 * eGroupWare API: eGW session handling
 * This class is based on the old phpgwapi/inc/class.sessions(_php4).inc.php:
 * (c) 1998-2000 NetUSE AG Boris Erdmann, Kristian Koehntopp
 * (c) 2003 FreeSoftware Foundation
 * Not sure how much the current code still has to do with it.
 * Former authers were:
 * - NetUSE AG Boris Erdmann, Kristian Koehntopp
 * - Dan Kuykendall <seek3r@phpgroupware.org>
 * - Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package api
 * @subpackage session
 * @author Ralf Becker <ralfbecker@outdoor-training.de> since 2003 on
 * @version $Id$

 * eGW session handling
 * Create, verifies or destroys an eGroupWare session
 * There are separate session-handler classes: egw_session_(files|memcache),
 * which implement custom session handler or certain extra functionality, like eg. listing sessions,
 * not available in php's session extension.
 * If you want to analyse the memory usage in the session, you can uncomment the following call:
 * 	static function encrypt($kp3)
 *	{
 *		// switch that on to analyse memory usage in the session
 *		//self::log_session_usage($_SESSION[self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR],'_SESSION['.self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR.']',true,5000);
class egw_session
	 * Write debug messages about session verification and creation to the error_log
	const ERROR_LOG_DEBUG = false;

	 * key of eGW's session-data in $_SESSION
	const EGW_SESSION_VAR = 'egw_session';

	 * key of eGW's application session-data in $_SESSION
	const EGW_APPSESSION_VAR = 'egw_app_session';

	 * key of eGW's required files in $_SESSION
	 * These files get set by egw_db and egw class, for classes which get not autoloaded (eg. ADOdb, idots_framework)
	const EGW_REQUIRED_FILES = 'egw_required_files';

	 * key of  eGW's egw_info cached in $_SESSION
	const EGW_INFO_CACHE = 'egw_info_cache';

	 * key of  eGW's egw object cached in $_SESSION
	const EGW_OBJECT_CACHE = 'egw_object_cache';

	 * Name of cookie or get-parameter with session-id
	const EGW_SESSION_NAME = 'sessionid';

	* current user login (account_lid@domain)
	* @var string
	var $login;

	* current user password
	* @var string
	var $passwd;

	* current user db/ldap account id
	* @var int
	var $account_id;

	* current user account login id (without the eGW-domain/-instance part
	* @var string
	var $account_lid;

	* domain for current user
	* @var string
	var $account_domain;

	* type flag, A - anonymous session, N - None, normal session
	* @var string
	var $session_flags;

	* current user session id
	* @var string
	var $sessionid;

	* an other session specific id (md5 from a random string),
	* used together with the sessionid for xmlrpc basic auth and the encryption of session-data (if that's enabled)
	* @var string
	var $kp3;

	* name of XML-RPC/SOAP method called
	* @var string
	var $xmlrpc_method_called;

	* Array with the name of the system domains
	* @var array
	private $egw_domains;

	 * $_SESSION at the time the constructor was called
	 * @var array
	var $required_files;

	 * Constructor just loads up some defaults from cookies
	 * @param array $domain_names=null domain-names used in this install
	function __construct(array $domain_names=null)
		$this->required_files = $_SESSION[self::EGW_REQUIRED_FILES];

		$this->sessionid = self::get_sessionid();
		$this->kp3       = self::get_request('kp3');

		$this->egw_domains = $domain_names;

		if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_setup']))
			// verfiy and if necessary create and save our config settings
			$save_rep = false;
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_access_log_age']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_access_log_age'] = 90;	// default 90 days
				$save_rep = true;
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['block_time']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['block_time'] = 5;	// default 5min
				$save_rep = true;
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_id']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_id']  = 3;	// default 3 trys per id
				$save_rep = true;
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_ip']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_ip']  = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_id'];	// default same as for id
				$save_rep = true;
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['install_id']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['install_id']  = md5(common::randomstring(15));
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout'] = 14400;
				$save_rep = true;
			if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_history']))
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_history'] = 20;
				$save_rep = true;

			if ($save_rep)
				$config = new config('phpgwapi');
      	ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout']);

	 * Magic function called when this class get's restored from the session
	function __wakeup()
		ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout']);

	 * Destructor
	function __destruct()

	 * commit the sessiondata to storage
	 * It's necessary to use this function instead of session_write_close() direct, as otherwise the session is not encrypted!
	function commit_session()
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."() sessionid=$this->sessionid, _SESSION[".self::EGW_SESSION_VAR.']='.array2string($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR]));


	 * Keys of session variables which get encrypted
	 * @var array
	static $egw_session_vars = array(
		//self::EGW_SESSION_VAR, no need to encrypt and required by the session list

	static $mcrypt;

	 * Name of flag in session to signal it is encrypted or not
	const EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED = 'egw_session_encrypted';

