/** * EGroupware - Calendar - Javascript UI * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @package calendar * @author Hadi Nategh * @copyright (c) 2008-13 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses /etemplate/js/etemplate2.js */ /** * UI for calendar * * @augments AppJS */ app.classes.calendar = AppJS.extend( { /** * application name */ appname: 'calendar', /** * Constructor * * @memberOf app.calendar */ init: function() { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // make calendar object available, even if not running in top window, as sidebox does if (window.top !== window && typeof window.top.app.calendar == 'undefined') { window.top.app.calendar = this; } //Drag_n_Drop this.drag_n_drop(); }, /** * Destructor */ destroy: function() { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // remove top window reference if (window.top !== window && window.top.app.calendar === this) { delete window.top.app.calendar; } }, /** * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded * and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object, * make sure to clean it up in destroy(). * * @param et2 etemplate2 Newly ready object */ et2_ready: function(et2) { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content'); if (typeof et2.templates['calendar.list'] != 'undefined') { this.filter_change(); } if (typeof et2.templates['calendar.edit'] != 'undefined' && typeof content.data['conflicts'] == 'undefined') { $j(document.getElementById('calendar-edit_calendar-delete_series')).hide(); //Check if it's fallback from conflict window or it's from edit window if (content.data['button_was'] != 'freetime') { this.set_enddate_visibility(); this.check_recur_type(); this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_exception').set_disabled(typeof content.data['recur_exception'][0] == 'undefined'); } else { this.freetime_search(); } //send Syncronus ajax request to the server to unlock the on close entry //set onbeforeunload with json request to send request when the window gets close by X button window.onbeforeunload = function () { this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_unlock' , [content.data['id'],content.data['lock_token']],null,true,null,null).sendRequest(true); }; } //this.replace_eTemplate_onsubmit(); if (typeof et2.templates['calendar.freetimesearch'] != 'undefined') { this.set_enddate_visibility(); } }, /** * Drag and Drop * * */ drag_n_drop: function() { var that = this; //Draggable jQuery("div[id^='drag_']").draggable( { stack: jQuery("div[id^='drag_']"), revert: "invalid", delay: 50, cursorAt:{top:0,left:0}, containment: ".egw_fw_content_browser_iframe", scroll: true, opacity: .6, stop: function(ui,event) { event.helper.width(oldWidth); event.helper[0].innerHTML = oldInnerHTML; }, drag:function(ui, event) { //that.dragEvent(); }, start: function(ui, event) { oldInnerHTML = event.helper[0].innerHTML; oldWidth = event.helper.width(); event.helper.width(jQuery("#calColumn").width()); }, }).resizable({ //scroll:true, start:function(ui,event) { var resizeHelper = ui.target.getAttribute('data-resize'); var dataResize = resizeHelper.split("|"); var time = dataResize[1].split(":"); dropDate = dataResize[0]+"T"+time[0]+time[1]; var calOwner = this.getAttribute('id').substring(this.getAttribute('id').lastIndexOf("_O")+2,this.getAttribute('id').lastIndexOf("_C")); if(jQuery("div[id^='drop_"+dropDate+"']")[0].getAttribute('id').match(/_O[0-9]/g) == "_O0") calOwner = 0; drop = jQuery("div[id^='drop_"+dropDate+"_O"+calOwner+"']"); }, stop:function(ui,event) { that.dropEvent(this.getAttribute('id'),dropDate,newDuration); }, resize:function(ui,event) { var dataResize = ui.target.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|"); newDuration = Math.round(this.clientHeight/drop[0].clientHeight)* parseInt(dataResize[2]) * 60; var hours = Math.floor( newDuration / 3600); var minutes = (newDuration/60) % 60; this.innerHTML = '
'; } }); //Droppable jQuery("div[id^='drop_']").droppable( { accept:function(dg) { var id = dg[0].getAttribute('id'); var calOwner = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf("_O")+2,id.lastIndexOf("_C")); var dpOwner = this.getAttribute('data-owner'); if (dpOwner == null) dpOwner = calOwner; if (dg[0].getAttribute('id').match(/drag/g) && calOwner == dpOwner) { return true; } else { return false } }, tolerance:'pointer', drop:function(id, event) { var dgId = event.draggable[0].getAttribute('id'); var dgOwner = dgId.substring(dgId.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,dgId.lastIndexOf("")); var dpOwner = id.target.getAttribute('data-owner'); if (dpOwner == null) dpOwner = dgOwner; if (dpOwner == dgOwner ) { that.dropEvent(event.draggable[0].id, id.target.getAttribute('id').substring(id.target.getAttribute('id').lastIndexOf("drop_")+5, id.target.getAttribute('id').lastIndexOf("_O")),null); } else { } }, over:function(ui, event) { var timeDemo = ui.target.id.substring(ui.target.id.lastIndexOf("T")+1,ui.target.id.lastIndexOf("_O")); var dgId = event.draggable[0].getAttribute('id'); var dgOwner = dgId.substring(dgId.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,dgId.lastIndexOf("")); var dpOwner = ui.target.getAttribute('data-owner'); if (dpOwner == null) dpOwner = dgOwner; if (dpOwner == dgOwner ) { event.helper[0].innerHTML = '
