* @copyright (c) 2007-16 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ use EGroupware\Api; use EGroupware\Api\Acl; /** * EGroupware: CalDAV access: infolog handler * * Permanent error_log() calls should use $this->caldav->log($str) instead, to be send to PHP error_log() * and our request-log (prefixed with "### " after request and response, like exceptions). */ class infolog_groupdav extends Api\CalDAV\Handler { /** * bo class of the application * * @var infolog_bo */ var $bo; /** * vCalendar Instance for parsing * * @var array */ var $vCalendar; var $filter_prop2infolog = array( 'SUMMARY' => 'info_subject', 'UID' => 'info_uid', 'DTSTART' => 'info_startdate', 'DUE' => 'info_enddate', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'info_des', 'STATUS' => 'info_status', 'PRIORITY' => 'info_priority', 'LOCATION' => 'info_location', 'COMPLETED' => 'info_datecompleted', 'CREATED' => 'info_created', ); /** * Are we using info_id, info_uid or caldav_name for the path/url * * Get's set in constructor to 'caldav_name' and self::$path_extension = ''! */ static $path_attr = 'info_id'; /** * Contains IDs for multiget REPORT to be able to report missing ones * * @var string[] */ var $requested_multiget_ids; /** * Constructor * * @param string $app 'calendar', 'addressbook' or 'infolog' * @param Api\CalDAV $caldav calling class */ function __construct($app, Api\CalDAV $caldav) { parent::__construct($app, $caldav); $this->bo = new infolog_bo(); $this->vCalendar = new Horde_Icalendar; // since 1.9.002 we allow clients to specify the URL when creating a new event, as specified by CalDAV if (version_compare($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['calendar']['version'], '1.9.002', '>=')) { self::$path_attr = 'caldav_name'; self::$path_extension = ''; } } /** * Create the path for an event * * @param array|int $info * @return string */ function get_path($info) { if (is_numeric($info) && self::$path_attr == 'info_id') { $name = $info; } else { if (!is_array($info)) $info = $this->bo->read($info); $name = $info[self::$path_attr]; } return $name.self::$path_extension; } /** * Get filter-array for infolog_bo::search used by getctag and propfind * * @param string $path * @param int $user account_id * @return array */ private function get_infolog_filter($path, $user) { $infolog_types = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['infolog-types']; // 'None' selected for types, make sure filter gives no results if($infolog_types == '0') { return array('info_type' => '**NONE**'); } if (!$infolog_types) { $infolog_types = 'task'; } if ($path == '/infolog/') { $task_filter= 'own'; } else { if ($user == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']) { $task_filter = 'own'; } else { $task_filter = 'user' . $user; } } $ret = array( 'filter' => $task_filter, 'info_type' => explode(',', $infolog_types), ); //error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', $user) returning ".array2string($ret)); return $ret; } /** * Handle propfind in the infolog folder * * @param string $path * @param array &$options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function propfind($path,&$options,&$files,$user,$id='') { // todo add a filter to limit how far back entries from the past get synced $filter = $this->get_infolog_filter($path, $user); // process REPORT filters or multiget href's $nresults = null; if (($id || $options['root']['name'] != 'propfind') && !$this->_report_filters($options, $filter, $id, $nresults)) { // return empty collection, as iCal under iOS 5 had problems with returning "404 Not found" status // when trying to request not supported components, eg. VTODO on a calendar collection return true; } // enable time-range filter for tests via propfind / autoindex //$filter[] = $sql = $this->_time_range_filter(array('end' => '20001231T000000Z')); if ($id) $path = dirname($path).'/'; // caldav_name get's added anyway in the callback if ($this->debug > 1) { error_log(__METHOD__."($path,,,$user,$id) filter=". array2string($filter)); } // check if we have to return the full calendar data or just the etag's if (!