%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin zh 共有%3个用户帐户, 正显示其中的第%1~%2个 %1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin zh 第%1 到 %2 /共 %3 个用户组 %1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin zh 不 (再) 存在帐户%1的 ACL 纪录已被删除。 %1 class not instanciated admin zh %1类没有实例化 %1 group %2 admin zh %1群组%2 %1 is no command! admin zh %1没有命令! %1 not found or not executable !!! admin zh %1找不到或无法执行! %1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin zh %2的权限%1和应用程序%3 %1 user %2 admin zh %1用户%2 (default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin zh (默认为否,如果您不打算使用请不要修改) (stored password will not be shown here) admin zh (已储存密码将不在这里显示) (to install new applications use
setup [manage applications] !!!) admin zh (请使用[管理应用程序]来安装新的应用程序!) - type admin zh - 类型 accesslog and bruteforce defense admin zh 存取纪录与恶意攻击防御 account %1 %2 admin zh 帐户 %1 %2 account '%1' deleted. admin zh 帐户 '%1' 已删除。 account active admin zh 帐户激活 account has been created common zh 帐户已创建 account has been deleted common zh 帐户已删除 account has been updated common zh 帐户已更新 account list admin zh 列举帐户 account permissions admin zh 帐户权限 account preferences admin zh 帐户参数选择 account-id's have to be integers! admin zh 帐户 ID 必须是整数! acl manager admin zh ACL管理器 acl rights common zh ACL权限 action admin zh 操作 actions admin zh 操作 activate wysiwyg-editor admin zh 激活所见即所得编辑器 add a category admin zh 添加类别 add a group admin zh 添加组 add a new account. admin zh 添加新帐户。 add a subcategory admin zh 添加子类别 add a user admin zh 添加用户 add account admin zh 添加帐户 add application admin zh 添加应用程序 add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin zh 向该组添加自创建用户 (留空则使用默认设置。) add global category admin zh 添加全局类别 add global category for %1 admin zh 为%1添加全局类别 add group admin zh 添加群组 add new account admin zh 添加新帐户 add new application admin zh 添加新应用程序 add peer server admin zh 添加对等服务器 add sub-category admin zh 添加子类别 admin email admin zh 管理员邮箱 admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin zh 管理员电子邮件地址 (逗号分隔) 以便通知有关故障等 (留空将不通知任何人) admin name admin zh 管理员名称 admin queue and history admin zh 管理队列和历史纪录 administration admin zh 系统管理 admins admin zh 管理员 advanced options admin zh 高级选项 after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin zh 几次登录失败后,将锁定该账户 (默认 3)? after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin zh 几次登录失败后,将封禁 IP 地址 (默认 3)? aliases admin zh 别名 all applications admin zh 所有应用程序 all categories admin zh 所有类别 all records and account information will be lost! admin zh 所有的记录和账户信息都将丢失! all users admin zh 所有用户 allow anonymous access to this app admin zh 允许匿名用户访问此应用程序 allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin zh 允许从以下的安装 ID (逗号分隔) 进行远程管理 alternate email address admin zh 备用邮箱地址 anonymous user admin zh 匿名用户 anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin zh 匿名用户 (不在会话列表中显示) anonymous user does not exist! admin zh 匿名用户不存在! anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin zh 匿名用户没有执行此应用程序的权限! appearance admin zh 外观 application admin zh 应用程序 application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin zh 应用程序'%1'没被找到 (可能没安装或拼写错误)! application name admin zh 应用程序名称 application title admin zh 应用程序标题 applications admin zh 应用程序 applications list admin zh 应用程序列表 applications run rights updated. admin zh 应用程序运行权限已更新。 applies the changes admin zh 应用更改 apply the changes admin zh 应用修改 are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin zh 确定要删除应用程序%1吗? are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin zh 确定要删除该账户吗? are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin zh 确定要删除该应用程序吗? are you sure you want to delete this category ? common zh 确定要删除该类别吗? are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin zh 确定要删除该全局类别吗? are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin zh 确定要删除该组吗? are you sure you want to delete this server? admin zh 确定要删除该服务器吗? are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin zh 确定要中止该会话吗? async services last executed admin zh 异步服务最近已执行过 asynchronous timed services admin zh 异步定时服务 asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin zh 异步服务尚未安装或其他错误(%1)! attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin zh 在FTP中尝试使用正确的mimetype来替代默认的'application/otect-stream' attribute accountstatus explained admin zh 该 -accountStatus- 句柄属性来自 QMAIL schema。 attribute mail explained admin zh 该 -mail- 句柄属性来自 QMAIL schema 并不得为空。