'nonavbar' => True,
'currentapp' => 'home',
'noapi' => True
// Authorize the user to use setup app and load the database
if (!$phpgw_setup->auth('Config')){
Header('Location: index.php');
// Does not return unless user is authorized
class phpgw {
var $common;
var $accounts;
var $applications;
var $db;
$phpgw = new phpgw;
$phpgw->common = CreateObject('phpgwapi.common');
$common = $phpgw->common;
$phpgw->db = $phpgw_setup->db;
$phpgw_info['server']['auth_type'] = 'ldap';
$phpgw->accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$acct = $phpgw->accounts;
$phpgw->applications = CreateObject('phpgwapi.applications');
$applications = $phpgw->applications;
$phpgw_setup->db->query("select config_name,config_value from phpgw_config where config_name like 'ldap%'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($phpgw_setup->db->next_record()) {
$config[$phpgw_setup->db->f('config_name')] = $phpgw_setup->db->f('config_value');
$phpgw_info['server']['ldap_host'] = $config['ldap_host'];
$phpgw_info['server']['ldap_context'] = $config['ldap_context'];
$phpgw_info['server']['ldap_root_dn'] = $config['ldap_root_dn'];
$phpgw_info['server']['ldap_root_pw'] = $config['ldap_root_pw'];
// First, see if we can connect to the LDAP server, if not send `em back to config.php with an
// error message.
// connect to ldap server
if (! $ldap = $common->ldapConnect()) {
$noldapconnection = True;
if ($noldapconnection) {
Header('Location: config.php?error=badldapconnection');
$sr = ldap_search($ldap,$config['ldap_context'],'(|(uid=*))',array('sn','givenname','uid','uidnumber','gidnumber'));
$info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr);
for ($i=0; $i<$info['count']; $i++) {
if (! $phpgw_info['server']['global_denied_users'][$info[$i]['uid'][0]]) {
$account_info[$i]['account_id'] = $info[$i]['uidnumber'][0];
$account_info[$i]['account_lid'] = $info[$i]['uid'][0];
$account_info[$i]['account_firstname'] = $info[$i]['givenname'][0];
$account_info[$i]['account_lastname'] = $info[$i]['sn'][0];
$account_info[$i]['gidnumber'] = $info[$i]['gidnumber'][0];
$phpgw_setup->db->query("select app_name,app_title from phpgw_applications where app_enabled != '0' and "
. "app_name != 'administration'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
while ($phpgw_setup->db->next_record()) {
$apps[$phpgw_setup->db->f('app_name')] = $phpgw_setup->db->f('app_title');
if ($submit) {
if (! count($admins)) {
$error = '
You must select at least 1 admin';
if (! count($s_apps)) {
$error .= '
You must select at least 1 application';
if (! $error) {
// Create the 'Default' group
$defaultgroupid = mt_rand (100, 65535);
$acct = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',$defaultgroupid);
$acct->db = $phpgw_setup->db;
// Check if the group account is already there.
// If so, set our group_id to that account's id for use below.
$acct_exist = $acct->name2id('Default');
if ($acct_exist)
$defaultgroupid = $acct_exist;
$id_exist = $acct->exists(intval($defaultgroupid));
// if not, create it, using our original groupid.
$thisgroup_info = array(
'account_type' => 'g',
'account_id' => $defaultgroupid,
'account_lid' => 'Default',
'account_passwd' => $passwd,
'account_firstname' => 'Default',
'account_lastname' => 'Group',
'account_status' => 'A',
'account_expires' => -1
// Delete first, so ldap does not return an error, then recreate
$acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',$defaultgroupid);
$acl->db = $phpgw_setup->db;
while ($app = each($s_apps))
while (list($nul,$account) = each($account_info))
$id_exist = 0;
$thisacctid = $account['account_id'];
$thisacctlid = $account['account_lid'];
// Do some checks before we try to import the data.
if (!empty($thisacctid) && !empty($thisacctlid))
$accounts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',intval($thisacctid));
$accounts->db = $phpgw_setup->db;
// Check if the account is already there.
// If so, we won't try to create it again.
$acct_exist = $acct->name2id($thisacctlid); // name2id checks only SQL
if ($acct_exist) // this gives the SQL account_id a preference over LDAP uidnummber
{ // this could be fatal if one already has an user with account_lid == uid
// $thisacctid = $acct_exist; // and uses the LDAP uidnumber for an unix account
if ($acct_exist != $thisacctid)
echo "
WARNING: user '$thisacctlid'=$thisacctid already exist in SQL under the account_id=$acct_exist
"; } $id_exist = $accounts->exists(intval($thisacctid)); // If the account does not exist in _both_ (== returnvalue < 3) create it if($id_exist < 3) { $thisaccount_info = array( 'account_type' => 'u', 'account_id' => $thisacctid, 'account_lid' => $thisacctlid, 'account_passwd' => 'x', 'account_firstname' => $account['account_firstname'], 'account_lastname' => $account['account_lastname'], 'account_status' => 'A', 'account_expires' => -1 ); $accounts->create($thisaccount_info); } // Insert default acls for this user. // Since the group has app rights, we don't need to give users // these rights. Instead, we make the user a member of the Default group // below. $acl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.acl',intval($thisacctid)); $acl->db = $phpgw_setup->db; $acl->read_repository(); // Only give them admin if we asked for them to have it. // This is typically an exception to apps for run rights // as a group member. for ($a=0;$aputting '$thisacctlid' in Group gid=$gid
\n"; $acl->delete('phpgw_group',$gid,1); $acl->add('phpgw_group',$gid,1); } else // Now make them a member of the 'Default' group. // But, only if the current user is not the group itself. if ($defaultgroupid != $thisacctid) { $acl->delete('phpgw_group',$defaultgroupid,1); $acl->add('phpgw_group',$defaultgroupid,1); } // Now add the acl to let them change their password $acl->delete('preferences','changepassword',$thisacctid,1); $acl->add('preferences','changepassword',$thisacctid,1); // Save these new acls. $acl->save_repository(); } $setup_complete = True; } } } // Add a check to see if there are no users in LDAP, if not create a default user. $phpgw_setup->show_header(); if ($error) { echo '