* * http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen * * Modified by Mark Peters * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class calendar_ { var $stream; var $user; var $event; var $cal_event; var $today = Array('raw','day','month','year','full','dow','dm','bd'); //this will be deleted once I delete the alternative mini-calendars var $daysinweek = 7; function open($calendar='',$user='',$passwd='',$options='') { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $this->stream = $phpgw->db; if($user=='') { $this->user = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; } elseif(is_int($user)) { $this->user = $user; } elseif(is_string($user)) { $this->user = $phpgw->accounts->name2id($user); } return $this->stream; } function popen($calendar='',$user='',$passwd='',$options='') { return $this->open($calendar,$user,$passwd,$options); } function reopen($calendar,$options='') { return $this->stream; } function close($mcal_stream,$options='') { return True; } function create_calendar($stream='',$calendar='') { return $calendar; } function rename_calendar($stream='',$old_name='',$new_name='') { return $new_name; } function delete_calendar($stream='',$calendar='') { return $calendar; } function fetch_event($mcal_stream,$event_id,$options='') { global $phpgw; if(!isset($this->stream)) { return False; } $this->stream->lock(array('calendar_entry','calendar_entry_user','calendar_entry_repeats')); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$this->stream->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry WHERE id='.$event_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); // But until then, do it this way... $this->stream->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_id='.$event_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows() > 0) { $event = CreateObject('calendar.calendar_item'); $event->start = new calendar_time; $event->end = new calendar_time; $event->recur_enddate = new calendar_time; $this->stream->next_record(); // Load the calendar event data from the db into $event structure // Use http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mcal-fetch-event.php as the reference // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->owner = $this->user; // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->owner = $this->stream->f('cal_owner'); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->id = $event_id; // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->id = intval($this->stream->f('cal_id')); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->public = $this->stream->f('public'); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->access = $this->stream->f('cal_access'); //Legacy Support (New) $event->public = ($this->stream->f('cal_access')=='private'?0:1); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->category = $this->stream->f('category'); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support (New) $event->category = 'Unfiled'; // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->title = $phpgw->strip_html($this->stream->f('title')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->name = $phpgw->strip_html($this->stream->f('cal_name')); //Legacy Support (New) $event->title = $phpgw->strip_html($this->stream->f('cal_name')); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->title = $phpgw->strip_html($this->stream->f('description')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support //Legacy Support (New) $event->description = $phpgw->strip_html($this->stream->f('cal_description')); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->alarm = intval($this->stream->f('alarm')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support (New) $event->alarm = 0; // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->start = unserialize($this->stream->f('start')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->datetime = $this->stream->f('cal_datetime'); $date = $this->localdates($event->datetime); $event->day = $date['day']; $event->month = $date['month']; $event->year = $date['year']; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($event->datetime,'His')); $event->hour = (int)$time['hour']; $event->minute = (int)$time['minute']; $event->ampm = $time['ampm']; //Legacy Support (New) $datetime = $this->localdates($this->stream->f('cal_datetime')); $event->start->year = $datetime['year']; $event->start->month = $datetime['month']; $event->start->mday = $datetime['day']; $event->start->hour = $datetime['hour']; $event->start->min = $datetime['minute']; $event->start->sec = $datetime['second']; $event->start->alarm = 0; //Legacy Support $event->mdatetime = $this->stream->f('cal_mdatetime'); $date = $this->localdates($event->mdatetime); $event->mod_day = $date['day']; $event->mod_month = $date['month']; $event->mod_year = $date['year']; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($event->mdatetime,'His')); $event->mod_hour = (int)$time['hour']; $event->mod_minute = (int)$time['minute']; $event->mod_second = (int)$time['second']; $event->mod_ampm = $time['ampm']; // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->end = unserialize($this->stream->f('end')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->edatetime = $this->stream->f('cal_edatetime'); $date = $this->localdates($event->edatetime); $event->end_day = $date['day']; $event->end_month = $date['month']; $event->end_year = $date['year']; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($event->edatetime,'His')); $event->end_hour = (int)$time['hour']; $event->end_minute = (int)$time['minute']; $event->end_second = (int)$time['second']; $event->end_ampm = $time['ampm']; //Legacy Support (New) $datetime = $this->localdates($this->stream->f('cal_edatetime')); $event->end->year = $datetime['year']; $event->end->month = $datetime['month']; $event->end->mday = $datetime['day']; $event->end->hour = $datetime['hour']; $event->end->min = $datetime['minute']; $event->end->sec = $datetime['second']; $event->end->alarm = 0; //Legacy Support $event->priority = $this->stream->f('cal_priority'); if($this->stream->f('cal_group')) { $groups = explode(',',$this->stream->f('cal_group')); for($j=1;$jgroups[] = $groups[$j]; } } // This should all be one table, // but for now we'll leave it separate... // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$this->stream->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE id='.$event_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $this->stream->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id='.$event_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows()) { $this->stream->next_record(); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->recur_type = intval($this->stream->f('recur_type')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $rpt_type = strtolower($this->stream->f('cal_type')); $event->rpt_type = !$rpt_type?'none':$rpt_type; //Legacy Support (New) switch($event->rpt_type) { case 'none': $event->recur_type = RECUR_NONE; break; case 'daily': $event->recur_type = RECUR_DAILY; break; case 'weekly': $event->recur_type = RECUR_WEEKLY; break; case 'monthlybydate': $event->recur_type = RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY; break; case 'monthlybyday': $event->recur_type = RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY; break; case 'yearly': $event->recur_type = RECUR_YEARLY; break; } // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->recur_interval = intval($this->stream->f('recur_interval')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->rpt_freq = (int)$this->stream->f('cal_frequency'); //Legacy Support (New) $event->recur_interval = (int)$this->stream->f('cal_frequency'); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->recur_enddate = unserialize($this->stream->f('recur_enddate')); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $event->recur_use_end = $this->stream->f('cal_use_end'); if($event->recur_use_end == True) { //Legacy Support $event->rpt_end = $this->stream->f('cal_end'); $date = $this->localdates($this->stream->f('cal_end')); $event->rpt_end_day = (int)$date['day']; $event->rpt_end_month = (int)$date['month']; $event->rpt_end_year = (int)$date['year']; //Legacy Support (New) $event->recur_enddate->year = $date['year']; $event->recur_enddate->month = $date['month']; $event->recur_enddate->mday = $date['day']; $event->recur_enddate->hour = $date['hour']; $event->recur_enddate->min = $date['minute']; $event->recur_enddate->sec = $date['second']; $event->recur_enddate->alarm = 0; } else { //Legacy Support $event->rpt_end = 0; $event->rpt_end_day = 0; $event->rpt_end_month = 0; $event->rpt_end_year = 0; //Legacy Support (New) $event->recur_enddate->year = 0; $event->recur_enddate->month = 0; $event->recur_enddate->mday = 0; $event->recur_enddate->hour = 0; $event->recur_enddate->min = 0; $event->recur_enddate->sec = 0; $event->recur_enddate->alarm = 0; } // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$event->recur_data = $this->stream->f('recur_data'); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support $rpt_days = strtoupper($this->stream->f('cal_rpt_days')); $event->rpt_days = $rpt_days; $event->rpt_sun = (substr($rpt_days,0,1)=='Y'?1:0); $event->rpt_mon = (substr($rpt_days,1,1)=='Y'?1:0); $event->rpt_tue = (substr($rpt_days,2,1)=='Y'?1:0); $event->rpt_wed = (substr($rpt_days,3,1)=='Y'?1:0); $event->rpt_thu = (substr($rpt_days,4,1)=='Y'?1:0); $event->rpt_fri = (substr($rpt_days,5,1)=='Y'?1:0); $event->rpt_sat = (substr($rpt_days,6,1)=='Y'?1:0); //Legacy Support (New) $event->recur_data = 0; $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,0,1)=='Y'?M_SUNDAY:0); $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,1,1)=='Y'?M_MONDAY:0); $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,2,1)=='Y'?M_TUESDAY:0); $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,3,1)=='Y'?M_WEDNESDAY:0); $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,4,1)=='Y'?M_THURSDAY:0); $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,5,1)=='Y'?M_FRIDAY:0); $event->recur_data += (substr($rpt_days,6,1)=='Y'?M_SAYURDAY:0); } //Legacy Support $this->stream->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id='.