## Creating a component ETemplate components are [LitElements](https://lit.dev/docs/) that are wrapped with our [Et2Widget](https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/blob/master/api/js/etemplate/Et2Widget/Et2Widget.ts) mixin, which adds properties and methods to support loading from our template files and returning values to the server. They should (relatively) stand-alone. Common components are in `api/js/etemplate/`. You can add application specific components in `/js/`. ### Create the files ``` myapp/ js/ MyWidget/ test/ MyWidget.ts ``` You should have [automatic tests](/tutorials/automatic-testing) to verify your component and avoid regressions in `test/`. ### Get it loaded To have EGroupware load your component, it must be included somewhere. Add your component to the `import` block at the top of `/api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.js`. If you have an application specific component, include at the top of your `app.js`. ```typescript ... import './MyWidget/MyWidget.ts'; ... ``` ### Load and return Components do not need to have a value, but if they do you need to extend Et2InputWidget instead of just Et2Widget. We use `set_value()` the _initial_ load from the template. When the etemplate is submitted, we'll return `widget.getValue()`. `widget.value` is the normal way to access the widget's value programmatically, the other methods add some additional checking. If the widget is readonly or disabled, it won't return value and `widget.value` is not called when submitting. ### AJAX data