' } else { event.helper[0].innerHTML = '
' + 'Forbidden' + '
'; } }, }); //onClick Handler for calender entries jQuery("div.calendar_calEvent").on({ click:function(ev){ var eventId = ev.currentTarget.id.replace(/drag_/g,'').split("_")[0]; var startDate = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|")[0]; if (ev.currentTarget.id.match(/drag_/g)) { egw.open(eventId,'calendar','edit'); } else { that.edit_series(event,eventId,startDate); } }, mouseover: function(){ var ttp = jQuery(this).tooltip({ items: "[data-tooltip]", content: function() { var elem = jQuery(this); if (elem.is("[data-tooltip]")) return this.getAttribute('data-tooltip') ; }, track:true, }); ttp.tooltip("enable"); }, mousedown: function(){ jQuery(this).tooltip("disable"); } }); //onClick Handler for calendar cells jQuery("div.calendar_calAddEvent").click(function(ev) { var timestamp = ev.target.getAttribute('data-date').split("|"); var owner = ev.target.getAttribute('id').split("_"); var ownerNum = owner[2].match( /Ogroup/g)?owner[2].replace( /Ogroup/g, '-'):owner[2].replace( /^\D+/g, ''); var date = timestamp[0]; var hour = timestamp[1]; var minute = timestamp[2]; if (ownerNum == 0) { egw.open_link('calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&date='+date+'&hour='+hour+'&minute='+minute,'_blank','700x700'); } else { egw.open_link('calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&date='+date+'&hour='+hour+'&minute='+minute+'&owner='+ownerNum,'_blank','700x700'); } }); }, /** * DropEvent * * @param {string} _id dragged event id * @param {array} _date array of date,hour, and minute of dropped cell * @param {string} _duration description * */ dropEvent : function(_id, _date, _duration) { var eventId = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("drag_")+5,_id.lastIndexOf("_O")); var calOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_O")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("_C")); var eventOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("")); var date = _date; xajax_doXMLHTTP( 'calendar.calendar_ajax.moveEvent', eventId, calOwner, date, eventOwner, _duration ); }, /** * open the freetime search popup * * @param {string} _link */ freetime_search_popup: function(_link) { this.egw.open_link(_link,'ft_search','700x500') ; }, /** * send an ajax request to server to set the freetimesearch window content * */ freetime_search: function() { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; content['start'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('start').get_value(); content['end'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('end').get_value(); content['duration'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration').get_value(); var request = this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_freetimesearch', [content],null,null,null,null); request.sendRequest(); }, /** * Function for disabling the recur_data multiselect box * */ check_recur_type: function() { var recurType = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_type'); var recurData = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_data'); if(recurType && recurData) { recurData.set_disabled(recurType.get_value() != 2); } }, /** * Show/Hide end date, for both edit and freetimesearch popups, * based on if "use end date" selected or not. * */ set_enddate_visibility: function() { var duration = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration'); var end = this.et2.getWidgetById('end'); if (typeof duration != 'undefined' && typeof end != 'undefined') { end.set_disabled(duration.get_value()!==''); } }, /** * handles actions selectbox in calendar edit popup * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} widget, widget "actions selectBox" in edit popup window */ actions_change: function(_event, widget) { var event = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (widget) { var id = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data['id']; switch (widget.get_value()) { case 