = (int)strrev(substr($time,0,2)); $minute = (int)strrev(substr($time,2,2)); $hour = (int)strrev(substr($time,4)); $temp["second"] = (int)$second; $temp["minute"] = (int)$minute; $temp["hour"] = (int)$hour; $temp["ampm"] = " "; return $temp; } function splittime($time) { global $phpgw_info; $temp = array("hour","minute","second","ampm"); $time = strrev($time); $second = intval(strrev(substr($time,0,2))); $minute = intval(strrev(substr($time,2,2))); $hour = intval(strrev(substr($time,4))); $hour += $this->normalizeminutes(&$minute); $temp["second"] = $second; $temp["minute"] = $minute; $temp["hour"] = $hour; $temp["ampm"] = " "; if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "24") { return $temp; } $temp["ampm"] = "am"; if ((int)$temp["hour"] > 12) { $temp["hour"] = (int)((int)$temp["hour"] - 12); $temp["ampm"] = "pm"; } elseif ((int)$temp["hour"] == 12) { $temp["ampm"] = "pm"; } return $temp; } function makegmttime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $date = Array("raw","day","month","year","full"); $date["raw"] = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year) - ((60 * 60) * intval($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"])); $date["year"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"Y")); $date["month"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"m")); $date["day"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"d")); $date["full"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"Ymd")); return $date; } function localdates($localtime) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $date = Array("raw","day","month","year","full","dow","dm"); $date["raw"] = $localtime; $date["year"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"Y")); $date["month"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"m")); $date["day"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"d")); $date["full"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"Ymd")); $date["dm"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"dm")); $date["dow"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"w")); $date["hour"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"H")); $date["minute"] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"i")); return $date; } function gmtdate($localtime) { global $phpgw_info; $localtime -= ((60 * 60) * intval($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"])); return $this->localdates($localtime); } function splitdate($date) { $temp = array("day","month","year","full","raw","dayofweek"); $temp["raw"] = intval($date); $temp["day"] = intval(date("d",(int)$date)); $temp["month"] = intval(date("m",(int)$date)); $temp["year"] = intval(date("Y",(int)$date)); $temp["full"] = intval(date("Ymd",(int)$date)); $temp["dayofweek"] = intval(date("w",(int)$date)); return $temp; } function date_to_epoch($d) { return $this->splitdate(mktime(0,0,0,intval(substr($d,4,2)),intval(substr($d,6,2)),intval(substr($d,0,4)))); } function overlap($starttime,$endtime,$participants,$groups,$owner=0,$id=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $retval = Array(); $ok = False; $starttime = $starttime - ((60 * 60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); $endtime = $endtime - ((60 * 60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); if($starttime == $endtime) $endtime = mktime($phpgw->common->show_date($starttime,"H"),$phpgw->common->show_date($starttime,"i"),0,$phpgw->common->show_date($starttime,"m"),$phpgw->common->show_date($starttime,"d") + 1,$phpgw->common->show_date($starttime,"Y")) - ((60*60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]) - 1; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT calendar_entry.cal_id " . "FROM calendar_entry, calendar_entry_user, calendar_entry_repeats " . "WHERE ((calendar_entry_user.cal_id = calendar_entry.cal_id) AND " . "(calendar_entry_repeats.cal_id = calendar_entry.cal_id)) AND " . " (((".$starttime." <= calendar_entry.cal_datetime) AND (".$endtime." >= calendar_entry.cal_datetime) AND (".$endtime." <= calendar_entry.cal_edatetime)) " . "OR ((".$starttime." >= calendar_entry.cal_datetime) AND (".$starttime." <= calendar_entry.cal_edatetime) AND (".$endtime." >= calendar_entry.cal_edatetime)) " . "OR ((".$starttime." <= calendar_entry.cal_datetime) AND (".$endtime." >= calendar_entry.cal_edatetime))) AND " . "(calendar_entry_repeats.cal_type <> 'monthlyByDay') "; if(count($participants) || is_array($groups)) { $p_g = ""; if(count($participants)) { $p_g .= "("; for($i=0;$igroup_search($owner); if ($group) { if ($p_g) $p_g .= "OR "; $p_g .= $group; } if($p_g) $sql .= " AND (" . $p_g . ")"; } if($id) $sql .= " AND calendar_entry.cal_id <> ".$id; $phpgw->db->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); if(!$phpgw->db->num_rows()) return false; while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $retval[] = intval($phpgw->db->f("cal_id")); $ok = True; } if($ok) return $retval; else return False; } function is_private($cal_info,$owner) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $is_private = False; if ($owner == $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] || $owner == 0) { } elseif ($cal_info->access == "private") { $is_private = True; } elseif($cal_info->access == "group") { $is_private = True; $phpgw->db->query("SELECT account_lid FROM accounts WHERE account_id=".$owner,__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $groups = $phpgw->accounts->read_groups($phpgw->db->f("account_lid")); while ($group = each($groups)) { if (strpos(" ".$cal_info->groups." ",",".$group[0]).",") $is_private = False; } } if ($is_private) { $str = "private"; } elseif (strlen($cal_info->name) > 19) { $str = substr($cal_info->name, 0 , 19); $str .= "..."; } else { $str = $cal_info->name; } return $str; } function timematrix($date,$starttime,$endtime,$participants) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; if(!isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["interval"]) || !$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["interval"]) { $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["interval"] = 15; } $datetime = $this->gmtdate($date["raw"]); $increment = $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["interval"]; $interval = (int)(60 / $increment); $str = "
".$phpgw->common->show_date($datetime["raw"],"l, F d, Y")."
