* @copyright (c) 2007/8 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * eGroupWare: GroupDAV access: calendar handler */ class calendar_groupdav extends groupdav_handler { /** * bo class of the application * * @var calendar_boupdate */ var $bo; var $filter_prop2cal = array( 'SUMMARY' => 'cal_title', 'UID' => 'cal_uid', 'DTSTART' => 'cal_start', 'DTEND' => 'cal_end', // 'DURATION' //'RRULE' => 'recur_type', //'RDATE' => 'cal_start', //'EXRULE' //'EXDATE' //'RECURRENCE-ID' ); /** * Constructor * * @param string $app 'calendar', 'addressbook' or 'infolog' * @param int $debug=null debug-level to set * @param string $base_uri=null base url of handler */ function __construct($app,$debug=null, $base_uri=null) { parent::__construct($app,$debug,$base_uri); $this->bo = new calendar_boupdate(); } const PATH_ATTRIBUTE = 'id'; /** * Create the path for an event * * @param array|int $event * @return string */ static function get_path($event) { if (is_numeric($event) && self::PATH_ATTRIBUTE == 'id') { $name = $event; } else { if (!is_array($event)) $event = $this->bo->read($event); $name = $event[self::PATH_ATTRIBUTE]; } return '/calendar/'.$name.'.ics'; } /** * Handle propfind in the calendar folder * * @param string $path * @param array $options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @param string $id='' * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function propfind($path,$options,&$files,$user,$id='') { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($options).",,$user,$id)"); //error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($options).",,$user,$id)");//njv: // ToDo: add parameter to only return id & etag //error_log( __FILE__ . __METHOD__ ." :$user ". print_r($options,true)); $st = microtime(true); $cal_filters = array( 'users' => $user, 'start' => time()-100*24*3600, // default one month back -30 breaks all sync recurrences 'end' => time()+365*24*3600, // default one year into the future +365 'enum_recuring' => false, 'daywise' => false, 'date_format' => 'server', ); if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,,$user,$id) cal_filters=".array2string($cal_filters)); //error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,,$user,$id) cal_filters=".array2string($cal_filters));//njv // process REPORT filters or multiget href's if (($id || $options['root']['name'] != 'propfind') && !$this->_report_filters($options,$cal_filters,$id)) { return false; } // check if we have to return the full calendar data or just the etag's if (!($calendar_data = $options['props'] == 'all' && $options['root']['ns'] == groupdav::CALDAV) && is_array($options['props'])) { foreach($options['props'] as $prop) { if ($prop['name'] == 'calendar-data') { $calendar_data = true; break; } } } //error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ ."Filters:" .print_r($cal_filters,true)); if (($events = $this->bo->search($cal_filters))) { foreach($events as $event) { //header('X-EGROUPWARE-EVENT-'.$event['id'].': '.$event['title'].': '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$event['start']).' - '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$event['end'])); $props = array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('getetag',$this->get_etag($event)), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('getcontenttype', $this->agent != 'kde' ? 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8; component=VEVENT' : 'text/calendar'), // getlastmodified and getcontentlength are required by WebDAV and Cadaver eg. reports 404 Not found if not set HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('getlastmodified', $event['modified']), ); //error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ . "Calendar Data : $calendar_data"); if ($calendar_data) { if (is_null($handler)) $handler = $this->_get_handler(); $content = $handler->exportVCal(array($event),'2.0','PUBLISH'); $props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('getcontentlength',bytes($content)); $props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-data',$content); } else { $props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('getcontentlength', ''); // expensive to calculate and no CalDAV client uses it } $files['files'][] = array( 'path' => self::get_path($event), 'props' => $props, ); } } $end = microtime(true) - $st; if ($this->debug) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ . "Function took : $end"); return true; } /** * Process the filters from the CalDAV REPORT request * * @param array $options * @param array &$cal_filters * @param string $id * @return boolean true if filter could be processed, false for requesting not here supported VTODO items */ function _report_filters($options,&$cal_filters,$id) { if ($options['filters']) { // unset default start & end $cal_start = $cal_filters['start']; unset($cal_filters['start']); $cal_end = $cal_filters['end']; unset($cal_filters['end']); $num_filters = count($cal_filters); foreach($options['filters'] as $filter) { switch($filter['name']) { case 'comp-filter': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) comp-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'"); switch($filter['attrs']['name']) { case 'VTODO': return false; // return nothing for now, todo: check if we can pass it on to the infolog handler // todos are handled by the infolog handler $infolog_handler = new groupdav_infolog(); return $infolog_handler->propfind($path,$options,$files,$user,$method); case 'VCALENDAR': case 'VEVENT': break; // that's our default anyway } break; case 'prop-filter': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) prop-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'"); $prop_filter = $filter['attrs']['name']; break; case 'text-match': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) text-match: $prop_filter='{$filter['data']}'"); if (!isset($this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)])) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($options).",,$user) unknown property '$prop_filter' --> ignored"); } else { $cal_filters['query'][$this->filter_prop2cal[strtoupper($prop_filter)]] = $filter['data']; } unset($prop_filter); break; case 'param-filter': if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,...) param-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}' not (yet) implemented!"); break; case 'time-range': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__."