($filter['calendar_data'] = $options['props'] == 'all' && $options['root']['ns'] == Api\CalDAV::CALDAV) && is_array($options['props'])) { foreach($options['props'] as $prop) { if ($prop['name'] == 'calendar-data') { $filter['calendar_data'] = true; break; } } } // rfc 6578 sync-collection report: filter for sync-token is already set in _report_filters if ($options['root']['name'] == 'sync-collection') { // callback to query sync-token, after propfind_callbacks / iterator is run and // stored max. modification-time in $this->sync_collection_token $files['sync-token'] = array($this, 'get_sync_collection_token'); $files['sync-token-params'] = array($path, $user); $this->sync_collection_token = null; $filter['order'] = 'info_datemodified ASC'; // return oldest modifications first $filter['sync-collection'] = true; } if (isset($nresults)) { $files['files'] = $this->propfind_generator($path, $filter, [], $nresults); // hack to support limit with sync-collection report: contacts are returned in modified ASC order (oldest first) // if limit is smaller than full result, return modified-1 as sync-token, so client requests next chunk incl. modified // (which might contain further entries with identical modification time) if ($options['root']['name'] == 'sync-collection' && $this->bo->total > $nresults) { --$this->sync_collection_token; $files['sync-token-params'][] = true; // tel get_sync_collection_token that we have more entries } } else { $files['files'] = $this->propfind_generator($path,$filter, $files['files']); } return true; } /** * Chunk-size for DB queries of profind_generator */ const CHUNK_SIZE = 500; /** * Generator for propfind with ability to skip reporting not found ids * * @param string $path * @param array& $filter * @param array $extra extra resources like the collection itself * @param int|null $nresults option limit of number of results to report * @return Generator */ function propfind_generator($path, array &$filter, array $extra=[], $nresults=null) { if ($this->debug) $starttime = microtime(true); if (($calendar_data = $filter['calendar_data'])) { $handler = self::_get_handler(); } unset($filter['calendar_data']); $task_filter = $filter['filter']; unset($filter['filter']); // yield extra resources like the root itself $yielded = 0; foreach($extra as $resource) { if (++$yielded && isset($nresults) && $yielded > $nresults) { return; } yield $resource; } $order = 'info_datemodified'; $sort = 'DESC'; $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9_]+)( DESC| ASC)?$/i', $filter['order'], $matches)) { $order = $matches[1]; if ($matches[2]) $sort = $matches[2]; unset($filter['order']); } $query = array( 'order' => $order, 'sort' => $sort, 'filter' => $task_filter, 'date_format' => 'server', 'col_filter' => $filter, 'custom_fields' => true, // otherwise custom fields get NOT loaded! ); $check_responsible = false; if (substr($task_filter, -8) == '+deleted') { $check_responsible = substr($task_filter, 0, 4) == 'user' ? (int)substr($task_filter, 4) : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; } if (!$calendar_data) { $query['cols'] = array('main.info_id AS info_id', 'info_datemodified', 'info_uid', 'caldav_name', 'info_subject', 'info_status', 'info_owner'); } $files = array(); // ToDo: add parameter to only return id & etag for($chunk=0; ($params = $query+[ 'start' => $chunk*self::CHUNK_SIZE, 'num_rows' => self::CHUNK_SIZE, ]) && ($tasks =& $this->bo->search($params)); ++$chunk) { foreach($tasks as $task) { // remove task from requested multiget ids, to be able to report not found urls if (!empty($this->requested_multiget_ids) && ($k = array_search($task[self::$path_attr], $this->requested_multiget_ids)) !== false) { unset($this->requested_multiget_ids[$k]); } // sync-collection report: deleted entry need to be reported without properties if ($task['info_status'] == 'deleted' || // or event is reported as removed from collection, because collection owner is no longer an attendee $check_responsible && $task['info_owner'] != $check_responsible && !infolog_so::is_responsible_user($task, $check_responsible)) { if (++$yielded && isset($nresults) && $yielded > $nresults) { return; } yield ['path' => $path.urldecode($this->get_path($task))]; continue; } $props = array( 'getcontenttype' => $this->agent != 'kde' ? 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8; component=VTODO' : 'text/calendar', // Konqueror (3.5) dont understand it otherwise 'getlastmodified' => $task['info_datemodified'], 'displayname' => $task['info_subject'], ); if ($calendar_data) { $content = $handler->exportVTODO($task, '2.0', null); // no METHOD:PUBLISH for CalDAV $props['getcontentlength'] = bytes($content); $props[] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-data',$content); } if (++$yielded && isset($nresults) && $yielded > $nresults) { return; } yield $this->add_resource($path, $task, $props); } } // report not found multiget urls if (!empty($this->requested_multiget_ids)) { foreach($this->requested_multiget_ids as $id) { if (++$yielded && isset($nresults) && $yielded > $nresults) { return; } yield ['path' => $path.