$event_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows()) { while($this->stream->next_record()) { $event->participants[] = $this->stream->f('cal_login'); $event->status[] = $this->stream->f('cal_status'); } } } else { $event = False; } $this->stream->unlock(); return $event; } function list_events($mcal_stream,$startYear,$startMonth,$startDay,$endYear='',$endMonth='',$endYear='') { if(!isset($this->stream)) { return False; } $datetime = $this->makegmttime(0,0,0,$startMonth,$startDay,$startYear); $startDate = ' AND (calendar_entry.datetime >= '.$datetime.') '; if($endYear != '' && $endMonth != '' && $endDay != '') { $edatetime = $this->makegmttime(23,59,59,intval($endMonth),intval($endDay),intval($endYear)); $endDate = 'AND (calendar_entry.edatetime <= '.$edatetime.') '; } else { $endDate = ''; } return $this->get_event_ids(False,$startDate.$endDate); } /***************** Local functions for SQL based Calendar *****************/ function get_event_ids($search_repeats=False,$extra='') { $retval = Array(); if($search_repeats == True) { $repeats_from = ', calendar_entry_repeats '; $repeats_where = 'AND (calendar_entry_repeats.cal_id = calendar_entry.cal_id) '; } else { $repeats_from = ' '; $repeats_where = ''; } $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT calendar_entry.cal_id ' . 'FROM calendar_entry, calendar_entry_user' . $repeats_from . 'WHERE (calendar_entry_user.cal_id = calendar_entry.cal_id) ' . $repeats_where . $extra; $this->stream->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows() == 0) { return False; } $retval = Array(); while($this->stream->next_record()) { $retval[] = intval($this->stream->f('cal_id')); } return $retval; } // End of ICal style support....... function group_search($owner=0) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $owner = $owner==$phpgw_info['user']['account_id']?0:$owner; $groups = substr($phpgw->common->sql_search('calendar_entry.cal_group',intval($owner)),4); if (!$groups) { return ''; } else { return "(calendar_entry.cal_access='group' AND (". $groups .')) '; } } function normalizeminutes(&$minutes) { $hour = 0; $min = intval($minutes); if($min >= 60) { $hour += $min / 60; $min %= 60; } settype($minutes,'integer'); $minutes = $min; return $hour; } function splittime_($time) { global $phpgw_info; $temp = array('hour','minute','second','ampm'); $time = strrev($time); $second = (int)strrev(substr($time,0,2)); $minute = (int)strrev(substr($time,2,2)); $hour = (int)strrev(substr($time,4)); $temp['second'] = (int)$second; $temp['minute'] = (int)$minute; $temp['hour'] = (int)$hour; $temp['ampm'] = ' '; return $temp; } function splittime($time) { global $phpgw_info; $temp = array('hour','minute','second','ampm'); $time = strrev($time); $second = intval(strrev(substr($time,0,2))); $minute = intval(strrev(substr($time,2,2))); $hour = intval(strrev(substr($time,4))); $hour += $this->normalizeminutes(&$minute); $temp['second'] = $second; $temp['minute'] = $minute; $temp['hour'] = $hour; $temp['ampm'] = ' '; if ($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == '24') { return $temp; } $temp['ampm'] = 'am'; if ((int)$temp['hour'] > 12) { $temp['hour'] = (int)((int)$temp['hour'] - 12); $temp['ampm'] = 'pm'; } elseif ((int)$temp['hour'] == 12) { $temp['ampm'] = 'pm'; } return $temp; } function makegmttime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; return $this->gmtdate(mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year)); } function localdates($localtime) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $date = Array('raw','day','month','year','full','dow','dm','bd'); $date['raw'] = $localtime; $date['year'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'Y')); $date['month'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'m')); $date['day'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'d')); $date['full'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'Ymd')); $date['bd'] = mktime(0,0,0,$date['month'],$date['day'],$date['year']); $date['dm'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'dm')); $date['dow'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'w')); $date['hour'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'H')); $date['minute'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'i')); $date['second'] = intval($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'s')); return $date; } function gmtdate($localtime) { global $phpgw_info; $localtime -= ((60 * 60) * intval($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'])); return $this->localdates($localtime); } function date_to_epoch($d) { return $this->localdates(mktime(0,0,0,intval(substr($d,4,2)),intval(substr($d,6,2)),intval(substr($d,0,4)))); } function build_time_for_display($fixed_time) { global $phpgw_info; $time = $this->splittime($fixed_time); $str = ''; $str .