| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ require_once 'Net/IMAPProtocol.php'; /** * Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol using PEAR's * Net_Socket:: class. * * @package Net_IMAP * @author Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa */ class Net_IMAP extends Net_IMAPProtocol { /** * Constructor * * Instantiates a new Net_SMTP object, overriding any defaults * with parameters that are passed in. * * @param string $host The server to connect to. * @param int $port The port to connect to. * @param bool $enableSTARTTLS enable STARTTLS support */ function Net_IMAP($host = 'localhost', $port = 143, $enableSTARTTLS = true) { $this->Net_IMAPProtocol(); $ret = $this->connect( $host , $port, $enableSTARTTLS); } /** * Attempt to connect to the IMAP server located at $host $port * @param string $host The IMAP server * @param string $port The IMAP port * @param bool $enableSTARTTLS enable STARTTLS support * * It is only useful in a very few circunstances * because the contructor already makes this job * * @return true on success or PEAR_Error * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function connect($host, $port, $enableSTARTTLS = true) { $ret = $this->cmdConnect($host, $port); if($ret === true ){ // Determine server capabilities $res = $this->cmdCapability(); // check if we can enable TLS via STARTTLS (requires PHP 5 >= 5.1.0RC1 for stream_socket_enable_crypto) if ($this->hasCapability('STARTTLS') === true && $enableSTARTTLS === true && function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto') === true) { if (PEAR::isError($res = $this->cmdStartTLS())) { return $res; } } return $ret; } if(empty($ret)){ return new PEAR_Error("Unexpected response on connection"); } if(PEAR::isError($ret) ){ return $ret; } if(isset( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] ) ){ if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } } return $ret; } /** * Attempt to authenticate to the IMAP server. * @param string $user The userid to authenticate as. * @param string $pass The password to authenticate with. * @param string $useauthenticate true: authenticate using * the IMAP AUTHENTICATE command. false: authenticate using * the IMAP AUTHENTICATE command. 'string': authenticate using * the IMAP AUTHENTICATE command but using the authMethod in 'string' * @param boolean $selectMailbox automaticaly select inbox on login (false does not) * * @return true on success or PEAR_Error * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function login($user, $pass, $useauthenticate = true, $selectMailbox=true) { //error_log(__METHOD__.':'.$user.','.$pass.','.$useauthenticate.','.$selectMailbox); if ( $useauthenticate ){ //$useauthenticate = 'LOGIN'; //error_log(__METHOD__.':'.'about to authenticate'); //$useauthenticate is a string if the user hardcodes an AUTHMethod // (the user calls $imap->login("user","password","CRAM-MD5"); for example! $method = is_string( $useauthenticate ) ? $useauthenticate : null; //Try the selected Auth method if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdAuthenticate( $user , $pass , $method ) ) ) { // Verify the methods that we have in common with the server if(is_array($this->_serverAuthMethods)){ $commonMethods=array_intersect ($this->supportedAuthMethods, $this->_serverAuthMethods ); }else{ $this->_serverAuthMethods=null; } if($this->_serverAuthMethods == null || count($commonMethods) == 0 || $this->supportedAuthMethods == null ){ //error_log(__METHOD__.":The server does not have any auth method, so I try LOGIN"); // The server does not have any auth method, so I try LOGIN if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdLogin( $user, $pass ) ) ) { return $ret; } }else{ return $ret; } } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } }else{ //error_log(__METHOD__.':'.'about to use plain login'); //The user request "PLAIN" auth, we use the login command if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdLogin( $user, $pass ) ) ) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } } $this->cmdCapability(); if($selectMailbox){ //Select INBOX if ( PEAR::isError( $ret=$this->cmdSelect( $this->getCurrentMailbox() ) ) ) { return $ret; } } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Disconnect function. Sends the QUIT command * and closes the socket. * * @param boolean $expungeOnExit (default = false) * * @return mixed true on success / Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function disconnect($expungeOnExit = false) { if($expungeOnExit){ if (PEAR::isError($ret=$this->cmdExpunge())) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ $ret=$this->cmdLogout(); return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } } if (PEAR::isError($ret=$this->cmdLogout())) { error_log(__METHOD__.$ret->message); return $ret; } else { //error_log(__METHOD__.print_r($ret,true)); } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ error_log(__METHOD__.$ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Changes the default/current mailbox to $mailbox * * @param string $mailbox Mailbox to select * * @return mixed true on success / Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function selectMailbox($mailbox) { if (PEAR::isError($ret=$this->cmdSelect($mailbox))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Checks the mailbox $mailbox * * @param string $mailbox Mailbox to examine * * @return mixed true on success / Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function examineMailbox($mailbox) { if (PEAR::isError($ret=$this->cmdExamine($mailbox))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } //$ret_aux["EXISTS"]=$ret["PARSED"]["EXISTS"]; //$ret_aux["RECENT"]=$ret["PARSED"]["RECENT"]; $ret = $ret["PARSED"]; return $ret; } /** * Returns the raw headers of the specified message. * * @param int $msg_id Message number * @param $part_id Part ID * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed Either raw headers or false on error * * @access public */ function getRawHeaders($msg_id, $part_id = '', $uidFetch = false) { if($part_id != '') { $command = "BODY.PEEK[$part_id.HEADER]"; $resp_command = 'BODY[' . $part_id . '.HEADER]'; } else { $command = "BODY.PEEK[HEADER]"; $resp_command = 'BODY[HEADER]'; } if($uidFetch == true) { $ret=$this->cmdUidFetch($msg_id, $command); } else { $ret=$this->cmdFetch($msg_id, $command); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } $ret=$ret["PARSED"][0]["EXT"][$resp_command]["CONTENT"]; return $ret; } /** * Returns the headers of the specified message in an * associative array. Array keys are the header names, array * values are the header values. In the case of multiple headers * having the same names, eg Received:, the array value will be * an indexed array of all the header values. * * @param int $msg_id Message number * @param boolean $keysToUpper false (default) original header names * true change keys (header names) toupper * @param $part_id Part ID * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed Either array of headers or false on error * * @access public */ function getParsedHeaders($msg_id, $keysToUpper = false, $part_id = '', $uidFetch = false) { if (PEAR::isError($ret=$this->getRawHeaders($msg_id, $part_id, $uidFetch))) { return $ret; } $raw_headers = rtrim($ret); $raw_headers = preg_replace("/\r\n[ \t]+/", ' ', $raw_headers); // Unfold headers $raw_headers = explode("\r\n", $raw_headers); foreach ($raw_headers as $value) { $name = substr($value, 0, $pos = strpos($value, ':')); if ($keysToUpper) { $name = strtoupper($name); } $value = ltrim(substr($value, $pos + 1)); if (isset($headers[$name]) && is_array($headers[$name])) { $headers[$name][] = $value; } elseif (isset($headers[$name])) { $headers[$name] = array($headers[$name], $value); } else { $headers[$name] = $value; } } return $headers; } /** * Returns an array containing the message ID, the size and the UID * of each message selected. * message selection can be a valid IMAP command, a number or an array of * messages * * @param $msg_id Message number * * @return mixed Either array of message data or PearError on error * * @access public */ function getMessagesList($msg_id = null) { if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } if (PEAR::isError($ret=$this->cmdFetch($message_set,"(RFC822.SIZE UID)"))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $msg){ $ret_aux[]=array("msg_id"=>$msg["NRO"],"size" => $msg["EXT"]["RFC822.SIZE"],"uidl"=> $msg["EXT"]["UID"]); } return $ret_aux; } /** * Message summary * * @param mixed $msg_id Message number * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed Either array of headers or PEAR::Error on error * * @access public */ function getSummary($msg_id = null, $uidFetch = false) { if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Request for Summary of '.count($msg_id).' IDs'); $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Request for Summary of '.count(explode(',',$msg_id)).' IDs:'.$msg_id); $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } if($uidFetch) { #error_log("egw-pear::NET::IMAP:getSummary->fetch by UID ".$message_set); $ret=$this->cmdUidFetch($message_set,"(RFC822.SIZE UID FLAGS ENVELOPE INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (CONTENT-TYPE X-PRIORITY)])"); } else { #error_log("egw-pear::NET::IMAP:getSummary->fetch message ".$message_set); $ret=$this->cmdFetch($message_set,"(RFC822.SIZE UID FLAGS ENVELOPE INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (CONTENT-TYPE X-PRIORITY)])"); } #error_log(print_r($ret['PARSED'][0],true)); #$ret=$this->cmdFetch($message_set,"(RFC822.SIZE UID FLAGS ENVELOPE INTERNALDATE BODY[1.MIME])"); //if (strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" && count($ret['PARSED'])) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' ResposeCode not OK but found:'.count($ret['PARSED']).' parsed Responses. Number of UIDs Requested:'.(is_array($msg_id)?count($msg_id):count(explode(',',$msg_id)))); if (PEAR::isError($ret) || !isset($ret['PARSED']) || (strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" && !count($ret['PARSED']))) { error_log("egw-pear::NET::IMAP:getSummary->error after Fetch for message(s):".$message_set." Trying to retrieve single messages."); unset($ret); # if there is an error, while retrieving the information for the whole list, try to retrieve the info one by one, to be more error tolerant foreach (explode(',',$message_set) as $msgid) { $retloop=$this->cmdUidFetch($msgid,"(RFC822.SIZE UID FLAGS ENVELOPE INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (CONTENT-TYPE X-PRIORITY)])"); if (PEAR::isError($retloop)|| strtoupper($retloop["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK") { # log the error, and create a dummy-message as placeholder, this may hold the possibility to read the message anyway error_log("egw-pear::NET::IMAP:getSummary->error after Fetch for message with id:".$msgid); error_log($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); $ret['PARSED'][]=array('COMMAND'=>"FETCH",'EXT'=>array('UID'=>$msgid,'ENVELOPE'=>array('SUBJECT'=>"[FELAMIMAIL:ERROR]can not parse this message(header).",))); } else { #error_log(print_r($retloop['PARSED'][0],true)); # renew the response for every message retrieved, since the returnvalue is structured that way $ret['RESPONSE']=$retloop['RESPONSE']; $ret['PARSED'][]=$retloop['PARSED'][0]; } unset($retloop); } #return $ret; } // this seems to be obsolet, since errors while retrieving header informations are 'covered' above if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK") { error_log("egw-pear::NET::IMAP:getSummary->ResponseCode not OK"); return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } //print "
"; //if (PEAR::isError($ret)) error_log("egw-pear::NET::IMAP:getSummary->".print_r($ret->message,TRUE)); //print "
"; if(isset( $ret["PARSED"] ) ){ for($i=0; $i X-Priority: 5\r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n\tboundary="b1_61838a67749ca51b425e42489adced98"\r\n\r\n\n if(preg_match('/x-priority: ([0-9])/iU', $ret["PARSED"][$i]['EXT']['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (CONTENT-TYPE X-PRIORITY)]']['CONTENT'], $matches)) { $a['PRIORITY']=strtolower($matches[1]); } } elseif (isset($ret["PARSED"][$i]['EXT']['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS ("CONTENT-TYPE" "X-PRIORITY")]']['CONTENT'])) { // some versions of cyrus send "CONTENT-TYPE" and CONTENT-TYPE only if (preg_match('/content-type: (.*);/iU', $ret["PARSED"][$i]['EXT']['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS ("CONTENT-TYPE" "X-PRIORITY")]']['CONTENT'], $matches)) { $a['MIMETYPE']=strtolower($matches[1]); } // some clients mess with the content-type and omit the space between keyword and mimetype if(!isset($a['MIMETYPE']) && preg_match('/content-type:(.*);/iU', $ret["PARSED"][$i]['EXT']['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (CONTENT-TYPE X-PRIORITY)]']['CONTENT'], $matches)) { $a['MIMETYPE']=strtolower($matches[1]); } // fetch the priority [CONTENT] => X-Priority: 5\r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n\tboundary="b1_61838a67749ca51b425e42489adced98"\r\n\r\n\n if (preg_match('/x-priority: ([0-9])/iU', $ret["PARSED"][$i]['EXT']['BODY[HEADER.FIELDS ("CONTENT-TYPE" "X-PRIORITY")]']['CONTENT'], $matches)) { $a['PRIORITY']=strtolower($matches[1]); } } $env[]=$a; $a=null; } return $env; } //return $ret; } /** * Returns the body of the message with given message number. * * @param $msg_id Message number * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * @param boolean $preserveSeen leaves the Seen Flag untouched if set to true (default is false) * * @return mixed Either message body or false on error * * @access public */ function getBody($msg_id, $uidFetch = false, $preserveSeen = false) { $peek = ($preserveSeen) ? ".PEEK" : ""; if($uidFetch) { $ret=$this->cmdUidFetch($msg_id,"BODY".$peek."[TEXT]"); } else { $ret=$this->cmdFetch($msg_id,"BODY".$peek."