import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget"; import {SlTree} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {Et2Link} from "../Et2Link/Et2Link"; import {et2_no_init} from "../et2_core_common"; import {egw, framework} from "../../jsapi/egw_global"; import {SelectOption, find_select_options, cleanSelectOptions} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions"; import {egwIsMobile} from "../../egw_action/egw_action_common"; import {Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin} from "../Et2Select/Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin"; import {LitElement, css, TemplateResult, html} from "lit"; import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js"; import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace"; export type TreeItem = { child: Boolean | 1, data?: Object,//{sieve:true,...} or {acl:true} or other id: String, im0: String, im1: String, im2: String, item: TreeItem[], checked?: Boolean, nocheckbox: number | Boolean, open: 0 | 1, parent: String, text: String, tooltip: String } export class Et2Tree extends Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin(LitElement) { static get styles() { return [ shoelace, // @ts-ignore ...super.styles, css` ` ] } private currentItem: TreeItem private input: any = null; private autoloading_url: any; private selectOptions: TreeItem[] = []; private needsLazyLoading: Boolean = true; /** * Limit server searches to 100 results, matches Link::DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS * @type {number} */ static RESULT_LIMIT: number = 100; constructor() { super(); } public loadFromXML() { //if( this.selectOptions = find_select_options(this)[1] } static get properties() { return {, multiple: { name: "", type: Boolean, default: false, description: "Allow selecting multiple options" }, selectOptions: { type: "any", name: "Select options", default: {}, description: "Used to set the tree options." }, onClick: { name: "onClick", type: "js", description: "JS code which gets executed when clicks on text of a node" }, onSelect: { name: "onSelect", type: "js", default: et2_no_init, description: "Javascript executed when user selects a node" }, onCheck: { name: "onCheck", type: "js", default: et2_no_init, description: "Javascript executed when user checks a node" }, // TODO do this : --> onChange event is mapped depending on multiple to onCheck or onSelect onOpenStart: { name: "onOpenStart", type: "js", default: et2_no_init, description: "Javascript function executed when user opens a node: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren) returning true to allow opening!" }, onOpenEnd: { name: "onOpenEnd", type: "js", default: et2_no_init, description: "Javascript function executed when opening a node is finished: function(_id, _widget, _hasChildren)" }, imagePath: { name: "Image directory", type: String, default: egw().webserverUrl + "/api/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree/",//TODO we will need a different path here! maybe just rename the path? description: "Directory for tree structure images, set on server-side to 'dhtmlx' subdir of templates image-directory" }, value: { type: "any", default: {} }, actions: { name: "Actions array", type: "any", default: et2_no_init, description: "List of egw actions that can be done on the tree. This includes context menu, drag and drop. TODO: Link to action documentation" }, autoLoading: { name: "Auto loading", type: String, default: "", description: "JSON URL or menuaction to be called for nodes marked with child=1, but not having children, GET parameter selected contains node-id" }, stdImages: { name: "Standard images", type: String, default: "", description: "comma-separated names of icons for a leaf, closed and opened folder (default: leaf.png,folderClosed.png,folderOpen.png), images with extension get loaded from imagePath, just 'image' or 'appname/image' are allowed too" }, multiMarking: { name: "multi marking", type: "any", default: false, description: "Allow marking multiple nodes, default is false which means disabled multiselection, true or 'strict' activates it and 'strict' makes it strict to only same level marking" }, highlighting: { name: "highlighting", type: Boolean, default: false, description: "Add highlighting class on hovered over item, highlighting is disabled by default" }, } }; public set onOpenStart(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler("onOpenStart", _handler) } public set onChange(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler("onChange", _handler) } public set onClick(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler("onClick", _handler) } public set onSelect(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler("onSelect", _handler) } public set onOpenEnd(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler("onOpenEnd", _handler) } /** * @deprecated assign to onOpenStart * @param _handler */ public set_onopenstart(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler("onOpenStart", _handler) } /** * @deprecated assign to onChange * @param _handler */ public set_onchange(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler('onchange', _handler); } /** * @deprecated assign to onClick * @param _handler */ public set_onclick(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler('onclick', _handler); } /** * @deprecated assign to onSelect * @param _handler */ public set_onselect(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler('onselect', _handler); } /** * @deprecated assign to onOpenEnd * @param _handler */ public set_onopenend(_handler: Function) { this.installHandler('onOpenEnd', _handler); } private installHandler(_name: String, _handler: Function) { if (this.input == null) this.createTree(); // automatic convert onChange event to oncheck or onSelect depending on multiple is used or not // if (_name == "onchange") { // _name = this.options.multiple ? "oncheck" : "onselect" // } // let handler = _handler; // let widget = this; // this.input.attachEvent(_name, function(_id){ // let args = jQuery.makeArray(arguments); // // splice in widget as 2. parameter, 1. is new node-id, now 3. is old node id // args.splice(1, 0, widget); // // try to close mobile sidemenu after clicking on node // if (egwIsMobile() && typeof args[2] == 'string') framework.toggleMenu('on'); // return handler.apply(this, args); // }); } private createTree() { // widget.input = document.querySelector("et2-tree"); // // Allow controlling icon size by CSS // widget.input.def_img_x = ""; // widget.input.def_img_y = ""; // // // to allow "," in value, eg. folder-names, IF value is specified as array // widget.input.dlmtr = ':}-*('; // @ts-ignore from static get properties if (this.autoLoading) { // @ts-ignore from static get properties let url = this.autoLoading; if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.substr(0, 4) != 'http') { url = '/json.php?menuaction=' + url; } this.autoloading_url = url; } } private handleLazyLoading(_item: TreeItem) { let sendOptions = { num_rows: Et2Tree.RESULT_LIMIT, } return egw().request(egw().link(egw().ajaxUrl(egw().decodePath(this.autoloading_url)), { id: }), [sendOptions]) .then((results) => { // If results have a total included, pull it out. // It will cause errors if left in the results // this._total_result_count = results.length; // if(typeof !== "undefined") // { // this._total_result_count =; // delete; // } // let entries = cleanSelectOptions(results); // this.processRemoteResults(entries); // return entries; return results }); } //this.selectOptions = find_select_options(this)[1]; _optionTemplate(selectOption: TreeItem) { // @ts-ignore //slot = expanded/collapsed instead of expand/collapse like it is in documentation //selectOption.child === 1 return html` this.handleLazyLoading(selectOption)} > ${selectOption.text} ${repeat(selectOption.item, this._optionTemplate.bind(this))} ` } public render(): unknown { return html` ${repeat(this.selectOptions, this._optionTemplate.bind(this))} `; } protected remoteQuery(search: string, options: object): Promise { // Include a limit, even if options don't, to avoid massive lists breaking the UI let sendOptions = { num_rows: Et2Tree.RESULT_LIMIT, ...options } return this.egw().request(this.egw().link(this.egw().ajaxUrl(this.egw().decodePath(this.searchUrl)), {query: search, ...sendOptions}), [search, sendOptions]).then((results) => { // If results have a total included, pull it out. // It will cause errors if left in the results this._total_result_count = results.length; if (typeof !== "undefined") { this._total_result_count =; delete; } let entries = cleanSelectOptions(results); this.processRemoteResults(entries); return entries; }); } } customElements.define("et2-tree", Et2Tree);