/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS History log * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright 2012 Nathan Gray */ /*egw:uses /vendor/bower-asset/jquery/dist/jquery.js; /vendor/bower-asset/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js; et2_core_valueWidget; // Include the grid classes et2_dataview; */ import {et2_IDataProvider} from "./et2_dataview_interfaces"; import {et2_register_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget"; import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import {et2_valueWidget} from "./et2_core_valueWidget"; import {et2_dataview} from "./et2_dataview"; import {et2_dataview_column} from "./et2_dataview_model_columns"; import {et2_dataview_controller} from "./et2_dataview_controller"; import {et2_diff} from "./et2_widget_diff"; /** * eTemplate history log widget displays a list of changes to the current record. * The widget is encapsulated, and only needs the record's ID, and a map of * fields:widgets for display. * * It defers its initialization until the tab that it's on is selected, to avoid * wasting time if the user never looks at it. * * @augments et2_valueWidget */ export class et2_historylog extends et2_valueWidget implements et2_IDataProvider,et2_IResizeable { static readonly _attributes = { "value": { "name": "Value", "type": "any", "description": "Object {app: ..., id: ..., status-widgets: {}} where status-widgets is a map of fields to widgets used to display those fields" }, "status_id":{ "name": "status_id", "type": "string", "default": "status", "description": "The history widget is traditionally named 'status'. If you name another widget in the same template 'status', you can use this attribute to re-name the history widget. " }, "columns": { "name": "columns", "type": "string", "default": "user_ts,owner,status,new_value,old_value", "description": "Columns to display. Default is user_ts,owner,status,new_value,old_value" }, "get_rows": { "name": "get_rows", "type": "string", "default": "EGroupware\\Api\\Storage\\History::get_rows", "description": "Method to get rows" } }; public static readonly legacyOptions = ["status_id"]; protected static columns = [ {'id': 'user_ts', caption: 'Date', 'width': '120px', widget_type: 'date-time', widget: null, nodes: null}, {'id': 'owner', caption: 'User', 'width': '150px', widget_type: 'select-account', widget: null, nodes: null}, {'id': 'status', caption: 'Changed', 'width': '120px', widget_type: 'select', widget: null, nodes: null}, {'id': 'new_value', caption: 'New Value', 'width': '50%', widget: null, nodes: null}, {'id': 'old_value', caption: 'Old Value', 'width': '50%', widget: null, nodes: null} ]; static readonly TIMESTAMP = 0; static readonly OWNER = 1; static readonly FIELD = 2; static readonly NEW_VALUE = 3; static readonly OLD_VALUE = 4; private div: JQuery; private innerDiv: JQuery; private _filters: { appname: string; record_id: string; get_rows: string; }; private dynheight: et2_dynheight; private dataview: et2_dataview; private controller: et2_dataview_controller; private fields: any; private diff: et2_diff; private value: any; /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_historylog */ constructor(_parent?, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_historylog._attributes, _child || {})); this.div = jQuery(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("et2_historylog"); this.innerDiv = jQuery(document.createElement("div")) .appendTo(this.div); } set_status_id( _new_id) { this.options.status_id = _new_id; } doLoadingFinished( ) : boolean | JQueryPromise { super.doLoadingFinished(); // Find the tab let tab = this.get_tab_info(); if(tab) { // Bind the action to when the tab is selected const handler = function (e) { e.data.div.unbind("click.history"); // Bind on click tap, because we need to update history size // after a rezise happend and history log was not the active tab e.data.div.bind("click.history", {"history": e.data.history, div: tab.flagDiv}, function (e) { if (e.data.history && e.data.history.dynheight) { e.data.history.dynheight.update(function (_w, _h) { e.data.history.dataview.resize(_w, _h); }); } }); if (typeof e.data.history.dataview == "undefined") { e.data.history.finishInit(); if (e.data.history.dynheight) { e.data.history.dynheight.update(function (_w, _h) { e.data.history.dataview.resize(_w, _h); }); } } }; tab.flagDiv.bind("click.history",{"history": this, div: tab.flagDiv}, handler); // Display if history tab is selected if(tab.contentDiv.is(':visible') && typeof this.dataview == 'undefined') { tab.flagDiv.trigger("click.history"); } } else { this.finishInit(); } return true; } _createNamespace() { return true; } /** * Finish initialization which was skipped until tab was selected */ finishInit( ) { // No point with no ID if(!this.options.value || !this.options.value.id) { return; } this._filters = { record_id: this.options.value.id, appname: this.options.value.app, get_rows: this.options.get_rows }; // Warn if status_id is the same as history id, that causes overlap and missing labels if(this.options.status_id === this.id) { this.egw().debug("warn", "status_id