[TEXT]"); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } $found = 0; foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $key => $value) { if (isset($ret["PARSED"][$key]["EXT"]["BODY[TEXT]"]["CONTENT"])) {$found = $key; break;} } $ret=$ret["PARSED"][$found]["EXT"]["BODY[TEXT]"]["CONTENT"]; //$ret=$resp["PARSED"][0]["EXT"]["RFC822"]["CONTENT"]; return $ret; } /** * Returns the body of the message with given message number. * * @param $msg_id Message number * @param string $partId Message number * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * @param boolean $preserveSeen leaves the Seen Flag untouched if set to true (default is false) * * @return mixed Either message body or false on error * * @access public */ function getBodyPart($msg_id, $partId, $uidFetch = false, $preserveSeen = false) { $peek = ($preserveSeen) ? ".PEEK" : "" ; if($uidFetch) { $ret=$this->cmdUidFetch($msg_id,"BODY".$peek."[$partId]"); } else { $ret=$this->cmdFetch($msg_id,"BODY".$peek."[$partId]"); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } $found = 0; foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $key => $value) { if (isset($ret["PARSED"][$key]["EXT"]["BODY[$partId]"]["CONTENT"])) {$found = $key; break;} } $ret=$ret["PARSED"][$found]["EXT"]["BODY[$partId]"]["CONTENT"]; //$ret=$resp["PARSED"][0]["EXT"]["RFC822"]["CONTENT"]; return $ret; } /** * Returns the body of the message with given message number. * * @param $msg_id Message number * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed Either message body or false on error * * @access public */ function getStructure($msg_id, $uidFetch = false) { #print "IMAP.php::getStructure
        #print "
        if($uidFetch) {
        } else {
        if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
            return $ret;
        if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){
            if ($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]);
        $found = 0;
        foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $key => $value)
            if (isset($ret["PARSED"][$key]["EXT"]["BODYSTRUCTURE"][0])) {$found = $key; break;}
        // sometimes we get an [COMMAND] => OK with $ret["PARSED"][0] and no $ret["PARSED"][0]["EXT"]["BODYSTRUCTURE"]
        // should not happen anymore
        if (is_array($ret) && empty($ret2) && isset($ret["PARSED"])) {
            foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $substruct) {
                if ($substruct["COMMAND"] == "FETCH") {
        $structure = array();

        $mimeParts = array();

        if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" && empty($ret2)) return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"].'/'.'No BODYSTRUCTURE found!');
        $this->_parseStructureArray($ret2, $mimeParts);
        return array_shift($mimeParts);

     * Parse structure array
     * @param   $_structure
     * @param   &$_mimeParts
     * @param   $_partID
     * @return  nothing
     * @access  private
    function _parseStructureArray($_structure, &$_mimeParts, $_partID = '')
        // something went wrong
        if(!is_array($_structure)) {
          return false;

        // print "
Net_IMAP::_parseStructureArray _partID: $_partID
"; $mimeParts = array(); $subPartID = 1; $partID = ($_partID == '') ? '' : $_partID.'.'; if(is_array($_structure[0])) { $this->_parseStructureMultipartArray($_structure, $_mimeParts, $_partID); } else { switch(strtoupper($_structure[0])) { case 'TEXT': $this->_parseStructureTextArray($_structure, $_mimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; case 'MESSAGE': $this->_parseStructureMessageArray($_structure, $_mimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; default: $this->_parseStructureApplicationArray($_structure, $_mimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; } } } /** * Parse multibpart structure array * * @param $_structure * @param &$_mimeParts * @param $_partID * @param boolean $_parentIsMessage * * @return noting * * @access private */ function _parseStructureMultipartArray($_structure, &$_mimeParts, $_partID, $_parentIsMessage = false) { #print "Net_IMAP::_parseStructureMultipartArray _partID: $_partID
"; // a multipart/mixed, multipart/report or multipart/alternative or multipart/related get's no own partid, if the parent is message/rfc822 if($_parentIsMessage == true && is_array($_structure[0])) { foreach($_structure as $structurePart) { if(!is_array($structurePart)) { $subType = strtolower($structurePart); break; } } if($subType == 'mixed' || $subType == 'report' || $subType == 'alternative' || $subType == 'related') { $_partID = substr($_partID, 0, strrpos($_partID, '.')); } } $subPartID = 1; $partID = ($_partID == '') ? '' : $_partID.'.'; $subMimeParts = array(); foreach($_structure as $structurePart) { if(is_array($structurePart)) { if(is_array($structurePart[0])) { // another multipart inside the multipart $this->_parseStructureMultipartArray($structurePart, $subMimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); } else { switch(strtoupper($structurePart[0])) { case 'IMAGE': $this->_parseStructureImageArray($structurePart, $subMimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; case 'MESSAGE': $this->_parseStructureMessageArray($structurePart, $subMimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; case 'TEXT': $this->_parseStructureTextArray($structurePart, $subMimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; default: $this->_parseStructureApplicationArray($structurePart, $subMimeParts, $partID.$subPartID); break; } } $subPartID++; } else { $part = new stdClass; $part->type = 'MULTIPART'; $part->subType = strtoupper($structurePart); $part->subParts = $subMimeParts; if($_partID == '') { $part->partID = 0; $_mimeParts = array(0 => $part); } else { $part->partID = $_partID; $_mimeParts[$_partID] = $part; } return; } } } /** * Parse structure image array * * @param $_structure * @param &$_mimeParts * @param $_partID * * @return noting * * @access private */ function _parseStructureImageArray($_structure, &$_mimeParts, $_partID) { #print "Net_IMAP::_parseStructureImageArray _partID: $_partID
"; $part = $this->_parseStructureCommonFields($_structure); $part->cid = $_structure[3]; $part->partID = $_partID; // there may be a part 8 for images too, ... if(is_array($_structure[8])) { if(isset($_structure[8][0]) && $_structure[8][0] != 'NIL') { $part->disposition = strtoupper($_structure[8][0]); } if(is_array($_structure[8][1])) { foreach($_structure[8][1] as $key => $value) { if($key%2 == 0) { $part->dparameters[trim(strtoupper($_structure[8][1][$key]))] = $_structure[8][1][$key+1]; } } } } $_mimeParts[$_partID] = $part; } /** * Parse structure application array * * @params $_structure * @params &$_mimeParts * @params $_partID * * @return noting * * @access private */ function _parseStructureApplicationArray($_structure, &$_mimeParts, $_partID) { #print "Net_IMAP::_parseStructureApplicationArray _partID: $_partID
"; $part = $this->_parseStructureCommonFields($_structure); if(is_array($_structure[8])) { if(isset($_structure[8][0]) && $_structure[8][0] != 'NIL') { $part->disposition = strtoupper($_structure[8][0]); } if(is_array($_structure[8][1])) { foreach($_structure[8][1] as $key => $value) { if($key%2 == 0) { $part->dparameters[trim(strtoupper($_structure[8][1][$key]))] = $_structure[8][1][$key+1]; } } } } $part->partID = $_partID; $_mimeParts[$_partID] = $part; } /** * Parse structure message array * * @params $_structure * @params &$_mimeParts * @params $_partID * * @return nothing * * @access private */ function _parseStructureMessageArray($_structure, &$_mimeParts, $_partID) { #print "Net_IMAP::_parseStructureMessageArray _partID: $_partID