	 * Encrypt the variables in the session
	 * Is called by self::__destruct().
	static function encrypt($kp3)
		// switch that on to analyse memory usage in the session

		if (!isset($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED]) && self::init_crypt($kp3))
			foreach(self::$egw_session_vars as $name)
				if (isset($_SESSION[$name]))
					$_SESSION[$name] = mcrypt_generic(self::$mcrypt,serialize($_SESSION[$name]));
					//error_log(__METHOD__."() 'encrypting' session var: $name, len=".strlen($_SESSION[$name]));
			$_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED] = true;	// flag session as encrypted

			self::$mcrypt = null;

	 * Log the usage of session-vars
	 * @param array &$arr
	 * @param string $label
	 * @param boolean $recursion=true if true call itself for every item > $limit
	 * @param int $limit=1000 log only differences > $limit
	static function log_session_usage(&$arr,$label,$recursion=true,$limit=1000)
		if (!is_array($arr)) return;

		$sizes = array();
		foreach($arr as $key => &$data)
			$sizes[$key] = strlen(serialize($data));
		foreach($sizes as $key => $size)
			$diff = $size - (int)$_SESSION[$label.'-sizes'][$key];
			$_SESSION[$label.'-sizes'][$key] = $size;
			if ($diff > $limit)
				error_log("strlen({$label}[$key])=".egw_vfs::hsize($size).", diff=".egw_vfs::hsize($diff));
				if ($recursion) self::log_session_usage($arr[$key],$label.'['.$key.']',$recursion,$limit);

	 * Decrypt the variables in the session
	 * Is called by self::init_handler from phpgwapi/inc/functions.inc.php (called from the header.inc.php)
	 * before the restore of the eGW enviroment takes place, so that the whole thing can be encrypted
	static function decrypt()
		if ($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED] && self::init_crypt(self::get_request('kp3')))
			foreach(self::$egw_session_vars as $name)
				if (isset($_SESSION[$name]))
					$_SESSION[$name] = unserialize(trim(mdecrypt_generic(self::$mcrypt,$_SESSION[$name])));
					//error_log(__METHOD__."() 'decrypting' session var $name: gettype($name) = ".gettype($_SESSION[$name]));
			unset($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED]);	// delete encryption flag

	 * Check if session encryption is configured, possible and initialise it
	 * @param string $kp3 mcrypt key transported via cookie or get parameter like the session id,
	 *	unlike the session id it's not know on the server, so only the client-request can decrypt the session!
	 * @param string $algo='tripledes'
	 * @param string $mode='ecb'
	 * @return boolean true if encryption is used, false otherwise
	static private function init_crypt($kp3,$algo='tripledes',$mode='ecb')
			return false;	// session encryption is switched off
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['currentapp'] == 'syncml' || !$kp3)
			$kp3 = 'staticsyncmlkp3';	// syncml has no kp3!
		if (is_null(self::$mcrypt))
			if (!check_load_extension('mcrypt'))
				error_log(__METHOD__."() required PHP extension mcrypt not loaded and can not be loaded, sessions get NOT encrypted!");
				return false;
			if (!(self::$mcrypt = mcrypt_module_open($algo, '', $mode, '')))
				error_log(__METHOD__."() could not mcrypt_module_open(algo='$algo','',mode='$mode',''), sessions get NOT encrypted!");
				return false;
			$iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(self::$mcrypt);
			$iv = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv']) || strlen($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv']) < $iv_size ?
				mcrypt_create_iv ($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND) : substr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv'],0,$iv_size);

			if (mcrypt_generic_init(self::$mcrypt,$kp3, $iv) < 0)
				error_log(__METHOD__."() could not initialise mcrypt, sessions get NOT encrypted!");
				return self::$mcrypt = false;
		return is_resource(self::$mcrypt);

	 * Create a new eGW session
	 * @param string $login user login
	 * @param string $passwd user password
	 * @param string $passwd_type type of password being used, ie plaintext, md5, sha1
	 * @param boolean $no_session_needed=false dont create a real session, eg. for GroupDAV clients using only basic auth, no cookie support
	 * @param boolean $auth_check=true if false, the user is loged in without checking his password (eg. for single sign on), default = true
	 * @return string session id
	function create($login,$passwd = '',$passwd_type = '',$no_session=false,$auth_check=true)
		if (is_array($login))
			$this->login       = $login['login'];
			$this->passwd      = $login['passwd'];
			$this->passwd_type = $login['passwd_type'];
			$login             = $this->login;
			$this->login       = $login;
			$this->passwd      = $passwd;
			$this->passwd_type = $passwd_type;
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."($this->login,$this->passwd,$this->passwd_type,$no_session,$auth_check)");

