/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Description object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel */ /*egw:uses /vendor/bower-asset/jquery/dist/jquery.js; et2_core_baseWidget; */ import {et2_activateLinks, et2_csvSplit, et2_insertLinkText, et2_no_init} from "./et2_core_common"; import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import {WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget"; import {et2_baseWidget} from './et2_core_baseWidget' import {et2_inputWidget} from "./et2_core_inputWidget"; import {et2_IDetachedDOM, et2_IInputNode} from "./et2_core_interfaces"; import {egw} from "../jsapi/egw_global"; /** * Class which implements the "description" XET-Tag * * @deprecated use Et2Description * @todo remove after extending widgets are ported to web-components */ export class et2_description extends et2_baseWidget implements et2_IDetachedDOM { static readonly _attributes : any = { "label": { "name": "Label", "default": "", "type": "string", "description": "The label is displayed by default in front (for radiobuttons behind) each widget (if not empty). If you want to specify a different position, use a '%s' in the label, which gets replaced by the widget itself. Eg. '%s Name' to have the label Name behind a checkbox. The label can contain variables, as descript for name. If the label starts with a '@' it is replaced by the value of the content-array at this index (with the '@'-removed and after expanding the variables).", "translate": true }, "value": { "name": "Value", "type": "string", "description": "Displayed text", "translate": "!no_lang", "default": "" }, /** * Options converted from the "options"-attribute. */ "font_style": { "name": "Font Style", "type": "string", "description": "Style may be a compositum of \"b\" and \"i\" which " + " renders the text bold and/or italic." }, "href": { "name": "Link URL", "type": "string", "description": "Link URL, empty if you don't wan't to display a link." }, "activate_links": { "name": "Replace URLs", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "If set, URLs in the text are automatically replaced " + "by links" }, "for": { "name": "Label for widget", "type": "string", "description": "Marks the text as label for the given widget." }, "extra_link_target": { "name": "Link target", "type": "string", "default": "_browser", "description": "Link target for href attribute" }, "extra_link_popup": { "name": "Popup", "type": "string", "description": "widthxheight, if popup should be used, eg. 640x480" }, "expose_view":{ name: "Expose view", type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Clicking on description with href value would popup an expose view, and will show content referenced by href." }, mime:{ name: "Mime type", type: "string", default: '', description: "Mime type of the registered link" }, mime_data:{ name: "Mime data", type: "string", default: '', description: "hash for data stored on service-side with egw_link::(get|set)_data()" }, hover_action: { "name": "hover action", "type": "js", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "JS code which is executed when clicking on action button. This action is explicitly for attached nodes, like in nm." }, hover_action_title: { "name": "hover action title", "type": "string", "default": "Edit", "description": "Text to show as tooltip of defined action" } }; public static readonly legacyOptions: string[] = ["font_style", "href", "activate_links", "for", "extra_link_target", "extra_link_popup", "statustext"]; span: JQuery; label: string; private _labelContainer: JQuery = null; font_style: string; mime_regexp: any; /** * Constructor */ constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_description._attributes, _child || {})); // Create the span/label tag which contains the label text this.span = jQuery(document.createElement(this.options["for"] ? "label" : "span")) .addClass("et2_label"); et2_insertLinkText(this._parseText(this.options.value), this.span[0], this.options.href ? this.options.extra_link_target : '_blank'); this.setDOMNode(this.span[0]); } transformAttributes(_attrs) { super.transformAttributes(_attrs); if (this.id) { var val = this.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry(this.id); if (val) { _attrs["value"] = val; } } } doLoadingFinished() { super.doLoadingFinished(); // Get the real id of the 'for' widget var for_widget = null; let for_id = ""; if (this.options["for"] && ( (for_widget = this.getParent().getWidgetById(this.options.for)) || (for_widget = this.getRoot().getWidgetById(this.options.for)) ) && for_widget && for_widget.id) { if(for_widget.dom_id || for_widget.getDOMNode().id) { for_id = for_widget.dom_id || for_widget.getDOMNode().id; if(for_widget.instanceOf(et2_IInputNode) && for_widget.getInputNode() && for_id !== for_widget.getInputNode().id) { for_id = for_widget.getInputNode().id; } this.span.attr("for", for_id); } else { // Target widget is not done yet, need to wait return new Promise((resolve) => { window.setTimeout(() => { for_id = for_widget.dom_id; if (for_widget.instanceOf(et2_inputWidget) && for_widget.getInputNode() && for_widget.dom_id !