attribute should not be the same as historylog ID"); } // Create the dynheight component which dynamically scales the inner // container. this.div.parentsUntil('.et2_tabs').height('100%'); const parent = this.get_tab_info(); this.dynheight = new et2_dynheight(parent ? parent.contentDiv : this.div.parent(), this.innerDiv, 250 ); // Create the outer grid container this.dataview = new et2_dataview(this.innerDiv, this.egw()); const dataview_columns = []; let _columns = typeof this.options.columns === "string" ? this.options.columns.split(',') : this.options.columns; for (var i = 0; i < et2_historylog.columns.length; i++) { dataview_columns[i] = { "id": et2_historylog.columns[i].id, "caption": et2_historylog.columns[i].caption, "width":et2_historylog.columns[i].width, "visibility":_columns.indexOf(et2_historylog.columns[i].id) < 0 ? et2_dataview_column.ET2_COL_VISIBILITY_INVISIBLE : et2_dataview_column.ET2_COL_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE }; } this.dataview.setColumns(dataview_columns); // Create widgets for columns that stay the same, and set up varying widgets this.createWidgets(); // Create the gridview controller const linkCallback = function () { }; this.controller = new et2_dataview_controller(null, this.dataview.grid); this.controller.setContext(this); this.controller.setDataProvider(this); this.controller.setLinkCallback(linkCallback); this.controller.setRowCallback(this.rowCallback); this.controller.setActionObjectManager(null); const total = typeof this.options.value.total !== "undefined" ? this.options.value.total : 0; // This triggers an invalidate, which updates the grid this.dataview.grid.setTotalCount(total); // Insert any data sent from server, so invalidate finds data already if(this.options.value.rows && this.options.value.num_rows) { this.controller.loadInitialData( this.options.value.dataStorePrefix, this.options.value.row_id, this.options.value.rows ); // Remove, to prevent duplication delete this.options.value.rows; // This triggers an invalidate, which updates the grid this.dataview.grid.setTotalCount(total); } else { // Trigger the initial update this.controller.update(); } // Write something inside the column headers for (var i = 0; i < et2_historylog.columns.length; i++) { jQuery(this.dataview.getHeaderContainerNode(i)).text(et2_historylog.columns[i].caption); } // Register a resize callback const self = this; jQuery(window).on('resize.' +this.options.value.app + this.options.value.id, function() { if (self && typeof self.dynheight != 'undefined') self.dynheight.update(function(_w, _h) { self.dataview.resize(_w, _h); }); }); } /** * Destroys all */ destroy( ) { // Unbind, if bound if(this.options.value && !this.options.value.id) { jQuery(window).off('.' +this.options.value.app + this.options.value.id); } // Free the widgets for(let i = 0; i < et2_historylog.columns.length; i++) { if(et2_historylog.columns[i].widget) et2_historylog.columns[i].widget.destroy(); } for(let key in this.fields) { this.fields[key].widget.destroy(); } // Free the grid components if(this.dataview) this.dataview.destroy(); if(this.controller) this.controller.destroy(); if(this.dynheight) this.dynheight.destroy(); super.destroy(); } /** * Create all needed widgets for new / old values */ createWidgets( ) { // Constant widgets - first 3 columns for(let i = 0; i < et2_historylog.columns.length; i++) { if(et2_historylog.columns[i].widget_type) { // Status ID is allowed to be remapped to something else. Only affects the widget ID though var attrs = {'readonly': true, 'id': (i == et2_historylog.FIELD ? this.options.status_id : et2_historylog.columns[i].id)}; et2_historylog.columns[i].widget = et2_createWidget(et2_historylog.columns[i].widget_type, attrs, this); et2_historylog.columns[i].widget.transformAttributes(attrs); et2_historylog.columns[i].nodes = jQuery(et2_historylog.columns[i].widget.getDetachedNodes()); } } // Add in handling for links if(typeof this.options.value['status-widgets']['~link~'] == 'undefined') { et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.FIELD].widget.optionValues['~link~'] = this.egw().lang('link'); this.options.value['status-widgets']['~link~'] = 'link'; } // Add in handling for files if(typeof this.options.value['status-widgets']['~file~'] == 'undefined') { et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.FIELD].widget.optionValues['~file~'] = this.egw().lang('File'); this.options.value['status-widgets']['~file~'] = 'vfs'; } // Add in handling for user-agent & action if(typeof this.options.value['status-widgets']['user_agent_action'] == 'undefined') { et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.FIELD].widget.optionValues['user_agent_action'] = this.egw().lang('User-agent & action'); } // Per-field widgets - new value & old value this.fields = {}; let labels = et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.FIELD].widget.optionValues; // Custom fields - Need to create one that's all read-only for proper display let cf_widget = et2_createWidget('customfields', {'readonly':true}, this); cf_widget.loadFields(); // Override this or it