ADODB Session Management Manual

V4.20 22 Feb 2004 (c) 2000-2004 John Lim (

This software is dual licensed using BSD-Style and LGPL. This means you can use it in compiled proprietary and commercial products.

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We store state information specific to a user or web client in session variables. These session variables persist throughout a session, as the user moves from page to page.

To use session variables, call session_start() at the beginning of your web page, before your HTTP headers are sent. Then for every variable you want to keep alive for the duration of the session, call session_register($variable_name). By default, the session handler will keep track of the session by using a cookie. You can save objects or arrays in session variables also.

The default method of storing sessions is to store it in a file. However if you have special needs such as you:

Then the ADOdb session handler provides you with the above additional capabilities by storing the session information as records in a database table that can be shared across multiple servers.

Important Upgrade Notice: Since ADOdb 4.05, the session files have been moved to its own folder, adodb/session. This is a rewrite of the session code by Ross Smith. The old session code is in adodb/session/old.

ADOdb Session Handler Features


There are 3 session management files that you can use:

adodb-session.php        : The default
adodb-session-clob.php   : Use this if you are storing DATA in clobs
adodb-cryptsession.php   : Use this if you want to store encrypted session data in the database

    $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='scott';
    $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='tiger';
    $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='sessiondb';
    # Test session vars, the following should increment on refresh
    $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
    print "<p>\$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";

To force non-persistent connections, call adodb_session_open first before session_start():
    $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='scott';
    $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='tiger';
    $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='sessiondb';
To use a encrypted sessions, simply replace the file:
    $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='scott';
    $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='tiger';
    $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='sessiondb';
And the same technique for adodb-session-clob.php:
    $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='scott';
    $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='tiger';
    $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='sessiondb';


1. Create this table in your database (syntax might vary depending on your db): create table sessions ( SESSKEY char(32) not null, EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null, EXPIREREF varchar(64), DATA text not null, primary key (sesskey) ); For the adodb-session-clob.php version, create this: create table sessions ( SESSKEY char(32) not null, EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null, EXPIREREF varchar(64), DATA CLOB, primary key (sesskey) ); 2. Then define the following parameters. You can either modify this file, or define them before this file is included: $ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER='database driver, eg. mysql or ibase'; $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT='server to connect to'; $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='user'; $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='password'; $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='database'; $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions'; # setting this is optional When the session is created, $ADODB_SESS_CONN holds the connection object. 3. Recommended is PHP 4.0.6 or later. There are documented session bugs in earlier versions of PHP.


If you want to receive notification when a session expires, then tag the session record with a EXPIREREF tag (see the definition of the sessions table above). Before any session record is deleted, ADOdb will call a notification function, passing in the EXPIREREF.

When a session is first created, we check a global variable $ADODB_SESSION_EXPIRE_NOTIFY. This is an array with 2 elements, the first being the name of the session variable you would like to store in the EXPIREREF field, and the 2nd is the notification function's name.

Suppose we want to be notified when a user's session has expired, based on the userid. The user id in the global session variable $USERID. The function name is 'NotifyFn'. So we define:

        $ADODB_SESSION_EXPIRE_NOTIFY = array('USERID','NotifyFn');
And when the NotifyFn is called (when the session expires), we pass the $USERID as the first parameter, eg. NotifyFn($userid, $sesskey). The session key (which is the primary key of the record in the sessions table) is the 2nd parameter.

Here is an example of a Notification function that deletes some records in the database and temporary files:

        function NotifyFn($expireref, $sesskey)
        global $ADODB_SESS_CONN; # the session connection object

          $user = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->qstr($expireref);
          $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("delete from shopping_cart where user=$user");
          system("rm /work/tmpfiles/$expireref/*");

NOTE: If you want to change the EXPIREREF after the session record has been created, you will need to modify any session variable to force a database record update.

Compression/Encryption Schemes

Since ADOdb 4.05, thanks to Ross Smith, multiple encryption and compression schemes are supported. Currently, supported:
  MD5Crypt (
  Secure (Horde's emulation of MCrypt, if MCrypt module is not available.)
These are stackable. E.g.
ADODB_Session::filter(new ADODB_Compress_Bzip2());
ADODB_Session::filter(new ADODB_Encrypt_MD5());
will compress and then encrypt the record in the database.

Also see the core ADOdb documentation.