"; $str .= ""; $str .= ""; $str .= ""; for($i=0;$i<24;$i++) { for($j=0;$j<$interval;$j++) switch($j) { case 0: if($interval == 4) { $k = ($i<=9?"0":substr($i,0,1)); } $str .= ""; break; case 1: if($interval == 4) { $k = ($i<=9?substr($i,0,1):substr($i,1,2)); } $str .= ""; break; default: $str .= ""; break; } } $str .= ""; $str .= ""; if(!$endtime) $endtime = $starttime; // $endtime = $this->splittime_($this->addduration(intval($starttime["hour"]),intval($starttime["minute"]),$starttime["ampm"],$duration)); for($i=0;$iread_repeated_events($participants[$i]); $str .= ""; $str .= ""; $events = $this->get_sorted_by_date($datetime["raw"],$participants[$i]); if(!$this->sorted_re) { for($j=0;$j<24;$j++) { for($k=0;$k<$interval;$k++) { $str .= ""; } } } else { for($h=0;$h<24;$h++) { for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $index = (($h * 10000) + (($m * $increment) * 100)); $time_slice[$index]["marker"] = " "; $time_slice[$index]["color"] = $phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"]; $time_slice[$index]["description"] = ""; } } for($k=0;$k<$this->sorted_re;$k++) { $event = $events[$k]; $eventstart = $this->localdates($event->datetime); $eventend = $this->localdates($event->edatetime); $start = ($eventstart["hour"] * 10000) + ($eventstart["minute"] * 100); $starttemp = $this->splittime("$start"); $subminute = 0; for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $minutes = $increment * $m; if(intval($starttemp["minute"]) > $minutes && intval($starttemp["minute"]) < ($minutes + $increment)) { $subminute = ($starttemp["minute"] - $minutes) * 100; } } $start -= $subminute; $end = ($eventend["hour"] * 10000) + ($eventend["minute"] * 100); $endtemp = $this->splittime("$end"); $addminute = 0; for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $minutes = ($increment * $m); if($endtemp["minute"] < ($minutes + $increment) && $endtemp["minute"] > $minutes) { $addminute = ($minutes + $increment - $endtemp["minute"]) * 100; } } $end += $addminute; $starttemp = $this->splittime("$start"); $endtemp = $this->splittime("$end"); // Do not display All-Day events in this free/busy time if((($starttemp["hour"] == 0) && ($starttemp["minute"] == 0)) && (($endtemp["hour"] == 23) && ($endtemp["minute"] == 59))) { } else { for($h=$starttemp["hour"];$h<=$endtemp["hour"];$h++) { $startminute = 0; $endminute = $interval; $hour = $h * 10000; if($h == intval($starttemp["hour"])) $startminute = ($starttemp["minute"] / $increment); if($h == intval($endtemp["hour"])) $endminute = ($endtemp["minute"] / $increment); for($m=$startminute;$m<=$endminute;$m++) { $index = ($hour + (($m * $increment) * 100)); $time_slice[$index]["marker"] = "-"; $time_slice[$index]["color"] = $phpgw_info["theme"]["bg01"]; $time_slice[$index]["description"] = $this->is_private($event,$participants[$i]); } } } } for($h=0;$h<24;$h++) { $hour = $h * 10000; for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $index = ($hour + (($m * $increment) * 100)); $str .= ""; } } } $str .= ""; $str .= ""; } $str .= "
Participant"; $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/edit_entry.php","year=".$datetime["year"]."&month=".$datetime["month"]."&day=".$datetime["day"]."&hour=".$i."&minute=".(interval * $j))."\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='".$i.":".($increment * $j<=9?"0":"").($increment * $j)."'; return true;\">"; $str .= $k.""; $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/edit_entry.php","year=".$datetime["year"]."&month=".$datetime["month"]."&day=".$datetime["day"]."&hour=".$i."&minute=".(interval * $j))."\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='".$i.":".($increment * $j)."'; return true;\">"; $str .= $k.""; $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/edit_entry.php","year=".$datetime["year"]."&month=".$datetime["month"]."&day=".$datetime["day"]."&hour=".$i."&minute=".(interval * $j))."\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='".$i.":".($increment * $j)."'; return true;\">"; $str .= " 
".$phpgw->common->grab_owner_name($participants[$i])." ".$time_slice[$index]["marker"]."
"; return $str; } // The orginal patch read this 30+ times in a loop, only read it once. function read_repeated_events($owner=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $this->re = 0; $this->set_filter(); $owner = !$owner?$phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]:$owner; $sql = "SELECT calendar_entry.cal_id " . "FROM calendar_entry, calendar_entry_repeats, calendar_entry_user " . "WHERE calendar_entry.cal_id=calendar_entry_repeats.cal_id AND " . "calendar_entry.cal_id = calendar_entry_user.cal_id AND calendar_entry.cal_type='M' AND "; $sqlfilter=""; // Private if($this->filter==" all " || strpos($this->filter,"private")) { $sqlfilter .= "(calendar_entry_user.cal_login=".$owner." AND calendar_entry.cal_access='private') "; } // Group Public if($this->filter==" all " || strpos($this->filter,"group")) { if($sqlfilter) $sqlfilter .= "OR "; $sqlfilter .= "(calendar_entry_user.cal_login=".$owner." OR ".$this->group_search($owner).") "; } // Global Public if($this->filter==" all " || strpos($this->filter,"public")) { if($sqlfilter) $sqlfilter .= "OR "; $sqlfilter .= "calendar_entry.cal_access='public' "; } $orderby = " ORDER BY calendar_entry.cal_datetime ASC, calendar_entry.cal_edatetime ASC, calendar_entry.cal_priority ASC"; $db2 = $phpgw->db; if($sqlfilter) $sql .= "(".$sqlfilter.") "; $sql .= $orderby; $db2->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); $i = 0; if($db2->num_rows()) { while ($db2->next_record()) { $repeated_event_id[$i++] = (int)$db2->f("cal_id"); } $this->re = $i; $this->repeated_events = $this->getevent($repeated_event_id); } else { $this->repeated_events = Null; } } function link_to_entry($id, $pic, $description) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $str = ""; if (!$this->printer_friendly) $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/view.php","id=".$id)."\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . lang("View this entry") . "'; return true;\">\"".$description."\""; return $str; } function build_time_for_display($fixed_time) { global $phpgw_info; // echo "