"; $part = $this->_parseStructureCommonFields($_structure); if(is_array($_structure[8][0])) { $this->_parseStructureMultipartArray($_structure[8], $subMimeParts, $_partID.'.1', true); } else { $this->_parseStructureArray($_structure[8], $subMimeParts, $_partID); } if(is_array($subMimeParts)) { $part->subParts = $subMimeParts; } $part->partID = $_partID; $_mimeParts[$_partID] = $part; } /** * Parse structure text array * * @params $_structure * @params &$_mimeParts * @params $_partID * * @return nothing * * @access private */ function _parseStructureTextArray($_structure, &$_mimeParts, $_partID) { #print "Net_IMAP::_parseStructureTextArray _partID: $_partID
"; $part = $this->_parseStructureCommonFields($_structure); $part->lines = $_structure[7]; // what is the difference between $_structure[8] and $_structure[9]???? if(is_array($_structure[8])) { if(isset($_structure[8][0]) && $_structure[8][0] != 'NIL') { $part->disposition = strtoupper($_structure[8][0]); } if(is_array($_structure[8][1])) { foreach($_structure[8][1] as $key => $value) { if($key%2 == 0) { $part->dparameters[trim(strtoupper($_structure[8][1][$key]))] = $_structure[8][1][$key+1]; } } } } if(is_array($_structure[9])) { if(isset($_structure[9][0]) && $_structure[9][0] != 'NIL') { $part->disposition = strtoupper($_structure[9][0]); } if(is_array($_structure[9][1])) { foreach($_structure[9][1] as $key => $value) { if($key%2 == 0) { $part->dparameters[trim(strtoupper($_structure[9][1][$key]))] = $_structure[9][1][$key+1]; } } } } $part->partID = $_partID; $_mimeParts[$_partID] = $part; } /** * Parse structure common fields * * @param &$_structure * * @return object part object (stdClass) * * @access private */ function _parseStructureCommonFields(&$_structure) { #error_log(__METHOD__.print_r($_structure,true)." ".function_backtrace()); #print "Net_IMAP::_parseStructureTextArray _partID: $_partID
"; $part = new stdClass; $part->type = strtoupper($_structure[0]); //dovecot has no subtype for type attachment, and does not pass it as structure[2] if (!is_array($_structure[1])) $part->subType = strtoupper($_structure[1]); if(is_array($_structure[1])) { foreach($_structure[1] as $key => $value) { if($key%2 == 0) { $part->parameters[trim(strtoupper($_structure[1][$key]))] = $_structure[1][$key+1]; } } } if(is_array($_structure[2])) { foreach($_structure[2] as $key => $value) { if($key%2 == 0) { $part->parameters[strtoupper(trim($_structure[2][$key]))] = $_structure[2][$key+1]; } } } $part->filename = $_structure[4]; $part->encoding = strtoupper($_structure[5]); $part->bytes = $_structure[6]; return $part; } /** * Returns the entire message with given message number. * * @param $msg_id Message number (default = null) * @param boolean $indexIsMessageNumber (default = true) * * @return mixed Either entire message or false on error * * @access public */ function getMessages($msg_id = null, $indexIsMessageNumber=true) { //$resp=$this->cmdFetch($msg_id,"(BODY[TEXT] BODY[HEADER])"); if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } $ret=$this->cmdFetch($message_set,"RFC822"); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if(isset($ret["PARSED"])){ foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $msg){ if(isset($msg["EXT"]["RFC822"]["CONTENT"])){ if($indexIsMessageNumber){ $ret_aux[$msg["NRO"]]=$msg["EXT"]["RFC822"]["CONTENT"]; }else{ $ret_aux[]=$msg["EXT"]["RFC822"]["CONTENT"]; } } } return $ret_aux; } return array(); } /** * Returns number of messages in this mailbox * * @param string $mailbox the mailbox (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed Either number of messages or Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function getNumberOfMessages($mailbox = '') { if ( $mailbox == '' || $mailbox == null ){ $mailbox=$this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdStatus($mailbox, 'MESSAGES'))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset($ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["MESSAGES"] ) ){ if( !is_numeric( $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["MESSAGES"] ) ){ // if this array does not exists means that there is no messages in the mailbox return 0; }else{ return $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["MESSAGES"]; } } return 0; } /** * Returns number of UnSeen messages in this mailbox * * @param string $mailbox the mailbox (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed Either number of messages or Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function getNumberOfUnSeenMessages($mailbox = '') { if ( $mailbox == '' ){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdStatus($mailbox, 'UNSEEN'))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset($ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["UNSEEN"] ) ){ if( !is_numeric( $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["UNSEEN"] ) ){ // if this array does not exists means that there is no messages in the mailbox return 0; }else{ return $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["UNSEEN"]; } } return 0; } /** * Returns number of UnSeen messages in this mailbox * * @param string $mailbox the mailbox (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed Either number of messages or Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function getNumberOfRecentMessages($mailbox = '') { if ( $mailbox == '' ){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdStatus($mailbox, 'RECENT'))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset($ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["RECENT"] ) ){ if( !is_numeric( $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["RECENT"] ) ){ // if this array does not exists means that there is no messages in the mailbox return 0; }else{ return $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["RECENT"]; } } return 0; } /** * Returns number of UnSeen messages in this mailbox * * @param string $mailbox the mailbox (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed Either number of messages or Pear_Error on error * * @access public */ function getStatus($mailbox = '') { if ( $mailbox == '' ){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdStatus($mailbox, array('MESSAGES', 'RECENT', 'UIDNEXT', 'UIDVALIDITY', 'UNSEEN')))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset($ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]["RECENT"] ) ){ return $ret["PARSED"]["STATUS"]["ATTRIBUTES"]; } return 0; } /** * Returns an array containing the message envelope * * @param $mailbox get's not used anywhere (will be removed with next major release) * @param mixed $msg_id Message number (default = null) * @param boolean $uidFetch msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed Either the envelopes or Pear_Error on error * * @access public */ function getEnvelope($mailbox = '', $msg_id = null, $uidFetch = false) { if ( $mailbox == '' ){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } if($uidFetch) { $ret=$this->cmdUidFetch($message_set,"ENVELOPE"); } else { $ret=$this->cmdFetch($message_set,"ENVELOPE"); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if(isset( $ret["PARSED"] ) ){ for($i=0; $igetCurrentMailbox() ){ // store the actual selected mailbox name $mailbox_aux = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->selectMailbox( $mailbox ) ) ) { return $ret; } } $ret=$this->cmdFetch("1:*","RFC822.SIZE"); if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ // Restore the default mailbox if it was changed if ( $mailbox != '' && $mailbox != $this->getCurrentMailbox() ){ if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->selectMailbox( $mailbox_aux ) ) ) { return $ret; } } // return 0 because the server says that there is no message in the mailbox return 0; } $sum=0; if(!isset($ret["PARSED"]) ){ // if the server does not return a "PARSED" part // we think that it does not suppoprt select or has no messages in it. return 0; } foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $msgSize){ if( isset($msgSize["EXT"]["RFC822.SIZE"]) ){ $sum+= $msgSize["EXT"]["RFC822.SIZE"]; } } if ( $mailbox != '' && $mailbox != $this->getCurrentMailbox() ){ // re-select the mailbox if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->selectMailbox( $mailbox_aux ) ) ) { return $ret; } } return $sum; } /** * Marks a message for deletion. Only will be deleted if the * disconnect() method is called with auto-expunge on true or expunge() * method is called. * * @param $msg_id Message to delete (default = null) * @param boolean $uidStore msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true (default = false) * * @return mixed true on success / Pear_Error on failure * * @access public */ function deleteMessages($msg_id = null, $uidStore = false) { /* As said in RFC2060... C: A003 STORE 2:4 +FLAGS (\Deleted) S: * 2 FETCH FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) S: * 3 FETCH FLAGS (\Deleted) S: * 4 FETCH FLAGS (\Deleted \Flagged \Seen) S: A003 OK STORE completed */ //Called without parammeters deletes all the messages in the mailbox // You can also provide an array of numbers to delete those emails if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } $dataitem="+FLAGS.SILENT"; $value="\Deleted"; if($uidStore == true) { $ret=$this->cmdUidStore($message_set,$dataitem,$value); } else { $ret=$this->cmdStore($message_set,$dataitem,$value); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Copies mail from one folder to another * * @param string $dest_mailbox mailbox name to copy sessages to * @param mixed $msg_id the messages that I want to copy (all by default) it also * can be an array * @param string $source_mailbox mailbox name from where the messages are copied (default is current mailbox) * @param bool $uidCopy msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed true on Success/PearError on Failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function copyMessages($dest_mailbox, $msg_id = null , $source_mailbox = null, $uidCopy = false ) { if($source_mailbox == null){ $source_mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); }else{ if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->selectMailbox( $source_mailbox ) ) ) { return $ret; } } //Called without parammeters copies all messages in the mailbox // You can also provide an array of numbers to copy those emails if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } if($uidCopy == true) { $ret = $this->cmdUidCopy($message_set, $dest_mailbox ); } else { $ret = $this->cmdCopy($message_set, $dest_mailbox ); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Appends a mail to a mailbox * * @param string $rfc_message the message to append in RFC822 format * @param string $mailbox mailbox name to append to (default is current mailbox) * @param string $flags_list set flags appended message * * @return mixed true (or the uid of the created message) on success / Pear_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function appendMessage($rfc_message, $mailbox = null , $flags_list = '') { if($mailbox == null){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } $ret=$this->cmdAppend($mailbox,$rfc_message,$flags_list); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } // the expected response is something like that: [APPENDUID 1160024220 12] Completed // the uid of the created message is the number just before the closing bracket $retcode = explode(' ',$ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); $retcode = explode(']',$retcode[2]); if (intval($retcode[0]) > 0) return $retcode[0]; // this should never happen, exept the parsed response is not as expected return true; } /** * Get the namespace * * @return mixed namespace or PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.1 */ function getNamespace() { if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdNamespace())) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } foreach($ret["PARSED"]["NAMESPACES"] as $type => $singleNameSpace) { if(!is_array($singleNameSpace)) { continue; } foreach ($singleNameSpace as $nameSpaceData) { $nameSpaces[$type][] = array( 'name' => $this->utf_7_decode($nameSpaceData[0]), 'delimter' => $this->utf_7_decode($nameSpaceData[1]) ); } } return $nameSpaces; } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** MAILBOX RELATED METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * Gets the HierachyDelimiter character used to create subfolders cyrus users "." * and wu-imapd uses "/" * * $param string the mailbox to get the hierarchy from * * @return string the hierarchy delimiter * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getHierarchyDelimiter( $mailbox = '' ) { /* RFC2060 says: "the command LIST "" "" means get the hierachy delimiter: An empty ("" string) mailbox name argument is a special request to return the hierarchy delimiter and the root name of the name given in the reference. The value returned as the root MAY be null if the reference is non-rooted or is null. In all cases, the hierarchy delimiter is returned. This permits a client to get the hierarchy delimiter even when no mailboxes by that name currently exist." */ if( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdList( $mailbox , '' ) ) ){ return $ret; } if(isset($ret["PARSED"][0]["EXT"]["LIST"]["HIERACHY_DELIMITER"]) ){ return $ret["PARSED"][0]["EXT"]["LIST"]["HIERACHY_DELIMITER"]; } return new PEAR_Error( 'the IMAP Server does not support HIERACHY_DELIMITER!' ); } /** * Returns an array containing the names of the selected mailboxes * * @param string $reference base mailbox to start the search (default is current mailbox) * @param string $restriction_search false or 0 means return all mailboxes * true or 1 return only the mailbox that contains that exact name * 2 return all mailboxes in that hierarchy level * @param string $returnAttributes true means return an assoc array containing mailbox names and mailbox attributes * false - the default - means return an array of mailboxes * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getMailboxes($reference = '', $restriction_search = 0, $returnAttributes=false) { #echo (__METHOD__.$reference."#".$restriction_search.'#'.function_backtrace()."
