* * and Joseph Engo * * This is the central class for the phpGroupWare API * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Dan Kuykendall * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * This library is part of the phpGroupWare API * * http://www.phpgroupware.org/api * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * * or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /****************************************************************************\ * Required classes * \****************************************************************************/ /* Load selected database class */ if (empty($phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"])){$phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = "mysql";} if (empty($phpgw_info["server"]["translation_system"])){$phpgw_info["server"]["translation_system"] = "sql";} /****************************************************************************\ * Our API class starts here * \****************************************************************************/ class phpgw { var $accounts; var $acl; var $auth; var $db; var $debug = 0; // This will turn on debugging information. var $crypto; var $categories; var $common; var $hooks; var $network; var $nextmatchs; var $preferences; var $session; var $send; var $template; var $translation; var $utilities; var $vfs; var $calendar; var $msg; var $addressbook; var $todo; // This is here so you can decied what the best way to handle bad sessions // You could redirect them to login.php with code 2 or use the default // I recommend using the default until all of the bugs are worked out. function phpgw_() { global $phpgw_info, $sessionid, $login; /************************************************************************\ * Required classes * \************************************************************************/ $this->db = CreateObject("phpgwapi.db"); $this->db->Host = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"]; $this->db->Type = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"]; $this->db->Database = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"]; $this->db->User = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"]; $this->db->Password = $phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"]; if ($this->debug) { $this->db->Debug = 1; } if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "login") { $this->db->query("select * from config",__LINE__,__FILE__); while($this->db->next_record()) { $phpgw_info["server"][$this->db->f("config_name")] = stripslashes($this->db->f("config_value")); } } else { $config_var = array("encryptkey","auth_type","account_repository"); $c= ""; for ($i=0;$idb->query("select * from config where $c",__LINE__,__FILE__); while($this->db->next_record()) { $phpgw_info["server"][$this->db->f("config_name")] = stripslashes($this->db->f("config_value")); } } /************************************************************************\ * Continue adding the classes * \************************************************************************/ $this->common = CreateObject("phpgwapi.common"); $this->hooks = CreateObject("phpgwapi.hooks"); /* Load selected authentication class */ if (empty($phpgw_info["server"]["auth_type"])){$phpgw_info["server"]["auth_type"] = "sql";} $this->auth = CreateObject("phpgwapi.auth"); /* Load selected accounts class */ if (empty($phpgw_info["server"]["account_repository"])){$phpgw_info["server"]["account_repository"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["auth_type"];} $this->accounts = CreateObject("phpgwapi.accounts"); $this->preferences = CreateObject("phpgwapi.preferences"); $this->session = CreateObject("phpgwapi.sessions"); if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"] == "login") { $log = explode("@",$login); $this->preferences = CreateObject("phpgwapi.preferences", $log[0]); }else{ if (! $this->session->verify()) { $this->db->query("select config_value from config where config_name='webserver_url'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->db->next_record(); Header("Location: " . $this->redirect($this->link($this->db->f("config_value")."/login.php","cd=10"))); exit; } $this->preferences = CreateObject("phpgwapi.preferences", intval($phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"])); } $this->translation = CreateObject("phpgwapi.translation"); $this->acl = CreateObject("phpgwapi.acl"); $sep = filesystem_separator(); $template_root = $this->common->get_tpl_dir(); if (is_dir($template_root)) { $this->template = CreateObject("phpgwapi.Template", $template_root); } } /**************************************************************************\ * Core functions * \**************************************************************************/ /* A function to handle session support via url session id, or cookies */ function link($url = "", $extravars = "") { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $usercookie, $kp3, $PHP_SELF; if ($url == $PHP_SELF){ $url = ""; } //fix problems when PHP_SELF if used as the param if (! $kp3) { $kp3 = $phpgw_info["user"]["kp3"]; } if (! $url) { $url_root = split ("/", $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]); /* Some hosting providers have their paths screwy. If the value from $PHP_SELF is not what you expect, you can use this to patch it It will need to be adjusted to your specific problem tho. */ //$patched_php_self = str_replace("/php4/php/phpgroupware", "/phpgroupware", $PHP_SELF); $patched_php_self = $PHP_SELF; $url = (strlen($url_root[0])? $url_root[0].'//':'') . $url_root[2] . $patched_php_self; } if (isset($phpgw_info["server"]["usecookies"]) && $phpgw_info["server"]["usecookies"]) { if ($extravars) { $url .= "?$extravars"; } } else { $url .= "?sessionid=" . $phpgw_info["user"]["sessionid"]; $url .= "&kp3=" . $kp3; $url .= "&domain=" . $phpgw_info["user"]["domain"]; // This doesn't belong in the API. // Its up to the app to pass this value. (jengo) // Putting it into the app requires a massive number of updates in email app. // Until that happens this needs to stay here (seek3r) if ($phpgw_info["flags"]["newsmode"]) { $url .= "&newsmode=on"; } if ($extravars) { $url .= "&$extravars"; } } $url = str_replace("/?", "/index.php?", $url); $webserver_url_count = strlen($phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]); $slash_check = strtolower(substr($url ,0,1)); if(substr($url ,0,$webserver_url_count) != $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]) { $app = $phpgw_info["flags"]["currentapp"]; if($slash_check == "/") { $url = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"].$url; } elseif ($app == "home" || $app == "logout" || $app == "login"){ $url = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/".$url; }else{ $url = $phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"]."/".$app."/".$url; } } return $url; } function strip_html($s) { return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($s)); } function redirect($url = "") { // This function handles redirects under iis and apache // it assumes that $phpgw->link() has already been called global $HTTP_ENV_VARS; $iis = strpos($HTTP_ENV_VARS["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], "IIS", 0); if ( !$url ) { $url = $PHP_SELF; } if ( $iis ) { echo "\n\n\nRedirecting to $url"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

Please continue to this page

"; echo "\n"; exit; } else { Header("Location: $url"); print("\n\n"); exit; } } function lang($key, $m1 = "", $m2 = "", $m3 = "", $m4 = "") { global $phpgw; return $phpgw->translation->translate($key); } // Some people might prefear to use this one function _L($key, $m1 = "", $m2 = "", $m3 = "", $m4 = "") { global $phpgw; return $phpgw->translation->translate($key); } }