* @package infolog * @subpackage syncml * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ require_once EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/infolog/inc/class.boinfolog.inc.php'; require_once EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/inc/horde/Horde/iCalendar.php'; class vcalinfolog extends boinfolog { var $egw_priority2vcal_priority = array( 0 => 3, 1 => 2, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, ); var $vcal_priority2egw_priority = array( 1 => 2, 2 => 1, 3 => 0, ); /** * Exports one InfoLog tast to an iCalendar VTODO * * @param int $_taskID info_id * @param string $version='2.0' could be '1.0' too * @param boolean $force_own_uid=true ignore the stored and maybe from the client transfered uid and generate a new one * RalfBecker: GroupDAV/CalDAV requires to switch that non RFC conform behavior off, dont know if SyncML still needs it * @param boolean $extra_charset_attribute=true GroupDAV/CalDAV dont need the charset attribute and some clients have problems with it * @return string/boolean string with vCal or false on error (eg. no permission to read the event) */ function exportVTODO($_taskID, $_version='2.0',$force_own_uid=true,$extra_charset_attribute=true) { $taskData = $this->read($_taskID); $taskData = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($taskData, $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(), 'UTF-8'); $taskGUID = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->generate_uid('infolog_task',$_taskID); $vcal = &new Horde_iCalendar; $vcal->setAttribute('VERSION',$_version); $vcal->setAttribute('METHOD','PUBLISH'); $vevent = Horde_iCalendar::newComponent('VTODO',$vcal); // set fields that may contain non-ascii chars and encode them if necessary foreach(array( 'SUMMARY' => $taskData['info_subject'], 'DESCRIPTION' => $taskData['info_des'], 'LOCATION' => $taskData['info_location'], ) as $field => $value) { $vevent->setAttribute($field,$value); $options = array(); if(preg_match('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/',$value)) { $options['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } if($extra_charset_attribute && preg_match('/([\177-\377])/',$value)) { $options['CHARSET'] = 'UTF-8'; } if ($options) $vevent->setParameter($field, $options); } if($taskData['info_startdate']) $vevent->setAttribute('DTSTART',$taskData['info_startdate']); if($taskData['info_enddate']) $vevent->setAttribute('DUE',$taskData['info_enddate']); if($taskData['info_datecompleted']) $vevent->setAttribute('COMPLETED',$taskData['info_datecompleted']); $vevent->setAttribute('DTSTAMP',time()); $vevent->setAttribute('CREATED',$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction($eventGUID,'add')); $vevent->setAttribute('LAST-MODIFIED',$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction($eventGUID,'modify')); $vevent->setAttribute('UID',$force_own_uid ? $taskGUID : $taskData['info_uid']); $vevent->setAttribute('CLASS',$taskData['info_access'] == 'public' ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE'); $vevent->setAttribute('STATUS',$this->status2vtodo($taskData['info_status'])); // we try to preserv the original infolog status as X-INFOLOG-STATUS, so we can restore it, if the user does not modify STATUS $vevent->setAttribute('X-INFOLOG-STATUS',$taskData['info_status']); $vevent->setAttribute('PRIORITY',$this->egw_priority2vcal_priority[$taskData['info_priority']]); if (!empty($taskData['info_cat'])) { $cats = $this->get_categories(array($taskData['info_cat'])); $vevent->setAttribute('CATEGORIES', $cats[0]); } $vcal->addComponent($vevent); return $vcal->exportvCalendar(); } /** * Import a VTODO component of an iCal * * @param string $_vcalData * @param int $_taskID=-1 info_id, default -1 = new entry * @return int|boolean integer info_id or false on error */ function importVTODO(&$_vcalData, $_taskID=-1) { if(!$taskData = $this->vtodotoegw($_vcalData,$_taskID)) { return false; } // we suppose that a not set status in a vtodo means that the task did not started yet if(empty($taskData['info_status'])) { $taskData['info_status'] = 'not-started'; } return $this->write($taskData); } function searchVTODO($_vcalData) { if(!$egwData = $this->vtodotoegw($_vcalData)) { return false; } #unset($egwData['info_priority']); $filter = array('col_filter' => $egwData); if($foundItems = $this->search($filter)) { if(count($foundItems) > 0) { $itemIDs = array_keys($foundItems); return $itemIDs[0]; } } return false; } function vtodotoegw($_vcalData,$_taskID=-1) { $vcal = &new Horde_iCalendar; if(!