#!/bin/bash # # Usage: ./ad-migration.sh < user.csv | bash # # STDIN is csv with: <account_lid>,<account_id>,<AD-user>,<SID>,<RID> # # <account_id> has to be negative number for groups (eg. -123 for account_id=123)! # # Following command should be used as startpoint for the list: # mysql -B -e "select account_lid,CASE account_type WHEN 'u' THEN account_id ELSE -account_id END,account_lid FROM egw_accounts ORDER BY account_type!='u',account_lid" egroupware | sed 's/ /,/g' # Change <AD-user> if not equal to <account_lid> and append ,,<RID> to each line. # # If migration to LDAP instead of AD use uidNumber (gidNumber for groups) as <RID>. # <SID> is NOT used and can be empty. # # Change following 2 lines to an EGroupware user with admin rights and his password # ADMIN=sysop PASSWD=PW CHANGE= while IFS=, read account_lid account_id ad_user SID RID rest do if [ -n "$account_id" -a -n "$RID" ] then [ -z "$account_lid" -o -z "$ad_user" -o "$account_lid" = "$ad_user" ] && { echo -n "#" } if [ $account_id -gt 0 ] then echo "admin/admin-cli.php --edit-user '$ADMIN,$PASSWD,$account_lid=$ad_user'" else echo "admin/admin-cli.php --edit-group '$ADMIN,$PASSWD,$account_lid=$ad_user'" RID=-$RID fi [ -n "$CHANGE" ] && CHANGE=$CHANGE, CHANGE=$CHANGE$account_id,$RID fi done echo "admin/admin-cli.php --change-account-id '$ADMIN,$PASSWD,$CHANGE'"