%1 email addresses inserted common eu %1 helbide elektronikoak txertatuak %1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common eu %1-ek ez du baimenik web zerbitzaria exekutatzeko!!! %1 manual common eu %1 eskuzkoa %1 start common eu %1 hasi %1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common eu %1eGroupWare%2 web-ean oinarritutako talde lanerako tresna erabiltzaile anitza da (shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar eu Sakatu maiuskula edota arrastatu balioa aldatzeko - click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar eu - Egin klik edozein zatitan handitzeko - hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar eu -Xaguaren botoia sakatua mantendu edozein zatian aukeraketa azkarrerako - or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar eu - sakatu edo arrastatu aukeraketa azkarrerako - or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar eu - sakatu maiuskularekin batera gutxitzeko - use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar eu - %1, %2 botoiak erabili hilabetea aukeratzeko - use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar eu - %1, %2 botoiak erabili urtea aukeratzeko 00 (disable) admin eu 00 (desaktibatu) 13 (ntp) admin eu 13 (ntp) 3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar eu 3 karaktere egunaren laburduran 3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar eu 3 karaktere hilabetearen laburduran 80 (http) admin eu 80 (http) a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce eu Editorearen instantzia enfokatu behar da komando hau erabiltzko. about common eu Honi buruzkoak about %1 common eu %1 honi buruzkoak about egroupware common eu eGroupwareri buruzkoak about the calendar jscalendar eu Egutegiari buruzkoak access common eu Sarbide access not permitted common eu Sarrera ez onartua account has been created common eu Kontu bat sortu da account has been deleted common eu Kontua ezabatua izan da account has been updated common eu Kontua eguneratua izan da account is expired common eu Kontua iraungi egin da acl common eu ACL action common eu Ekin active common eu Aktibatua add common eu Gehitu add %1 category for common eu %1 kategoria gehitu zertarako add category common eu Kategoria gehitu add shortcut common eu Gehitu lasterbidea add sub common eu Gehitu azpi- addressbook common eu Helbide liburua admin common eu Admin administration common eu Administrazioa afghanistan common eu AFGANISTAN albania common eu ALBANIA algeria common eu ALJERIA align center tinymce eu Lerrokatu erdian align full tinymce eu Lerrokatu osoa align left tinymce eu Lerrokatu ezkerrean align right tinymce eu Lerrokatu eskubian alignment tinymce eu Lerrokatzea all common eu Guztiak all fields common eu eremu guztiak all occurrences of the search string was replaced. tinymce eu Aurkitzen diren parekatze guztiak ordezkatuko dira alphabet common eu a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z alternate style-sheet: common eu Txadakatu estilo-orria alternative image tinymce eu Ordezko irudia american samoa common eu AMERICAN SAMOA andorra common eu ANDORRA angola common eu ANGOLA anguilla common eu ANGUILLA antarctica common eu ANTARTIKA antigua and barbuda common eu ANTIGUA ETA BARBUDA application common eu Aplikazioa apply common eu Aplikatu april common eu Apirila are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hauek ezbatu nahi dituzula? are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common eu Ziur al zaude sarrera hau ezbatu nahi duzula? argentina common eu ARGENTINA armenia common eu ARMENIA aruba common eu ARUBA august common eu Abuztua australia common eu AUSTRALIA austria common eu AUSTRIA author common eu Egilea autohide sidebox menu's common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu autohide sidebox menus common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu? automatically hide the sidebox menus? common eu Menuak automatikoki ezkutatu? autosave default category common eu Autograbatu kategoria lehenetsia azerbaijan common eu AZERBAIJAN back common eu Atzera back to user login common eu Erabiltzailearen sesioaren hasierara itzuli background color: common eu Atzeko planoko kolorea: bad login or password common eu Erabiltzaile