* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @subpackage framework * @access public * @version $Id$ */ namespace EGroupware\Api\Framework; use EGroupware\Api\Cache; use EGroupware\Api\Header\UserAgent; /** * Bundle JS includes */ class Bundle { /** * Url of minified version of bundle * * @var array */ static $bundle2minurl = array( 'api' => '/api/js/jsapi.min.js', 'et2' => '/api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.min.js', 'et21'=> '/api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.min.js', 'pixelegg' => '/pixelegg/js/fw_pixelegg.min.js', 'jdots' => '/jdots/js/fw_jdots.min.js', 'mobile' => '/pixelegg/js/fw_mobile.min.js', ); /** * Devide js-includes in bundles of javascript files to include eg. api or etemplate2, if minifying is enabled * * @param array $js_includes files to include with egw relative url * @return array egw relative urls to include incl. bundels/minify urls, if enabled */ public static function js_includes(array $js_includes) { $file2bundle = array(); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['debug_minify'] !== 'True') { // get used bundles and cache them on tree-level for 2h //$bundles = self::all(); Cache::setTree(__CLASS__, 'bundles', $bundles, 7200); $bundles = Cache::getTree(__CLASS__, 'bundles', array(__CLASS__, 'all'), array(), 7200); $bundles_ts = $bundles['.ts']; unset($bundles['.ts']); foreach($bundles as $name => $files) { // to facilitate move to new api/et2 location, can be removed after 16.1 release if ($name == 'et21' && !in_array('/api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.js', $files) || $name == 'api' && !in_array('/api/js/jquery/jquery.js', $files)) { Cache::unsetTree(__CLASS__, 'bundles'); return self::js_includes($js_includes); } // ignore bundles of not used templates, as they can contain identical files if (in_array($name, array('api', 'et2', 'et21')) || $name == (UserAgent::mobile() ? 'mobile' : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['template_set']) || isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$name])) { $file2bundle += array_combine($files, array_fill(0, count($files), $name)); } } //error_log(__METHOD__."() file2bundle=".array2string($file2bundle)); } $to_include = $included_bundles = array(); $query = null; foreach($js_includes as $file) { if ($file == '/api/js/jsapi/egw.js') continue; // loaded via own tag, and we must not load it twice! if (!isset($to_include[$file])) { if (($bundle = $file2bundle[$file])) { //error_log(__METHOD__."() requiring bundle $bundle for $file"); if (!in_array($bundle, $included_bundles)) { $included_bundles[] = $bundle; $minurl = self::$bundle2minurl[$bundle]; if (!isset($minurl) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$bundle])) { $minurl = '/'.$bundle.'/js/app.min.js'; } $max_modified = 0; $to_include = array_merge($to_include, self::urls($bundles[$bundle], $max_modified, $minurl)); // check if bundle-config is more recent then if ($max_modified > $bundles_ts) { // force new bundle Config by deleting cached one and call ourself again Cache::unsetTree(__CLASS__, 'bundles'); return self::js_includes($js_includes); } } } else { unset($query); list($path, $query) = explode('?', $file, 2); $mod = filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$path); // check if we have a more recent minified version of the file and use it if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['debug_minify'] !== 'True' && substr($path, -3) == '.js' && file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($min_path = substr($path, 0, -3).'.min.js')) && (($min_mod = filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$min_path)) >= $mod)) { $path = $min_path; $mod = $min_mod; } $to_include[$file] = $path.'?'.$mod.($query ? '&'.$query : ''); } } } //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($js_includes).') debug_minify='.array2string($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['debug_minify']).', include_bundels='.array2string($included_bundles).' returning '.array2string(array_values(array_unique($to_include)))); return array_values(array_unique($to_include)); } /** * Generate bundle url(s) for given js files * * @param array $js_includes * @param int& $max_modified =null on return maximum modification time of bundle * @param string $minurl =null url of minified bundle, to be used, if existing and recent * @return array js-files (can be more then one, if one of given files can not be bundeled) */ protected static function urls(array $js_includes, &$max_modified=null, $minurl=null) { $debug_minify = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['debug_minify'] === 'True'; // ignore not existing minurl if (!empty($minurl) && !file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$minurl)) $minurl = null; $to_include_first = $to_include = $to_minify = array(); $max_modified = 0; $query = null; foreach($js_includes as $path) { if ($path == '/api/js/jsapi/egw.js') continue; // Leave egw.js out of bundle unset($query); list($path,$query) = explode('?',$path,2); $mod = filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$path); if ($mod > $max_modified) $max_modified = $mod; // ckeditor must be included before bundled files, as they depend on it! if (strpos($path,'/ckeditor/ckeditor.js') !