> Delete cache and register hooks. */ class Image { /** * Searches a appname, template and maybe language and type-specific image * * @param string $app * @param string|array $image one or more image-name in order of precedence * @param string $extension ='' extension to $image, makes sense only with an array * @param boolean $add_cachebuster =false true: add a cachebuster to the returnd url * * @return string url of image or null if not found */ static function find($app,$image,$extension='',$add_cachebuster=false) { $image_map = self::map(null); // array of images in descending precedence if (is_array($image)) { foreach($image as $img) { if (($url = self::find($app, $img, $extension, $add_cachebuster))) { return $url; } } //error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', ".array2string($image).", '$extension') NONE found!"); return null; } if (!is_string($image)) { return null; } $webserver_url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url']; // instance specific images have highest precedence if (isset($image_map['vfs'][$image.$extension])) { $url = $webserver_url.$image_map['vfs'][$image.$extension]; } // then app specific ones elseif(isset($image_map[$app][$image.$extension])) { $url = $webserver_url.$image_map[$app][$image.$extension]; } // then api elseif(isset($image_map['api'][$image.$extension])) { $url = $webserver_url.$image_map['api'][$image.$extension]; } elseif(isset($image_map['phpgwapi'][$image.$extension])) { $url = $webserver_url.$image_map['phpgwapi'][$image.$extension]; } if (!empty($url)) { if ($add_cachebuster) { $url .= '?'.filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.substr($url, strlen($webserver_url))); } return $url; } // if image not found, check if it has an extension and try withoug if (strpos($image, '.') !== false) { $name = null; self::get_extension($image, $name); return self::find($app, $name, $extension, $add_cachebuster); } //error_log(__METHOD__."('$app', '$image', '$extension') image NOT found!"); return null; } /** * Get extension (and optional basename without extension) of a given path * * @param string $path * @param string &$name on return basename without extension * @return string extension without dot, eg. 'php' */ protected static function get_extension($path, &$name=null) { $parts = explode('.', Vfs::basename($path)); $ext = array_pop($parts); $name = implode('.', $parts); return $ext; } /** * Scan filesystem for images of all apps * * For each application and image-name (without extension) one full path is returned. * The path takes template-set and image-type-priority (now fixed to: png, jpg, gif, ico) into account. * * VFS image directory is treated like an application named 'vfs'. * * @param string $template_set =null 'default', 'idots', 'jerryr', default is template-set from user prefs * * @return array of application => image-name => full path */ public static function map($template_set=null) { if (is_null($template_set)) { $template_set = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['template_set']; } $cache_name = 'image_map_'.$template_set.'_svg'.(Header\UserAgent::mobile() ? '_mobile' : ''); if (($map = Cache::getInstance(__CLASS__, $cache_name))) { return $map; } //$starttime = microtime(true); // priority: : SVG->PNG->JPG->GIF->ICO $img_types = array('svg','png','jpg','gif','ico'); $map = array(); foreach(scandir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT) as $app) { if ($app[0] == '.' || !is_dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/'.$app) || !file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/'.$app.'/templates')) continue; $app_map =& $map[$app]; if (true) $app_map = array(); $imagedirs = array(); if (Header\UserAgent::mobile()) { $imagedirs[] = '/'.$app.'/templates/mobile/images'; } if ($app == 'api') { $imagedirs[] = $GLOBALS['egw']->framework->template_dir.'/images'; } else { $imagedirs[] = '/'.$app.'/templates/'.$template_set.'/images'; } if ($template_set != 'idots') $imagedirs[] = '/'.$app.'/templates/idots/images'; $imagedirs[] = '/'.$app.'/templates/default/images'; foreach($imagedirs as $imagedir) { if (!file_exists($dir = EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$imagedir) || !is_readable($dir)) continue; foreach(scandir($dir) as $img) { if ($img[0] == '.') continue; $subdir = null; foreach(is_dir($dir.'/'.$img) ? scandir($dir.'/'.($subdir=$img)) : (array) $img as $img) { $name = null; if (!in_array($ext = self::get_extension($img, $name), $img_types) || empty($name)) continue; if (isset($subdir)) $name = $subdir.'/'.$name; if (!isset($app_map[$name]) || array_search($ext, $img_types) < array_search(self::get_extension($app_map[$name]), $img_types)) { $app_map[$name] = $imagedir.'/'.$name.'.'.$ext; } } } } } $app_map =& $map['vfs']; if (true) $app_map = array(); if (!empty($dir = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['vfs_image_dir']) && Vfs::file_exists($dir) && Vfs::is_readable($dir)) { foreach(Vfs::find($dir) as $img) { if (!in_array($ext = self::get_extension($img, $name), $img_types) || empty($name)) continue; if (!isset($app_map[$name]) || array_search($ext, $img_types) < array_search(self::get_extension($app_map[$name]), $img_types)) { $app_map[$name] = Vfs::download_url($img); } } } else if ($dir) { return $map; } //error_log(__METHOD__."('$template_set') took ".(microtime(true)-$starttime).' secs'); Cache::setInstance(__CLASS__, $cache_name, $map, 86400); // cache for one day //echo "


\n"; _debug_array($map); return $map; } /** * Delete image map cache for ALL template sets */ public static function invalidate() { $templates = array('idots', 'jerryr', 'jdots', 'pixelegg'); if (($template_set = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['template_set']) && !in_array($template_set, $templates)) { $templates[] = $template_set; } //error_log(__METHOD__."() for templates ".array2string($templates)); foreach($templates as $template_set) { Cache::unsetInstance(__CLASS__, 'image_map_'.$template_set); Cache::unsetInstance(__CLASS__, 'image_map_'.$template_set.'_svg'); } } }