它同样也是 eGW 内部电子邮件域。 attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin zh 该 -accountStatus- 句柄属性来自 QMAIL schema,并能迅速处理为虚拟地图或别名。 attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin zh 该 -accountStatus- 句柄属性来自 QMAIL schema,并且如果被指定,绝不能为空。 authentication / accounts admin zh 认证/账户 auto create account records for authenticated users admin zh 自动为已通过身份验证的用户创建帐户记录 back to the list admin zh 返回列表 bi-dir passthrough admin zh bi-dir passthrough(双向通过) bi-directional admin zh bi-directional(双向) bottom admin zh 底部 calculate next run admin zh 计划下次运行 can change password admin zh 可以更改密码 cancel testjob! admin zh 取消测试任务! categories list admin zh 分类列表 category %1 has been saved ! admin zh 类别%1已保存! category deleted. admin zh 类别已删除。 category list admin zh 类别列表 category saved. admin zh 类别已保存。 change account_id admin zh 更改帐户 ID change acl rights admin zh 更改 ACL 权限 change config settings admin zh 更改配置设定 change main screen message admin zh 更改主页面信息 change password for %1 admin zh 更改%1的密码 check acl for entries of not (longer) existing accounts admin zh 检查 ACL (长期)不是现有的帐户条目 check ip address of all sessions admin zh 检查所有 sessions 的 IP 地址 check items to %1 to %2 for %3 admin zh 检查%3对%2的权限项目 %1 click to select a color admin zh 点击选择一种颜色 color admin zh 颜色 command scheduled to run at %1 admin zh 计划命令运行在%1 cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. ".domain.com" allows to use the same cookie for egw.domain.com and www.domain.com) admin zh Cookie 域 (默认为空表示使用完整域名,对于 SiteMgr 等 ".domain.com" 允许 egw.domain.com 与 www.domain.com 使用同一个 cookie) cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin zh Cookie 路径 (允许多个 eGW 会话使用不同的目录,与 SiteMgr 会有问题!) could not remote execute the command admin zh 不能远程执行命令 country admin zh 国家 country selection admin zh 选择国家/地区 create group admin zh 创建组 created admin zh 创建日期 created with id #%1 admin zh 以 ID #%1 创建 creates a new field admin zh 创建一新字段 crontab only (recomended) admin zh 仅 Crontab (推荐命令) custom fields admin zh 自定义字段 cyrus imap server admin zh Cyrus IMAP 服务器 data admin zh 数据 day admin zh 日 day of week
(0-6, 0=sun) admin zh 星期(0-6,0=日) db backup and restore admin zh 数据库备份与恢复 default admin zh 默认 default file system space per user admin zh 每个用户的默认文件系统空间 default file system space per user/group ? admin zh 每一用户/组的默认文件系统空间? deinstall crontab admin zh 卸载 crontab delete account admin zh 删除账户 delete account %1 admin zh 删除账户%1 delete all records admin zh 删除所有记录 delete application admin zh 删除应用程序 delete category admin zh 删除类别 delete group admin zh 删除组 delete peer server admin zh 删除对等服务器 delete the category admin zh 删除该类别 delete the group admin zh 删除该组 delete this category admin zh 删除此类别 delete this group admin zh 删除该群组 delete this user admin zh 删除该用户 deleted admin zh 已删除 deletes this field admin zh 删除此字段域 deliver extern admin zh 外部传送 deny access to access log admin zh 拒绝对访问日志的访问 deny access to application registery admin zh 拒绝访问应用程序注册 deny access to applications admin zh 拒绝对应用程序的访问 deny access to asynchronous timed services admin zh 拒绝访问异步定时服务器 deny access to current sessions admin zh 拒绝对当前会话的访问 deny access to db backup and restore admin zh 拒绝访问数据库备份与恢复 deny access to error log admin zh 拒绝对错误日志的访问 deny access to global categories admin zh 拒绝对全局类别的访问 deny access to groups admin zh 拒绝对用户组的访问 deny access to mainscreen message admin zh 拒绝访问主界面信息 deny access to peer servers admin zh 拒绝访问对等服务器 deny access to phpinfo admin zh 拒绝对 phpinfo 的访问 deny access to site configuration admin zh 拒绝对站点配置的访问 deny access to user accounts admin zh 拒绝对用户账户的访问 deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin zh 拒绝所有用户准予其他用户使用他们的账户登录? description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin zh 描述不得超过255个字符长度! determines the order the fields are displayed admin zh 确定显示字段域顺序 disable admin zh 禁用 disable "auto completion" of the login form admin zh 禁用登录表单的“自动完成” disable wysiwyg-editor admin zh 禁用所见即所得编辑器 disabled (not recomended) admin zh 禁用 (不推荐) display admin zh 显示 do not delete the category and return back to the list admin zh 不要删除类别和返回其列表 do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin zh 您是否同样要删除所有全局子类别? do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin zh 您是否想要删除所有的全局子类别? do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin zh 您是否想要把所有的全局子类别向下移动一级? document root (default) admin zh 文件根目录 (默认) down admin zh 向下 each value is a line like [=