'print': this.egw.open_link('calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&cal_id='+id+'&print=1','_blank','700x700'); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'mail': this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], false],null,null,null,null).sendRequest(); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'sendrequest': this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], true],null,null,null,null).sendRequest(); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'infolog': this.egw.open_link('infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=calendar&action_id='+($j.isPlainObject(event)?event['id']:event),'_self','700x600','infolog'); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; default: this.et2._inst.submit(); } } }, /** * open mail compose popup window * * @param {Array} vars * @todo need to provide right mail compose from server to custom_mail function */ custom_mail: function (vars) { this.egw.open_link('mail.mail_compose.compose&','_blank','700x700'); }, /** * control delete_series popup visibility * * @param {Array} exceptions an array contains number of exception entries * */ delete_btn: function(exceptions) { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (exceptions) { $j(document.getElementById('calendar-edit_calendar-delete_series')).show(); } else if (content['recur_type'] !== 0) { return confirm('Delete this series of recuring events'); } else { return confirm('Delete this event'); } }, /** * print_participants_status(egw,widget) * Handle to apply changes from status in print popup * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} widget widget "status" in print popup window * */ print_participants_status: function(_event, widget) { if (widget && window.opener) { //Parent popup window var editPopWindow = window.opener; if (editPopWindow) { //Update paretn popup window editPopWindow.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(widget.id).set_value(widget.get_value()); } this.et2._inst.submit(); editPopWindow.opener.egw_refresh('status changed','calendar'); } else if (widget) { window.egw_refresh(this.egw.lang('The original popup edit window is closed! You need to close the print window and reopen the entry again.'),'calendar'); } }, /** * Handles to select freetime, and replace the selected one on Start, * and End date&time in edit calendar entry popup. * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} _widget widget "select button" in freetime search popup window * */ freetime_select: function(_event, _widget) { if (_widget) { var content = this.et2._inst.widgetContainer.getArrayMgr('content').data; // Make the Id from selected button by checking the index var selectedId = _widget.id.match(/^select\[([0-9])\]$/i)[1]; var sTime = this.et2.getWidgetById(selectedId+'start'); var eTime = this.et2.getWidgetById(selectedId+'[end]'); //Catches the start time from freetime content var str = sTime.get_value(); var end = parseInt(str) + parseInt(content['duration']); //check the parent window is still open before to try to access it if (window.opener) { var editWindowObj = window.opener.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0]; if (typeof editWindowObj != "undefined") { var startTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('start'); var endTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('end'); if (startTime && endTime) { startTime.set_value(str); endTime.set_value(end); } } } else { alert(this.egw.lang('The original calendar edit popup is closed!')); } } window.close(); }, /** * show/hide the filter of nm list in calendar listview * */ filter_change: function() { var filter = this.et2.getWidgetById('filter'); var dates = this.et2.getWidgetById('calendar.list.dates'); if (filter && dates) { dates.set_disabled(filter.value !== "custom"); } }, /** * this function try to fix ids which are from integrated apps * * @param {egw_action} _action * @param {Array} _senders */ cal_fix_app_id: function(_action, _senders) { var app = 'calendar'; var id = _senders[0].id; var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/); if (matches) { id = matches[1]; } else if ((matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i))) { app = matches[1]; id = matches[2]; } var backup_url = _action.data.url; _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id); _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,app); nm_action(_action, _senders); _action.data.url = backup_url; // restore url }, /** * Open calendar entry, taking into accout the calendar integration of other apps * * calendar_uilist::get_rows sets var js_calendar_integration object * * @param _action * @param _senders * */ cal_open: function(_action, _senders) { var js_integration_data = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data.nm.js_integration_data; var id = _senders[0].id; var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); var backup = _action.data; if (matches) { this.edit_series(matches[1],matches[2]); return; } else if ((matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i))) { var app = matches[1]; _action.data.url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?'; var get_params = js_integration_data[app].edit; get_params[js_integration_data[app].edit_id] = matches[2]; for(var name in get_params) _action.data.url += name+"="+encodeURIComponent(get_params[name])+"&"; if (js_integration_data[app].edit_popup && ((matches = js_integration_data[app].edit_popup.match(/^(.