may damage the real values cf_widget.getValue = function() {return null;}; for(let key in cf_widget.widgets) { // Add label labels[cf_widget.prefix + key] = cf_widget.options.customfields[key].label; // If it doesn't support detached nodes, just treat it as text if(cf_widget.widgets[key].getDetachedNodes) { var nodes = cf_widget.widgets[key].getDetachedNodes(); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if(nodes[i] == null) nodes.splice(i,1); } // Save to use for each row this.fields[cf_widget.prefix + key] = { attrs: cf_widget.widgets[key].options, widget: cf_widget.widgets[key], nodes: jQuery(nodes) }; } } // Add all cf labels et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.FIELD].widget.set_select_options(labels); // From app for(var key in this.options.value['status-widgets']) { let attrs = jQuery.extend({'readonly': true, 'id': key}, this.getArrayMgr('modifications').getEntry(key)); const field = attrs.type || this.options.value['status-widgets'][key]; const options = null; const widget = this._create_widget(key, field, attrs, options); if(widget === null) { continue; } if(widget.instanceOf(et2_selectbox)) widget.options.multiple = true; widget.transformAttributes(attrs); // Save to use for each row let nodes = widget._children.length ? [] : jQuery(widget.getDetachedNodes()); for(let i = 0; i < widget._children.length; i++) { // @ts-ignore nodes.push(jQuery(widget._children[i].getDetachedNodes())); } this.fields[key] = { attrs: attrs, widget: widget, nodes: nodes }; } // Widget for text diffs const diff = et2_createWidget('diff', {}, this); this.diff = { // @ts-ignore widget: diff, nodes: jQuery(diff.getDetachedNodes()) }; } _create_widget(key, field, attrs, options) { let widget = null; // If field has multiple parts (is object) and isn't an obvious select box if(typeof field === 'object') { // Check for multi-part statuses needing multiple widgets let need_box = false;//!this.getArrayMgr('sel_options').getEntry(key); for(let j in field) { // Require widget to be a widget, to avoid invalid widgets // (and template, which is a widget and an infolog todo status) if(et2_registry[field[j]] && ['template'].indexOf(field[j]) < 0)// && (et2_registry[field[j]].prototype.instanceOf(et2_valueWidget)) { need_box = true; break; } } if(need_box) { // Multi-part value needs multiple widgets widget = et2_createWidget('vbox', attrs, this); for(var i in field) { let type = field[i]; const child_attrs = jQuery.extend({}, attrs); if(typeof type === 'object') { child_attrs['select_options'] = field[i]; type = 'select'; } else { delete child_attrs['select_options']; } child_attrs.id = i; const child = this._create_widget(i, type, child_attrs, options); widget.addChild(child); child.transformAttributes(child_attrs); } } else { attrs['select_options'] = field; } } // Check for options after the type, ex: link-entry:infolog else if (field.indexOf(':') > 0) { var options = field.split(':'); field = options.shift(); } if(widget === null) { widget = et2_createWidget(typeof field === 'string' ? field : 'select', attrs, this); } if(!widget.instanceOf(et2_IDetachedDOM)) { this.egw().debug("warn", this, "Invalid widget " + field + " for " + key + ". Status widgets must implement et2_IDetachedDOM."); return null; } // Parse / set legacy options if(options) { const mgr = this.getArrayMgr("content"); let legacy = widget.constructor.legacyOptions || []; for(let i = 0; i < options.length && i < legacy.length; i++) { // Not set if(options[i] === "") continue; const attr = widget.attributes[legacy[i]]; let attrValue = options[i]; // If the attribute is marked as boolean, parse the // expression as bool expression. if (attr.type === "boolean") { attrValue = mgr.parseBoolExpression(attrValue); } else { attrValue = mgr.expandName(attrValue); } attrs[legacy[i]] = attrValue; if(typeof widget['set_'+legacy[i]] === 'function') { widget['set_'+legacy[i]].call(widget, attrValue); } else { widget.options[legacy[i]] = attrValue; } } } return widget; } getDOMNode( _sender) { if (_sender == this) { return this.div[0]; } for (let i = 0; i < et2_historylog.columns.length; i++) { if (_sender == et2_historylog.columns[i].widget) { return this.dataview.getHeaderContainerNode(i); } } return null; } dataFetch( _queriedRange, _callback, _context) { // Skip getting data if there's no ID if(!this.value.id) return; // Set num_rows to fetch via nextmatch if ( this.options.value['num_rows'] ) _queriedRange['num_rows'] = this.options.value['num_rows']; const historylog = this; // Pass the fetch call to the API this.egw().dataFetch( this.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, _queriedRange, this._filters, this.id, function(_response) { _callback.call(this,_response); // This seems to prevent unwanted scrollbars historylog.div.hide(); window.setTimeout(function() { historylog.div.show(); }.bind(historylog),100); }, _context, [] ); } // Needed by interface dataRegisterUID( _uid, _callback, _context) { this.egw().dataRegisterUID(_uid, _callback, _context, this.