before: $fixed_time"; $time = $this->splittime($fixed_time); // echo "
test -> build_time_for_display () in if " . $time["hour"] . " " . $time["ampm"]; // echo "
  $fixed_time"; $str = ""; $str .= $time["hour"].":".((int)$time["minute"]<=9?"0":"").$time["minute"]; if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") { $str .= " " . $time["ampm"]; } return $str; } function check_repeating_entries($datetime) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $this->checked_re = 0; if(!$this->re) return False; $link = Array(); $date = $this->gmtdate($datetime); for ($i=0;$i<$this->re;$i++) { $rep_events = $this->repeated_events[$i]; $start = $this->localdates($rep_events->datetime); if($rep_events->rpt_use_end) $end = $rep_events->rpt_end; else $end = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2007) - ((60 * 60) * $phpgw_info["users"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); $enddate = $this->localdates($end); // only repeat after the beginning, and if there is an end // before the end if ($rep_events->rpt_use_end && ($date["full"] > $enddate["full"])) { continue; } if ($date["full"] < $start["full"]) { continue; } if ($date["full"] == $start["full"]) { $link[$this->checked_re] = $i; $this->checked_re++; } else if ($rep_events->rpt_type == 'daily') { if (floor(($date["raw"] - $start["raw"])/86400) % intval($rep_events->rpt_freq)) continue; $link[$this->checked_re] = $i; $this->checked_re++; } else if ($rep_events->rpt_type == 'weekly') { $isDay = strtoupper(substr($rep_events->rpt_days, $date["dow"], 1)); /*if ( (floor($diff/86400) % $this->rep_events->rpt_freq) ) // Whats this for ? ** continue; */ if (floor(($date["raw"] - $start["raw"])/604800) % intval($rep_events->rpt_freq)) continue; if (strcmp($isDay,"Y") == 0) { $link[$this->checked_re] = $i; $this->checked_re++; } } else if ($rep_events->rpt_type == 'monthlybyday') { if ((($date["year"] - $start["year"]) * 12 + $date["month"] - $start["month"]) % intval($rep_events->rpt_freq)) continue; if (($start["dow"] == $date["dow"]) && (ceil($start["day"]/7) == ceil($date["day"]/7))) { $link[$this->checked_re] = $i; $this->checked_re++; } } else if ($rep_events->rpt_type == 'monthlybydate') { if ((($date["year"] - $start["year"]) * 12 + $date["month"] - $start["month"]) % intval($rep_events->rpt_freq)) continue; if ($date["day"] == $start["day"]) { $link[$this->checked_re] = $i; $this->checked_re++; } } else if ($rep_events->rpt_type == 'yearly') { if (($date["year"] - $start["year"]) % intval($rep_events->rpt_freq)) continue; if ($date["dm"] == $start["dm"]) { $link[$this->checked_re] = $i; $this->checked_re++; } } else { // unknown rpt type - because of all our else ifs } } // end for loop if($this->checked_re) { return $link; } else { return False; } } // end function function get_sorted_by_date($datetime,$owner=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $this->sorted_re = 0; $this->set_filter(); $owner = !$owner?$phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]:$owner; $rep_event = $this->check_repeating_entries($datetime); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT calendar_entry.cal_id, calendar_entry.cal_datetime, " . "calendar_entry.cal_edatetime, calendar_entry.cal_priority " . "FROM calendar_entry, calendar_entry_user " . "WHERE ((calendar_entry.cal_datetime >= ".$datetime." AND calendar_entry.cal_datetime <= ".($datetime + 86399).") OR " . "(calendar_entry.cal_datetime <= ".$datetime." AND calendar_entry.cal_edatetime >= ".($datetime + 86399).") OR " . "(calendar_entry.cal_edatetime >= ".$datetime." AND calendar_entry.cal_edatetime <= ".($datetime + 86399).")) AND " . "calendar_entry_user.cal_id=calendar_entry.cal_id AND calendar_entry.cal_type != 'M' AND "; $sqlfilter = ""; // Private if($this->filter==" all " || strpos($this->filter,"private")) { $sqlfilter .= "(calendar_entry_user.cal_login = ".$owner." AND calendar_entry.cal_access='private') "; } // Group Public if($this->filter==" all " || strpos($this->filter,"group")) { if($sqlfilter) $sqlfilter .= "OR "; $sqlfilter .= $this->group_search($owner)." "; } // Global Public if($this->filter==" all " || strpos($this->filter,"public")) { if($sqlfilter) $sqlfilter .= "OR "; $sqlfilter .= "calendar_entry.cal_access='public' "; } $orderby = " ORDER BY calendar_entry.cal_datetime ASC, calendar_entry.cal_edatetime ASC, calendar_entry.cal_priority ASC"; $db2 = $phpgw->db; if($sqlfilter) $sql .= "(".$sqlfilter.") "; $sql .= $orderby; $db2->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); $events = Null; $rep_events = Array(); if($db2->num_rows()) { while($db2->next_record()) { $rep_events[$this->sorted_re++] = (int)$db2->f(0); } $events = $this->getevent($rep_events); } else $events = Array(new calendar_item); if(!$this->checked_re && !$this->sorted_re) return False; $e = new calendar_item; for ($j=0;$j<$this->checked_re;$j++) { $e = $this->repeated_events[$rep_event[$j]]; $events[$this->sorted_re++] = $e; } if(!$this->sorted_re) return False; if($this->sorted_re == 1) return $events; for($outer_loop=0;$outer_loop<$this->sorted_re - 1;$outer_loop++) { $outer = $events[$outer_loop]; for($inner_loop=$outer_loop;$inner_loop<$this->sorted_re;$inner_loop++) { $inner = $events[$inner_loop]; if(($outer->datetime > $inner->datetime) || (($outer->datetime == $inner->datetime) && ($outer->edatetime > $inner->edatetime))) { $temp = $events[$inner_loop]; $events[$inner_loop] = $events[$outer_loop]; $events[$outer_loop] = $temp; } } } if(isset($events)) return $events; else return False; } function large_month_header($month,$year,$display_name = False) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $this->weekstarttime = $this->get_sunday_before($year,$month,1); if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["weekdaystarts"] == "Monday") { $this->days = array(0 => "Mon", 1 => "Tue", 2 => "Wed", 3 => "Thu", 4 => "Fri", 5 => "Sat", 6 => "Sun"); $this->weekstarttime += 86400; } else { $this->days = array(0 => "Sun", 1 => "Mon", 2 => "Tue", 3 => "Wed", 4 => "Thu", 5 => "Fri", 6 => "Sat"); } $this->daysinweek = 7; $str = "\n"; $str .