$id.self::$path_extension]; } } // sync-collection report --> return modified of last contact as sync-token $sync_collection_report = $filter['sync-collection']; if ($sync_collection_report) { $this->sync_collection_token = $task['date_modified']; } if ($this->debug) { error_log(__METHOD__."($path) took ".(microtime(true) - $starttime)." to return $yielded resources"); } } /** * Process the filters from the CalDAV REPORT request * * @param array $options * @param array &$cal_filters * @param string $id * @param int &$nresult on return limit for number or results or unchanged/null * @return boolean true if filter could be processed */ function _report_filters($options,&$cal_filters,$id, &$nresults) { if ($options['filters']) { foreach($options['filters'] as $filter) { switch($filter['name']) { case 'comp-filter': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) comp-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'"); switch($filter['attrs']['name']) { case 'VTODO': case 'VCALENDAR': break; default: return false; } break; case 'prop-filter': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) prop-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}'"); $prop_filter = $filter['attrs']['name']; break; case 'text-match': if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) text-match: $prop_filter='{$filter['data']}'"); if (!isset($this->filter_prop2infolog[strtoupper($prop_filter)])) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],".array2string($options).",...) unknown property '$prop_filter' --> ignored"); } else { $cal_filters[$this->filter_prop2infolog[strtoupper($prop_filter)]] = $filter['data']; } unset($prop_filter); break; case 'param-filter': if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],...) param-filter='{$filter['attrs']['name']}' not (yet) implemented!"); break; case 'time-range': $cal_filters[] = $this->_time_range_filter($filter['attrs']); break; default: if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($options[path],".array2string($options).",...) unknown filter --> ignored"); break; } } } // parse limit from $options['other'] /* Example limit 10 */ foreach((array)$options['other'] as $option) { switch($option['name']) { case 'nresults': $nresults = (int)$option['data']; //error_log(__METHOD__."(...) options[other]=".array2string($options['other'])." --> nresults=$nresults"); break; case 'limit': break; case 'href': break; // from addressbook-multiget, handled below // rfc 6578 sync-report case 'sync-token': if (!empty($option['data'])) { $parts = explode('/', $option['data']); $sync_token = array_pop($parts); $cal_filters[] = 'info_datemodified>'.(int)$sync_token; $cal_filters['filter'] .= '+deleted'; // to return deleted entries too } break; case 'sync-level': if ($option['data'] != '1') { $this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."(...) only sync-level {$option['data']} requested, but only 1 supported! options[other]=".array2string($options['other'])); } break; default: $this->caldav->log(__METHOD__."(...) unknown xml tag '{$option['name']}': options[other]=".array2string($options['other'])); break; } } // multiget or propfind on a given id $this->requested_multiget_ids = null; if ($options['root']['name'] == 'calendar-multiget' || $id) { if ($id) { $cal_filters[self::$path_attr] = self::$path_extension ? basename($id,self::$path_extension) : $id; } else // fetch all given url's { $this->requested_multiget_ids = []; foreach($options['other'] as $option) { if ($option['name'] == 'href') { $parts = explode('/',$option['data']); if (($id = basename(urldecode(array_pop($parts))))) { $this->requested_multiget_ids[] = self::$path_extension ? basename($id,self::$path_extension) : $id; } } } $cal_filters[self::$path_attr] = $this->requested_multiget_ids; } if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__ ."