izena edo pasahitza ez da zuzena bahamas common eu BAHAMAS bahrain common eu BAHRAIN bangladesh common eu BLANGADESH barbados common eu BARBADOS bcc common eu Bcc belarus common eu BELARUS belgium common eu BELGIKA belize common eu BELIZE benin common eu BENIN bermuda common eu BERMUDA bg color tinymce eu Bg kolorea bhutan common eu BHUTAN blocked, too many attempts common eu Blokeatuta saiakera gehiegi bold common eu Lodia bold.gif common eu lodia.gif bolivia common eu BOLIBIA border common eu Ertza border color tinymce eu Ertzaren kolorea bosnia and herzegovina common eu BOSNIA ETA HERZEGOVINA botswana common eu BOSTWANA bottom common eu Behean bouvet island common eu BOUVET ISLAND brazil common eu BRASIL british indian ocean territory common eu BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY brunei darussalam common eu BRUNEI DARUSSALAM bulgaria common eu BULGARIA burkina faso common eu BURKINA FASO burundi common eu BURUNDI calendar common eu Egutegia cambodia common eu CAMBODIA cameroon common eu CAMEROON canada common eu CANADA cancel common eu Ezeztatu cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common eu %1 ezin da ordezkatu direktorio bat delako cant open '%1' for %2 common eu Ezin da %1 ireki %2rentzako cape verde common eu CAPE VERDE caption common eu Epigrafea categories common eu Kategoriak categories for common eu Kategoriak category common eu Kategoria category %1 has been added ! common eu Kategoria %1 erantsia izan da category %1 has been updated ! common eu Kategoria %1 eguneratua izan da cayman islands common eu CAIMAN IRLAK cc common eu Cc cellpadding tinymce eu Gelaxkaren betegarria cellspacing tinymce eu Gelaxken arteko tartea center tinymce eu Erdian centered common eu erdian central african republic common eu ERTA AFRIKAKO ERREPUBLIKA chad common eu CHAD change common eu Aldatu charset common eu iso-8859-1 check installation common eu Instalazioa egiaztu check now common eu Egiaztatu orain chile common eu CHILE china common eu TXINA choose a background color common eu Atzeko planoaren kolorea aukeratu choose a background color for the icons common eu Aukeratu ikonoen atzeko planorako kolore bat choose a background image. common eu Atzeko planoko irudia aukeratu choose a background style. common eu Aztzko planoko estiloa aukeratu choose a text color for the icons common eu Aukeratu ikonoen testu kolorea choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce eu Direktorio bat aukeratu aukeratutako karpeta eta fitxategiak mugitzeko choose the category common eu Kategoria aukeratu choose the parent category common eu Goi kategoria aukeratu christmas island common eu CHRISTMAS ISLAND class tinymce eu Klase cleanup messy code tinymce eu Kodigoa garbitu clear common eu Garbitu clear form common eu Formularioa garbitu click common eu Klikatu click or mouse over to show menus common eu Klikatu edo mugitu xagua menuetatik click or mouse over to show menus? common eu Klikatu edo mugitu xagua menuetatik? close common eu Itxi cocos (keeling) islands common eu COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS colombia common eu COLOMBIA columns tinymce eu Zutabeak comment tinymce eu Oharra common preferences common eu Hobespen orokorrak comoros common eu COMOROS company common eu Elkartea configuration problem tinymce eu kongigurazio arazoak congo common eu CONGO congo, the democratic republic of the common eu CONGOKO ERREPUBLIKA DEMOKRATIKOA contacting server... common eu Zerbitzariarekin konektatzen... cook islands common eu COOK ISLANDS copy common eu Kopiatu copy table row tinymce eu Taulako errenkada kopiatu costa rica common eu COSTA RICA cote d ivoire common eu COTE D IVOIRE create common eu Sortu created by common eu Nork sortua croatia common eu CROATIA cuba common eu KUBA currency common eu Aldaketa current common eu Oraingoa current users common eu Momentuko erabiltzaileak cut table row tinymce eu Taulako errenkada ebaki cyprus common eu CYPRUS czech republic common eu CZECH REPUBLIC date common eu Data date due common eu Muga eguna date modified tinymce eu Data aldatuta date selection: jscalendar eu Aukeratu data: december common eu Abendua default tinymce eu Lehenetsia default category common eu Lehenetsitako