/** * eGroupware Framework base object * @package framework * @author Hadi Nategh * @author Andreas Stoeckel * @copyright Stylite AG 2014 * @description Framework base module which creates fw_base object and includes basic framework functionallity */ /*egw:uses vendor.bower-asset.jquery.dist.jquery; egw_inheritance.js; */ var fw_base = (function(){ "use strict"; return Class.extend( { /** * Framework base class constructor sets up basic initialization * @param {type} _sidemenuId * @param {type} _tabsId * @param {type} _webserverUrl * @param {type} _sideboxSizeCallback * @returns {undefined} */ init: function (_sidemenuId, _tabsId, _webserverUrl, _sideboxSizeCallback){ /* Get the base div */ this.sidemenuDiv = document.getElementById(_sidemenuId); this.tabsDiv = document.getElementById(_tabsId); this.webserverUrl = _webserverUrl; this.sideboxSizeCallback = _sideboxSizeCallback; window.egw_webserverUrl = _webserverUrl; this.serializedTabState = ''; this.notifyTabChangeEnabled = false; this.sidemenuUi = null; this.tabsUi = null; this.applications = new Object(); this.activeApp = null; //Register the resize handler jQuery(window).resize(function(){window.framework.resizeHandler();}); //Register the global alert handler window.egw_alertHandler = this.alertHandler; //Register the key press handler //jQuery(document).keypress(this.keyPressHandler); //Override the app_window function window.egw_appWindow = this.egw_appWindow; // Override the egw_appWindowOpen function window.egw_appWindowOpen = this.egw_appWindowOpen; // Override the egw_getAppName function window.egw_getAppName = this.egw_getAppName; }, /** * Load applications * @param {object} apps an object list of all applications */ loadApplications: function (apps) { //Close all open tabs, remove all applications from the application list this.sidemenuUi.clean(); this.tabsUi.clean(); var defaultApp = null; var restore = new Object; var restore_count = 0; var mkRestoreEntry = function(_app, _pos, _url, _active) { return { 'app': _app, 'position': _pos, 'url': _url, 'active': _active }; }; //Iterate through the application array returned for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { var app = apps[i]; // Retrieve the application base url var baseUrl = false; if (typeof app.baseUrl == 'string') { baseUrl = app.baseUrl; } // Compute the instance internal name var internalName = app.name; if (typeof app.internalName == 'string') { internalName = app.internalName; } this.appData = new egw_fw_class_application(this, app.name, app.title, app.icon, app.url, app.sideboxwidth, baseUrl, internalName); //Create a sidebox menu entry for each application if (!app.noNavbar) { this.appData.sidemenuEntry = this.sidemenuUi.addEntry( this.appData.displayName, this.appData.icon, this.applicationClickCallback, this.appData, app.name); } //If this entry is the default entry, show it using the click callback if (app.isDefault && (app.isDefault === true) && (restore_count === 0)) { defaultApp = this.appData; } //If the opened field is set, add the application to the restore array. if ((typeof app.opened != 'undefined') && (app.opened !== false)) { defaultApp = null; var url = null; if (typeof app.openOnce != 'undefined' && app.openOnce) url = app.openOnce; restore[this.appData.appName] = mkRestoreEntry(this.appData, app.opened, url, app.active ? 1 : 0); restore_count += 1; } this.applications[this.appData.appName] = this.appData; } // else display the default application if (defaultApp && restore_count === 0) { restore[defaultApp.appName] = mkRestoreEntry(defaultApp, 0, null, 1); } return restore; }, /** * Navigate to the tab of an application (opening the tab if not yet open) * * @param {egw_fw_class_application} _app * @param {string} _url optional url, default index page of app * @param {bool} _hidden specifies, whether the application should be set active * after opening the tab * @param {int} _pos * * @return {Deferred|null} Deferred Promise, will be resolved when the tab is loaded */ applicationTabNavigate: function(_app, _url, _hidden, _pos) { //Default the post parameter to -1 if (typeof _pos == 'undefined') _pos = -1; //Create the tab for that application this.createApplicationTab(_app, _pos); // Response var deferred = new jQuery.Deferred(); if (typeof _url == 'undefined' || _url == null) { _url = _app.indexUrl; } // If there are query parameters and URL is the same, don't just refresh // because the app's state may have changed since last time else if (_app.browser != null && _url == _app.browser.currentLocation && !_url.match(/menuaction=[^&]+&ajax=true/)) { // Reset current so new url loads fully _app.browser.currentLocation = _app.indexUrl; } else if (_app.browser != null && // check if app has its own linkHandler !