		// add domain to the login, if not already there
		if (substr($this->login,-strlen($this->account_domain)-1) != '@'.$this->account_domain)
			$this->login .= '@'.$this->account_domain;
		$now = time();
		//error_log(__METHOD__."($login,$passwd,$passwd_type,$no_session,$auth_check) account_lid=$this->account_lid, account_domain=$this->account_domain, default_domain={$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['default_domain']}, user/domain={$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain']}");

		// This is to ensure that we authenticate to the correct domain (might not be default)
		// if no domain is given we use the default domain, so we dont need to re-create everything
		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'] && $this->account_domain == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['default_domain'])
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'] = $this->account_domain;
		elseif (!$this->account_domain && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'])
			$this->account_domain = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'];
		elseif($this->account_domain != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'])
			throw new Exception("Wrong domain! '$this->account_domain' != '{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain']}'");
/*			$GLOBALS['egw']->ADOdb = null;
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'] = $this->account_domain;
			// reset the db and all other (non-header!) egw_info/server data
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'] = array(
				'sessions_type'  => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_type'],
				'default_domain' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['default_domain'],
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_host'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_host'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_port'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_port'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_name'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_name'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_user'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_user'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_pass'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_pass'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_type'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_type'];
		unset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['default_domain']); // we kill this for security reasons

		//echo "<p>session::create(login='$login'): lid='$this->account_lid', domain='$this->account_domain'</p>\n";
		$user_ip = self::getuser_ip();

		$this->account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($this->account_lid,'account_lid','u');

		if (($blocked = $this->login_blocked($login,$user_ip)) ||	// too many unsuccessful attempts
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['global_denied_users'][$this->account_lid] ||
			$auth_check && !$GLOBALS['egw']->auth->authenticate($this->account_lid, $this->passwd, $this->passwd_type) ||
			$this->account_id && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($this->account_id) == 'g')
			$this->reason = $blocked ? 'blocked, too many attempts' : 'bad login or password';
			$this->cd_reason = $blocked ? 99 : 5;

			// we dont log anon users as it would block the website
			if (!$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_specific_rights_for_account($this->account_id,'anonymous','phpgwapi'))
				$this->log_access($this->reason,$login,$user_ip,0);	// log unsuccessfull login
			return false;
		if (!$this->account_id && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auto_create_acct'])
			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['auto_create_acct'] == 'lowercase')
				$this->account_lid = strtolower($this->account_lid);
			$this->account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->auto_add($this->account_lid, $passwd);
		// fix maybe wrong case in username, it makes problems eg. in filemanager (name of homedir)
		if ($this->account_lid != ($lid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($this->account_id)))
			$this->account_lid = $lid;
			$this->login = $lid.substr($this->login,strlen($lid));

		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $this->account_id;

		// for WebDAV and GroupDAV we use a pseudo sessionid created from md5(user:passwd)
		// --> allows this stateless protocolls which use basic auth to use sessions!
		if ($this->sessionid = self::get_sessionid(true))
			$no_session = true;	// no need to set cookie
			// set a new session-id, if not syncml (already done in Horde code and can NOT be changed)
			if (!$no_session && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] != 'syncml')
			$this->sessionid = session_id();
		$this->kp3       = common::randomstring(24);

		if ($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->is_expired($this->user))
					'text' => 'W-LoginFailure, account loginid %1 is expired',
					'p1'   => $this->account_lid,
					'line' => __LINE__,
					'file' => __FILE__
			$this->reason = 'account is expired';
			$this->cd_reason = 98;

			return false;

		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']  = $this->user;


		if ($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('anonymous',1,'phpgwapi'))
			$this->session_flags = 'A';
			$this->session_flags = 'N';

		if (($hook_result = $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process(array(
			'location'       => 'session_creation',
			'sessionid'      => $this->sessionid,
			'session_flags'  => $this->session_flags,
			'account_id'     => $this->account_id,
			'account_lid'    => $this->account_lid,
			'passwd'         => $this->passwd,
			'account_domain' => $this->account_domain,
			'user_ip'        => $user_ip,
		),'',true)))	// true = run hooks from all apps, not just the ones the current user has perms to run
			foreach($hook_result as $app => $reason)
				if ($reason)	// called hook requests to deny the session
					$this->reason = $this->cd_reason = $reason;
					$this->log_access($this->reason,$login,$user_ip,$this->account_id);		// log unsuccessfull login
					return false;
		if ($this->session_flags != 'A')		// dont log anonymous sessions

		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['usecookies'] && !$no_session)
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['usecookies'] && !$no_session || isset($_COOKIE['last_loginid']))
			self::egw_setcookie('last_loginid', $this->account_lid ,$now+1209600); /* For 2 weeks */
		//if (!$this->sessionid) echo "<p>session::create(login='$login') = '$this->sessionid': lid='$this->account_lid', domain='$this->account_domain'</p>\n";
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."($this->login,$this->passwd,$this->passwd_type,$no_session,$auth_check) successfull sessionid=$this->sessionid");

		return $this->sessionid;