($path,...) time-range={$filter['attrs']['start']}-{$filter['attrs']['end']}"); $cal_filters['start'] = $filter['attrs']['start']; $cal_filters['end'] = $filter['attrs']['end']; break; default: if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,".array2string($options).",,$user) unknown filter --> ignored"); break; } } if (count($cal_filters) == $num_filters) // no filters set --> restore default start and end time { $cal_filters['start'] = $cal_start; $cal_filters['end'] = $cal_end; } } // multiget or propfind on a given id //error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ . "multiget of propfind:"); if ($options['root']['name'] == 'calendar-multiget' || $id) { // no standard time-range! unset($cal_filters['start']); unset($cal_filters['end']); $ids = array(); if ($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $ids[] = (int)$id; } else { $cal_filters['query']['cal_uid'] = basename($id,'.ics'); } } else // fetch all given url's { foreach($options['other'] as $option) { if ($option['name'] == 'href') { $parts = explode('/',$option['data']); if (is_numeric($id = basename(array_pop($parts),'.ics'))) $ids[] = $id; } } } if ($ids) { $cal_filters['query'][] = 'egw_cal.cal_id IN ('.implode(',',array_map(create_function('$n','return (int)$n;'),$ids)).')'; } if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__ ."($path,,,$user,$id) calendar-multiget: ids=".implode(',',$ids)); } return true; } /** * Handle get request for an event * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function get(&$options,$id) { if (!is_array($event = $this->_common_get_put_delete('GET',$options,$id))) { return $event; } $handler = $this->_get_handler(); $options['data'] = $handler->exportVCal(array($event),'2.0','PUBLISH'); $options['mimetype'] = 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8'; header('Content-Encoding: identity'); header('ETag: '.$this->get_etag($event)); return true; } /** * Handle put request for an event * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @param int $user=null account_id of owner, default null * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function put(&$options,$id,$user=null) { if($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($id, $user)".print_r($options,true)); $return_no_access=true; // as handled by importVCal anyway and allows it to set the status for participants $event = $this->_common_get_put_delete('PUT',$options,$id,$return_no_access); if (!is_null($event) && !is_array($event)) { if($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.print_r($event,true).function_backtrace()); return $event; } $handler = $this->_get_handler(); if (!($cal_id = $handler->importVCal($options['content'],is_numeric($id) ? $id : -1, self::etag2value($this->http_if_match)))) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id) importVCal($options[content]) returned false"); return '403 Forbidden'; } header('ETag: '.$this->get_etag($cal_id)); if (is_null($event) || !$return_no_access) // let lightning think the event is added { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id,$user) cal_id=$cal_id, is_null(\$event)=".(int)is_null($event)); header('Location: '.$this->base_uri.self::get_path($cal_id)); return '201 Created'; } return true; } /** * Handle delete request for an event * * If current user has no right to delete the event, but is an attendee, we reject the event for him. * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function delete(&$options,$id) { $return_no_access=true; // to allow to check if current use is a participant and reject the event for him if (!is_array($event = $this->_common_get_put_delete('DELETE',$options,$id,$return_no_access)) || !$return_no_access) { if (!$return_no_access) { $ret = isset($event['participants'][$this->bo->user]) && $this->bo->set_status($event,$this->bo->user,'R') ? true : '403 Forbidden'; if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id) return_no_access=$return_no_access, event[participants]=".array2string($event['participants']).", user={$this->bo->user} --> return $ret"); return $ret; } return $event; } return $this->bo->delete($id); } /** * Read an entry * * @param string/id $id * @return array/boolean array with entry, false if no read rights, null if $id does not exist */ function read($id) { //$cal_read = $this->bo->read($id,null,false,'server');//njv: do we actually get anything if ($this->debug > 1) error_log("bo-ical read :$id:");//njv: return $this->bo->read($id,null,false,'server'); } /** * Get the etag for an entry, reimplemented to include the participants and stati in the etag * * @param array/int $event array with event or cal_id * @return string/boolean string with etag or false */ function get_etag($entry) { $e_in = $entry; if (!is_array($entry)) { $entry = $this->read($entry); } if (!$entry['id'] || !isset($entry['etag']) || !isset($entry['participants'])) { if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__."($e_in): id=$entry[id], etag=$entry[etag], isset(participants)=".(int)isset($entry['participants']).", title=$entry[title]: id, etag or participants not set!!!"); } $etag = $entry['id'].':'.$entry['etag']; // add a hash over the participants and their stati ksort($entry['participants']); // create a defined order $etag .= ':'.md5(serialize($entry['participants'])); //error_log(__FILE__ .__METHOD__ . "($entry[id] ($entry[etag]): $entry[title] --> etag=$etag"); return $etag; } /** * Check if user has the neccessary rights on an event * * @param int $acl EGW_ACL_READ, EGW_ACL_EDIT or EGW_ACL_DELETE * @param array/int $event event-array or id * @return boolean null if entry does not exist, false if no access, true if access permitted */ function check_access($acl,$event) { return $this->bo->check_perms($acl,$event,0,'server'); } /** * Add extra properties for calendar collections * * @param array $props=array() regular props by the groupdav handler * @return array */ static function extra_properties(array $props=array()) { // calendaring URL of the current user $props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-home-set',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'/'); // email of the current user, see caldav-sheduling draft $props[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-address-set','MAILTO:'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['email']); return $props; } /** * Get the handler and set the supported fields * * @return calendar_ical */ private function _get_handler() { $handler = new calendar_ical(); $handler->setSupportedFields('GroupDAV',$this->agent); if ($this->debug > 1) error_log("ical Handler called:" . $this->agent); return $handler; } }