= "\n"; if($display_name) $str .= "\n"; for($i=0;$i<$this->daysinweek;$i++) $str .= "\n"; $str .= "\n"; return $str; } function display_week($startdate,$weekly,$cellcolor,$display_name = False,$owner=0,$monthstart=0,$monthend=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $str = ""; $gr_events = new calendar_item; $lr_events = new calendar_item; if($display_name) { $str .= ""; } for ($j=0;$j<$this->daysinweek;$j++) { $date = $this->gmtdate($startdate + ($j * 24 * 3600)); if ($weekly || ($date["full"] >= $monthstart && $date["full"] <= $monthend)) { if($weekly) $cellcolor = $phpgw->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($cellcolor); $str .= "\n"; } else { $str .= "\n"; } } return $str; } function display_large_month($month,$year,$showyear,$owner=0) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; if($owner == $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]) $owner = 0; $this->read_repeated_events($owner); $str = ""; $str .= $this->large_month_header($month,$year,False); $monthstart = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month ,1,$year))); $monthend = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,0,$year))); $today = $this->splitdate(time()); $cellcolor = $phpgw_info["theme"]["row_on"]; for ($i=$this->weekstarttime;intval(date("Ymd",$i))<=$monthend;$i += (24 * 3600 * 7)) { $cellcolor = $phpgw->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($cellcolor); $str .= "\n"; $str .= $this->display_week($i,False,$cellcolor,False,$owner,$monthstart,$monthend); } $str .= "
".$phpgw->common->grab_owner_name($owner)."today["full"]) { $str .= " bgcolor=\"".$phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_today"]."\">"; } else { $str .= " bgcolor=\"$cellcolor\">"; } if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/edit_entry.php","year=".$date_year."&month=".$date["month"]."&day=".$date["day"])."\">" . "\"".lang("New"; $str .= "[ link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/day.php","month=".$date["month"]."&day=".$date["day"]."&year=".$date["year"])."\">".$date["day"]." ]
\n"; } else { $str .= "[ ".$date["day"]." ]
\n"; } $str .= ""; $rep_events = $this->get_sorted_by_date($date["raw"],$owner); if ($this->sorted_re) { $lr_events = new calendar_item; for ($k=0;$k<$this->sorted_re;$k++) { $lr_events = $rep_events[$k]; $str .= ""; $pict = "circle.gif"; for ($outer_loop=0;$outer_loop<$this->re;$outer_loop++) { $gr_events = $this->repeated_events[$outer_loop]; if ($gr_events->id == $lr_events->id) { $pict = "rpt.gif"; } } $str .= $this->link_to_entry($lr_events->id, $pict, $lr_events->description); // echo "
hour:" . $lr_events->hour . " minute: " . $lr_events->minute . " ap: " . $lr_events->ampm; // echo "
fixed_time: $fixed_time"; if (intval($phpgw->common->show_date($lr_events->datetime,"Hi"))) { if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") { $format = "h:i a"; } else { $format = "H:i"; } $str .= "".$phpgw->common->show_date($lr_events->datetime,$format)."-".$phpgw->common->show_date($lr_events->edatetime,$format)." "; } $str .= "
"; $str .= ""; $str .= $this->is_private($lr_events,$owner); $str .= "
"; $str .= "
"; } } $str .= "
"; if (!$j) { if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/week.php","date=".$date["full"])."\">week " .(int)((date("z",($startdate+(24*3600*4)))+7)/7).""; } else { $str .= "week " .(int)((date("z",($startdate+(24*3600*4)))+7)/7).""; } } $str .= "
\n"; return $str; } function display_large_week($day,$month,$year,$showyear,$owners=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $start = $this->get_sunday_before($year, $month, $day); $cellcolor = $phpgw_info["theme"]["row_off"]; if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["weekdaystarts"] == "Monday") { $start += 86400; } $str = ""; $true_printer_friendly = $this->printer_friendly; if(is_array($owners)) { $display_name = True; $counter = count($owners); $owners_array = $owners; } else { $display_name = False; $counter = 1; $owners_array[0] = $owners; } $str .= $this->large_month_header($month,$year,$display_name); for($i=0;$i<$counter;$i++) { $this->repeated_events = Null; $owner = $owners_array[$i]; if($owner <> $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] && $owner <> 0) $this->printer_friendly = True; else $this->printer_friendly = $true_printer_friendly; $this->read_repeated_events($owner); $str .= ""; $str .= $this->display_week($start,True,$cellcolor,$display_name,$owner); } $this->printer_friendly = $true_printer_friendly; $str .= ""; return $str; } function pretty_small_calendar($day,$month,$year,$link="") { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $view; // $tz_offset = (-1 * ((60 * 60) * intval($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]))); $date = $this->makegmttime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $month_ago = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month - 1,$day,$year))); $month_ahead = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,$day,$year))); $monthstart = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))); $monthend = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,0,$year))); $weekstarttime = $this->get_sunday_before($year,$month,1); if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["weekdaystarts"] == "Monday") { $days = array(0 => "Monday", 1 => "Tuesday", 2 => "Wednesday", 3 => "Thursday", 4 => "Friday", 5 => "Saturday", 6 => "Sunday"); $weekstarttime += (3600 * 25); } else { $days = array(0 => "Sunday", 1 => "Monday", 2 => "Tuesday", 3 => "Wednesday", 4 => "Thursday", 5 => "Friday", 6 => "Saturday"); } $str = ""; $str .= ""; $str .= ""; $str .= ""; $str .= ""; $str .= "