*)x(.*)$/)))) { _action.data.width = matches[1]; _action.data.height = matches[2]; } else { _action.data.nm_action = 'location'; } } egw.open(id.replace(/^calendar::/g,''),'calendar','edit'); _action.data = backup; // restore url, width, height, nm_action }, /** * Delete calendar entry, asking if you want to delete series or exception * * * @param _action * @param _senders */ cal_delete: function(_action, _senders) { var backup = _action.data; var matches = false; // Loop so we ask if any of the selected entries is part of a series for(var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++) { var id = _senders[i].id; if(!matches) { matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); } } if (matches) { var id = matches[1]; var date = matches[2]; var popup = jQuery(document.getElementById(_action.getManager().etemplate_var_prefix + '[' + _action.id + '_popup]')); var row = null; // Cancel normal confirm delete _action.data.confirm; delete _action.data.confirm_multiple; // nm action - show popup nm_open_popup(_action,_senders); if(!popup) { return; } if ((row = jQuery("#"+id+"\\:"+date))) { // Open at row popup.css({ position: "absolute", top: row.position().top + row.height() -popup.height()/2, left: $j(window).width()/2-popup.width()/2 }); } else { // Open popup in the middle popup.css({ position: "absolute", top: $j(window).height()/2-popup.height()/2, left: $j(window).width()/2-popup.width()/2 }); } return; } console.log(_action); nm_action(_action, _senders); _action.data = backup; // restore url, width, height, nm_action }, /** * Create edit exception dialog for recurrence entries * * @param {object} event * @param {string} id cal_id * @param {integer} date timestamp */ edit_series: function(event,id,date) { // Coming from list, there is no event if(arguments.length == 2) { date = id; id = event; event = null; } var edit_id = id; var edit_date = date; var that = this; var buttons = [ {text: this.egw.lang("Edit exception"), id: "exception", class: "ui-priority-primary", "default": true}, {text: this.egw.lang("Edit series"), id:"series"}, {text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"} ]; et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { switch(_button_id) { case 'exception': that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date+'&exception=1'); break; case 'series': that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date); break; case 'cancel': default: break; } },this.egw.lang("Do you want to edit this event as an exception or the whole series?"), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons, et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); }, /** * Return state object defining current view * * Called by favorites to query current state. * * @return {object} description */ getState: function() { var egw_script_tag = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); var state = egw_script_tag.getAttribute('data-calendar-state'); state = state ? JSON.parse(state) : {}; // we are currently in list-view if (this.et2 && this.et2.getWidgetById('nm')) { jQuery.extend(state, this._super.apply(this, arguments)); // call default implementation } return state; }, /** * Set a state previously returned by getState * * Called by favorites to set a state saved as favorite. * * @param {object} state containing "name" attribute to be used as "favorite" GET parameter to a nextmatch */ setState: function(state) { // State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse if(typeof state == "string") { if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state =='null') { state = JSON.parse(state); } } // old calendar state handling on server-side (incl. switching to and from listview) var menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'; if (typeof state.state != 'undefined' && state.state.view == 'undefined' || state.state.view == 'listview') { menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uilist.listview'; state.state.ajax = 'true'; if (state.name) { state.state.favorite = state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_'); } } var query = jQuery.extend({menuaction: menuaction},state.state||{}); // prepend an owner 0, to reset all owners and not just set given resource type if(typeof query.owner != 'undefined') { query.owner = '0,'+ query.owner; } this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link('/index.php',query), 'calendar'); // Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click return false; } });