"); if ( is_bool($restriction_search) ){ $restriction_search = (int) $restriction_search; } if ( is_int( $restriction_search ) ){ switch ( $restriction_search ) { case 0: $mailbox = "*"; break; case 1: $mailbox = $reference; $reference = ''; break; case 2: $mailbox = "%"; break; } }else{ if ( is_string( $restriction_search ) ){ $mailbox = $restriction_search; }else { return new PEAR_Error('Wrong data for 2nd parameter'); } } if( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdList($reference, $mailbox) ) ){ return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } $ret_aux=array(); if( isset($ret["PARSED"]) ){ foreach( $ret["PARSED"] as $mbox ){ //If the folder has the \NoSelect atribute we don't put in the list // it solves a bug in wu-imap that crash the IMAP server if we select that mailbox if( isset($mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["NAME_ATTRIBUTES"]) ){ #if( !(in_array('\NoSelect',$mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["NAME_ATTRIBUTES"]) || in_array('\Noselect',$mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["NAME_ATTRIBUTES"])) ){ if( $returnAttributes){ $ret_aux[]=array( 'MAILBOX' => $mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["MAILBOX_NAME"], 'ATTRIBUTES' => $mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["NAME_ATTRIBUTES"] , 'HIERACHY_DELIMITER' => $mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["HIERACHY_DELIMITER"] ) ; }else{ $ret_aux[]=$mbox["EXT"]["LIST"]["MAILBOX_NAME"]; } #} } } } return $ret_aux; } /** * check if the mailbox name exists * * @param string $mailbox mailbox name to check existance * * @return mixed boolean true/false or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function mailboxExist($mailbox) { // true means do an exact match if( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->getMailboxes( $mailbox, 1, false ) ) ){ return $ret; } if( count( $ret ) > 0 ){ foreach ($ret as $mailbox_name) { if ($mailbox_name == $mailbox) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Creates the mailbox $mailbox * * @param string $mailbox mailbox name to create * @param array $options options to pass to create (default is no options) * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function createMailbox($mailbox, $options = null) { if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdCreate($mailbox, $options))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Deletes the mailbox $mailbox * * @param string $mailbox mailbox name to delete * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function deleteMailbox($mailbox) { // TODO verificar que el mailbox se encuentra vacio y, sino borrar los mensajes antes~!!!!!! // ToDo find someone who can translate the above todo if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdDelete($mailbox))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Renames the mailbox $mailbox * * @param string $oldmailbox mailbox name to rename * @param string $newmailbox new name for the mailbox * @param array $options options to pass to rename * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function renameMailbox($oldmailbox, $newmailbox, $options = null) { if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdRename($oldmailbox, $newmailbox, $options))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** SUBSCRIPTION METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * Subscribes to the selected mailbox * * @param string $mailbox mailbox name to subscribe (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function subscribeMailbox($mailbox = null ) { if($mailbox == null){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdSubscribe($mailbox))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Removes the subscription to a mailbox * * @param string $mailbox mailbox name to unsubscribe (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function unsubscribeMailbox($mailbox = null) { if($mailbox == null){ $mailbox = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdUnsubscribe($mailbox))) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * Lists the subscription to mailboxes * * @param string $mailbox_base mailbox name start the search (see to getMailboxes() ) * @param string $mailbox_name mailbox name filter the search (see to getMailboxes() ) * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function listsubscribedMailboxes($reference = '' , $restriction_search = 0, $returnAttributes = false) { #echo __METHOD__." called for ".$reference."#$restriction_search#
"; if ( is_bool($restriction_search) ){ $restriction_search = (int) $restriction_search; } if ( is_int( $restriction_search ) ){ switch ( $restriction_search ) { case 0: $mailbox = "*"; break; case 1: $mailbox = $reference; $reference = '%'; break; case 2: $mailbox = "%"; break; } }else{ if ( is_string( $restriction_search ) ){ $mailbox = $restriction_search; }else { return new PEAR_Error("UPS... you "); } } if( PEAR::isError( $ret=$this->cmdLsub($reference, $mailbox) ) ){ return $ret; } //$ret=$this->cmdLsub($mailbox_base, $mailbox_name); if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } $ret_aux=array(); if( isset($ret["PARSED"]) ){ foreach( $ret["PARSED"] as $mbox ){ if( isset($mbox["EXT"]["LSUB"]["MAILBOX_NAME"]) ){ if( $returnAttributes){ $ret_aux[]=array( 'MAILBOX' => $mbox["EXT"]["LSUB"]["MAILBOX_NAME"], 'ATTRIBUTES' => $mbox["EXT"]["LSUB"]["NAME_ATTRIBUTES"], 'HIERACHY_DELIMITER' => $mbox["EXT"]["LSUB"]["HIERACHY_DELIMITER"] ) ; } else { $ret_aux[]=$mbox["EXT"]["LSUB"]["MAILBOX_NAME"]; } } } } return $ret_aux; } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** FLAGS METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * Lists the flags of the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list * * @return mixed array on success/PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getFlags( $msg_id = null , $uidStore = false) { // You can also provide an array of numbers to those emails if( $msg_id != null){ if(is_array($msg_id)){ $message_set=$this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); }else{ $message_set=$msg_id; } }else{ $message_set="1:*"; } if ($uidStore == true ) { $ret = $this->cmdUidFetch($message_set, 'FLAGS'); } else { $ret = $this->cmdFetch($message_set, 'FLAGS'); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK"){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } $flags=array(); if(isset($ret["PARSED"])){ foreach($ret["PARSED"] as $msg_flags){ if(isset($msg_flags["EXT"]["FLAGS"])){ $flags[]=$msg_flags["EXT"]["FLAGS"]; } } } return $flags; } /** * Sets the flags of the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * @param mixed $flags flags to set (space separated String or array) * @param string $mod "set" to set flags (default) * "add" to add flags * "remove" to remove flags * @param boolean $uidStore msg_id contains UID's instead of Message Sequence Number if set to true * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function setFlags($msg_id, $flags, $mod = 'set', $uidStore = false) { #error_log("egw-pear::Net::setFlags"); // you can also provide an array of numbers to those emails if ($msg_id == 'all') { $message_set = '1:*'; } else { if (is_array($msg_id)) { $message_set = $this->_getSearchListFromArray($msg_id); } else { $message_set = $msg_id; } } $flaglist = ''; if (is_array($flags)) { $flaglist = implode(' ', $flags); } else { $flaglist = $flags; } switch ($mod) { case 'set': $dataitem = 'FLAGS'; break; case 'add': $dataitem = '+FLAGS'; break; case 'remove': $dataitem = '-FLAGS'; break; default: // Wrong Input return new PEAR_Error('wrong input $mod'); break; } #error_log("egw-pear::Net::setFlags for Message: ".print_r($message_set,true)."->".