($options[path],...,$id) calendar-multiget: ids=".implode(',', $this->requested_multiget_ids)); } return true; } /** * Create SQL filter from time-range filter attributes * * CalDAV time-range for VTODO checks DTSTART, DTEND, DUE, CREATED and allways includes tasks if none given * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4791#section-9.9 * * @param array $attrs values for keys 'start' and/or 'end', at least one is required by CalDAV rfc! * @return string with sql */ private function _time_range_filter(array $attrs) { $to_or = $to_and = array(); if (!empty($attrs['start'])) { $start = (int)$this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($attrs['start']); } if (!empty($attrs['end'])) { $end = (int)$this->vCalendar->_parseDateTime($attrs['end']); } elseif (empty($attrs['start'])) { $this->caldav->log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($attrs).') minimum one of start or end is required!'); return '1'; // to not give sql error, but simply not filter out anything } // we dont need to care for DURATION line in rfc4791#section-9.9, as we always put that in DUE/info_enddate // we have start- and/or enddate if (isset($start)) { $to_and[] = "($start < info_enddate OR $start <= info_startdate)"; } if (isset($end)) { $to_and[] = "(info_startdate < $end OR info_enddate <= $end)"; } $to_or[] = '('.implode(' AND ', $to_and).')'; /* either start or enddate is already included in the above, because of OR! // only a startdate, no enddate $to_or[] = "NOT info_enddate > 0".($start ? " AND $start <= info_startdate" : ''). ($end ? " AND info_startdate < $end" : ''); // only an enddate, no startdate $to_or[] = "NOT info_startdate > 0".($start ? " AND $start < info_enddate" : ''). ($end ? " AND info_enddate <= $end" : '');*/ // no startdate AND no enddate (2. half of rfc4791#section-9.9) --> use created and due dates instead $to_or[] = 'NOT info_startdate > 0 AND NOT info_enddate > 0 AND ('. // we have a completed date "info_datecompleted > 0".(isset($start) ? " AND ($start <= info_datecompleted OR $start <= info_created)" : ''). (isset($end) ? " AND (info_datecompleted <= $end OR info_created <= $end)" : '').' OR '. // we have no completed date, but always a created date "NOT info_datecompleted > 0". (isset($end) ? " AND info_created < $end" : ''). ')'; $sql = '('.implode(' OR ', $to_or).')'; if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__FILE__ . __METHOD__.'('.array2string($attrs).") time-range=$attrs[start]-$attrs[end] --> $sql"); return $sql; } /** * Handle get request for a task / infolog entry * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @param int $user =null account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function get(&$options,$id,$user=null) { unset($user); // not used, but required by function signature if (!is_array($task = $this->_common_get_put_delete('GET',$options,$id))) { return $task; } $handler = $this->_get_handler(); $options['data'] = $handler->exportVTODO($task, '2.0', null); // no METHOD:PUBLISH for CalDAV $options['mimetype'] = 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8'; header('Content-Encoding: identity'); header('ETag: "'.$this->get_etag($task).'"'); return true; } /** * Handle put request for a task / infolog entry * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @param int $user =null account_id of owner, default null * @param string $prefix =null user prefix from path (eg. /ralf from /ralf/addressbook) * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function put(&$options,$id,$user=null,$prefix=null) { unset($prefix); // not used, but required by function signature if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($id, $user)".print_r($options,true)); $oldTask = $this->_common_get_put_delete('PUT',$options,$id); if (!is_null($oldTask) && !is_array($oldTask)) { return $oldTask; } $handler = $this->_get_handler(); $vTodo = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['content']); if (is_array($oldTask)) { $taskId = $oldTask['info_id']; $retval = true; } else // new entry { $taskId = 0; $retval = '201 Created'; } if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['infolog-cat-action'] && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['infolog-cat-action'] !== 'none') { $callback_data = array(array($this, 'cat_action'), $oldTask); } if (!($infoId = $handler->importVTODO($vTodo, $taskId, false, $user, null, $id, $callback_data))) { if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."(,$id) import_vtodo($options[content]) returned false"); return '403 Forbidden'; } if ($infoId != $taskId) { $retval = '201 Created'; } // send evtl. necessary respose headers: Location, etag, ... // but only for new entries, as X-INFOLOG-STATUS get's not updated on client, if we confirm with an etag if ($retval !