(this.applications[_app.appName].app_refresh) && _app.browser.iframe == null && _url == _app.browser.currentLocation // links with load may needs to be reloaded e.g. admin applications global cats && !(_app.browser.currentLocation.match(/&load=[^&]+/g) && _app.appName === 'admin')) { // Just do an egw_refresh to avoid a full reload egw_refresh('',_app.appName); //Show the application tab if (_app.tab) { this.setActiveApp(_app); } deferred.resolve(); return deferred.promise(); } if (_app.browser == null) { //Create a new browser ui and set it as application tab callback var callback = new egw_fw_class_callback(this, this.getIFrameHeight); _app.browser = new fw_browser(_app, callback); _app.tab.setContent(_app.browser.baseDiv); } if (typeof _hidden == 'undefined' || !_hidden) { deferred = _app.browser.browse(_url); this.setActiveApp(_app); } else { this.notifyTabChange(deferred); } return deferred.promise(); }, /** * Callback to calculate height of browser iframe or div * * @param {object} _iframe dom node of iframe or null for div * @returns number in pixel */ getIFrameHeight: function(_iframe) { var $header = jQuery(this.tabsUi.appHeaderContainer); var height = jQuery(this.sidemenuDiv).height()-this.tabsUi.appHeaderContainer.outerHeight(); return height; }, /** * Sets the sidebox data of an application * @param {object} _app the application whose sidebox content should be set. * @param {object} _data an array/object containing the data of the sidebox content * @param {string} _md5 an md5 hash of the sidebox menu content: Only if this hash differs between two setSidebox calles, the sidebox menu will be updated. */ setSidebox: function(_app, _data, _md5) { if (typeof _app == 'string') _app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); if ((_app != null) && (_app.sidebox_md5 != _md5) && (_app.sidemenuEntry != null)) { //Parse the sidebox data if (_data != null) { var contDiv = document.createElement('div'); var contJS = ''; //new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) { var catContent = ''; for (var j = 0; j < _data[i].entries.length; j++) { /* As jquery executes all script tags which are found inside the html and removes them afterwards, we have to seperate the javaScript from the html in lang_item and add it manually. */ this.html = new Object(); this.html.html = _data[i].entries[j].lang_item; this.html.js = ''; egw_seperateJavaScript(this.html); contJS += this.html.js;//contJS.concat(html.js); if (_data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star) { catContent += '
'; } if (_data[i].entries[j].item_link == '') { catContent += this.html.html; } else { var link = _data[i].entries[j].item_link; if (link) { catContent += '' + this.html.html + ''; } } if (_data[i].entries[j].icon_or_star) { catContent += '
'; } } /* Append the category content */ if (catContent != '') { var categoryUi = new egw_fw_ui_category(contDiv,_data[i].menu_name, _data[i].title, catContent, this.categoryOpenCloseCallback, this.categoryAnimationCallback, _app); //Lookup whether this entry was opened before. If no data is //stored about this, use the information we got from the server var opened = egw.preference('jdots_sidebox_'+_data[i].menu_name, _app.appName); if (typeof opened == 'undefined') { opened = _data[i].opened; } if (opened) { categoryUi.open(true); } } } // Stop ajax loader spinner icon in case there's no data and still is not stopped if (_data.length <= 0) _app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); //Rewrite all form actions if they contain some javascript var forms = jQuery('form', contDiv).toArray(); for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; ++i) { var form = forms[i]; if (form.action.indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { var action = form.action.match(/\('([^']*)/)[0].substr(2); form.action = action; form.target = 'egw_app_iframe_' + this.parseAppFromUrl(action).appName; } } _app.sidemenuEntry.setContent(contDiv); _app.sidebox_md5 = _md5; //console.log(contJS); jQuery(contDiv).append(contJS); } _app.hasSideboxMenuContent = true; //Only view the sidemenu content if this is really the active application if (_app == _app.parentFw.activeApp) { //Set the sidebox width if a application specific sidebox width is set if (_app.sideboxWidth !