	 * Store eGW specific session-vars
	 * @param string $login
	 * @param string $user_ip
	 * @param int $now
	 * @param string $session_flags
	private function register_session($login,$user_ip,$now,$session_flags)
		// restore session vars set before session was started
		if (is_array($this->required_files))
			$_SESSION[self::EGW_REQUIRED_FILES] = !is_array($_SESSION[self::EGW_REQUIRED_FILES]) ? $this->required_files :
		$_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR] = array(
			'session_id'     => $this->sessionid,
			'session_lid'    => $login,
			'session_ip'     => $user_ip,
			'session_logintime' => $now,
			'session_dla'    => $now,
			'session_action' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
			'session_flags'  => $session_flags,
			// we need the install-id to differ between serveral installs shareing one tmp-dir
			'session_install_id' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['install_id']

	 * name of access-log table
	const ACCESS_LOG_TABLE = 'egw_access_log';

    * Write or update (for logout) the access_log
	* @param string $sessionid id of session or 0 for unsuccessful logins
	* @param string $login account_lid (evtl. with domain) or '' for settion the logout-time
	* @param string $user_ip ip to log
	* @param int $account_id numerical account_id
	private function log_access($sessionid,$login='',$user_ip='',$account_id='')
		$now = time();

		if ($login)
				'sessionid' => $sessionid,
				'loginid'   => $login,
				'ip'        => $user_ip,
				'li'        => $now,
				'lo'        => 0,
				'account_id'=> $account_id,
			$GLOBALS['egw']->db->update(self::ACCESS_LOG_TABLE,array('lo' => $now),array('sessionid' => $sessionid),__LINE__,__FILE__);
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_access_log_age'])
			$max_age = $now - $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_access_log_age'] * 24 * 60 * 60;

			$GLOBALS['egw']->db->delete(self::ACCESS_LOG_TABLE,"li < $max_age",__LINE__,__FILE__);

	 * Protect against brute force attacks, block login if too many unsuccessful login attmepts
	 * @param string $login account_lid (evtl. with domain)
	 * @param string $ip ip of the user
	 * @returns bool login blocked?
	private function login_blocked($login,$ip)
		$blocked = false;
		$block_time = time() - $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['block_time'] * 60;

		if (($false_ip = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(self::ACCESS_LOG_TABLE,'COUNT(*)',array(
			'account_id = 0',
			'ip'         => $ip,
			"li > $block_time",
		),__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn()) > $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_ip'])
			//echo "<p>login_blocked: ip='$ip' ".$this->db->f(0)." trys (".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_ip']." max.) since ".date('Y/m/d H:i',$block_time)."</p>\n";
			$blocked = true;
		if (($false_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(self::ACCESS_LOG_TABLE,'COUNT(*)',array(
			'account_id = 0',
			'(loginid = '.$GLOBALS['egw']->db->quote($login).' OR loginid LIKE '.$GLOBALS['egw']->db->quote($login.'@%').')',
			"li > $block_time",
		),__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn()) > $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_id'])
			//echo "<p>login_blocked: login='$login' ".$this->db->f(0)." trys (".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['num_unsuccessful_id']." max.) since ".date('Y/m/d H:i',$block_time)."</p>\n";
			$blocked = true;
		if ($blocked && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['admin_mails'] &&
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['login_blocked_mail_time'] < time()-5*60)	// max. one mail every 5mins
			// notify admin(s) via email
			$from    = 'eGroupWare@'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mail_suffix'];
			$subject = lang("eGroupWare: login blocked for user '%1', IP %2",$login,$ip);
			$body    = lang("Too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4",$false_id,$login,$false_ip,$ip);

			$subject = $GLOBALS['egw']->send->encode_subject($subject);
			$admin_mails = explode(',',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['admin_mails']);
			foreach($admin_mails as $to)
			// save time of mail, to not send to many mails
			$config = new config('phpgwapi');
		return $blocked;