kategoria delete common eu Ezabatu delete row common eu Errenkada ezabatu denmark common eu Danimarka description common eu Deskribapena detail common eu Zehaztasuna details common eu Zehaztasunak direction tinymce eu Helbidea direction left to right common eu Helbidea ezkerretik eskubira direction right to left tinymce eu Helbidea eskubitik ezkerrera directory tinymce eu Direktorio disable slider effects common eu Efektu graduatzaileak desaktibatu disabled common eu Desaktibatu display %s first jscalendar eu Erakutsi % lehenengo djibouti common eu DJIBOUTI do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common eu Azpikategoria guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzu? do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce eu WYSIWYG modua erabili nahi al duzu testuaren eremu honetarako? doctype: common eu DOCTYPE: document properties common eu Dokumentuaren propietateak: document title: common eu Dokumentuaren izenburua: domain common eu Domeinu domestic common eu Lokal dominica common eu DOMINICA dominican republic common eu ERREPUBLICA DOMINIKARRA done common eu Egina down tinymce eu Behera drag to move jscalendar eu Arrastatu mugitzeko e-mail common eu Posta elektronikoa east timor common eu EAST TIMOR ecuador common eu ECUADOR edit common eu Editatu edit %1 category for common eu Editatu %1 kategoria edit categories common eu Editatu kategoriak edit category common eu Editatu kategoria egroupware api version %1 common eu eGroupware API bertsioa %1 egypt common eu EGIPTO el salvador common eu EL SALVADOR email common eu Posta elektronikoa emotions tinymce eu Hunkipenak enabled common eu Lehenengo orria end date common eu Amaiera data end time common eu Amaiera ordua entry has been deleted sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen ezabatu da entry updated sucessfully common eu Sarrera zuzen eguneratu da equatorial guinea common eu GUINEA ECUATORIAL eritrea common eu ERITREA error common eu Errorea error creating %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa sortzerakoan error deleting %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa ezabatzerakoan error renaming %1 %2 directory common eu Errorea %1 %2 direktorioa berizendatzerakoan estonia common eu ESTONIA ethiopia common eu ETHIOPIA exact common eu Zehatz falkland islands (malvinas) common eu MALVINAK faroe islands common eu FAROE IRLAK fax number common eu Fax zenbakia february common eu Otsaila fields common eu Eremuak fiji common eu FIJI file already exists. file was not uploaded. tinymce eu Fitxategia existitzen da. Fitxategia ez da igo. file exceeds the size limit tinymce eu Fitxategiaren tamainak muga gainditzen du file manager tinymce eu Fitxategi kudeatzailea file not found. tinymce eu Fitxategia ez da aurkitu file was not uploaded. tinymce eu Fitxategia ez da igo file with specified new name already exists. file was not renamed/moved. tinymce eu Izen hori duen fitxategia existitzen da. Fitxategia ezin da berizendatu/mugitu file(s) tinymce eu Fitxategi(ak) file: tinymce eu Fitxategia: files common eu Fitxategiak files with this extension are not allowed. tinymce eu Extensio hau duten fitxategiak ez dira onartzen filter common eu Iragazkia find tinymce eu Bilatu find again tinymce eu Bilatu berriro find what tinymce eu Aurkitu find next tinymce eu Aurkitu hurrengoa find/replace tinymce eu Bilatu eta ordezkatu finland common eu FINLANDIA first name common eu Izena first page common eu Lehenengo orria firstname common eu Izena fixme! common eu Zuzendu nazazu! flash files tinymce eu Flash fitxategiak flash properties tinymce eu Flasharen propietateak folder tinymce eu Karpeta folder already exists. common eu Karpeta hau existitzen da. folder name missing. tinymce eu Karpetaren izena falta da folder not found. tinymce eu Karpeta ez da aurkitu folder(s) tinymce eu karpeta(k) for mouse out tinymce eu xagua kentzerakoan for mouse over tinymce eu xagua pasatzerakoan force selectbox common eu Aukeraketa koadroa indartu france common eu FRANTZIA french guiana common eu FRANTZIAR GUIANA french polynesia common eu FRANTZIAR POLYNESIA french southern territories common eu HEGOALDEKO LURRALDE FRANTSESAK friday common eu Ostirala ftp common eu FTP fullname common