== for_widget.getInputNode()?.id) { for_id = for_widget.getInputNode().id; } this.span.attr("for", for_id); resolve(); }, 0); }); } } return true; } set_label(_value) { // Abort if there was no change in the label if (_value == this.label) { return; } if (_value) { // Create the label container if it didn't exist yet if (this._labelContainer == null) { this._labelContainer = jQuery(document.createElement("label")) .addClass("et2_label"); this.getSurroundings().insertDOMNode(this._labelContainer[0]); } // Clear the label container. this._labelContainer.empty(); // Create the placeholder element and set it var ph = document.createElement("span"); this.getSurroundings().setWidgetPlaceholder(ph); // Split the label at the "%s" var parts = et2_csvSplit(_value, 2, "%s"); // Update the content of the label container for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i]) { this._labelContainer.append(document.createTextNode(parts[i])); } if (i == 0) { this._labelContainer.append(ph); } } // add class if label is empty this._labelContainer.toggleClass('et2_label_empty', !_value || !parts[0]); } else { // Delete the labelContainer from the surroundings object if (this._labelContainer) { this.getSurroundings().removeDOMNode(this._labelContainer[0]); } this._labelContainer = null; } // Update the surroundings in order to reflect the change in the label this.getSurroundings().update(); // Copy the given value this.label = _value; } /** * Function to get media content to feed the expose * @param {type} _value * @returns {Array|Array.getMedia.mediaContent} */ getMedia(_value) { let base_url = egw.webserverUrl.match(new RegExp(/^\//,'ig'))?egw(window).window.location.origin :''; let mediaContent = []; if (_value) { mediaContent = [{ title: this.options.label, href: base_url + _value, type: this.options.type + "/*", thumbnail: base_url + _value }]; if (_value.match(/\/webdav.php/,'ig')) mediaContent[0]["download_href"] = base_url + _value + '?download'; } return mediaContent; } set_value(_value) { if (!_value) _value = ""; if (!this.options.no_lang) _value = this.egw().lang(_value); if (this.options.value && (this.options.value+"").indexOf('%s') != -1) { _value = this.options.value.replace(/%s/g, _value); } et2_insertLinkText(this._parseText(_value), this.span[0], this.options.href ? this.options.extra_link_target : '_blank' ); // Add hover action button (Edit) if (this.options.hover_action) { this._build_hover_action(); } if(this.options.extra_link_popup || this.options.mime) { var href = this.options.href; var mime_data = this.options.mime_data; var self= this; var $span = this.options.mime_data? jQuery(this.span): jQuery('a',this.span); $span.click(function(e) { if (self.options.expose_view && typeof self.options.mime !='undefined' && self.options.mime.match(self.mime_regexp,'ig')) { self._init_blueimp_gallery(e, href); } else { egw(window).open_link(mime_data || href, self.options.extra_link_target, self.options.extra_link_popup, null, null, self.options.mime); } e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } _parseText(_value) { if (this.options.href) { var href = this.options.href; if (href.indexOf('/')==-1 && href.split('.').length >= 3 && !(href.indexOf('mailto:')!=-1 || href.indexOf('://') != -1 || href.indexOf('javascript:') != -1) ) { href = "/index.php?menuaction="+href; } if (href.charAt(0) == '/') // link relative to eGW { href = egw.link(href); } return [{ "href": href, "text": _value }]; } else if (this.options.activate_links) { return et2_activateLinks(_value); } else { return [_value]; } } set_font_style(_value) { this.font_style = _value; this.span.toggleClass("et2_bold", _value.indexOf("b") >= 0); this.span.toggleClass("et2_italic", _value.indexOf("i") >= 0); } /** * Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM * * @param {array} _attrs */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs) { _attrs.push("value", "class", "href"); } getDetachedNodes() { return [this.span[0]]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values, _data?) { // Update the properties var updateLink = false; if (typeof _values["href"] != "undefined") { updateLink = true; this.options.href = _values["href"]; } if (typeof _values["value"] != "undefined" || (updateLink && (_values["value"] || this.options.value))) { this.span = jQuery(_nodes[0]); this.set_value(_values["value"]); } if (typeof _values["class"] != "undefined") { _nodes[0].setAttribute("class", _values["class"]); } // Add hover action button (Edit), _data is nm's row data if (this.options.hover_action) { this._build_hover_action(_data); } } /** * Builds button for hover action * @param {object} _data */ _build_hover_action(_data?) { var content = _data && _data.content ? _data.content: undefined; var widget = this; this.span.off().on('mouseenter', jQuery.proxy(function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); var self = this; this.span.tooltip({ items: 'span.et2_label', position: {my:"right top", at:"left top", collision:"flipfit"}, tooltipClass: "et2_email_popup", content() { return jQuery('') .on('click', function() { widget.options.hover_action.call(self, self.widget, content); }); }, close( event, ui ) { ui.tooltip.hover( function () { jQuery(this).stop(true).fadeTo(400, 1); }, function () { jQuery(this).fadeOut("400", function(){ jQuery(this).remove();}); } ); } }) .tooltip("open"); }, {widget: this, span: this.span})); this.span.on('mouseout', function(){ if(jQuery(this).tooltip('instance')) { jQuery(this).tooltip('close'); } }); } }