* @copyright (c) 2010-16 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ use EGroupware\Api; use EGroupware\Api\Framework; use EGroupware\Api\Etemplate; use EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Versioning; use EGroupware\Api\Vfs; /** * Filemanager: mounting GUI */ class filemanager_admin extends filemanager_ui { /** * Functions callable via menuaction * * @var array */ public $public_functions = array( 'index' => true, 'fsck' => true, ); /** * Authenticated user is setup config user * * @var boolean */ static protected $is_setup = false; /** * Do we have versioning (Versioning\StreamWrapper class) available and with which schema * * @var string */ protected $versioning; /** * Do not allow to (un)mount these * * @var array */ protected static $protected_path = array('/apps', '/templates'); /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { // make sure user has admin rights if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])) { throw new Api\Exception\NoPermission\Admin(); } // sudo handling parent::__construct(); self::$is_setup = Api\Cache::getSession('filemanager', 'is_setup'); if (class_exists('EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Versioning\StreamWrapper')) { $this->versioning = Versioning\StreamWrapper::SCHEME; } Api\Translation::add_app('filemanager'); } /** * Mount GUI * * @param array $content=null * @param string $msg='' */ public function index(array $content=null, $msg='', $msg_type=null) { if (is_array($content)) { try { if ($content['sudo']) { $this->sudo($content['user'], $content['password'], $msg, true, self::$is_setup); $msg_type = Vfs::$is_root ? 'success' : 'error'; } elseif ($content['etemplates'] && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) { $path = '/etemplates'; $url = 'stylite.merge://default/etemplates?merge=.&lang=0&level=1&extension=xet&url=egw'; $backup = Vfs::$is_root; Vfs::$is_root = true; Vfs::mkdir($path); Vfs::chgrp($path, 'Admins'); Vfs::chmod($path, 075); $msg = Vfs::mount($url, $path) ? lang('Successful mounted %1 on %2.', $url, $path) : lang('Error mounting %1 on %2!', $url, $path); Vfs::$is_root = $backup; } elseif (Vfs::$is_root) { if ($content['logout']) { $this->sudo('', '', $msg); $msg_type = 'success'; } if ($content['mounts']['disable'] || Vfs::$is_root && $content['mounts']['umount']) { if (!empty($content['mounts']['umount'])) { $path = @key($content['mounts']['umount']); } else { $path = @key($content['mounts']['disable']); } // set umounted url for a (changed) remount $mounts = Vfs::mount(); $content['mounts']['path'] = $path; $content['mounts']['url'] = Vfs::parse_url($mounts[$path]); if (!empty($content['mounts']['url']['query'])) { $content['mounts']['url']['path'] .= '?'.$content['mounts']['url']['query']; } if (!in_array($path, self::$protected_path) && $path != '/') { $msg = Vfs::umount($path) ? lang('%1 successful unmounted.', $path) : lang('Error unmounting %1!', $path); } else // re-mount / with sqlFS, to disable versioning { $msg = Vfs::mount($url = Vfs\Sqlfs\StreamWrapper::SCHEME . '://default' . $path, $path) ? lang('Successful mounted %1 on %2.', $url, $path) : lang('Error mounting %1 on %2!', $url, $path); } } if (($path = $content['mounts']['path']) && ($content['mounts']['enable'] || Vfs::$is_root && $content['mounts']['mount'])) { if (empty($content['mounts']['url']['path']) && $this->versioning) { $content['mounts']['url'] = [ 'scheme' => Versioning\StreamWrapper::SCHEME, 'path' => $path, ]; } if (empty($content['mounts']['url']['scheme']) || $content['mounts']['url']['scheme'] === 'filesystem' && !self::$is_setup) { throw new Api\Exception\NoPermission(); } $url = $content['mounts']['url']['scheme'] . '://'; if (in_array($content['mounts']['url']['scheme'], ['smb', 'vfs']) || !empty(trim($content['mounts']['url']['user']))) { if (in_array($content['mounts']['url']['scheme'], ['smb', 'vfs']) && empty(trim($content['mounts']['url']['user']))) { throw new Api\Exception\WrongUserinput(lang('SMB, WebDAVs and VFS require a username!')); } $url .= $content['mounts']['url']['user'] === '$user' ? '$user' : urlencode(trim($content['mounts']['url']['user'])); if (!empty($content['mounts']['url']['pass'])) { $url .= ':' . ($content['mounts']['url']['pass'] === '$pass' ? '$pass' : urlencode(trim($content['mounts']['url']['pass']))); } $url .= '@'; } $url .= $content['mounts']['url']['host'] ?: 'default'; $url .= $content['mounts']['url']['path'] ?: $path; if (($content['mounts']['enable'] || substr($content['mounts']['url']['scheme'], 0, 8) === 'stylite.') && !$this->versioning) { throw new Api\Exception\WrongUserinput(lang('Versioning requires EGroupware EPL')); } elseif (!Vfs::file_exists(Vfs::decodePath($path)) || Vfs::file_exists($path) && !Vfs::is_dir($path)) { throw new Api\Exception\WrongUserinput(lang('Path %1 not found or not a directory!', $path)); } // don't allow changing mount of /apps or /templates (eg. switching on versioning) elseif (in_array($path, self::$protected_path)) { throw new Api\Exception\NoPermission(); } else { $msg = Vfs::mount($url, $path, true) ? lang('Successful mounted %1 on %2.', $url, $path) : lang('Error mounting %1 on %2!', $url, $path); } } if ($content['allow_delete_versions'] != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['allow_delete_versions']) { Api\Config::save_value('allow_delete_versions', $content['allow_delete_versions'], 'phpgwapi'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['allow_delete_versions'] = $content['allow_delete_versions']; $msg = lang('Configuration changed.'); } } // delete old versions and deleted files if ($content['delete-versions']) { if (!Versioning\StreamWrapper::check_delete_version(null)) { $msg = lang('Permission denied') . "\n\n" . lang('You are NOT allowed to finally delete older versions and deleted files!'); $msg_type = 'error'; } else { // we need to be root to delete files independent of permissions and ownership Vfs::$is_root = true; if (!Vfs::file_exists($content['versionedpath']) || !Vfs::is_dir($content['versionedpath'])) { $msg = lang('Directory "%1" NOT found!', $content['versionedpath']); $msg_type = 'error'; } else { @set_time_limit(0); $starttime = microtime(true); $deleted = $errors = 0; // shortcut to efficently delete every old version and deleted file if ($content['versionedpath'] == '/') { $deleted = Versioning\StreamWrapper::purge_all_versioning($content['mtime']); } else { Vfs::find($content['versionedpath'], array( 'show-deleted' => true, 'hidden' => true, 'depth' => true, 'path_preg' => '#/\.(attic|versions)/#', ) + (!(int)$content['mtime'] ? array() : array( 'mtime' => ($content['mtime'] < 0 ? '-' : '+') . (int)$content['mtime'], )), function ($path) use (&$deleted, &$errors) { if (($is_dir = Vfs::is_dir($path)) && Vfs::rmdir($path) || !$is_dir && Vfs::unlink($path)) { ++$deleted; } else { ++$errors; } }); } $time = number_format(microtime(true) - $starttime, 1); $msg = ($errors ? lang('%1 errors deleting!', $errors) . "\n\n" : '') . lang('%1 files or directories deleted in %2 seconds.', $deleted, $time); $msg_type = $errors ? 'error' : 'info'; } Vfs::$is_root = false; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); $msg_type = 'error'; } } else { // defaults for deleting of older versions $content['versionedpath'] = '/'; $content['mtime'] = 100; } $content = [ 'versionedpath' => $content['versionedpath'], 'mtime' => $content['mtime'], 'mounts' => $content['mounts'], ]; if ($this->versioning) { // statistical information $content += Versioning\StreamWrapper::summary(); if ($content['total_files']) $content['percent_files'] = number_format(100.0*$content['version_files']/$content['total_files'],1).'%'; if ($content['total_size']) $content['percent_size'] = number_format(100.0*$content['version_size']/$content['total_size'],1).'%'; } if (!($content['is_root']=Vfs::$is_root)) { if (empty($msg)) { $msg = lang('You need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory!'); $msg_type = 'info'; } $readonlys['logout'] = $readonlys['enable'] = $readonlys['allow_delete_versions'] = true; } $content['is_setup'] = self::$is_setup; $content['versioning'] = $this->versioning; $content['allow_delete_versions'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['allow_delete_versions']; Framework::message($msg, $msg_type); $n = 2; $content['mounts']['at'] = '@'; foreach(Vfs::mount() as $path => $url) { $content['mounts'][$n++] = array( 'path' => $path, 'url' => preg_replace('#://([^:@/]+):((?!\$pass)[^@/]+)@#', '://$1:****@', $url), ); $readonlys["disable[$path]"] = !$this->versioning || !Vfs::$is_root || Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_SCHEME) != $this->versioning; } $readonlys['umount[/]'] = $readonlys['umount[/apps]'] = true; // do not allow to unmount / or /apps $readonlys['url'] = !self::$is_setup; $sel_options['allow_delete_versions'] = array( 'root' => lang('Superuser (root)'), 'admins' => lang('Administrators'), 'everyone' => lang('Everyone'), ); $sel_options['scheme'] = [ "webdavs" => "WebDAVs", "smb" => "SMB", "filesystem" => lang("Filesystem"), "sqlfs" => "SQLfs", "links" => lang("Links"), "stylite.versioning" => lang("Versioning"), "stylite.links" => lang("Links").'+'.lang("Versioning"), "vfs" => "VFS", ]; foreach($sel_options['scheme'] as $scheme => &$label) { $label = ['label' => $label, 'title' => $scheme.'://...']; if (!Vfs::load_wrapper($scheme) || !self::$is_setup && $scheme === 'filesystem') { unset($sel_options['scheme'][$scheme]); } } // show [Mount /etemplates] button for admin, if not already mounted and available $readonlys['etemplates'] = !class_exists('\EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Merge\StreamWrapper') || ($fs_tab=Vfs::mount($url)) && isset($fs_tab['/etemplates']) || !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']); //_debug_array($content); $tpl = new Etemplate('filemanager.admin'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('VFS mounts and versioning'); $tpl->exec('filemanager.filemanager_admin.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys); } /** * Run fsck on sqlfs */ function fsck() { if ($_POST['cancel']) { Framework::redirect_link('/admin/index.php', null, 'admin'); } $check_only = !isset($_POST['fix']); if (!($msgs = Vfs\Sqlfs\Utils::fsck($check_only))) { $msgs = lang('Filesystem check reported no problems.'); } $content = '



", (array)$msgs)."

\n"; $content .= Api\Html::form('

'.($check_only&&is_array($msgs) ? Api\Html::submit_button('fix', lang('Fix reported problems')) : ''). Api\Html::submit_button('cancel', lang('Cancel')).'

', '','/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'filemanager.filemanager_admin.fsck')); $GLOBALS['egw']->framework->render($content, lang('Admin').' - '.lang('Check virtual filesystem'), true); } }