* @copyright (c) 2009 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * Select file to open or save dialog * * This dialog can be called from applications to open or store files from the VFS. * * There are the following ($_GET) parameters: * - menuaction=filemanager.filemanager_select.select (required) * - mode=(open|open-multiple|saveas|select-dir) (required) * - method=app.class.method (required callback, gets called with id and selected file(s)) * - id=... (optional parameter passed to callback) * - path=... (optional start path in VFS) * - mime=... (optional mime-type to limit display to given type) * - label=... (optional label for submit button, default "Open") * * The application calls this method in a popup with size: 640x580 px * After the user selected one or more files (depending on the mode parameter), the "method" callback gets * called on server (!) side. Parameters are the id plus the selected files as 1. and 2. parameter. * The callback returns javascript to eg. update it's UI AND (!) to close the current popup ("window.close();"). */ class filemanager_select { /** * Methods callable via menuaction * * @var array */ var $public_functions = array( 'select' => true, ); /** * Constructor * */ function __construct() { // strip slashes from _GET parameters, if someone still has magic_quotes_gpc on if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $_GET) { $_GET = etemplate::array_stripslashes($_GET); } } /** * File selector * * @param array $content */ function select(array $content=null) { if (!is_array($content)) { $content = array(); // recover from a failed upload in CkEditor, eg. > max_uploadsize if ($_GET['failed_upload'] && $_GET['msg']) { $content['msg'] = $_GET['msg']; $_GET['mode'] = 'open'; $_GET['method'] = 'ckeditor_return'; $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] = egw_cache::getSession('filemanager','ckeditorfuncnum'); } $content['mode'] = $_GET['mode']; if (!in_array($content['mode'],array('open','open-multiple','saveas','select-dir'))) { throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter("Wrong or unset required mode parameter!"); } $content['path'] = $_GET['path']; if (empty($content['path'])) { $content['path'] = egw_session::appsession('select_path','filemanger'); } $content['name'] = (string)$_GET['name']; $content['method'] = $_GET['method']; if ($content['method'] == 'ckeditor_return') { if (isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']) && is_numeric($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'])) { egw_cache::setSession('filemanager','ckeditorfuncnum', $content['ckeditorfuncnum'] = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']); } else { throw new egw_exception_wrong_parameter("chkeditor_return has been specified as a method but some parameters are missing or invalid."); } } $content['id'] = $_GET['id']; $content['label'] = isset($_GET['label']) ? $_GET['label'] : lang('Open'); if (($content['options-mime'] = isset($_GET['mime']))) { $content['options-mime'] = array(); foreach((array)$_GET['mime'] as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $content['options-mime'][$value] = lang('%1 files',strtoupper(mime_magic::mime2ext($value))).' ('.$value.')'; } else { $content['options-mime'][$key] = lang('%1 files',strtoupper($value)).' ('.$key.')'; } } list($content['mime']) = each($content['options-mime']); } } elseif(isset($content['button'])) { list($button) = each($content['button']); unset($content['button']); switch($button) { case 'up': if ($content['path'] != '/') $content['path'] = egw_vfs::dirname($content['path']); break; case 'home': $content['path'] = filemanager_ui::get_home_dir(); break; case 'ok': $copy_result = null; if (isset($content['file_upload']['name']) && is_uploaded_file($content['file_upload']['tmp_name'])) { //Set the "content" name filed accordingly to the uploaded file // encode chars which special meaning in url/vfs (some like / get removed!) $content['name'] = egw_vfs::encodePathComponent($content['file_upload']['name']); $to_path = egw_vfs::concat($content['path'],$content['name']); $copy_result = (egw_vfs::is_writable($content['path']) || egw_vfs::is_writable($to)) && copy($content['file_upload']['tmp_name'],egw_vfs::PREFIX.