== true) // POST with add-member query parameter //$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_GET['add-member']))) { $this->put_response_headers($infoId, $options['path'], $retval, self::$path_attr == 'caldav_name'); } return $retval; } /** * Update etag, ctag and sync-token to reflect changed attachments * * @param array|string|int $entry array with entry data from read, or id */ public function update_tags($entry) { if (!is_array($entry)) $entry = $this->read($entry); $this->bo->write($entry, true); } /** * Callback for infolog_ical::importVTODO to implement infolog-cat-action * * @param array $task * @param array $oldTask =null * @return array modified task data */ public function cat_action(array $task, $oldTask=null) { $action = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['infolog-cat-action']; //error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($task).', '.array2string($oldTask).") action=$action"); if ($task['info_cat'] && ($new_cat = Api\Categories::id2name($task['info_cat'])) && strpos($new_cat, '@') !== false) { $new_user = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($new_cat, 'account_email'); } $old_responsible = $task['info_responsible']; // no action taken, if cat is not email of user if ($new_user) { // make sure category is global, as otherwise it will not be transmitted to other users if (!Api\Categories::is_global($task['info_cat'])) { $cat_obj = new Api\Categories(Api\Categories::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT, 'infolog'); if (($cat = Api\Categories::read($task['info_cat']))) { $cat['owner'] = Api\Categories::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT; $cat['access'] = 'public'; $cat_obj->edit($cat); } } // if replace, remove user of old category from responsible if ($action == 'replace' && $oldTask && $oldTask['info_cat'] && ($old_cat = Api\Categories::id2name($oldTask['info_cat'])) && strpos($old_cat, '@') !== false && ($old_user = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($old_cat, 'account_email')) && ($key = array_search($old_user, (array)$task['info_responsible'])) !== false) { unset($task['info_responsible'][$key]); } switch($action) { case 'set': $task['info_responsible'] = array(); // fall through case 'set-user': foreach($task['info_responsible'] as $key => $account_id) { if ($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($account_id) == 'u') { unset($task['info_responsible'][$key]); } } // fall-through case 'add': case 'replace': if (!in_array($new_user, (array)$task['info_responsible'])) { $task['info_responsible'][] = $new_user; } break; } } error_log(__METHOD__."() action=$action, new_cat=$new_cat --> new_user=$new_user, old_cat=$old_cat --> old_user=$old_user: responsible: ".array2string($old_responsible).' --> '.array2string($task['info_responsible'])); return $task; } /** * Handle delete request for a task / infolog entry * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @param int $user account_id of collection owner * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function delete(&$options,$id,$user) { unset($user); // not used, but required by function signature if (!is_array($task = $this->_common_get_put_delete('DELETE',$options,$id))) { return $task; } return $this->bo->delete($task['info_id']); } /** * Read an entry * * We have to make sure to not return or even consider in read deleted infologs, as the might have * the same UID and/or caldav_name as not deleted ones and would block access to valid entries * * @param string|id $id * @return array|boolean array with entry, false if no read rights, null if $id does not exist */ function read($id) { return $this->bo->read(array(self::$path_attr => $id, "info_status!='deleted'"),false,'server'); } /** * Get id from entry-array returned by read() * * Reimplemented because id uses key 'info_id' * * @param int|string|array $entry * @return int|string */ function get_id($entry) { return is_array($entry) ? $entry['info_id'] : $entry; } /** * Check if user has the neccessary rights on a task / infolog entry * * @param int $acl Acl::READ, Acl::EDIT or Acl::DELETE * @param array|int $task task-array or id * @return boolean null if entry does not exist, false if no access, true if access permitted */ function check_access($acl,$task) { if (is_null($task)) return true; $access = $this->bo->check_access($task,$acl); if (!