= $time['hour'].':'.((int)$time['minute']<=9?'0':'').$time['minute']; if ($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == '12') { $str .= ' ' . $time['ampm']; } return $str; } // Start from here to meet coding stds....... // This function may be removed in the near future..... function pretty_small_calendar($day,$month,$year,$link='') { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $view; // $tz_offset = (-1 * ((60 * 60) * intval($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset']))); $date = $this->makegmttime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $month_ago = intval(date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$month - 1,$day,$year))); $month_ahead = intval(date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,$day,$year))); $monthstart = intval(date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))); $monthend = intval(date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,0,$year))); $weekstarttime = $this->get_weekday_start($year,$month,1); $str = ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= '
'; $str .= ''; if ($view == 'day') { $str .= ''; } $str .= ''; if ($view == 'year') { $str .= ''; $str .= ''; } if ($view != 'year') { $str .= ''; } $str .= ''; $str .= ''; for($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { $str .= ''; } $str .= ''; for($i=$weekstarttime;date('Ymd',$i)<=$monthend;$i += (24 * 3600 * 7)) { $str .= ''; for($j=0;$j<7;$j++) { $cal = $this->gmtdate($i + ($j * 24 * 3600)); if($cal['full'] >= $monthstart && $cal['full'] <= $monthend) { $str .= ''; } else { $str .= ''; } } $str .= ''; } $str .= '
'; } else { $str .= ''; } if ($view != 'year') { if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '<'; if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= ''; } if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= lang($phpgw->common->show_date($date['raw'],'F')).' '.$year; if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } if ($view != 'year') { $str .= ''; if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '>'; if (!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '
'; if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= $cal['day']; if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '.
'; $str .= '
'; return $str; } // This function may be removed in the near future..... function display_small_month($month,$year,$showyear,$link='') { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $weekstarttime = $this->get_weekday_start($year,$month,1); $str = ''; $str .= ''; $monthstart = $this->localdates(mktime(0,0,0,$month ,1,$year)); $monthend = $this->localdates(mktime(0,0,0,$month + 1,0,$year)); $str .= ''; for($i=0;$i<$daysinweek;$i++) { $str .= ''; } $str .= ''; for($i=$weekstarttime;date('Ymd',$i)<=$monthend['full'];$i+=604800) { $str .= ''; for($j=0;$j<$daysinweek;$j++) { $date = $this->localdates($i + ($j * 86400)); if($date['full']>=$monthstart['full'] && $date['full']<=$monthend['full']) { $str .= ''; } else { $str .= ''; } } $str .= ''; } $str .= '
'; if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= lang(date('F',$monthstart['raw'])); if($showyear) { $str .= ' '.$year; } if(!$this->printer_friendly) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '
'; if(!$this->printer_friendly || $link) { $str .= ''; } $str .= ''.date('j',$date['raw']); if(!$this->printer_friendly || $link) { $str .= ''; } $str .= '
'; return $str; } function prep($calid) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info['user']['apps']['calendar']) return false; $db2 = $phpgw->db; $cal_id = array(); if(is_long($calid)) { if(!$calid) { return false; } $cal_id[0] = $calid; } elseif(is_string($calid)) { $calid = $phpgw->account->name2id($calid); $db2->query('SELECT cal_id FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_owner='.$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $cal_id[] = $db2->f('cal_id'); } } elseif(is_array($calid)) { if(is_string($calid[0])) { for($i=0;$iquery('SELECT cal_id FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_owner='.