eu Izen osoa gabon common eu GABON gambia common eu GAMBIA general menu common eu Menu nagusia georgia common eu GEORGIA german common eu Alemana germany common eu ALEMANIA ghana common eu GHANA gibraltar common eu GIBRALTAR global common eu Guztizkoa global public common eu Publiko guztia go today jscalendar eu Gaur joan grant access common eu Sarrera eman greece common eu GREZIA greenland common eu GROENLANDIA grenada common eu GRENADA group common eu Taldea group access common eu Taldeko sarrera group has been added common eu Taldea gehitua izan da group has been deleted common eu Taldea ezabatua izan da group has been updated common eu Taldea eguneratua izan da group name common eu Taldearen izena group public common eu Talde publikoa groups common eu Taldeak groups with permission for %1 common eu Taldeak %1erako baimenarekin groups without permission for %1 common eu Taldeak %1erako baimenik gabe guadeloupe common eu GUADALUPE guam common eu GUAM guatemala common eu GUATEMALA guinea common eu GUINEA guinea-bissau common eu GUINEA-BISSAU guyana common eu GUYANA haiti common eu HAITI heard island and mcdonald islands common eu HEARD ISLAND ETA MCDONALD ISLANDS height common eu Garaiera help common eu Laguntza high common eu Altua highest common eu Altuena holy see (vatican city state) common eu HOLY SEE (VATICANO HIRIA) home common eu Hasiera home email common eu Posta elektroniko pribatua honduras common eu HONDURAS hong kong common eu HONG KONG hungary common eu HUNGARIA iceland common eu ISLANDIA image description tinymce eu Irudiaren deskribapena image title tinymce eu Irudiaren izenburua image url common eu URL irudia indent tinymce eu Koska india common eu INDIA indonesia common eu INDONESIA insert tinymce eu Txertatu insert / edit flash movie tinymce eu Txertatu / flash filma editatu insert / edit horizontale rule tinymce eu Txertatu / lerro horizontala editatu insert column after common eu Zutabe bat txertatu aurretik insert column before common eu Zutabe bat txertatu aurretik insert date tinymce eu Txertatu data insert emotion tinymce eu Txertatu hunkipena insert file tinymce eu Txertatu fitxategia insert link to file tinymce eu Txertatu esteka fitxategi honi insert row after common eu Errenkada bat txertatu aurretik insert row before common eu Errenkada bat txertatu ondoren insert time tinymce eu Txertatu ordua insert/edit image tinymce eu Txertatu/irudia editatu insert/edit link tinymce eu Txertatu/lotura editatu insert/modify table tinymce eu Txertatu/taula aldatu inserts a new table tinymce eu Txertatu taula berri bat international common eu Nazioartekoa invalid filename common eu Fitxategi izena baliogabea invalid ip address common eu IP helbidea baliogabea invalid password common eu Pasahitza baliogabea iran, islamic republic of common eu IRANEKO ISLAMIAR ERREPUBLIKA iraq common eu IRAQ ireland common eu IRLANDA israel common eu ISRAEL italic common eu Etzana italy common eu ITALIA jamaica common eu JAMAICA january common eu Urtarrila japan common eu JAPONIA jordan common eu JORDANIA js-popup tinymce eu Javascript leihoa july common eu Uztaila jun common eu Ekaina june common eu Ekaina justify center common eu Lerrokatu erdian justify full common eu Lerrokatu justify left common eu Lerrokatu ezkerrean justify right common eu lerrokatu eskuinean kazakstan common eu KAZAKSTAN keep linebreaks tinymce eu Lerro jauzia mantendu kenya common eu KENYA keywords common eu Hitz gakoak kiribati common eu KIRIBATI korea, republic of common eu KOREAKO ERREPUBLIKA kuwait common eu KUWAIT kyrgyzstan common eu KYRGYZSTAN language common eu Hizkuntza lao peoples democratic republic common eu LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC last name common eu Abizena last page common eu Azken orria lastname common eu Abizena latvia common eu LATVIA ldap-mgr common eu LDAP-Administratzailea lebanon common eu LIBANO left common eu Ezkerrean lesotho common eu LESOTHO liberia common eu LIBERIA libyan arab jamahiriya common eu LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA license common eu Lizentzia liechtenstein common eu LIECHTENSTEIN link url tinymce eu URL lotura list common eu Zerrenda list members common eu Zerrendako partaideak lithuania common eu