$flaglist); if($uidStore == true) { $ret=$this->cmdUidStore($message_set, $dataitem, $flaglist); } else { $ret=$this->cmdStore($message_set, $dataitem, $flaglist); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if (strtoupper($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE']) != 'OK') { return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * adds flags to the selected messages * * @param mixed $flags flags to set (space separated String or array) * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function addFlags($msg_id, $flags) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, $flags, $mod = 'add'); } /** * adds the Seen flag (\Seen) to the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function addSeen($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Seen', $mod = 'add'); } /** * adds the Answered flag (\Answered) to the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function addAnswered($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Answered', $mod = 'add'); } /** * adds the Deleted flag (\Deleted) to the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function addDeleted($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Deleted', $mod = 'add'); } /** * adds the Flagged flag (\Flagged) to the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function addFlagged($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Flagged', $mod = 'add'); } /** * adds the Draft flag (\Draft) to the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function addDraft($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Draft', $mod = 'add'); } /** * remove flags from the selected messages * * @param mixed $flags flags to remove (space separated string or array) * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function removeFlags($msg_id, $flags) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, $flags, $mod = 'remove'); } /** * remove the Seen flag (\Seen) from the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function removeSeen($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Seen', $mod = 'remove'); } /** * remove the Answered flag (\Answered) from the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function removeAnswered($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Answered', $mod = 'remove'); } /** * remove the Deleted flag (\Deleted) from the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function removeDeleted($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Deleted', $mod = 'remove'); } /** * remove the Flagged flag (\Flagged) from the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function removeFlagged($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Flagged', $mod = 'remove'); } /** * remove the Draft flag (\Draft) from the selected messages * * @param mixed $msg_id the message list or string "all" for all * * @return mixed true on success/PearError on failure * * @since 1.1 * @access public */ function removeDraft($msg_id) { return $this->setFlags($msg_id, '\Draft', $mod = 'remove'); } /** * check the Seen flag * * @param mixed $message_nro the message to check * * @return mixed true or false if the flag is set PearError on Failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function isSeen($message_nro) { return $this->hasFlag( $message_nro, "\\Seen" ); } /** * check the Answered flag * * @param mixed $message_nro the message to check * * @return mixed true or false if the flag is set PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function isAnswered($message_nro) { return $this->hasFlag( $message_nro, "\\Answered" ); } /** * check the flagged flag * * @param mixed $message_nro the message to check * * @return mixed true or false if the flag is set PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function isFlagged($message_nro) { return $this->hasFlag( $message_nro, "\\Flagged" ); } /** * check the Draft flag * * @param mixed $message_nro the message to check * * @return mixed true or false if the flag is set PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function isDraft($message_nro) { return $this->hasFlag( $message_nro, "\\Draft" ); } /** * check the Deleted flag * * @param mixed $message_nro the message to check * * @return mixed true or false if the flag is set PearError on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function isDeleted($message_nro) { return $this->hasFlag( $message_nro, "\\Deleted" ); } /** * checks if a flag is set * * @param mixed $message_nro the message to check * @param string $flag the flag that should be checked * * @return mixed true or false if the flag is set PearError on Failure * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ function hasFlag($message_nro,$flag) { if ( PEAR::isError( $resp = $this->getFlags( $message_nro ) ) ) { return $resp; } if(isset($resp[0]) ){ if( is_array( $resp[0] ) ){ if( in_array( $flag , $resp[0] ) ) return true; } } return false; } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** MISC METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * expunge function. Sends the EXPUNGE command * * @return mixed true on success / PEAR Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function expunge() { if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdExpunge())) { return $ret; } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * search function. Sends the SEARCH command * * @param string $search_list search criterias * @param boolean $uidSearch if set to true UID SEARCH is send instead of SEARCH * * @return mixed message array or PEAR Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function search($search_list, $uidSearch = false) { if($uidSearch){ $ret = $this->cmdUidSearch($search_list); }else{ $ret = $this->cmdSearch($search_list); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return $ret["PARSED"]["SEARCH"]["SEARCH_LIST"]; } /** * sort function. Sends the SORT command * * @param string $sort_list sort program * @param string $charset charset specification (default = 'US-ASCII') * @param string $search_list searching criteria * @param boolean $uidSort if set to true UID SORT is send instead of SORT * * @return mixed message array or PEAR Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.1 */ function sort($sort_list, $charset='US-ASCII', $search_list = 'ALL', $uidSort = false) { $sort_command = sprintf("(%s) %s %s", $sort_list, strtoupper($charset), $search_list); if ($uidSort) { $ret = $this->cmdUidSort($sort_command); } else { $ret = $this->cmdSort($sort_command); } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } if (strtoupper($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE']) != 'OK') { return new PEAR_Error($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE'] . ", " . $ret['RESPONSE']['STR_CODE']); } return $ret['PARSED']['SORT']['SORT_LIST']; } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** QUOTA METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * Returns STORAGE quota details * * @param string $mailbox_name Mailbox to get quota info. (default is current mailbox) * * @return assoc array contaning the quota info on success or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getStorageQuotaRoot($mailbox_name = null ) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdGetQuotaRoot($mailbox_name) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ // if the error is that the user does not have quota set return an array // and not pear error if( substr(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]),0,9) == "QUOTAROOT" ){ return array('USED'=>'NOT SET', 'QMAX'=>'NOT SET'); } return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset( $ret['PARSED']['EXT']['QUOTA']['STORAGE'] ) ){ return $ret['PARSED']['EXT']['QUOTA']['STORAGE']; } return array('USED'=>'NOT SET', 'QMAX'=>'NOT SET'); } /** * Returns STORAGE quota details * * @param string $mailbox_name Mailbox to get quota info. (default is current mailbox) * * @return assoc array contaning the quota info on success or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getStorageQuota($mailbox_name = null ) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdGetQuota($mailbox_name) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ // if the error is that the user does not have quota set return an array // and not pear error if( substr(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]),0,5) == "QUOTA" ){ return array('USED'=>'NOT SET', 'QMAX'=>'NOT SET'); } return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset( $ret['PARSED']['EXT']['QUOTA']['STORAGE'] ) ){ return $ret['PARSED']['EXT']['QUOTA']['STORAGE']; } return array('USED'=>'NOT SET', 'QMAX'=>'NOT SET'); } /** * Returns MESSAGES quota details * * @param string $mailbox_name Mailbox to get quota info. (default is current mailbox) * * @return assoc array contaning the quota info on success or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getMessagesQuota($mailbox_name = null ) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdGetQuota($mailbox_name) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ // if the error is that the user does not have quota set return an array // and not pear error if( substr(strtoupper($ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]),0,5) == "QUOTA" ){ return array('USED'=>'NOT SET', 'QMAX'=>'NOT SET'); } return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset( $ret['PARSED']['EXT']['QUOTA']['MESSAGES'] ) ){ return $ret['PARSED']['EXT']['QUOTA']['MESSAGES']; } return array('USED'=>'NOT SET', 