00 (disable)	setup	id	00 (disable / recomended)
13 (ntp)	setup	id	13 (ntp)
80 (http)	setup	id	80 (http)
[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]	setup	id	[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]
accounts existing	setup	id	Accounts existing
actions	setup	id	Tindakan
additional settings	setup	id	Pengaturan Tambahan
admin password	setup	id	Password Admin
admin username	setup	id	Nama Admin
admins	setup	id	Admins
all applications	setup	id	all applications
all users	setup	id	All Users
app details	setup	id	App details
app install/remove/upgrade	setup	id	App install/remove/upgrade
app process	setup	id	App process
application data	setup	id	Application Data
application list	setup	id	Application List
application management	setup	id	Application Management
application title	setup	id	Application Title
are you sure?	setup	id	ANDA YAKIN?
authentication / accounts	setup	id	Otentikasi / Akoun
authentification mode:	setup	id	Authentification mode:
available version	setup	id	Available Version
backup failed	setup	id	Backup failed
backup finished	setup	id	backup finished
backup housekeeping	setup	id	Backups with a standard name can be cleaned up automatically. Rename backup files to exclude them from cleanup.
backup now	setup	id	backup now
backup sets	setup	id	backup sets
backup skipped!	setup	id	Backup skipped!
bottom	setup	id	bottom
ca certificate	setup	id	CA certificate
cancel	setup	id	Batal
change system-charset	setup	id	Change system-charset
charset	setup	id	utf-8
check installation	setup	id	Cek instalasi
checking php.ini	setup	id	Checking php.ini
click here	setup	id	Klik disini
completed	setup	id	Tuntas
config password	setup	id	Config Password
config username	setup	id	Config Username
configuration	setup	id	Konfigurasi
configuration changed.	setup	id	Konfigurasi changed.
configuration completed	setup	id	Konfigurasi completed
configuration errors:	setup	id	Konfigurasi errors:
configuration password	setup	id	Konfigurasi Password
configuration user	setup	id	Konfigurasi User
configure now	setup	id	Configure Now
contain	setup	id	mengandung
continue	setup	id	Lanjutkan
convert	setup	id	Convert
country selection	setup	id	Pemilihan Negara
create	setup	id	Bikin
create database	setup	id	Bikin Database
created	setup	id	created
created header.inc.php!	setup	id	Created header.inc.php!
creating tables	setup	id	Creating Tables
current configuration:	setup	id	Current configuration:
current system-charset	setup	id	Current system-charset
current version	setup	id	Current Version
database	setup	id	Database
day	setup	id	hari
db host	setup	id	DB Host
db name	setup	id	DB Name
db password	setup	id	DB Password
db port	setup	id	DB Port
db type	setup	id	DB Type
db user	setup	id	DB User
default	setup	id	recommended default
delete	setup	id	Hapus
deleting tables	setup	id	Menghapus Tables
deny access	setup	id	Deny Access
dependency failure	setup	id	Dependency Failure
deregistered	setup	id	deregistered
domain	setup	id	Domain
domain name	setup	id	Domain name
domain-name	setup	id	domain-name
download	setup	id	Unduh
enable mcrypt	setup	id	Enable MCrypt
false	setup	id	False
file	setup	id	FILE
filename	setup	id	filename
filesystem	setup	id	Filesystem
filesystem (default)	setup	id	Filesystem (default)
force selectbox	setup	id	Force Selectbox
go back	setup	id	Go back
go to	setup	id	Go to
grant access	setup	id	Grant Access
group	setup	id	group
header password	setup	id	Header Password
header username	setup	id	Header Username
header-password[,header-user(admin)]	setup	id	header-password[,header-user(admin)]
historylog removed	setup	id	Historylog removed
hooks deregistered	setup	id	hooks deregistered
hooks registered	setup	id	hooks registered
host information	setup	id	Host information
hour (0-24)	setup	id	jam (0-24)
install	setup	id	Instal
install all	setup	id	Instal Semuanya
install applications	setup	id	Instal Aplikasi
install backup	setup	id	install backup
install language	setup	id	Instal Bahasa
installation finished	setup	id	Instalasi Selesai
installed	setup	id	installed
invalid password	setup	id	Invalid password
is broken	setup	id	is broken
is disabled	setup	id	is disabled
languages updated.	setup	id	Bahasa updated.