LITUANIA loading files tinymce eu Fitxategiak kargatzen local common eu Lokal login common eu Sartu loginid common eu Erabiltzaile izena logout common eu Irten low common eu Baxu lowest common eu Baxuena luxembourg common eu LUXENBURGO macau common eu MACAU macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common eu MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF madagascar common eu MADAGASCAR main category common eu Kategoria nagusia main screen common eu Pantaila nagusia maintainer common eu Nork mantendu malawi common eu MALAWI malaysia common eu MALAYSIA maldives common eu MALDIVES mali common eu MALI malta common eu MALTA march common eu Martxoa marshall islands common eu MARSHALL ISLANDS martinique common eu MARTINIQUE match case tinymce eu Maiuskulak/minuskulak mauritania common eu MAURITANIA mauritius common eu MAURITIUS max number of icons in navbar common eu Ikono kopuru maximoa barran may common eu Maiatza mayotte common eu MAYOTTE medium common eu Erdia menu common eu Menua merge table cells tinymce eu Taulako gelaxkak konbinatu message common eu Mezua mexico common eu MEXIKO micronesia, federated states of common eu MICRONESIA FEDERATED STATES OF mkdir failed. tinymce eu Direktoria ezin izan da egin moldova, republic of common eu MOLDOVAKO ERREPUBLIKA monaco common eu MONACO monday common eu Astelehena mongolia common eu MONGOLIA montserrat common eu MONTSERRAT morocco common eu MAROKO move tinymce eu Eraman mozambique common eu MOZAMBIQUE multiple common eu anizkoitza myanmar common eu NYANMAR name common eu Izena namibia common eu NAMIBIA nauru common eu NAURU nepal common eu NEPAL netherlands common eu HOLANDA netherlands antilles common eu NETHERLANDS ANTILLES never common eu Inoiz new caledonia common eu CALEDONIA BERRIA new entry added sucessfully common eu Sarrera berria egoki txertatu da new file name missing! tinymce eu Fitxitegi berriaren izena falta new file name: tinymce eu Fitxategi berriaren izena: new folder tinymce eu Karpeta berria new folder name missing! tinymce eu Karpeta berriaren izena falta new folder name: tinymce eu Karpeta berriaren izena: new main category common eu Kategoria nagusi berria new value common eu Balio berria new zealand common eu ZELANDA BERRIA next common eu Hurrengoa next month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo hilabetea next page common eu Hurrengo orrialdea next year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Hurrengo urtea nicaragua common eu NICARAGUA niger common eu NIGER nigeria common eu NIGERIA niue common eu NIUE no common eu Ez no entries found, try again ... common eu Ez da sarrerarik aurkitu, saiatu berriro... no files... tinymce eu Ez dago fitxategirik... no history for this record common eu Ez dago historiarik erregistro honetarako no permission to create folder. tinymce eu Baimenik ez karpeta sortzeko. no permission to delete file. tinymce eu Baimenik ez fitxategia ezabatzeko. no permission to move files and folders. tinymce eu Baimenik ez fitxategiak eta karpetak lekuz aldatzeko. no permission to rename files and folders. tinymce eu Baimenik ez fitxategiak eta karpetak beizendatzeko. no permission to upload. tinymce eu Baimenik ez gora kargatzeko. no shadow tinymce eu Itzalik gabe no subject common eu Gaiarik gabe none common eu Bat ere ez norfolk island common eu NORFOLK IRLAK normal common eu Normala northern mariana islands common eu NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS norway common eu NORWAY not assigned common eu Esleitu gabe note common eu Oharra notes common eu Oharrak notify window common eu Abisu leihoa notify your administrator to correct this situation common eu Zure adaministratzaileari abisatu egoera hau zuzentzeko november common eu Azaroa october common eu Urria ok common eu Onartu old value common eu Aurreko balioa oman common eu OMAN on mouse over common eu Xagua gainetik mugitzerakoan only private common eu pribatua soilik only yours common eu bakarrik zureak open file in new window tinymce eu Fitxategia leiho berri batean ireki open in new window tinymce eu Leiho berria ireki open in the window tinymce eu Leihoan ireki open in this window / frame tinymce eu Leiho honetan ireki / markoa open link in a new window