$calid[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); while($db2->next_record()) { $cal_id[] = $db2->f('cal_id'); } } } elseif(is_long($calid[0])) { $cal_id = $calid; } } return $cal_id; } function getwithindates($from,$to) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info['user']['apps']['calendar']) { return false; } $phpgw->db->query('SELECT cal_id FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_date >= '.$from.' AND cal_date <= '.$to,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($phpgw->db->num_rows()) { while($phpgw->db->next_record()) { $calid[count($calid)] = intval($phpgw->db->f('cal_id')); } return $this->getevent($calid); } else { return false; } } function add($calinfo,$calid=0) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $db2 = $phpgw->db; if(!$phpgw_info['user']['apps']['calendar']) { return false; } if(!$calid) { $db2->lock(array('calendar_entry','calendar_entry_user','calendar_entry_repeats')); $db2->query("INSERT INTO calendar_entry(cal_name) VALUES('".addslashes($calinfo->name)."')",__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->query('SELECT MAX(cal_id) FROM calendar_entry',__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $calid = $db2->f(0); $db2->unlock(); } if($calid) { return $this->modify($calinfo,$calid); } } function delete($calid=0) { global $phpgw; $cal_id = $this->prep($calid); if(!$cal_id) { return false; } $db2 = $phpgw->db; $db2->lock(array('calendar_entry','calendar_entry_user','calendar_entry_repeats')); for($i=0;$iquery('DELETE FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id='.$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->query('DELETE FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id='.$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->query('DELETE FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_id='.$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); } $db2->unlock(); } function modify($calinfo,$calid=0) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info['user']['apps']['calendar']) { return false; } if(!$calid) { return false; } $db2 = $phpgw->db; $db2->lock(array('calendar_entry','calendar_entry_user','calendar_entry_repeats')); $owner = ($calinfo->owner?$calinfo->owner:$phpgw_info['user']['account_id']); if ($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == '12') { if ($calinfo->ampm == 'pm' && ($calinfo->hour < 12 && $calinfo->hour <> 12)) { $calinfo->hour += 12; } if ($calinfo->end_ampm == 'pm' && ($calinfo->end_hour < 12 && $calinfo->end_hour <> 12)) { $calinfo->end_hour += 12; } } $date = $this->makegmttime($calinfo->hour,$calinfo->minute,0,$calinfo->month,$calinfo->day,$calinfo->year); $enddate = $this->makegmttime($calinfo->end_hour,$calinfo->end_minute,0,$calinfo->end_month,$calinfo->end_day,$calinfo->end_year); $today = $this->gmtdate(time()); if($calinfo->rpt_type != 'none') { $rpt_type = 'M'; } else { $rpt_type = 'E'; } $query = 'UPDATE calendar_entry SET cal_owner='.$owner.", cal_name='".addslashes($calinfo->name)."', " . "cal_description='".addslashes($calinfo->description)."', cal_datetime=".$date['raw'].', ' . 'cal_mdatetime='.$today['raw'].', cal_edatetime='.$enddate['raw'].', ' . 'cal_priority='.$calinfo->priority.", cal_type='".$rpt_type."' "; if(($calinfo->access == 'public' || $calinfo->access == 'group') && count($calinfo->groups)) { $query .= ", cal_access='".$calinfo->access."', cal_group = '".$phpgw->accounts->array_to_string($calinfo->access,$calinfo->groups)."' "; } elseif(($calinfo->access == 'group') && !count($calinfo->groups)) { $query .= ", cal_access='private', cal_group = '' "; } else { $query .= ", cal_access='".$calinfo->access."', cal_group = '' "; } $query .= 'WHERE cal_id='.$calid; $db2->query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->query('DELETE FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id='.$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($participant = each($calinfo->participants)) { $phpgw->db->query('INSERT INTO calendar_entry_user(cal_id,cal_login,cal_status) ' . 'VALUES('.$calid.','.$participant[1].",'A')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } if(strcmp($calinfo->rpt_type,'none') <> 0) { $freq = ($calinfo->rpt_freq?$calinfo->rpt_freq:0); if($calinfo->rpt_use_end) { $end = $this->makegmttime(0,0,0,$calinfo->rpt_month,$calinfo->rpt_day,$calinfo->rpt_year); $use_end = 1; } else { $end = 'NULL'; $use_end = 0; } if($calinfo->rpt_type == 'weekly' || $calinfo->rpt_type == 'daily') { $days = ($calinfo->rpt_sun?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_mon?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_tue?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_wed?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_thu?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_fri?'y':'n') . ($calinfo->rpt_sat?'y':'n'); } else { $days = 'nnnnnnn'; } $db2->query('SELECT count(cal_id) FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id='.$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $num_rows = $db2->f(0); if(!