	 * Get the sessionid from Cookie, Get-Parameter or basic auth
	 * @param boolean $only_basic_auth=false return only a basic auth pseudo sessionid, default no
	 * @return string
	static function get_sessionid($only_basic_auth=false)
		// for WebDAV and GroupDAV we use a pseudo sessionid created from md5(user:passwd)
		// --> allows this stateless protocolls which use basic auth to use sessions!
		if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) &&
			// we generate a pseudo-sessionid from the basic auth credentials
			$sessionid = md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'].':'.$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'].':'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].':'.EGW_SERVER_ROOT.':'.self::getuser_ip());
		// same for digest auth
		elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']) &&
			// we generate a pseudo-sessionid from the digest username, realm and nounce
			// can't use full $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'], as it changes (contains eg. the url)
			$data = egw_digest_auth::parse_digest($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']);
			$sessionid = md5($data['username'].':'.$data['realm'].':'.$data['nonce'].':'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].':'.EGW_SERVER_ROOT.':'.self::getuser_ip());
		elseif(!$only_basic_auth && isset($_REQUEST[self::EGW_SESSION_NAME]))
			$sessionid = $_REQUEST[self::EGW_SESSION_NAME];
		elseif(!$only_basic_auth && isset($_COOKIE[self::EGW_SESSION_NAME]))
			$sessionid = $_COOKIE[self::EGW_SESSION_NAME];
			$sessionid = false;
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.'() returning '.print_r($sessionid,true));
		return $sessionid;

	 * Get request or cookie variable with higher precedence to $_REQUEST then $_COOKIE
	 * In php < 5.3 that's identical to $_REQUEST[$name], but php5.3+ does no longer register cookied in $_REQUEST by default
	 * As a workaround for a bug in Safari Version 3.2.1 (5525.27.1), where cookie first letter get's upcased, we check that too.
	 * @param string $name eg. 'kp3' or domain
	 * @return mixed null if it's neither set in $_REQUEST or $_COOKIE
	static function get_request($name)
		return isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ? $_REQUEST[$name] :
			(isset($_COOKIE[$name]) ? $_COOKIE[$name] :
			(isset($_COOKIE[$name=ucfirst($name)]) ? $_COOKIE[$name] : null));

	 * Check to see if a session is still current and valid
	 * @param string $sessionid session id to be verfied
	 * @param string $kp3 ?? to be verified
	 * @return bool is the session valid?
	function verify($sessionid=null,$kp3=null)
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$sessionid','$kp3') ".function_backtrace());

		$fill_egw_info_and_repositories = !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['restored_from_session'];

			$sessionid = self::get_sessionid();
			$kp3       = self::get_request('kp3');

		$this->sessionid = $sessionid;
		$this->kp3       = $kp3;

		if (!$this->sessionid)
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$sessionid') get_sessionid()='".self::get_sessionid()."' No session ID");
			return false;


		// check if we have a eGroupware session --> return false if not (but dont destroy it!)
		if (is_null($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR]))
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$sessionid') session does NOT exist!");
			return false;
		$session =& $_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR];

		if ($session['session_dla'] <= time() - $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout'])
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$sessionid') session timed out!");
			return false;

		$this->session_flags = $session['session_flags'];


		// This is to ensure that we authenticate to the correct domain (might not be default)
		if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'] && $this->account_domain != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'])
			return false;	// session not verified, domain changed

			throw new Exception("Wrong domain! '$this->account_domain' != '{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain']}'");
/*			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$sessionid','$kp3') account_domain='$this->account_domain' != '{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain']}'=egw_info[user][domain]");
			$GLOBALS['egw']->ADOdb = null;
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'] = $this->account_domain;
			// reset the db
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_host'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_host'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_port'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_port'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_name'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_name'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_user'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_user'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_pass'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_pass'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_type'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->account_domain]['db_type'];
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['kp3'] = $this->kp3;

		// allow xajax / notifications to not update the dla, so sessions can time out again
		if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['no_dla_update']) || !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['no_dla_update'])
		$this->account_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($this->account_lid,'account_lid','u');
		if (!$this->account_id)
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log("*** session::verify($sessionid) !accounts::name2id('$this->account_lid')");
			return false;

		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $this->account_id;

		if ($fill_egw_info_and_repositories)

		if ($this->user['expires'] != -1 && $this->user['expires'] < time())
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log("*** session::verify($sessionid) accounts is expired");
					'text' => 'W-VerifySession, account loginid %1 is expired',
					'p1'   => $this->account_lid,
					'line' => __LINE__,
					'file' => __FILE__
			return false;
		if ($fill_egw_info_and_repositories)
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']  = $this->user;

			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['session_ip'] = $session['session_ip'];
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['passwd']     = base64_decode($this->appsession('password','phpgwapi'));
		if ($this->account_domain != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'])
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log("*** session::verify($sessionid) wrong domain");
					'text' => 'W-VerifySession, the domains %1 and %2 don\'t match',
					'p1'   => $userid_array[1],
					'p2'   => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'],
					'line' => __LINE__,
					'file' => __FILE__
			return false;