== false) { this.sideboxSizeCallback(_app.sideboxWidth); } _app.sidemenuEntry.parent.open(_app.sidemenuEntry); // reliable init sidebox, as app.js might initialise earlier if (typeof app[_app.appName] == 'object') { var sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_'+_app.appName, this.sidemenuDiv); var self = this; var currentAppName = _app.appName; // make sidebox sidebox.children().sortable({ items:'li:not([data-id$="add"])', placeholder:'ui-fav-sortable-placeholder', update: function (event, ui) { var favSortedList = jQuery(this).sortable('toArray', {attribute:'data-id'}); egw().set_preference(currentAppName,'fav_sort_pref',favSortedList); } }); if (sidebox.length) app[_app.appName]._init_sidebox.call(app[_app.appName], sidebox); } } } }, /** * Notify a tab that it was changed, update preferences * * @param {Deferred} deferred Someone is listening, and wants to know when done. */ notifyTabChange: function(deferred) { // Call the "resize" function of the currently active app if (this.activeApp) { var browser = this.activeApp.browser; if (browser) { window.setTimeout(function() { browser.callResizeHandler(); // Focus the current window so that keyboard input is forwarderd // to it. The timeout is needed, as this is function is often // called by the click on a jdots-tab. And that click immediately // focuses the outer window again. if (browser.iframe && browser.iframe.contentWindow) { browser.iframe.contentWindow.focus(); } else { window.focus(); } if(deferred) { deferred.resolve(); } }, 100); } } if (this.notifyTabChangeEnabled) { this.storeTabsStatus(); } }, /** * Store last status of tabs * tab status being used in order to open all previous opened * tabs and to activate the last active tab */ storeTabsStatus: function () { //Send the current tab list to the server var data = this.assembleTabList(); //Serialize the tab list and check whether it really has changed since the last //submit var serialized = egw.jsonEncode(data); if (serialized != this.serializedTabState) { this.serializedTabState = serialized; egw.jsonq('EGroupware\\Api\\Framework\\Ajax::ajax_tab_changed_state', [data]); } }, /** * @param {function} _opened * Sends sidemenu entry category open/close information to the server using an AJAX request */ categoryOpenCloseCallback: function(_opened) { egw.set_preference(this.tag.appName, 'jdots_sidebox_'+this.catName, _opened); }, categoryAnimationCallback: function() { }, /** * Creates an ordered list with all opened tabs and whether the tab is currently active * @return {array} returns an array of tabs */ assembleTabList: function() { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.tabsUi.tabs.length; i++) { var tab = this.tabsUi.tabs[i]; result[i] = { 'appName': tab.tag.appName, 'active': tab == this.tabsUi.activeTab }; } return result; }, /** * * @param {app object} _app * @param {int} _pos * Checks whether the application already owns a tab and creates one if it doesn't exist */ createApplicationTab: function(_app, _pos) { //Default the pos parameter to -1 if (typeof _pos == 'undefined') _pos = -1; if (_app.tab == null) { //Create the tab _app.tab = this.tabsUi.addTab(_app.icon, this.tabClickCallback, this.tabCloseClickCallback, _app, _pos); _app.tab.setTitle(_app.displayName); //Set the tab closeable if there's more than one tab this.tabsUi.setCloseable(this.tabsUi.tabs.length > 1); } }, /** * applicationClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on * an application in the sidebox menu. * * @param {egw_fw_ui_tab} _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ applicationClickCallback: function(_sender) { this.tag.parentFw.applicationTabNavigate(this.tag, this.tag.indexUrl); }, /** * tabClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks on * a tab. * * @param {egw_fw_ui_tab} _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ tabClickCallback: function(_sender) { //Set the active application in the framework this.tag.parentFw.setActiveApp(this.tag); }, /** * tabCloseClickCallback is used internally by egw_fw in order to handle clicks * on the close button of every tab. * * @param {egw_fw_ui_tab} _sender specifies the tab ui object, the user has clicked */ tabCloseClickCallback: function(_sender) { //Save references to the application and the tabsUi as "this" will be deleted var app = this.tag; var tabsUi = this.parent; //At least one tab must stay open if (tabsUi.tabs.length > 1) { //Tell the browser object to browse to an empty page, which will trigger the //unload handler app.browser.blank(); this.tag.parentFw.notifyTabChangeEnabled = false; tabsUi.removeTab(this); app.tab = null; app.browser = null; if (app.sidemenuEntry) app.