tinymce eu Lotura leiho berri batean ireki open link in the same window tinymce eu Lotura leiho berean ireki open notify window common eu Abisu leihoa zabaldu ordered list common eu Ordenatutako zerrenda original common eu Jatorrizkoa other common eu Besteak overview common eu Laburpena owner common eu jabea page common eu Orrialdea page was generated in %1 seconds common eu Orria %1 segundutan sortu da pakistan common eu PAKISTAN palau common eu PALAU palestinian territory, occupied common eu PALESTINA LURRALDE OKUPATUA panama common eu PANAMA papua new guinea common eu PAPUA GUINEA BERRIA paraguay common eu PARAGUAY parcel common eu Paketea parent category common eu Goi kategoria password common eu Pasahitza password could not be changed common eu Pasahitza ezin izan da aldatu password has been updated common eu Pasahitza eguneratua izan da paste from word tinymce eu Word-etik itsatsi personal common eu Pertsonala peru common eu PERU philippines common eu FILIPINAK phone number common eu Telefono zenbakia phpgwapi common eu eGroupWare API pitcairn common eu PITCAIRN please enter a name common eu Mesedez izen bat sartu please select common eu Mesedez aukeratu please wait... common eu Mesedez itxaron poland common eu POLONIA portugal common eu PORTUGAL postal common eu Postala preferences common eu Hobespenak prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko hilabetea (menuan mantendu) prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar eu Aurreko urtea (menuan mantendu) previous page common eu Aurreko orria primary style-sheet: common eu Lehenengo estilo orria print common eu Inprimatu priority common eu Lehentasuna private common eu Pribatua project common eu Proiektua public common eu Publikoa puerto rico common eu PUERTO RICO qatar common eu QATAR read common eu Irakurri read this list of methods. common eu Metodo zerrenda hau irakurri reject common eu Ukatu remove selected accounts common eu Aukeratutako kontuak kendu rename common eu Berizendatu replace common eu Ordezkatu replace with common eu Ordezkatu -kin replace all tinymce eu Ordezkatu guztiak reunion common eu REUNION right common eu Eskuinean romania common eu RUMANIA rows tinymce eu Errenkadak russian federation common eu ERRUSIAKO FEDERAZIOA rwanda common eu RWANDA saint helena common eu SANTA HELENA saint kitts and nevis common eu SAINT KITTS ETA NEVIS saint lucia common eu SANTA LUCIA saint pierre and miquelon common eu SAINT PIERRE ETA MIQUELON saint vincent and the grenadines common eu SAINT VICENT ETA THE GRENADINES samoa common eu SAMOA san marino common eu SAN MARINO sao tome and principe common eu SAO TOME ETA PRINCIPE saturday common eu Larunbata saudi arabia common eu SAUDI ARABIA save common eu Gorde search common eu Bilatu search %1 '%2' common eu Bilatu %1 '%2' search or select accounts common eu Bilatu aukeratutako kontuetan section common eu Sekzioa select common eu Aukeratu select all tinymce eu Guztiak aukeratu select all %1 %2 for %3 common eu Guztiak aukeratu %1 %2 %3tik select category common eu Aukeratu kategoria select date common eu Aukeratu eguna select group common eu Aukeratu taldea select home email address common eu Aukeratu hasierako helbide elektronikoa select one common eu Aukeratu bat select user common eu Aukeratu erabiltzailea select work email address common eu Aukeratu laneko helbide elektronikoa selection common eu Aukeraketa send common eu Bidali senegal common eu SENEGAL september common eu Iraila server %1 has been added common eu %1 zerbitzaria gehitua izan da server name common eu Zerbitzariaren izena session has been killed common eu Saio ezabatua izan da setup common eu Instalazioa setup main menu common eu Instalaziorako menu nagusia seychelles common eu SEYCHELLES show all common eu Erakutsi guztia show all categorys common eu erakutsi kategoria guztiak show menu common eu erakutsi menua show page generation time common eu Orriaren sorkuntza denbora erakutsi show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common eu Orriaren sorkuntza denbora orriaren azpian erakutsi? show_more_apps common eu Erakutsi aplikazio gehiago showing %1 common eu %1 erakutsiz showing %1 - %2 of %3 common eu %1 %2 %3tik erakutsiz sierra leone common eu SIERRA