//v.3.6 build 131108 /* Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com */ /** * @desc: a constructor, creates a new dhtmlxMenu object, baseId defines a base object for the top menu level * @param: baseId - id of the html element to which a menu will be attached, in case of a contextual menu - if specified, will used as a contextual zone * @type: public */ function dhtmlXMenuObject(baseId, skin) { var main_self = this; this.addBaseIdAsContextZone = null; this.isDhtmlxMenuObject = true; // skin settings this.skin = (skin != null ? skin : (typeof(dhtmlx) != "undefined" && typeof(dhtmlx.skin) == "string" ? dhtmlx.skin : "dhx_skyblue")); this.imagePath = ""; // iframe this._isIE6 = false; if (_isIE) this._isIE6 = (window.XMLHttpRequest==null?true:false); if (baseId == null) { this.base = document.body; } else { var baseObj = (typeof(baseId)=="string"?document.getElementById(baseId):baseId); if (baseObj != null) { this.base = baseObj; if (!this.base.id) this.base.id = (new Date()).valueOf(); while (this.base.childNodes.length > 0) { this.base.removeChild(this.base.childNodes[0]); } this.base.className += " dhtmlxMenu_"+this.skin+"_Middle dir_left"; this.base._autoSkinUpdate = true; // preserv default oncontextmenu for future restorin in case of context menu if (this.base.oncontextmenu) this.base._oldContextMenuHandler = this.base.oncontextmenu; // this.addBaseIdAsContextZone = this.base.id; this.base.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; } this.base.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; } } else { this.base = document.body; } } // this.topId = topId; this.topId = "dhxWebMenuTopId"; // if (!this.extendedModule) { // add notify for menu var t = function(){alert(this.i18n.dhxmenuextalert);}; var extMethods = new Array("setItemEnabled", "setItemDisabled", "isItemEnabled", "_changeItemState", "getItemText", "setItemText", "loadFromHTML", "hideItem", "showItem", "isItemHidden", "_changeItemVisible", "setUserData", "getUserData", "setOpenMode", "setWebModeTimeout", "enableDynamicLoading", "_updateLoaderIcon", "getItemImage", "setItemImage", "clearItemImage", "setAutoShowMode", "setAutoHideMode", "setContextMenuHideAllMode", "getContextMenuHideAllMode", "setVisibleArea", "setTooltip", "getTooltip", "setHotKey", "getHotKey", "setItemSelected", "setTopText", "setRTL", "setAlign", "setHref", "clearHref", "getCircuit", "_clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon", "_checkArrowsState", "_addUpArrow", "_addDownArrow", "_removeUpArrow", "_removeDownArrow", "_isArrowExists", "_doScrollUp", "_doScrollDown", "_countPolygonItems", "setOverflowHeight", "_getRadioImgObj", "_setRadioState", "_radioOnClickHandler", "getRadioChecked", "setRadioChecked", "addRadioButton", "_getCheckboxState", "_setCheckboxState", "_readLevel", "_updateCheckboxImage", "_checkboxOnClickHandler", "setCheckboxState", "getCheckboxState", "addCheckbox", "serialize"); for (var q=0; q