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); //Set the active application to the application of the currently active tab app.parentFw.setActiveApp(tabsUi.activeTab.tag); this.tag.parentFw.notifyTabChangeEnabled = true; this.tag.parentFw.notifyTabChange(); } tabsUi.setCloseable(tabsUi.tabs.length > 1); //As a new tab might remove a row from the tab header, we have to resize all tab content browsers this.tag.parentFw.resizeHandler(); }, /** * @param {string} _url * Tries to obtain the application from a menuaction */ parseAppFromUrl: function(_url) { var _app = null; // Check the menuaction parts from the url var matches = _url.match(/menuaction=([a-z0-9_-]+)\./i) || // Check the url for a scheme of "/app/something.php" _url.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+\.php/i); if (matches) { // check if this is a regular app-name _app = this.getApplicationByName(matches[1]); } return _app; }, /** * Goes through all applications and returns the application with the specified name. * @param {string} _name the name of the application which should be returned. * @return object or null if application is not found. */ getApplicationByName: function(_name) { if (typeof this.applications[_name] != 'undefined') { return this.applications[_name]; } return null; }, /** * Sets the website title of an application * @param {object} _app the application whose title should be set. * @param {string} _title title to set * @param {object} _header */ setWebsiteTitle: function(_app, _title, _header) { if (typeof _app == 'string') _app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); if (_app) { _app.website_title = _title; // only set app_header if different from app-name if (_header && _header != egw.lang(_app.appName)) { _app.app_header = _header; } else { _app.app_header = ''; } if (_app == this.activeApp) this.refreshAppTitle(); } }, /** * Handles alert message * * @param {type} _message * @param {type} _details */ alertHandler: function (_message, _details) { if (_details) { alert('Error:\n ' + _message + '\n\nDetails:\n ' + _details); } else { alert(_message); } }, /** * Call online manual * * @param {string} referer optional referer, default use activeApp */ callManual: function(referer) { if (typeof referer == 'undefined' && this.activeApp && this.activeApp.appName != 'manual') { referer = this.activeApp.indexUrl; if (this.activeApp.browser.iframe && this.activeApp.browser.iframe.contentWindow.location) { //this.activeApp.browser.iframe.contentWindow.callManual(); referer = this.activeApp.browser.iframe.contentWindow.location.href; } } if (typeof referer != 'undefined') { this.linkHandler(egw.link('/index.php', { menuaction: 'manual.uimanual.view', referer: referer }), 'manual', true); } }, /** * * @param {type} _link * @param {type} _app * @param {type} _useIframe * @param {type} _linkSource * @returns {undefined} */ linkHandler: function(_link, _app, _useIframe, _linkSource) { //Determine the app string from the application parameter var app = null; if (_app && typeof _app == 'string') { app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); } if (!app) { //The app parameter was false or not a string or the application specified did not exists. //Determine the target application from the link that had been passed to this function app = this.parseAppFromUrl(_link); } if (app) { this.applicationTabNavigate(app, _link); } else { //Display some error messages to have visible feedback if (typeof _app == 'string') { egw_alertHandler('Application "' + _app + '" not found.', 'The application "' + _app + '" the link "' + _link + '" points to is not registered.'); } else { egw_alertHandler("No appropriate target application has been found.", "Target link: " + _link); } } }, /** * Redirect window to the URL * @param {string} _url */ redirect: function(_url) { window.location = _url; }, /** * Sets the active framework application to the application specified by _app * * @param {egw_fw_class_application} _app application object */ setActiveApp: function(_app) { //Only perform the following commands if a new application is activated if (_app != this.activeApp) { // tab not yet loaded, load it now if (!_app.browser.currentLocation && !_app.browser.iframe) { this.applicationTabNavigate(_app, _app.indexUrl); return; } this.activeApp = _app; //Open the sidemenuUi that belongs to the app, if no sidemenu is attached //to the app, close the sidemenuUi if (_app.sidemenuEntry) { if (_app.hasSideboxMenuContent) { this.sidemenuUi.open(_app.sidemenuEntry); } } else { this.sidemenuUi.open(null); } //Set the website title this.refreshAppTitle(); //Show the application tab if (_app.tab) { this.tabsUi.showTab(_app.tab); //Going to a new tab changes the tab state this.notifyTabChange(); } } }, /** * Open a (centered) popup window with given size and url * * @param {string} _url * @param {number} _width * @param {number} _height * @param {string} _windowName or "_blank" * @param {string|boolean} _app app-name for framework to set correct opener or false for current app * @param {boolean} _returnID true: return window, false: return undefined * @param {type} _status "yes" or "no" to display status bar of popup * @param {DOMWindow} _parentWnd parent window * @returns {DOMWindow|undefined} */ openPopup: function(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, _returnID, _status, _parentWnd) { //Determine the window the popup should be opened in - normally this is the iframe of the currently active application var parentWindow = _parentWnd || window; var navigate = false; if (typeof _app != 'undefined' && _app !