LEONA singapore common eu SINGAPORE slovakia common eu SLOVAKIA slovenia common eu SLOVENIA solomon islands common eu SOLOMON ISLANDS somalia common eu SOMALIA sorry, your login has expired login eu Barkatu zure saioa iraungi egin da south africa common eu HEGO AFRIKA spain common eu ESPAINIA sri lanka common eu SRI LANKA start date common eu Hasiera data start time common eu Hasiera ordua start with common eu zerrekin hasi status common eu Egoera subject common eu Gaia submit common eu Bidali substitutions and their meanings: common eu Ordezkapenak eta hauen esanahiak: sudan common eu SUDAN sunday common eu Igandea suriname common eu SURINAME sweden common eu SUEZIA switzerland common eu SUIZA table properties common eu Taularen propietateak taiwan common eu TAIWAN/TAIPEI tajikistan common eu TAJIKISTAN text color: common eu Testuaren kolorea: thailand common eu THAILAND the api is current common eu APIa eguneratua dago the api requires an upgrade common eu APIak eguneratze bat behar du this application is current common eu Aplikazio hau eguneratua dago this application requires an upgrade common eu Aplikazio honek egunertzea behar du this name has been used already common eu Izen hau erabilia dago! thursday common eu Osteguna time common eu Ordua time selection: jscalendar eu Ordua aukeratu: time zone common eu Ordu-zona time zone offset common eu Ordu-zonako diferentzia title common eu Izenburua today common eu Gaur toggle first day of week jscalendar eu Asteko lehen eguna aldatu togo common eu TOGO tokelau common eu TOKELAU tonga common eu TONGA top common eu Goian total common eu Guztia trinidad and tobago common eu TRINIDAD ETA TOBAGO tuesday common eu Asteartea tunisia common eu TUNISIA turkey common eu TURKIA turkmenistan common eu TURKMENISTAN tuvalu common eu TUVALU uganda common eu UGANDA ukraine common eu UKRANIA underline common eu Azpimarratu united kingdom common eu ERRESUMA BATUA united states common eu ESTATU BATUAK unknown common eu Ezezaguna update common eu Eguneratu url common eu URL uruguay common eu URUGUAY use button to search for common eu erabili botoia bilaketarako use button to search for address common eu erabili botoia helbideen bilaketarako use button to search for calendarevent common eu erabili botoia egutegiko gertaeren bilaketarako use button to search for project common eu erabili botoia proiektuen bilaketarako user common eu Erabiltzailea user accounts common eu erabiltzaile kontua user groups common eu erabiltzaile taldeak username common eu erabiltzaile izena users common eu erabiltzaileak users choice common eu Erabiltzaileak erabakitzeko uzbekistan common eu UZBEKISTAN vanuatu common eu VANUATU venezuela common eu VENEZUELA version common eu Bertsioa viet nam common eu VIET NAM view common eu Ikusi wallis and futuna common eu WALLIS ETA FUTUNA wednesday common eu Asteazkena welcome common eu Ongo etorri western sahara common eu MENDEBALDEKO SAHARA which groups common eu Zein taldeak width common eu Zabalera wk jscalendar eu wk work email common eu laneko posta elektronikoa written by: common eu Nork idatzi: year common eu Urtea yemen common eu YEMEN yes common eu Bai you have been successfully logged out login eu Zuzen irten zara you have not entered a title common eu Ez duzu izenbururik sartu you have not entered a valid date common eu Ez duzu baliozko data bat sartu you have not entered a valid time of day common eu Ez duzu eguneko ordu bat sartu you have not entered participants common eu Ez duzu partehartzailerik sartu you have selected an invalid date common eu Aukeratutako datak ez du balio! you have selected an invalid main category common eu Aukeratutako kategoria nagusiak ez du balio! you have successfully logged out common eu Saioa zuzen bukatu duzu your message has been sent common eu Zure mezua bidalia izan da your search returned %1 matchs common eu Zure bilaketak %1eko emaitza izan du your search returned 1 match common eu Zure bilaketak emaitza bai izan du your session could not be verified. login eu Zure saioa ezin izan da egiaztatu your settings have been updated common eu Zure hobespenak eguneratuak izan dira yugoslavia common eu YUGOSLAVIA zambia common eu ZAMBIA zimbabwe common eu ZIMBABWE zoom common eu Zoom