"; $str .= ""; if ($view == "day") { $str .= ""; } $str .= ""; if ($view == "year") { $str .= '"; $str .= ""; } if ($view != "year") { $str .= ""; } $str .= ""; $str .= ""; for($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { $str .= ""; } $str .= ""; for($i=$weekstarttime;date("Ymd",$i)<=$monthend;$i += (24 * 3600 * 7)) { $str .= ""; for($j=0;$j<7;$j++) { $cal = $this->gmtdate($i + ($j * 24 * 3600)); if($cal["full"] >= $monthstart && $cal["full"] <= $monthend) { $str .= ""; } else { $str .= ''; } } $str .= ""; } $str .= "
'; } else { $str .= ''; } if ($view != "year") { if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/day.php","date=".$month_ago)."\" class=\"monthlink\">"; } $str .= "<"; if (!$this->printer_friendly) $str .= ""; $str .= ""; } if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/index.php","year=".$year."&month=".$month)."\">"; } $str .= lang($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],"F"))." ".$year; if(!$this->printer_friendly) $str .= ""; if ($view != "year") { $str .= ""; if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/day.php","date=".$month_ahead)."\" class=\"monthlink\">"; } $str .= ">"; if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ""; } $str .= "
today["full"]) { $str .= $phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_today"]; } else { $str .= $phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_dayview"]; } $str .= "\">"; if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/".$link,"year=".$cal["year"]."&month=".$cal["month"]."&day=".$cal["day"])."\" class=\"monthlink\">"; } $str .= $cal["day"]; if(!$this->printer_friendly) $str .= ""; $str .= ".
"; $str .= "
"; return $str; } function display_small_month($month,$year,$showyear,$link="") { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; if($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["weekdaystarts"] == "Monday") { $days = array(0 => "Mo", 1 => "Tu", 2 => "We", 3 => "Th", 4 => "Fr", 5 => "Sa", 6 => "Su"); $weekstarttime = $this->get_sunday_before($year,$month,1) + 86400; } else { $days = array(0 => "Su", 1 => "Mo", 2 => "Tu", 3 => "We", 4 => "Th", 5 => "Fr", 6 => "Sa"); $weekstarttime = $this->get_sunday_before($year,$month,1); } $daysinweek = 7; $str = ""; $str .= ""; $monthstart = $this->splitdate(mktime(0,0,0,$month ,1,$year)); $monthend = $this->splitdate(mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,0,$year)); $str .= "" . ""; for($i=0;$i<$daysinweek;$i++) { $str .= ""; } $str .= ""; for($i=$weekstarttime;date("Ymd",$i)<=$monthend["full"];$i+=604800) { $str .= ""; for($j=0;$j<$daysinweek;$j++) { $date = $this->splitdate($i + ($j * 86400)); if($date["full"]>=$monthstart["full"] && $date["full"]<=$monthend["full"]) { $str .= ""; } else { $str .= ""; } } $str .= ""; } $str .= "
"; if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/index.php","year=$year&month=$month")."\">"; } $str .= lang(date("F",$monthstart["raw"])); if($showyear) { $str .= " ".$year; } if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ""; } $str .= "
"; if(!$this->printer_friendly || $link) { $str .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/".$link,"year=".$date["year"]."&month=".$date["month"]."&day=".$date["day"])."\">"; } $str .= "".date("j",$date["raw"]); if(!$this->printer_friendly || $link) $str .= ""; $str .= "
"; return $str; } function mini_calendar($day,$month,$year,$link="") { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $view; $date = $this->makegmttime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $month_ago = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month - 1,$day,$year))); $month_ahead = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,$day,$year))); $monthstart = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))); $monthend = intval(date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,0,$year))); $weekstarttime = $this->get_sunday_before($year,$month,1); if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["weekdaystarts"] == "Monday") { $days = array(0 => "Monday", 1 => "Tuesday", 2 => "Wednesday", 3 => "Thursday", 4 => "Friday", 5 => "Saturday", 6 => "Sunday"); $weekstarttime += (3600 * 25); } else { $days = array(0 => "Sunday", 1 => "Monday", 2 => "Tuesday", 3 => "Wednesday", 4 => "Thursday", 5 => "Friday", 6 => "Saturday"); } $p = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('calendar')); $p->set_unknowns("remove"); $p->set_file(array('mini_cal' => 'mini_cal.tpl', 'mini_day' => 'mini_day.tpl', 'mini_week' => 'mini_week.tpl')); $p->set_block('mini_cal','mini_week','mini_day'); $p->set_var('img_root',$phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/phpgwapi/templates/" . $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"]); $p->set_var("cal_img_root",$phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/calendar/templates/" . $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/images/"); $p->set_var('bgcolor',$phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"]); $p->set_var('bgcolor1',$phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_color"]); $p->set_var('month','' . lang($phpgw->common->show_date($date["raw"],'F')).' '.$year) . ''; $p->set_var('prevmonth',$phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"].'/calendar/index.php','date='.$month_ago)); $p->set_var('nextmonth',$phpgw->link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"].'/calendar/index.php','date='.$month_ahead)); $p->set_var('bgcolor2',$phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_dayview"]); for($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { $p->set_var('dayname',"" . substr(lang($days[$i]),0,2) . ""); $p->parse('daynames','mini_day',True); } for($i=$weekstarttime;date("Ymd",$i)<=$monthend;$i += (24 * 3600 * 7)) { for($j=0;$j<7;$j++) { $str = ''; $cal = $this->gmtdate($i + ($j * 24 * 3600)); if($cal["full"] >= $monthstart && $cal["full"] <= $monthend) { if ($cal["full"] == $this->today["full"]) { $p->set_var("day_image",' background="' . $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] . "/calendar/templates/" . $phpgw_info["server"]["template_set"] . "/images/mini_day_block.gif" . '"'); //$p->set_var('bgcolor2','#'.$phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_today"]); } else { $p->set_var("day_image",""); $p->set_var('bgcolor2','#FFFFFF'); } if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= $cal["day"]; if (!$this->printer_friendly) $str .= ''; if ($cal["full"] == $this->today["full"]) { $p->set_var('dayname',"$str"); } else { $p->set_var('dayname',$str); } } else { $p->set_var('bgcolor2','#FEFEFE'); $p->set_var('dayname','' . $cal["day"] . ""); } $p->parse('monthweek_day','mini_day',True); } $p->parse('display_monthweek','mini_week',True); $p->set_var('dayname',''); $p->set_var('monthweek_day',''); } return $p->finish($p->parse('out','mini_cal')); } function html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ($event) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") { $format = "h:i a"; } else { $format = "H:i"; } $ind = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($event->datetime,"H")); if($ind<$this->first_hour || $ind>$this->last_hour) $ind = 99; if(!isset($this->hour_arr[$ind]) || !$this->hour_arr[$ind]) $this->hour_arr[$ind] = ""; if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= "link($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/calendar/view.php","id=".$event->id) . "\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . lang("View this entry")."'; return true;\">"; } $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= "[" . $phpgw->common->show_date($event->datetime,$format); if ($event->datetime <> $event->edatetime) { // calc end time $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= " - " . $phpgw->common->show_date($event->edatetime,$format); $end_t_h = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($event->edatetime,"H")); $end_t_m = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($event->edatetime,"i")); if (end_t_m == 0) $this->rowspan = $end_t_h - $ind; else $this->rowspan = $end_t_h - $ind + 1; if(isset($this->rowspan_arr[$ind])) $r = $this->rowspan_arr[$ind]; else $r = 0; if ($this->rowspan > $r && $this->rowspan > 1) $this->rowspan_arr[$ind] = $this->rowspan; } $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= "] "; $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= "common->get_image_path('calendar')."/circle.gif\" border=0 alt=\"" . $event->description . "\">"; if ($event->priority == 3) { $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= ""; } $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= $event->name; if ($event->priority == 3) { $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= ""; } $this->hour_arr[$ind] .= "
"; } function print_day_at_a_glance($date,$owner=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; $this->read_repeated_events($owner); $p = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir('calendar')); $p->set_unknowns("remove"); $p->set_file(array('day_cal' => 'day_cal.tpl', 'mini_week' => 'mini_week.tpl', 'day_row_99' => 'day_row_99.tpl', 'day_row_event' => 'day_row_event.tpl', 'day_row_time' => 'day_row_time.tpl')); $p->set_block('day_cal','mini_week','day_row_99','day_row_event','day_row_time'); if (! $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["workdaystarts"] && ! $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["workdayends"]) { $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["workdaystarts"] = 8; $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["workdayends"] = 16; } $this->first_hour = (int)$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["workdaystarts"] + 1; $this->last_hour = (int)$phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["calendar"]["workdayends"] + 1; $events = array(new calendar_item); $events = $this->get_sorted_by_date($date["raw"]); if(!$events) { } else { $event = new calendar_item; for($i=0;$ihtml_for_event_day_at_a_glance($event); } } // squish events that use the same cell into the same cell. // For example, an event from 8:00-9:15 and another from 9:30-9:45 both // want to show up in the 8:00-9:59 cell. $this->rowspan = 0; $this->last_row = -1; for ($i=0;$i<24;$i++) { if(isset($this->rowspan_arr[$i])) $r = $this->rowspan_arr[$i]; else $r = 0; if(isset($this->hour_arr[$i])) $h = $this->hour_arr[$i]; else $h = ""; if ($this->rowspan > 1) { if (strlen($h)) { $this->hour_arr[$this->last_row] .= $this->hour_arr[$i]; $this->hour_arr[$i] = ""; $this->rowspan_arr[$i] = 0; } $this->rowspan--; } elseif ($r > 1) { $this->rowspan = $this->rowspan_arr[$i]; $this->last_row = $i; } } if (isset($this->hour_arr[99]) && strlen($this->hour_arr[99])) { $p->set_var('bgcolor1',$phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_dayview"]); $p->set_var('text',$this->hour_arr[99]); $p->set_var('bgcolor',$phpgw->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color()); $p->set_var('time',' '); $p->parse('mini_week','day_row_99',False); $p->parse('row','mini_week',True); } $this->rowspan = 0; $p->set_var('bgcolor1',$phpgw_info["theme"]["cal_dayview"]); $p->set_var('font_color',$phpgw_info["theme"]["bg_text"]); $times = 0; for ($i=$this->first_hour;$i<=$this->last_hour;$i++) { $p->set_var('bgcolor',$phpgw->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color()); if(isset($this->hour_arr[$i])) $h = $this->hour_arr[$i]; else $h = ""; $time = $this->build_time_for_display($i * 10000); $p->set_var('extras',''); $p->set_var('event',' '); if ($this->rowspan > 1) { // this might mean there's an overlap, or it could mean one event // ends at 11:15 and another starts at 11:30. if (strlen($h)) { $p->set_var('event',$this->hour_arr[$i]); $p->parse('monthweek_day','day_row_event',False); $rows = 1; } $this->rowspan--; } else { if (!strlen($h)) { $p->set_var('event',' '); $p->parse('monthweek_day','day_row_event',False); $rows = 1; } else { $this->rowspan = isset($this->rowspan_arr[$i])?$this->rowspan_arr[$i]:0; if ($this->rowspan > 1) { $p->set_var('extras',' valign="top" rowspan="'.