$num_rows) { $db2->query('INSERT INTO calendar_entry_repeats(cal_id,cal_type,cal_use_end,cal_end,cal_days,cal_frequency) ' ."VALUES($calid,'".$calinfo->rpt_type."',$use_end,".$end['raw'].",'$days',$freq)",__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $db2->query("UPDATE calendar_entry_repeats SET cal_type='".$calinfo->rpt_type."', cal_use_end=".$use_end.', ' ."cal_end='".$end['raw']."', cal_days='".$days."', cal_frequency=".$freq.' ' .'WHERE cal_id='.$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } else { $db2->query('DELETE FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id='.$calid,__LINE__,__FILE__); } $db2->unlock(); } function getevent($calid) { global $phpgw; $cal_id = $this->prep($calid); if(!$cal_id) { return false; } $db2 = $phpgw->db; $db2->lock(array('calendar_entry','calendar_entry_user','calendar_entry_repeats')); $calendar = CreateObject('calendar.calendar_item'); for($i=0;$iquery('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry WHERE cal_id='.$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $calendar->id = (int)$db2->f('cal_id'); $calendar->owner = $db2->f('cal_owner'); $calendar->datetime = $db2->f('cal_datetime'); // $date = $this->date_to_epoch($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->datetime,'Ymd')); $date = $this->localdates($calendar->datetime); $calendar->day = $date['day']; $calendar->month = $date['month']; $calendar->year = $date['year']; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->datetime,'His')); $calendar->hour = (int)$time['hour']; $calendar->minute = (int)$time['minute']; $calendar->ampm = $time['ampm']; $calendar->mdatetime = $db2->f('cal_mdatetime'); // $date = $this->date_to_epoch($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->mdatetime,'Ymd')); $date = $this->localdates($calendar->mdatetime); $calendar->mod_day = $date['day']; $calendar->mod_month = $date['month']; $calendar->mod_year = $date['year']; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->mdatetime,'His')); $calendar->mod_hour = (int)$time['hour']; $calendar->mod_minute = (int)$time['minute']; $calendar->mod_second = (int)$time['second']; $calendar->mod_ampm = $time['ampm']; $calendar->edatetime = $db2->f('cal_edatetime'); // $date = $this->date_to_epoch($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->edatetime,'Ymd')); $date = $this->localdates($calendar->edatetime); $calendar->end_day = $date['day']; $calendar->end_month = $date['month']; $calendar->end_year = $date['year']; $time = $this->splittime($phpgw->common->show_date($calendar->edatetime,'His')); $calendar->end_hour = (int)$time['hour']; $calendar->end_minute = (int)$time['minute']; $calendar->end_second = (int)$time['second']; $calendar->end_ampm = $time['ampm']; $calendar->priority = $db2->f('cal_priority'); // not loading webcal_entry.cal_type $calendar->access = $db2->f('cal_access'); $calendar->name = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($db2->f('cal_name'))); $calendar->description = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($db2->f('cal_description'))); if($db2->f('cal_group')) { $groups = explode(',',$db2->f('cal_group')); for($j=1;$jgroups[] = $groups[$j]; } } $db2->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id='.$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); if($db2->num_rows()) { $db2->next_record(); $rpt_type = strtolower($db2->f('cal_type')); $calendar->rpt_type = !$rpt_type?'none':$rpt_type; $calendar->rpt_use_end = $db2->f('cal_use_end'); if($calendar->rpt_use_end) { $calendar->rpt_end = $db2->f('cal_end'); $date = $this->localdates($db2->f('cal_end')); $calendar->rpt_end_day = (int)$date['day']; $calendar->rpt_end_month = (int)$date['month']; $calendar->rpt_end_year = (int)$date['year']; } else { $calendar->rpt_end = 0; $calendar->rpt_end_day = 0; $calendar->rpt_end_month = 0; $calendar->rpt_end_year = 0; } $calendar->rpt_freq = (int)$db2->f('cal_frequency'); $rpt_days = strtoupper($db2->f('cal_days')); $calendar->rpt_days = $rpt_days; $calendar->rpt_sun = (substr($rpt_days,0,1)=='Y'?1:0); $calendar->rpt_mon = (substr($rpt_days,1,1)=='Y'?1:0); $calendar->rpt_tue = (substr($rpt_days,2,1)=='Y'?1:0); $calendar->rpt_wed = (substr($rpt_days,3,1)=='Y'?1:0); $calendar->rpt_thu = (substr($rpt_days,4,1)=='Y'?1:0); $calendar->rpt_fri = (substr($rpt_days,5,1)=='Y'?1:0); $calendar->rpt_sat = (substr($rpt_days,6,1)=='Y'?1:0); } $db2->query('SELECT * FROM calendar_entry_user WHERE cal_id='.$cal_id[$i],__LINE__,__FILE__); if($db2->num_rows()) { while($db2->next_record()) { $calendar->participants[] = $db2->f('cal_login'); $calendar->status[] = $db2->f('cal_status'); } } $calendar_item[$i] = $calendar; } $db2->unlock(); return $calendar_item; } function findevent() { global $phpgw_info; if(!$phpgw_info['user']['apps']['calendar']) { return false; } } } ?>