'QMAX'=>'NOT SET'); } /** * sets STORAGE quota * * @param string $mailbox_name Mailbox to set quota * @param int $quota Quotasize * * @return true on success or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function setStorageQuota($mailbox_name, $quota) { if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdSetQuota($mailbox_name,$quota) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * sets MESSAGES quota * * @param string $mailbox_name Mailbox to set quota * @param int $quota Quotasize * * @return true on success or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function setMessagesQuota($mailbox_name, $quota) { if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdSetQuota($mailbox_name,'',$quota) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** ACL METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * get the Access Control List details * * @param string $mailbox_name Mailbox to get ACL info. (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed string on success or false or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getACL($mailbox_name = null ) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdGetACL($mailbox_name) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if( isset($ret['PARSED']['USERS']) ){ return $ret['PARSED']['USERS']; }else{ return false; } } /** * Set ACL on a mailbox * * @param string $mailbox_name the mailbox * @param string $user user to set the ACL * @param string $acl ACL list * * @return mixed true on success or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function setACL($mailbox_name, $user, $acl) { if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdSetACL($mailbox_name, $user, $acl) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * deletes the ACL on a mailbox * * @param string $mailbox_name the mailbox * @param string $user user to delete the ACL * * @return mixed true on success, or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function deleteACL($mailbox_name, $user) { if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdDeleteACL($mailbox_name, $user) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } return true; } /** * returns the rights that the user logged on has on the mailbox * this method can be used by any user, not only the administrator * * @param string $mailbox_name the mailbox to query rights (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed string containing the list of rights on success, or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getMyRights($mailbox_name = null) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdMyRights($mailbox_name) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if(isset($ret['PARSED']['GRANTED'])){ return $ret['PARSED']['GRANTED']; } return new PEAR_Error('Bogus response from server!' ); } /** * returns an array containing the rights for given user on the mailbox * this method can be used by any user, not only the administrator * * @param string $user the user to query rights * @param string $mailbox_name the mailbox to query rights (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed string containing the list of rights on success, or PEAR_Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0 */ function getACLRights($user,$mailbox_name = null) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->cmdListRights($mailbox_name, $user) ) ) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if( strtoupper( $ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"]) != "OK" ){ return new PEAR_Error($ret["RESPONSE"]["CODE"] . ", " . $ret["RESPONSE"]["STR_CODE"]); } if(isset($ret['PARSED']['GRANTED'])){ return $ret['PARSED']['GRANTED']; } return new PEAR_Error('Bogus response from server!' ); } /****************************************************************** ** ** ** ANNOTATEMORE METHODS ** ** ** ******************************************************************/ /** * set annotation * * @param string $entry * @param array $values * @param string $mailbox_name (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed true on success or PEAR Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0.2 */ function setAnnotation($entry, $values, $mailbox_name = null ) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdSetAnnotation($mailbox_name, $entry, $values))) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if (strtoupper($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE']) != 'OK') { return new PEAR_Error($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE'] . ', ' . $ret['RESPONSE']['STR_CODE']); } return true; } /** * delete annotation * * @param string $entry * @param array $values * @param string $mailbox_name (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed true on success or PEAR Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0.2 */ function deleteAnnotation($entry, $values, $mailbox_name = null ) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdDeleteAnnotation($mailbox_name, $entry, $values))) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if (strtoupper($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE']) != 'OK') { return new PEAR_Error($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE'] . ', ' . $ret['RESPONSE']['STR_CODE']); } return true; } /** * get annotation * * @param string $entry * @param array $values * @param string $mailbox_name (default is current mailbox) * * @return mixed array containing annotations on success or PEAR Error on failure * * @access public * @since 1.0.2 */ function getAnnotation($entries, $values, $mailbox_name = null) { if($mailbox_name == null){ $mailbox_name = $this->getCurrentMailbox(); } if (!is_array($entries)) { $entries = array($entries); } if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->cmdGetAnnotation($mailbox_name, $entries, $values))) { return new PEAR_Error($ret->getMessage()); } if (strtoupper($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE']) != 'OK') { return new PEAR_Error($ret['RESPONSE']['CODE'] . ', ' . $ret['RESPONSE']['STR_CODE']); } $ret_aux = array(); if (isset($ret['PARSED'])) { foreach ($ret['PARSED'] as $mbox) { $rawvalues = $mbox['EXT']['ATTRIBUTES']; $values = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rawvalues); $i += 2) { $values[$rawvalues[$i]] = $rawvalues[$i + 1]; } $mbox['EXT']['ATTRIBUTES'] = $values; $ret_aux[] = $mbox['EXT']; } } if (count($ret_aux) == 1 && $ret_aux[0]['MAILBOX'] == $mailbox_name) { if (count($entries) == 1 && $ret_aux[0]['ENTRY'] == $entries[0]) { if (count($ret_aux[0]['ATTRIBUTES']) == 1 && count($values) == 1) { $attrs = array_keys($ret_aux[0]['ATTRIBUTES']); $vals = array_keys($values); if ($attrs[0] == $vals[0]) { return $ret_aux[0]['ATTRIBUTES'][$attrs[0]]; } } } } return $ret_aux; } /** * Transform an array to a list to be used in the cmdFetch method * * @param array $arr array to transform * * @return string transformed array * * @access private */ function _getSearchListFromArray($arr){ $txt=implode(',' , $arr); return $txt; } /***************************************************** Net_POP3 Compatibility functions: Warning!!! Those functions could dissapear in the future *********************************************************/ /** * same as getMailboxSize() * Net_POP3 Compatibility function * * @return same as getMailboxSize(); * * @access public */ function getSize(){ return $this->getMailboxSize(); } /** * same as getNumberOfMessages($mailbox) * Net_POP3 Compatibility function * * @param string $mailbox Mailbox (default is current mailbox) * * @return same as getNumberOfMessages($mailbox) * * @access public */ function numMsg($mailbox = null){ return $this->getNumberOfMessages($mailbox); } /** * Returns the entire message with given message number. * Net_POP3 Compatibility function * * @param $msg_id Message number * * @return mixed either entire message or PEAR Error on failure * * @access public */ function getMsg($msg_id) { if (PEAR::isError($ret = $this->getMessages($msg_id, false))) { return $ret; } // false means that getMessages() must not use the msg number as array key if(isset($ret[0])){ return $ret[0]; }else{ return $ret; } } /** * same as getMessagesList($msg_id) * Net_POP3 Compatibility function * * @param $msg_id Message number * * @return same as getMessagesList() * * @access public */ function getListing($msg_id = null) { return $this->getMessagesList($msg_id); } /** * same as deleteMessages($msg_id) * Net_POP3 Compatibility function * * @param $msg_id Message number * * @return same as deleteMessages() * * @access public */ function deleteMsg($msg_id){ return $this->deleteMessages($msg_id); } } ?>