import {ExposeValue} from "../Expose/ExposeMixin";
import {et2_vfsMode} from "../et2_widget_vfs";
import {Et2ImageExpose} from "../Expose/Et2ImageExpose";
import {css, html} from "lit";

export class Et2VfsMime extends Et2ImageExpose
	static get styles()
		return [
            :host {
            	position: relative
            img.overlay {
            	position: absolute;
            	bottom: 0px;
            	right: 0px;
            	z-index: 1;
            	width: 12px;
            	height: 12px;

	static get properties()
		return {,

			 * Mime type we're displaying
			mime: {type: String, reflect: true},
			 * Mark the file as a link
			symlink: {type: Boolean, reflect: true},

			/** Allow to pass all data */
			value: {type: Object}

	 * Mime type of directories
	static readonly DIR_MIME_TYPE : string = 'httpd/unix-directory';
	private __mime : string;
	private __symlink : boolean;
	private __download_url : string;

		this.__mime = "";
		this.__symlink = false;
		this.__download_url = "";

	 * Used to determine if this widget is exposable.  Images always are, even if we don't actually
	 * know the mime type.
	 * @returns {ExposeValue}
	get exposeValue() : ExposeValue
		return Object.assign(super.exposeValue, {
			mime: this.mime,
			download_url: this.__download_url

	 * Overridden here because while some files cannot actually be put in the gallery, we still want to handle them
	 * in some way.  Some files we'll open directly on click
	 * @returns {boolean}
	isExposable() : boolean
		// do not try to expose directories, they are handled by the action system
		if (this.exposeValue.mime === Et2VfsMime.DIR_MIME_TYPE)
			return false;

		let gallery = super.isExposable();

		// @ts-ignore Wants an argument, but does not require it
		let fe = egw.file_editor_prefered_mimes();
		if(fe && fe.mime && fe.edit && fe.mime[this.exposeValue.mime])
			return true;

		return gallery;

	 * Override et2-image click-handler, to not call egw.open_link with href=<vfs-path>
	 * @param {MouseEvent} _ev
	 * @returns {boolean}
	_handleClick(_ev : MouseEvent) : boolean
		return false;

	 * Some files cannot be opened in gallery, but we still want to do something with them
	 * Editable files we open on click.
	 * @param {MouseEvent} event
	 * @returns {boolean}
	 * @protected
	protected expose_onclick(event : MouseEvent)
		// super.expose_onclick returns false when it has handled the event, true if it didn't
		let super_handled = super.expose_onclick(event);
		if(true == super_handled)
			// @ts-ignore Wants an argument, but does not require it
			let fe = egw.file_editor_prefered_mimes();
			if(fe && fe.mime && fe.edit && fe.mime[this.exposeValue.mime])
				egw.open_link('/index.php', {
					menuaction: fe.edit.menuaction,
					path: this.exposeValue.path,
					cd: 'no'	// needed to not reload framework in sharing
				}), '', fe.edit_popup);
				return false;
		return super_handled;

	 * Function to get media content to feed the expose
	 * @param {type} _value
	 * @returns {Array} return an array of object consists of media content
		let mediaContent = Object.assign(super.getMedia(_value)[0], {
			type: _value.mime,
			href: _value.download_url

		// check if download_url is not already an url (some stream-wrappers allow to specify that!)
		if(_value.download_url && (_value.download_url[0] == '/' || _value.download_url.substr(0, 4) != 'http'))
			mediaContent.href = this._processUrl(_value.download_url);

			if(mediaContent.href && mediaContent.href.match(/\/webdav.php/, 'ig'))
				mediaContent["download_href"] = mediaContent.href + '?download';
		mediaContent["thumbnail"] = this.egw().mime_icon(_value.mime, _value.path, undefined, _value.mtime);

		return [mediaContent];

	set_value(_value : ExposeValue | any)
		this.value = _value;

	set value(_value : ExposeValue | any)
		if(typeof _value !== 'object')
			this.egw().debug("warn", "%s only has path, needs array with path & mime",, _value);
			// Keep going, will be 'unknown type'

			this.mime = _value.mime;
			this.href = _value.path;
			this.__download_url = _value.download_url;
		let src = this.egw().mime_icon(_value.mime, _value.path, undefined, _value.mtime);
			this.src = src;
		// add/remove link icon, if file is (not) a symlink
		this.symlink = typeof _value.mode !== "undefined" && ((_value.mode & et2_vfsMode.types.l) == et2_vfsMode.types.l)

	get value()
		return {
			mime: this.mime,
			symlink: this.__symlink,
			href: this.href,
			path: this.href,
			download_url: this.__download_url ?? '',
			src: this.src

	get src()
		return super.src;

	set src(_value)
		super.src = _value;

		return html`
            ${this.__symlink ? html`<img src="${this.egw().image("symlink", "api")}"
                                         class="overlay"/>` : ""}

	private _set_tooltip()
		// tooltip for mimetypes with available detailed thumbnail
		if(this.mime && this.mime.match(/application\/vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\.(text|presentation|spreadsheet|chart)/))
			this.egw().tooltipBind(this, '<img src="' + this.src + '&thsize=512"/>', true);


customElements.define("et2-vfs-mime", Et2VfsMime as any, {extends: 'img'});