== false) { $to_include_first[] = $path . '?' . $mod; } // for now minify does NOT support query parameters, nor php files generating javascript elseif ($debug_minify || $query || substr($path, -3) != '.js' || empty($minurl)) { $path .= '?'. $mod.($query ? '&'.$query : ''); $to_include[] = $path; } else { $to_minify[] = substr($path,1); } } if (!$debug_minify && $to_minify) { $path = $minurl.'?'.filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$minurl); /* no more dynamic minifying if (!empty($minurl) && file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$minurl) && ($mod=filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$minurl)) >= $max_modified) { $path = $minurl.'?'.$mod; } else { $base_path = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url']; if ($base_path[0] != '/') $base_path = parse_url($base_path, PHP_URL_PATH); $path = '/phpgwapi/inc/min/?'.($base_path && $base_path != '/' ? 'b='.substr($base_path, 1).'&' : ''). 'f='.implode(',', $to_minify) . ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['debug_minify'] === 'debug' ? '&debug' : ''). '&'.$max_modified; }*/ // need to include minified javascript before not minified stuff like jscalendar-setup, as it might depend on it array_unshift($to_include, $path); } if ($to_include_first) $to_include = array_merge($to_include_first, $to_include); //error_log(__METHOD__."("./*array2string($js_includes).*/", $max_modified, $minurl) returning ".array2string($to_include)); return $to_include; } /** * Maximum number of files in a bundle * * We split bundles, if they contain more then these number of files, * because IE silently stops caching them, if Content-Length get's too big. * * IE11 cached 142kb compressed api bundle, but not 190kb et2 bundle. * Splitting et2 bundle in max 50 files chunks, got IE11 to cache both bundles. */ const MAX_BUNDLE_FILES = 50; /** * Return all bundels we use: * - api stuff phpgwapi/js/jsapi/* and it's dependencies incl. jquery * - etemplate2 stuff not including api bundle, but jquery-ui * * @return array bundle-url => array of contained files */ public static function all() { $inc_mgr = new IncludeMgr(); $bundles = array(); $max_mod = array(); // generate api bundle $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/jquery/jquery.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/jquery/jquery-ui.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/jsapi/jsapi.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_json.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/jsapi/egw.js'); // dhtmlxTree (dhtmlxMenu get loaded via dependency in egw_menu_dhtmlx.js) $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/dhtmlxtree.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/dhtmlxtree/sources/ext/dhtmlxtree_json.js'); // actions $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_action.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_keymanager.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_action_popup.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_action_dragdrop.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_dragdrop_dhtmlx_tree.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_menu.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/egw_action/egw_menu_dhtmlx.js'); // include choosen in api, as old eTemplate uses it and fail if it pulls in half of et2 $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/jquery/chosen/chosen.jquery.js'); // include CKEditor in api, as old eTemplate uses it too $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/ckeditor/config.js'); $bundles['api'] = $inc_mgr->get_included_files(); self::urls($bundles['api'], $max_mod['api']); // generate et2 bundle (excluding files in api bundle) $inc_mgr->include_js_file('/api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.js'); $bundles['et2'] = array_diff($inc_mgr->get_included_files(), $bundles['api']); self::urls($bundles['et2'], $max_mod['et2']); $stock_files = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $bundles); // generate template and app bundles, if installed foreach(array( 'jdots' => '/jdots/js/fw_jdots.js', 'mobile' => '/pixelegg/js/fw_mobile.js', 'pixelegg' => '/pixelegg/js/fw_pixelegg.js', 'calendar' => '/calendar/js/app.js', 'mail' => '/mail/js/app.js', 'projectmanager' => '/projectmanager/js/app.js', ) as $bundle => $file) { if (@file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$file)) { $inc_mgr = new IncludeMgr($stock_files); // reset loaded files to stock files $inc_mgr->include_js_file($file); $bundles[$bundle] = array_diff($inc_mgr->get_included_files(), $stock_files); self::urls($bundles[$bundle], $max_mod[$bundle]); } } // automatic split bundles with more then MAX_BUNDLE_FILES (=50) files foreach($bundles as $name => $files) { $n = ''; while (count($files) > self::MAX_BUNDLE_FILES*(int)$n) { $files80 = array_slice($files, self::MAX_BUNDLE_FILES*(int)$n, self::MAX_BUNDLE_FILES, true); $bundles[$name.$n++] = $files80; } } // store max modification time of all files in all bundles $bundles['.ts'] = max($max_mod); //error_log(__METHOD__."() returning ".array2string($bundles)); return $bundles; } }