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, this.id); } dataUnregisterUID( _uid, _callback, _context) { // Needed by interface } /** * The row callback gets called by the gridview controller whenever * the actual DOM-Nodes for a node with the given data have to be * created. * * @param {type} _data * @param {type} _row * @param {type} _idx * @param {type} _entry */ rowCallback( _data, _row, _idx, _entry) { let tr = _row.getDOMNode(); jQuery(tr).attr("valign","top"); let row = this.dataview.rowProvider.getPrototype("default"); let self = this; jQuery("div", row).each(function (i) { let nodes : any[] | JQuery = []; let widget = et2_historylog.columns[i].widget; let value = _data[et2_historylog.columns[i].id]; if(et2_historylog.OWNER === i && _data['share_email']) { // Show share email instead of owner widget = undefined; value = _data['share_email']; } // Get widget from list, unless it needs a diff widget if((typeof widget == 'undefined' || widget == null) && typeof self.fields[_data.status] != 'undefined' && ( i < et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE || i >= et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE && ( self.fields[_data.status].nodes || !self._needsDiffWidget(_data['status'], _data[et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.OLD_VALUE].id]) ) )) { widget = self.fields[_data.status].widget; if(!widget._children.length) { nodes = self.fields[_data.status].nodes.clone(); } for(var j = 0; j < widget._children.length; j++) { // @ts-ignore nodes.push(self.fields[_data.status].nodes[j].clone()); if(widget._children[j].instanceOf(et2_diff)) { self._spanValueColumns(jQuery(this)); } } } else if (widget) { nodes = et2_historylog.columns[i].nodes.clone(); } else if (( // Already parsed & cached typeof _data[et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE].id] == "object" && typeof _data[et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE].id] != "undefined" && _data[et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE].id] !== null) || // typeof null === 'object' // Large old value self._needsDiffWidget(_data['status'], _data[et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.OLD_VALUE].id]) || // Large new value self._needsDiffWidget(_data['status'], _data[et2_historylog.columns[et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE].id])) { // Large text value - span both columns, and show a nice diff let jthis = jQuery(this); if(i === et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE) { // Diff widget widget = self.diff.widget; nodes = self.diff.nodes.clone(); if(widget) widget.setDetachedAttributes(nodes, { value: value, label: jthis.parents("td").prev().text() }); self._spanValueColumns(jthis); } } else { // No widget fallback - display actual value nodes = jQuery('').text(value === null ? '' : value); } if(widget) { if(widget._children.length) { // Multi-part values const box = jQuery(widget.getDOMNode()).clone(); for(var j = 0; j < widget._children.length; j++) { const id = widget._children[j].id; const widget_value = value ? value[id] || "" : ""; widget._children[j].setDetachedAttributes(nodes[j], {value:widget_value}); box.append(nodes[j]); } nodes = box; } else { widget.setDetachedAttributes(nodes, {value:value}); } } jQuery(this).append(nodes); }); jQuery(tr).append(row.children()); return tr; } /** * How to tell if the row needs a diff widget or not * * @param {string} columnName * @param {string} value * @returns {Boolean} */ _needsDiffWidget( columnName, value) { if(typeof value !== "string" && value) { this.egw().debug("warn", "Crazy diff value", value); return false; } return value === '***diff***'; } /** * Make a single row's new value cell span across both new value and old value * columns. Used for diff widget. * * @param {jQuery} row jQuery wrapped row node */ _spanValueColumns(row) { // Stretch column 4 row.parents("td").attr("colspan", 2) .css("border-right", "none"); row.css("width", ( this.dataview.getColumnMgr().getColumnWidth(et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE) + this.dataview.getColumnMgr().getColumnWidth(et2_historylog.OLD_VALUE)-10)+'px'); // Skip column 5 row.parents("td").next().remove(); } resize(_height) { if (typeof this.options != 'undefined' && _height && typeof this.options.resize_ratio != 'undefined') { // apply the ratio _height = (this.options.resize_ratio != '')? _height * this.options.resize_ratio: _height; if (_height != 0) { // 250px is the default value for history widget // if it's not loaded yet and window is resized // then add the default height with excess_height if (this.div.height() == 0) _height += 250; this.div.height(this.div.height() + _height); // trigger the history registered resize // in order to update the height with new value this.div.trigger('resize.' +this.options.value.app + this.options.value.id); } } if(this.dynheight) { this.dynheight.update(); } // Resize diff widgets to match new space if(this.dataview) { const columns = this.dataview.getColumnMgr(); jQuery('.et2_diff', this.div).closest('.innerContainer') .width(columns.getColumnWidth(et2_historylog.NEW_VALUE) + columns.getColumnWidth(et2_historylog.OLD_VALUE)); } } } et2_register_widget(et2_historylog, ['historylog']);