		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_checkip'])
			if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) != 'WIN' && (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['session_ip'] ||
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['session_ip'] != $this->getuser_ip()))
				if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log("*** session::verify($sessionid) wrong IP");
					// This needs some better wording
						'text' => 'W-VerifySession, IP %1 doesn\'t match IP %2 in session table',
						'p1'   => $this->getuser_ip(),
						'p2'   => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['session_ip'],
						'line' => __LINE__,
						'file' => __FILE__
				return false;

		if ($fill_egw_info_and_repositories)
		if (!$this->account_lid)
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log("*** session::verify($sessionid) !account_lid");
				// This needs some better wording
					'text' => 'W-VerifySession, account_id is empty',
					'line' => __LINE__,
					'file' => __FILE__
			//echo 'DEBUG: Sessions: account_id is empty!<br>'."\n";
			return false;
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log("--> session::verify($sessionid) SUCCESS");

		return true;

	 * Terminate a session
	 * @param string $sessionid the id of the session to be terminated
	 * @param string $kp3
	 * @return boolean true on success, false on error
	function destroy($sessionid, $kp3)
		if (!$sessionid && $kp3)
			return false;
		$this->log_access($this->sessionid);	// log logout-time

		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."($sessionid,$kp3) parent::destroy()=$ret");

			'location'  => 'session_destroyed',
			'sessionid' => $sessionid,
		),'',true);	// true = run hooks from all apps, not just the ones the current user has perms to run

		// Only do the following, if where working with the current user
		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['sessionid'] || $sessionid == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['sessionid'])
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__." ********* about to call session_destroy!");
			//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__.": session_destroy() returned ".(session_destroy() ? 'true' : 'false')."</p>\n";
			// we need to (re-)load the eGW session-handler, as session_destroy unloads custom session-handlers
			if (function_exists('init_session_handler'))

			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['usecookies'])
			$sessions = self::session_list(0,'','',true);

			if (isset($sessions[$sessionid]) && session_module_name() == 'files')
				//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."($session_id): unlink('".$sessions[$sessionid]['php_session_file']."')</p>\n";
		return true;

	 * Generate a url which supports url or cookies based sessions
	 * Please note, the values of the query get url encoded!
	 * @param string $url a url relative to the egroupware install root, it can contain a query too
	 * @param array|string $extravars query string arguements as string or array (prefered)
	 * 	if string is used ambersands in vars have to be already urlencoded as '%26', function ensures they get NOT double encoded
	 * @return string generated url
	public static function link($url, $extravars = '')
		//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."(url='$url',extravars='".array2string($extravars)."')";

		if ($url[0] != '/')
			$app = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];
			if ($app != 'login' && $app != 'logout')
				$url = $app.'/'.$url;

		// append the url to the webserver url, but avoid more then one slash between the parts of the url
		if ($url[0] != '/' || $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] != '/')
			if($url[0] != '/' && substr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'],-1) != '/')
				$url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] .'/'. $url;
				$url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $url;

		if(isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['enforce_ssl']) && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['enforce_ssl'])
			if(substr($url ,0,4) != 'http')
				$url = 'https://'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['hostname'].$url;
				$url = str_replace ( 'http:', 'https:', $url);
		$vars = array();
		// add session params if not using cookies
		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['usecookies'])
			$vars[self::EGW_SESSION_NAME] = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->sessionid;
			$vars['kp3'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->kp3;
			$vars['domain'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->account_domain;

		// check if the url already contains a query and ensure that vars is an array and all strings are in extravars
		list($url,$othervars) = explode('?',$url,2);
		if ($extravars && is_array($extravars))
			$vars += $extravars;
			$extravars = $othervars;
			if ($othervars) $extravars .= ($extravars?'&':'').$othervars;

		// parse extravars string into the vars array
		if ($extravars)
			foreach(explode('&',$extravars) as $expr)
				list($var,$val) = explode('=', $expr,2);
				if (strpos($val,'%26') != false) $val = str_replace('%26','&',$val);	// make sure to not double encode &
				if (substr($var,-2) == '[]')
					$vars[substr($var,0,-2)][] = $val;
					$vars[$var] = $val;

		// if there are vars, we add them urlencoded to the url
		if (count($vars))
			$query = array();
			foreach($vars as $key => $value)
				if (is_array($value))
					foreach($value as $val)
						$query[] = $key.'[]='.urlencode($val);
					$query[] = $key.'='.urlencode($value);
			$url .= '?' . implode('&',$query);
		//echo " = '$url'</p>\n";
		return $url;

	 * Stores or retrieve applications data in/form the eGW session
	 * @param string $location free lable to store the data
	 * @param string $appname='' default current application (egw_info[flags][currentapp])
	 * @param mixed $data='##NOTHING##' if given, data to store, if not specified
	 * @return mixed session data or false if no data stored for $appname/$location
	public static function &appsession($location = 'default', $appname = '', $data = '##NOTHING##')
		if (isset($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_ENCRYPTED]))
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.' called after session was encrypted --> ignored!');
			return false;	// can no longer store something in the session, eg. because commit_session() was called
		if (!$appname)
			$appname = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'];