$vcal->parsevCalendar($_vcalData)) { return FALSE; } $components = $vcal->getComponents(); if(count($components) > 0) { $component = $components[0]; if(is_a($component, 'Horde_iCalendar_vtodo')) { $taskData = array(); if($_taskID > 0) { $taskData['info_id'] = $_taskID; } foreach($component->_attributes as $attributes) { switch($attributes['name']) { case 'CLASS': $taskData['info_access'] = strtolower($attributes['value']); break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $taskData['info_des'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'LOCATION': $taskData['info_location'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'DUE': $taskData['info_enddate'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'COMPLETED': $taskData['info_datecompleted'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'DTSTART': $taskData['info_startdate'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'PRIORITY': if (1 <= $attributes['value'] && $attributes['value'] <= 3) { $taskData['info_priority'] = $this->vcal_priority2egw_priority[$attributes['value']]; } else { $taskData['info_priority'] = 1; // default = normal } break; case 'STATUS': // check if we (still) have X-INFOLOG-STATUS set AND it would give an unchanged status (no change by the user) foreach($component->_attributes as $attr) { if ($attr['name'] == 'X-INFOLOG-STATUS') break; } $taskData['info_status'] = $this->vtodo2status($attributes['value'], $attr['name'] == 'X-INFOLOG-STATUS' ? $attr['value'] : null); break; case 'SUMMARY': $taskData['info_subject'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'CATEGORIES': $cats = $this->find_or_add_categories(explode(',', $attributes['value'])); $taskData['info_cat'] = $cats[0]; break; case 'UID': $taskData['info_uid'] = $attributes['value']; if ($_taskID <= 0 && !empty($attributes['value']) && ($uid_task = $this->read($attributes['value']))) { $taskData['info_id'] = $uid_task['id']; unset($uid_task); } break; } } # the horde ical class does already convert in parsevCalendar # do NOT convert here #$taskData = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($taskData, 'UTF-8'); return $taskData; } } return FALSE; } function exportVNOTE($_noteID, $_type) { $note = $this->read($_noteID); $note = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($note, $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(), 'UTF-8'); switch($_type) { case 'text/plain': $txt = $note['info_subject']."\n\n".$note['info_des']; return $txt; break; case 'text/x-vnote': $noteGUID = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->generate_uid('infolog_note',$_noteID); $vnote = &new Horde_iCalendar_vnote(); $vNote->setAttribute('VERSION', '1.1'); $vnote->setAttribute('SUMMARY',$note['info_subject']); $vnote->setAttribute('BODY',$note['info_des']); if($note['info_startdate']) $vnote->setAttribute('DCREATED',$note['info_startdate']); $vnote->setAttribute('DCREATED',$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction($eventGUID,'add')); $vnote->setAttribute('LAST-MODIFIED',$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction($eventGUID,'modify')); if (!empty($note['info_cat'])) { $cats = $this->get_categories(array($note['info_cat'])); $vnote->setAttribute('CATEGORIES', $cats[0]); } #$vnote->setAttribute('UID',$noteGUID); #$vnote->setAttribute('CLASS',$taskData['info_access'] == 'public' ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE'); #$options = array('CHARSET' => 'UTF-8','ENCODING' => 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'); #$vnote->setParameter('SUMMARY', $options); #$vnote->setParameter('DESCRIPTION', $options); return $vnote->exportvCalendar(); break; } return false; } function importVNOTE(&$_vcalData, $_type, $_noteID = -1) { if(!$note = $this->vnotetoegw($_vcalData, $_type)) { return false; } if($_noteID > 0) { $note['info_id'] = $_noteID; } if(empty($note['info_status'])) { $note['info_status'] = 'done'; } #_debug_array($taskData);exit; return $this->write($note); } function searchVNOTE($_vcalData, $_type) { if(!$note = $this->vnotetoegw($_vcalData)) { return false; } $filter = array('col_filter' => $egwData); if($foundItems = $this->search($filter)) { if(count($foundItems) > 0) { $itemIDs = array_keys($foundItems); return $itemIDs[0]; } } return false; } function vnotetoegw($_data, $_type) { switch($_type) { case 'text/plain': $note = array(); $note['info_type'] = 'note'; $botranslation =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.translation'); $txt = $botranslation->convert($_data, 'utf-8'); $txt = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $txt); if (preg_match("/^(^\n)\n\n(.*)$/", $txt, $match)) { $note['info_subject'] = $match[0]; $note['info_des'] = $match[1]; } else { $note['info_des'] = $txt; } return $note; break; case 'text/x-vnote': $vnote = &new Horde_iCalendar; if (!$vcal->parsevCalendar($_data)) { return FALSE; } $components = $vnote->getComponent(); if(count($components) > 0) { $component = $components[0]; if(is_a($component, 'Horde_iCalendar_vnote')) { $note = array(); $note['info_type'] = 'note'; foreach($component->_attributes as $attribute) { switch ($attribute['name']) { case 'BODY': $note['info_des'] = $attribute['value']; break; case 'SUMMARY': $note['info_subject'] = $attribute['value']; break; case 'CATEGORIES': { $cats = $this->find_or_add_categories(explode(',', $attribute['value'])); $note['info_cat'] = $cats[0]; } break; } } } return $note; } } return FALSE; } }