* @version $Id$
* This class does NOT use anything EGroupware specific, it just calls htmLawed and supports autoloading
* while matching egw namespace requirements. It also provides (as a non class function ) a hook_tag function
* to do further tag / attribute validation
class egw_htmLawed
* config options see constructor
* @var Configuration
var $Configuration;
* The $spec argument can be used to disallow an otherwise legal attribute for an element,
* or to restrict the attribute's values. This can also be helpful as a security measure
* (e.g., in certain versions of browsers, certain values can cause buffer overflows and
* denial of service attacks), or in enforcing admin policy compliance. $spec is specified
* as a string of text containing one or more rules, with multiple rules separated from each
* other by a semi-colon (;)
* @var Spec
var $Spec;
* Constructor
function __construct()
// may hold some Standard configuration
$cfg = array(
'abs_url'=>array('3', '0', 'absolute/relative URL conversion', '-1'),
'and_mark'=>array('2', '0', 'mark original & chars', '0', 'd'=>1), // 'd' to disable
'anti_link_spam'=>array('1', '0', 'modify href values as an anti-link spam measure', '0', array(array('30', '1', '', 'regex for extra rel'), array('30', '2', '', 'regex for no href'))),
'anti_mail_spam'=>array('1', '0', 'replace @ in mailto: URLs', '0', '8', 'NO@SPAM', 'replacement'),
'balance'=>array('2', '1', 'fix nestings and balance tags', '0'),
'base_url'=>array('', '', 'base URL', '25'),
'cdata'=>array('4', 'nil', 'allow CDATA sections', 'nil'),
'clean_ms_char'=>array('3', '0', 'replace bad characters introduced by Microsoft apps. like Word', '0'),
'comment'=>array('4', 'nil', 'allow HTML comments', 'nil'),
'css_expression'=>array('2', 'nil', 'allow dynamic expressions in CSS style properties', 'nil'),
'deny_attribute'=>array('1', '0', 'denied attributes', '0', '50', '', 'these'),
'direct_list_nest'=>array('2', 'nil', 'allow direct nesting of a list within another without requiring it to be a list item', 'nil'),
'elements'=>array('', '', 'allowed elements', '50'),
'hexdec_entity'=>array('3', '1', 'convert hexadecimal numeric entities to decimal ones, or vice versa', '0'),
'hook'=>array('', '', 'name of hook function', '25'),
'hook_tag'=>array('', '', 'name of custom function to further check attribute values', '25'),
'keep_bad'=>array('7', '6', 'keep, or remove bad tag content', '0'),
'lc_std_val'=>array('2', '1', 'lower-case std. attribute values like radio', '0'),
'make_tag_strict'=>array('3', 'nil', 'transform deprecated elements', 'nil'),
'named_entity'=>array('2', '1', 'allow named entities, or convert numeric ones', '0'),
'no_deprecated_attr'=>array('3', '1', 'allow deprecated attributes, or transform them', '0'),
'parent'=>array('', 'div', 'name of parent element', '25'),
'safe'=>array('2', '0', 'for most safe HTML', '0'),
'schemes'=>array('', 'href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; *:file, http, https', 'allowed URL protocols', '50'),
'show_setting'=>array('', 'htmLawed_setting', 'variable name to record finalized htmLawed settings', '25', 'd'=>1),
'style_pass'=>array('2', 'nil', 'do not look at style attribute values', 'nil'),
'tidy'=>array('3', '0', 'beautify/compact', '-1', '8', '1t1', 'format'),
'unique_ids'=>array('2', '1', 'unique id values', '0', '8', 'my_', 'prefix'),
'valid_xhtml'=>array('2', 'nil', 'auto-set various parameters for most valid XHTML', 'nil'),
'xml:lang'=>array('3', 'nil', 'auto-add xml:lang attribute', '0'),
$this->Configuration = array('comment'=>0,
'elements' => "* -script",
'schemes'=>'href: file, ftp, http, https, mailto; src: cid, data, file, ftp, http, https; *:file, http, https',
'hook_tag' =>"hl_my_tag_transform",
$this->Spec = 'img=alt(noneof="image"/default="")';
* egw_htmlLawed
* @param varchar $html2check =text input Text to check
* @param mixed $Config = text or array
* @param mixed $Spec =text or array; The '$spec' argument can be used to disallow an otherwise legal attribute for an element
* @return varchar cleaned/fixed html
function egw_htmLawed($html2check, $Config=null, $Spec=array())
if (is_array($Config) && is_array($this->Configuration)) $Config = array_merge($this->Configuration, $Config);
if (empty($Config)) $Config = $this->Configuration;
if (empty($Spec)) $Spec = $this->Spec;
return htmLawed($html2check, $Config, $Spec);
* hl_my_tag_transform
* function to provide individual checks for element attribute pairs
* implemented so far: img checking for alt attribute == image; set this to empty
function hl_my_tag_transform($element, $attribute_array)
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." ".$element.'->'.array2string($attribute_array));
// Elements other than 'img' or 'img' without a 'img' attribute are returned unchanged
if($element == 'img' && isset($attribute_array['alt']))
// Re-build 'alt'
$attribute_array['alt'] = ($attribute_array['alt']=='image'?'':$attribute_array['alt']);
// Elements other than 'span' or 'span' without a 'style' attribute are returned unchanged
if($element == 'span' && isset($attribute_array['style']))
// Identify CSS properties and values
$css = explode(';', $attribute_array['style']);
$style = array();
foreach($css as $v){
if(($p = strpos($v, ':')) > 1 && $p < strlen($v)){
$css_property_name = trim(substr($v, 0, $p));
$css_property_value = trim(substr($v, $p+1));
$style[] = "$css_property_name: $css_property_value";
// Alter the CSS property as required
// Black Arial must be at a font-size of 24
if(isset($style['font-family']) && $style['font-family'] == 'Arial' && isset($style['color']) && $style['color'] == '#000000'){
$style['font-size'] == '24';
// And so on for other criteria
// ...
// Re-build 'style'
$attribute_array['style'] = implode('; ', $style);
// Build the attributes string
$attributes = '';
foreach($attribute_array as $k=>$v){
$attributes .= " {$k}=\"{$v}\"";
// Return the opening tag with attributes
static $empty_elements = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1);
return "<{$element}{$attributes}". (isset($empty_elements[$element]) ? ' /' : ''). '>';