		// allow to store eg. '' as the value.
		if ($data === '##NOTHING##')
			if(isset($_SESSION[self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$appname]) && array_key_exists($location,$_SESSION[self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$appname]))
				$ret =& $_SESSION[self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$appname][$location];
				$ret = false;
			$_SESSION[self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$appname][$location] =& $data;
			$ret =& $_SESSION[self::EGW_APPSESSION_VAR][$appname][$location];
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG === 'appsession')
			error_log(__METHOD__."($location,$appname,$data) === ".(is_scalar($ret) && strlen($ret) < 50 ?
				(is_bool($ret) ? ($ret ? '(bool)true' : '(bool)false') : $ret) :
				(strlen($r = array2string($ret)) < 50 ? $r : substr($r,0,50).' ...')));
		return $ret;

	 * Get the ip address of current users
	 * @return string ip address
	public static function getuser_ip()

	 * domain for cookies
	 * @var string
	private static $cookie_domain = '';

	 * path for cookies
	 * @var string
	private static $cookie_path = '/';

	 * Set a cookie with eGW's cookie-domain and -path settings
	 * @param string $cookiename name of cookie to be set
	 * @param string $cookievalue='' value to be used, if unset cookie is cleared (optional)
	 * @param int $cookietime=0 when cookie should expire, 0 for session only (optional)
	 * @param string $cookiepath=null optional path (eg. '/') if the eGW install-dir should not be used
	public static function egw_setcookie($cookiename,$cookievalue='',$cookietime=0,$cookiepath=null)
		if (empty(self::$cookie_domain) || empty(self::$cookie_path))
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."($cookiename,$cookievalue,$cookietime,$cookiepath,".self::$cookie_domain.")");

		$rv = setcookie($cookiename,$cookievalue,$cookietime,is_null($cookiepath) ? self::$cookie_path : $cookiepath,self::$cookie_domain);
		//error_log(__METHOD__." $cookiename->$cookievalue".' returned:'.print_r($rv,true).print_r($_COOKIE,true));

	 * Set the domain and path used for cookies
	private static function set_cookiedomain()
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cookiedomain'])
			// Admin set domain, eg. .domain.com to allow egw.domain.com and www.domain.com
			self::$cookie_domain = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cookiedomain'];
			// Use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST if set, which is the case behind a none-transparent proxy
			self::$cookie_domain = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ?  $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
		// remove port from HTTP_HOST
		if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",self::$cookie_domain,$arr))
			self::$cookie_domain = $arr[1];
		if (count(explode('.',self::$cookie_domain)) <= 1)
			// setcookie dont likes domains without dots, leaving it empty, gets setcookie to fill the domain in
			self::$cookie_domain = '';
		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['cookiepath'] ||
			!(self::$cookie_path = parse_url($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'],PHP_URL_PATH)))
			 self::$cookie_path = '/';
		//echo "<p>cookie_path='self::$cookie_path', cookie_domain='self::$cookie_domain'</p>\n";


	 * Search the instance matching the request
	 * @param string $login on login $_POST['login'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] or $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']
	 * @param string $domain_requested usually self::get_request('domain')
	 * @param string &$default_domain usually $default_domain get's set eg. by sitemgr
	 * @param string $server_name usually $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
	 * @param array $domains=null defaults to $GLOBALS['egw_domain'] from the header
	 * @return string $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'] set with the domain/instance to use
	public static function search_instance($login,$domain_requested,&$default_domain,$server_name,array $domains=null)
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."('$login','$domain_requested',".array2string($default_domain).".'$server_name'.".array2string($domains).")");

		if (is_null($domains)) $domains = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'];

		if (!isset($default_domain) || !isset($domains[$default_domain]))	// allow to overwrite the default domain
				$default_domain = $server_name;
				$domain_part = explode('.',$server_name);
				$domain_part = implode('.',$domain_part);
					$default_domain = $domain_part;
					list($default_domain) = each($domains);
		if (isset($login))	// on login
			if (strpos($login,'@') === false || count($domains) == 1)
				$login .= '@' . (isset($_POST['logindomain']) ? $_POST['logindomain'] : $default_domain);
			$parts = explode('@',$login);
			$domain = array_pop($parts);
			$GLOBALS['login'] = $login;
		else	// on "normal" pageview
			$domain = $domain_requested;
		if (!isset($domains[$domain]))
			$domain = $default_domain;
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."() default_domain=".array2string($default_domain).', login='.array2string($login)." returning ".array2string($domain));

		return $domain;

	 * Update session_action and session_dla (session last used time),
	private function update_dla()
		if (isset($_GET['menuaction']))
			$action = $_GET['menuaction'];
			$action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

		// This way XML-RPC users aren't always listed as
		// xmlrpc.php
		if ($this->xmlrpc_method_called)
			$action = $this->xmlrpc_method_called;

		$_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR]['session_dla'] = time();
		$_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR]['session_action'] = $action;
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.'() _SESSION['.self::EGW_SESSION_VAR.']='.array2string($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR]));