ldap accounts context	setup	id	LDAP accounts context*
ldap config	setup	id	LDAP Config
ldap encryption type	setup	id	LDAP encryption type
ldap groups context	setup	id	LDAP groups context
ldap host	setup	id	LDAP host
ldap import	setup	id	LDAP Import
ldap root password	setup	id	LDAP root password
ldap rootdn	setup	id	LDAP rootdn
limit access	setup	id	Limit access
logout	setup	id	Keluar
manage applications	setup	id	Manage Applications
manage languages	setup	id	Manage Languages
minute	setup	id	menit
modified	setup	id	Diubah
modify	setup	id	Modify
month	setup	id	bulan
never	setup	id	never
new	setup	id	Baru
next run	setup	id	next run
no	setup	id	Tidak
no algorithms available	setup	id	no algorithms available
no modes available	setup	id	no modes available
not	setup	id	not
not complete	setup	id	not complete
not completed	setup	id	Not Completed
not set	setup	id	not set
ok	setup	id	OK
one month	setup	id	satu bulan
one week	setup	id	satu minggu
or	setup	id	atau
password for smtp-authentication	setup	id	Password for SMTP-authentication
path information	setup	id	Path information
pem certificate	setup	id	PEM certificate
persistent connections	setup	id	Persistent connections
php client	setup	id	PHP client
php proxy	setup	id	PHP proxy
please install	setup	id	Mohon instal
please login	setup	id	Mohon login
please wait...	setup	id	Mohon Tunggu...
possible reasons	setup	id	Possible Reasons
possible solutions	setup	id	Possible Solutions
potential problem	setup	id	Potensi Masalah
preferences	setup	id	Kesukaan
problem resolution	setup	id	Penyelesaian Masalah
process	setup	id	Proses
re-enter password	setup	id	Re-enter password
registered	setup	id	terdaftar
rejected lines	setup	id	Rejected lines
remove	setup	id	Buang
remove all	setup	id	Buang Semuanya
rename	setup	id	rename
requires upgrade	setup	id	Requires upgrade
resolve	setup	id	Resolve
restore	setup	id	restore
restore failed	setup	id	Restore failed
restore finished	setup	id	restore finished
save	setup	id	Simpan
schedule	setup	id	schedule
scheduled backups	setup	id	scheduled backups
select one...	setup	id	select satu...
selectbox	setup	id	Selectbox
server root	setup	id	Server Root
sessions handler	setup	id	Sessions Handler
set	setup	id	set
settings	setup	id	Seting
setup	setup	id	Setup
sieve: host[,port(4190)]	setup	id	Sieve: Host[,Port(4190)]
size	setup	id	size
sources deleted/missing	setup	id	Sources deleted/missing
ssl validation:	setup	id	SSL validation:
status	setup	id	Status
tables dropped	setup	id	tables dropped
tables upgraded	setup	id	tables upgraded
target version	setup	id	Target Version
text entry	setup	id	Text Entry
the file	setup	id	the file
the tables	setup	id	the tables
top	setup	id	top
translations added	setup	id	Translations Added
translations removed	setup	id	Translations Removed
translations upgraded	setup	id	Translations Upgraded
true	setup	id	True
two weeks	setup	id	dua minggu
uninstall	setup	id	uninstall
uninstalled	setup	id	uninstalled
update finished.	setup	id	Update finished.
upgrade	setup	id	Upgrade
upgrade all	setup	id	Upgrade All
upgraded	setup	id	upgraded
upgrading tables	setup	id	Upgrading Tables
upload backup	setup	id	upload backup
user	setup	id	user
users choice	setup	id	Pilihan Pengguna
utf-8 (unicode)	setup	id	utf-8 (Unicode)
validation errors	setup	id	Validation errors
version	setup	id	versi
version mismatch	setup	id	Versi Tidak Sesuai
view	setup	id	View
virtual filesystem	setup	id	Virtual filesystem
warning!	setup	id	Peringatan!
world readable	setup	id	world readable
world writable	setup	id	world writable
write	setup	id	Tulis
year	setup	id	tahun
yes	setup	id	Ya