$this->rowspan.'"'); $p->set_var('event',$this->hour_arr[$i]); $p->parse('monthweek_day','day_row_event',False); $rows = $this->rowspan; } else { $p->set_var('event',$this->hour_arr[$i]); $p->parse('monthweek_day','day_row_event',False); $rows = 1; } } } $p->set_var('open_link',''); $p->set_var('close_link',''); if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $p->set_var('open_link',''); } $p->set_var('time',$time); if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $p->set_var('close_link',''); } $p->parse('monthweek_day','day_row_time',True); // $times++; // if ($times == $rows) { $p->set_var('monthweek_day',''); $times = 0; } $p->parse('row','mini_week',True); $p->set_var('monthweek_day',''); } // end for return $p->finish($p->parse('out','day_cal')); } // end function function prep($calid) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["calendar"]) return false; $cal_id = array(); if(is_long($calid)) { if(!$calid) return false; $cal_id[0] = $calid; } elseif(is_string($calid)) { $phpgw->db->query("SELECT account_id FROM accounts WHERE account_lid='$calid'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $calid = $phpgw->db->f("account_id"); $phpgw->db->query("SELECT cal_id FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_owner=".$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $cal_id[count($cal_id)] = $phpgw->db->f("cal_id"); } } elseif(is_array($calid)) { if(is_string($calid[0])) { for($i=0;$idb->query("SELECT cal_id FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_owner=".$calid[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $cal_id[count($cal_id)] = $phpgw->db->f("cal_id"); } } } elseif(is_long($calid[0])) { $cal_id = $calid; } } return $cal_id; } function getwithindates($from,$to) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["calendar"]) return false; $phpgw->db->query("SELECT cal_id FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_date >= ".$from." AND cal_date <= ".$to,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($phpgw->db->num_rows()) { while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $calid[count($calid)] = intval($phpgw->db->f("cal_id")); } return $this->getevent($calid); } else { return false; } } function add($calinfo,$calid=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["calendar"]) return false; if(!$calid) { $phpgw->db->lock(array('calendar_entry','calendar_entry_user','calendar_entry_repeats')); $phpgw->db->query("INSERT INTO calendar_entry(cal_name) VALUES('".addslashes($calinfo->name)."')",__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->query("SELECT MAX(cal_id) FROM calendar_entry",__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $calid = $phpgw->db->f(0); $phpgw->db->unlock(); } if($calid) return $this->modify($calinfo,$calid); } function delete($calid=0) { global $phpgw; $cal_id = $this->prep($calid); if(!$cal_id) return false; $phpgw->db->lock(array("calendar_entry","calendar_entry_user","calendar_entry_repeats")); for($i=0;$idb->query("DELETE FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id=".$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->query("DELETE FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id=".$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->query("DELETE FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_id=".$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); } $phpgw->db->unlock(); } function modify($calinfo,$calid=0) { global $phpgw; global $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["calendar"]) return false; if(!$calid) return false; $phpgw->db->lock(array("calendar_entry","calendar_entry_user","calendar_entry_repeats")); $owner = ($calinfo->owner?$calinfo->owner:$phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]); if ($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["timeformat"] == "12") { if ($calinfo->ampm == "pm" && ($calinfo->hour < 12 && $calinfo->hour <> 12)) { $calinfo->hour += 12; } if ($calinfo->end_ampm == "pm" && ($calinfo->end_hour < 12 && $calinfo->end_hour <> 12)) { $calinfo->end_hour += 12; } } $date = mktime($calinfo->hour,$calinfo->minute,0,$calinfo->month,$calinfo->day,$calinfo->year) - ((60*60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); $enddate = mktime($calinfo->end_hour,$calinfo->end_minute,0,$calinfo->end_month,$calinfo->end_day,$calinfo->end_year) - ((60*60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); $today = time() - ((60*60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); if($calinfo->rpt_type != "none") $rpt_type = "M"; else $rpt_type = "E"; $query = "UPDATE calendar_entry SET cal_owner=".$owner.", cal_name='".addslashes($calinfo->name)."', " . "cal_description='".addslashes($calinfo->description)."', cal_datetime=".$date.", " . "cal_mdatetime=".$today.", cal_edatetime=".$enddate.", " . "cal_priority=".$calinfo->priority.", cal_type='".$rpt_type."' "; if(($calinfo->access == "public" || $calinfo->access == "group") && count($calinfo->groups)) { $query .= ", cal_access='".$calinfo->access."', cal_group = '".$phpgw->accounts->array_to_string($calinfo->access,$calinfo->groups)."' "; } elseif(($calinfo->access == "group") && !count($calinfo->groups)) { $query .= ", cal_access='private', cal_group = '' "; } else { $query .= ", cal_access='".$calinfo->access."', cal_group = '' "; } $query .= "WHERE cal_id=".$calid; $phpgw->db->query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->query("DELETE FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id=".$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($participant = each($calinfo->participants)) { $phpgw->db->query("INSERT INTO calendar_entry_user(cal_id,cal_login,cal_status) " . "VALUES($calid,".$participant[1].",'A')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } if(strcmp($calinfo->rpt_type,"none") <> 0) { $freq = ($calinfo->rpt_freq?$calinfo->rpt_freq:0); if($calinfo->rpt_use_end) { $end = mktime(12,0,0,$calinfo->rpt_month,$calinfo->rpt_day,$calinfo->rpt_year) - ((60*60) * $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["tz_offset"]); $use_end = 1; } else { $end = "NULL"; $use_end = 0; } if($calinfo->rpt_type == 'weekly' || $calinfo->rpt_type == 'daily') { $days = ($calinfo->rpt_sun?