$to_path); } //Break on an error condition if ((($content['mode'] == 'open' || $content['mode'] == 'saveas') && ($content['name'] == '')) || ($copy_result === false)) { if ($copy_result === false) { $content['msg'] = lang('Error uploading file!'); } else { $content['msg'] = lang('Filename must not be empty!'); } $content['name'] = ''; break; } switch($content['mode']) { case 'open-multiple': foreach((array)$content['dir']['selected'] as $name) { $files[] = egw_vfs::concat($content['path'],$name); } //Add an uploaded file to the files result array2string if ($copy_result === true) $files[] = $to_path; break; case 'select-dir': $files = $content['path']; break; default: $files = egw_vfs::concat($content['path'],$content['name']); break; } if ($content['method'] != 'ckeditor_return') { $js = ExecMethod2($content['method'],$content['id'],$files); } else { $download_url = egw_vfs::download_url(egw_vfs::concat($content['path'],$content['name'])); if ($download_url[0] == '/') $download_url = egw::link($download_url); $js = "window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(". $content['ckeditorfuncnum'].",'". htmlspecialchars($download_url)."',". "'');\nwindow.close();"; } header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.translation::charset()); echo "\n\n\n\n\n"; common::egw_exit(); } } elseif(isset($content['apps'])) { list($app) = each($content['apps']); if ($app == 'home') $content['path'] = filemanager_ui::get_home_dir(); } //Deactivate the opload field if the current directory is not writeable or //we're currently not in the single file open mode. $content['no_upload'] = !egw_vfs::is_writable($content['path']) || !in_array($content['mode'],array('open')); $content['apps'] = array_keys(self::get_apps()); if (isset($app)) { $content['path'] = '/apps/'.(isset($content['apps'][$app]) ? $content['apps'][$app] : $app); } if ((substr($content['path'],0,strlen('/apps/favorites/')) == '/apps/favorites/' /*|| // favorites the imediatly resolved egw_vfs::is_link($content['path'])*/) && // we could replace all symlinks with the link, to save space in the URL $link = egw_vfs::readlink($content['path'])) { $content['path'] = $link[0] == '/' ? $link : egw_vfs::concat($content['path'],'../'.$link); } if (!$content['path'] || !egw_vfs::is_dir($content['path'])) { $content['path'] = filemanager_ui::get_home_dir(); } if (!($files = egw_vfs::find($content['path'],array( 'dirsontop' => true, 'order' => 'name', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'maxdepth' => 1, )))) { $content['msg'] = lang("Can't open directory %1!",$content['path']); } else { $n = 0; $content['dir'] = array('mode' => $content['mode']); array_shift($files); // remove directory itself foreach($files as $path) { $name = egw_vfs::basename($path); $is_dir = egw_vfs::is_dir($path); if ($content['mime'] && !$is_dir && egw_vfs::mime_content_type($path) != $content['mime']) { continue; // does not match mime-filter --> ignore } $content['dir'][$n] = array( 'name' => $name, 'path' => $path, 'onclick' => $is_dir ? "return select_goto('".addslashes($path)."');" : ($content['mode'] != 'open-multiple' ? "return select_show('".addslashes($name)."');" : "return select_toggle('".addslashes($name)."');"), ); if ($is_dir && $content['mode'] == 'open-multiple') { $readonlys['selected['.$name.']'] = true; } ++$n; } if (!$n) $readonlys['selected[]'] = true; // remove checkbox from empty line } $content['js'] = ' '; // scroll to end of path $GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload("document.getElementById('exec[path][c". (count(explode('/',$content['path']))-1) ."]').scrollIntoView();"); //_debug_array($readonlys); egw_session::appsession('select_path','filemanger',$content['path']); $tpl = new etemplate('filemanager.select'); $preserve = array( 'mode' => $content['mode'], 'method' => $content['method'], 'id' => $content['id'], 'label' => $content['label'], 'mime' => $content['mime'], 'options-mime' => $content['options-mime'], ); if (isset($content['ckeditorfuncnum'])) { $preserve['ckeditorfuncnum'] = $content['ckeditorfuncnum']; $preserve['ckeditor'] = $content['ckeditor']; } $tpl->exec('filemanager.filemanager_select.select',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserve,2); } /** * Get a list off all apps having an application directory in VFS * * @return array */ static function get_apps() { $apps = array(false); // index starting from 1 if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['stylite'])) $apps = array('favorites' => lang('Favorites')); $apps += egw_link::app_list('query'); unset($apps['mydms']); // they do NOT support adding files to VFS unset($apps['wiki']); return $apps; } }