	 * Read the diverse repositories / init classes with data from the just loged in user
	public function read_repositories()

		$this->user                = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read_repository();
		$this->user['acl']         = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->read_repository();
		$this->user['preferences'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read_repository();
		if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->datetime))
			$GLOBALS['egw']->datetime->datetime();		// to set tz_offset from the now read prefs
		$this->user['apps']        = $GLOBALS['egw']->applications->read_repository();
		$this->user['domain']      = $this->account_domain;
		$this->user['sessionid']   = $this->sessionid;
		$this->user['kp3']         = $this->kp3;
		$this->user['session_ip']  = $this->getuser_ip();
		$this->user['session_lid'] = $this->account_lid.'@'.$this->account_domain;
		$this->user['account_id']  = $this->account_id;
		$this->user['account_lid'] = $this->account_lid;
		$this->user['userid']      = $this->account_lid;
		$this->user['passwd']      = @$this->passwd;

	 * Splits a login-name into account_lid and eGW-domain/-instance
	 * @param string $login login-name (ie. user@default)
	 * @param string &$account_lid returned account_lid (ie. user)
	 * @param string &$domain returned domain (ie. domain)
	private function split_login_domain($login,&$account_lid,&$domain)
		$parts = explode('@',$login);

		//conference - for strings like vinicius@thyamad.com@default ,
		//allows that user have a login that is his e-mail. (viniciuscb)
		if (count($parts) > 1)
			$probable_domain = array_pop($parts);
			//Last part of login string, when separated by @, is a domain name
			if (in_array($probable_domain,$this->egw_domains))
				$got_login = true;
				$domain = $probable_domain;
				$account_lid = implode('@',$parts);

		if (!$got_login)
			$domain = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['default_domain'];
			$account_lid = $login;

	 * Create a hash from user and pw
	 * Can be used to check setup config user/password inside egroupware:
	 * if (egw_session::user_pw_hash($user,$pw) === $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['config_hash'])
	 * @param string $user username
	 * @param string $password password or md5 hash of password if $allow_password_md5
	 * @param boolean $allow_password_md5=false can password alread be an md5 hash
	 * @return string
	static function user_pw_hash($user,$password,$allow_password_md5=false)
		$password_md5 = $allow_password_md5 && preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/',$password) ? $password : md5($password);

		$hash = sha1(strtolower($user).$password_md5);
		//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."('$user','$password',$allow_password_md5) sha1('".strtolower($user)."$password_md5')='$hash'</p>\n";
		return $hash;

	 * Funtions to access the used session-handler, specified in header.inc.php: $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['session_handler']

	 * Name of session-handler-class
	 * @var string
	private static $session_handler = 'egw_session_files';

	 * Initialise the used session handler
	public static function init_handler()
		if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['session_handler']) && class_exists($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['session_handler']))
			self::$session_handler = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['session_handler'];
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__.'() session_handler='.self::$session_handler.', egw_info[server][session_handler]='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['session_handler'].' called from:'.function_backtrace());

		if (method_exists(self::$session_handler,'init_session_handler'))
		ini_set('session.use_cookies',0);	// disable the automatic use of cookies, as it uses the path / by default
		if (($sessionid = self::get_sessionid()))
			$ok = session_start();
			if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."() sessionid=$sessionid, _SESSION[".self::EGW_SESSION_VAR.']='.array2string($_SESSION[self::EGW_SESSION_VAR]));
			return $ok;
		if (self::ERROR_LOG_DEBUG) error_log(__METHOD__."() no active session!");

		return false;

	 * Get a session list (of the current instance)
	 * @param int $start
	 * @param string $sort='session_dla' session_lid, session_id, session_started, session_logintime, session_action, or (default) session_dla
	 * @param string $order='DESC' ASC or DESC
	 * @param boolean $all_no_sort=False skip sorting and limiting to maxmatchs if set to true
	 * @return array with sessions (values for keys as in $sort) or array() if not supported by session-handler
	public static function session_list($start,$sort='DESC',$order='session_dla',$all_no_sort=False)
		if (method_exists(self::$session_handler,'session_list'))
			return call_user_func(array(self::$session_handler,'session_list'),$start,$sort,$order,$all_no_sort);
		return array();

	 * Query number of sessions (not more then once every N secs)
	 * @return int|boolean integer number of sessions or false if not supported by session-handler
	public static function session_count()
		if (method_exists(self::$session_handler,'session_count'))
			return call_user_func(array(self::$session_handler,'session_count'));
		return false;

	 * depricated functions, to be removed after 1.6

	 * Delete all data from the session cache for a user
	 * @param int $accountid user account id, defaults to current user (optional)
	 * @deprecated not longer used / necessary
	function delete_cache($accountid='')