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_mon?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_tue?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_wed?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_thu?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_fri?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_sat?'y':'n'); } else { $days = "nnnnnnn"; } $phpgw->db->query("SELECT count(cal_id) FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id=".$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $num_rows = $phpgw->db->f(0); if(!$num_rows) { $phpgw->db->query("INSERT INTO calendar_entry_repeats(cal_id,cal_type,cal_use_end,cal_end,cal_days,cal_frequency) " ."VALUES($calid,'".$calinfo->rpt_type."',$use_end,$end,'$days',$freq)",__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $phpgw->db->query("UPDATE calendar_entry_repeats SET cal_type='".$calinfo->rpt_type."', cal_use_end=".$use_end.", " ."cal_end='".$end."', cal_days='".$days."', cal_frequency=".$freq." " ."WHERE cal_id=".$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } else { $phpgw->db->query("DELETE FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id=".$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); } $phpgw->db->unlock(); } function getevent($calid) { global $phpgw; $cal_id = $this->prep($calid); if(!$cal_id) return false; $phpgw->db->lock(array("calendar_entry","calendar_entry_user","calendar_entry_repeats")); $calendar = new calendar_item; for($i=0;$idb->query("SELECT * FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_id=".$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $calendar->id = (int)$phpgw->db->f("cal_id"); $calendar->owner = $phpgw->db->f("cal_owner"); $calendar->datetime = $phpgw->db->f("cal_datetime"); $date = $this->date_to_epoch($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->datetime,"Ymd")); $calendar->day = $date["day"]; $calendar->month = $date["month"]; $calendar->year = $date["year"]; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->datetime,"His")); $calendar->hour = (int)$time["hour"]; $calendar->minute = (int)$time["minute"]; $calendar->ampm = $time["ampm"]; // echo "
TEST: hour: " . (int)$time["hour"]; // echo "
TEST: minute: " . (int)$time["minute"]; // echo "
TEST: ampm: " . $time["ampm"]; // echo "
TEST: hour: " . $calendar->hour; // echo "
TEST: minute: " . $calendar->minute; // echo "
TEST: ampm: " . $calendar->ampm; $calendar->mdatetime = $phpgw->db->f("cal_mdatetime"); $date = $this->date_to_epoch($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->mdatetime,"Ymd")); $calendar->mod_day = $date["day"]; $calendar->mod_month = $date["month"]; $calendar->mod_year = $date["year"]; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->mdatetime,"His")); $calendar->mod_hour = (int)$time["hour"]; $calendar->mod_minute = (int)$time["minute"]; $calendar->mod_second = (int)$time["second"]; $calendar->mod_ampm = $time["ampm"]; $calendar->edatetime = $phpgw->db->f("cal_edatetime"); $date = $this->date_to_epoch($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->edatetime,"Ymd")); $calendar->end_day = $date["day"]; $calendar->end_month = $date["month"]; $calendar->end_year = $date["year"]; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->edatetime,"His")); $calendar->end_hour = (int)$time["hour"]; $calendar->end_minute = (int)$time["minute"]; $calendar->end_second = (int)$time["second"]; $calendar->end_ampm = $time["ampm"]; $calendar->priority = $phpgw->db->f("cal_priority"); // not loading webcal_entry.cal_type $calendar->access = $phpgw->db->f("cal_access"); $calendar->name = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($phpgw->db->f("cal_name"))); $calendar->description = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($phpgw->db->f("cal_description"))); if($phpgw->db->f("cal_group")) $calendar->groups = $phpgw->accounts->string_to_array($phpgw->db->f("cal_group")); $phpgw->db->query("SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id=".$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); if($phpgw->db->num_rows()) { $phpgw->db->next_record(); $rpt_type = strtolower($phpgw->db->f("cal_type")); $calendar->rpt_type = !$rpt_type?"none":$rpt_type; $calendar->rpt_use_end = $phpgw->db->f("cal_use_end"); if($calendar->rpt_use_end) { $calendar->rpt_end = $phpgw->db->f("cal_end"); $rpt_end = $phpgw->common->show_date($phpgw->db->f("cal_end"),"Ymd"); $date = $this->date_to_epoch($rpt_end); $calendar->rpt_end_day = (int)$date["day"]; $calendar->rpt_end_month = (int)$date["month"]; $calendar->rpt_end_year = (int)$date["year"]; } else { $calendar->rpt_end = 0; $calendar->rpt_end_day = 0; $calendar->rpt_end_month = 0; $calendar->rpt_end_year = 0; } $calendar->rpt_freq = (int)$phpgw->db->f("cal_frequency"); $rpt_days = strtoupper($phpgw->db->f("cal_days")); $calendar->rpt_days = $rpt_days; $calendar->rpt_sun = (substr($rpt_days,0,1)=="Y"?1:0); $calendar->rpt_mon = (substr($rpt_days,1,1)=="Y"?1:0); $calendar->rpt_tue = (substr($rpt_days,2,1)=="Y"?1:0); $calendar->rpt_wed = (substr($rpt_days,3,1)=="Y"?1:0); $calendar->rpt_thu = (substr($rpt_days,4,1)=="Y"?1:0); $calendar->rpt_fri = (substr($rpt_days,5,1)=="Y"?1:0); $calendar->rpt_sat = (substr($rpt_days,6,1)=="Y"?1:0); } $phpgw->db->query("SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id=".$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); if($phpgw->db->num_rows()) { while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $calendar->participants[] = $phpgw->db->f("cal_login"); $calendar->status[] = $phpgw->db->f("cal_status"); } } $calendar_item[$i] = $calendar; } $phpgw->db->unlock(); return $calendar_item; } function findevent() { global $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["calendar"]) return false; } } /* Load calendar class */ $phpgw->calendar = new calendar; $printer_friendly = ((isset($friendly) && ($friendly==1))?True:False); $phpgw->calendar->calendar_($printer_friendly); ?>