$access && $acl == Acl::EDIT && $this->bo->is_responsible($task)) { $access = true; // access limited to $this->bo->responsible_edit fields (handled in infolog_bo::write()) } if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($acl, ".array2string($task).') returning '.array2string($access)); return $access; } /** * Query ctag for infolog * * @return string */ public function getctag($path,$user) { return $this->bo->getctag($this->get_infolog_filter($path, $user)); } /** * Get the etag for an infolog entry * * etag currently uses the modifcation time (info_datemodified), 1.9.002 adds etag column, but it's not yet used! * * @param array|int $info array with infolog entry or info_id * @return string|boolean string with etag or false */ function get_etag($info) { if (!is_array($info)) { $info = $this->bo->read($info,true,'server'); } if (!is_array($info) || !isset($info['info_id']) || !isset($info['info_datemodified'])) { return false; } return $info['info_id'].':'.$info['info_datemodified']; } /** * Add extra properties for calendar collections * * @param array $props =array() regular props by the Api\CalDAV handler * @param string $displayname * @param string $base_uri =null base url of handler * @param int $user =null account_id of owner of collection * @return array */ public function extra_properties(array $props, $displayname, $base_uri=null,$user=null) { unset($base_uri); // not used, but required by function signature // calendar description $displayname = Api\Translation::convert(lang('Tasks of'),Api\Translation::charset(),'utf-8').' '.$displayname; $props['calendar-description'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-description',$displayname); // supported components, currently only VTODO $props['supported-calendar-component-set'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'supported-calendar-component-set',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'comp',array('name' => 'VTODO')), )); // supported reports $props['supported-report-set'] = array( 'calendar-query' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop('report',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-query',''))))), 'calendar-multiget' => Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop('report',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-multiget',''))))), ); // only advertice rfc 6578 sync-collection report, if "delete-prevention" is switched on (deleted entries get marked deleted but not actualy deleted $config = Api\Config::read('infolog'); if ($config['history']) { $props['supported-report-set']['sync-collection'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop('supported-report',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop('report',array( Api\CalDAV::mkprop('sync-collection',''))))); } // get timezone of calendar if ($this->caldav->prop_requested('calendar-timezone')) { $props['calendar-timezone'] = Api\CalDAV::mkprop(Api\CalDAV::CALDAV,'calendar-timezone', calendar_timezones::user_timezone($user)); } return $props; } /** * Get the handler and set the supported fields * * @return infolog_ical */ private function _get_handler() { $handler = new infolog_ical(); $handler->tzid = false; // as we read server-time timestamps (!= null=user-time), exports UTC times $handler->setSupportedFields('GroupDAV',$this->agent); return $handler; } /** * Return appliction specific settings * * @param array $hook_data * @return array of array with settings */ static function get_settings($hook_data) { if (!isset($hook_data['setup'])) { Api\Translation::add_app('infolog'); $infolog = new infolog_bo(); $types = $infolog->enums['type']; } if (!isset($types)) { $types = array( 'task' => 'Tasks', ); } $settings = array(); $settings['infolog-types'] = array( 'type' => 'multiselect', 'label' => 'InfoLog types to sync', 'name' => 'infolog-types', 'help' => 'Which InfoLog types should be synced with the device, default only tasks.', 'values' => array('0' => lang('none')) + $types, 'default' => 'task', 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, ); $settings['infolog-cat-action'] = array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Action when category is an EMail address', 'name' => 'infolog-cat-action', 'help' => 'Allows to modify responsible users from devices not supporting them, by setting EMail address of a user as category.', 'values' => array( 'none' => lang('none'), 'add' => lang('add user to responsibles'), 'replace' => lang('add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user'), 'set' => lang('set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles'), 'set-user' => lang('set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups'), ), 'default' => 'none', 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, ); return $settings; } }