== false) { var appEntry = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); if (appEntry && appEntry.browser == null) { navigate = true; framework.applicationTabNavigate(appEntry, 'about:blank'); } } else { var appEntry = framework.activeApp; } if (appEntry != null && appEntry.browser.iframe != null && (_app || !egw(parentWindow).is_popup())) parentWindow = appEntry.browser.iframe.contentWindow; var windowID = egw(parentWindow).openPopup(_url, _width, _height, _windowName, _app, true, _status, true); windowID.framework = this; if (navigate) { window.setTimeout("framework.applicationTabNavigate(framework.activeApp, framework.activeApp.indexUrl);", 500); } if (_returnID !== false) return windowID; }, /** * Get application window * @param {type} _app * @returns {window|iframe content} */ egw_appWindow: function(_app) { var app = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); var result = window; if (app != null && app.browser != null && app.browser.iframe != null) { result = app.browser.iframe.contentWindow; } return result; }, /** * Opens application with provided url * @param {string|app object} _app app name or app object * @param {string} _url url */ egw_appWindowOpen: function(_app, _url) { if (typeof _url == "undefined") { _url = "about:blank"; } // Do a global location change if the given application name is null (as this function // is called by egw_json.js redirect handler, where the _app parameter defaults to null) if (_app == null) { window.location = _url; } var app = null; if (typeof _app == "string") { app = framework.getApplicationByName(_app); } else { app = _app; } if (app != null) { framework.applicationTabNavigate(app, _url); } }, /** * Gets application name * * @returns {string} returns application name */ egw_getAppName: function() { return framework.activeApp.appName; }, /** * Change timezone and refresh current app * @param _tz */ tzSelection: function(_tz) { //Perform an AJAX request to tell server var req = egw.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Framework\\Ajax::ajax_tz_selection',[_tz],null,null,false); // false = synchron req.sendRequest(); // Reload apps so they can use the new setting for (var app in this.applications) { if (this.applications[app].browser) { this.applications[app].browser.reload(); } } }, /** * Refresh application title */ refreshAppTitle: function() { if (this.activeApp) { if (this.messageTimer) { window.clearTimeout(this.messageTimer); delete this.messageTimer; } this.tabsUi.setAppHeader(this.activeApp.app_header); var default_title = egw.config('site_title', 'phpgwapi') + ' ['+this.activeApp.displayName+']'; document.title = this.activeApp.website_title || default_title; } this.resizeHandler(); }, /** * */ resizeHandler: function() { //Resize the browser area of the applications for (var app in this.applications) { if (this.applications[app].browser != null) { this.applications[app].browser.resize(); } } }, /** * Refresh given application _targetapp display of entry _app _id, incl. outputting _msg * @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted' * @param {string|undefined} _app application name * @param {string|number|undefined} _id id of entry to refresh * @param {string|undefined} _type either 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or undefined * @param {string|undefined} _targetapp which app's window should be refreshed, default current * @param {string|RegExp} _replace regular expression to replace in url * @param {string} _with * @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default) * @return {DOMwindow|null} null if refresh was triggered, or DOMwindow of app */ refresh: function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _targetapp, _replace, _with, _msg_type) { //alert("egw_refresh(\'"+_msg+"\',\'"+_app+"\',\'"+_id+"\',\'"+_type+"\')"); if (!_app) // force reload of entire framework, eg. when template-set changes { window.location.href = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?cd=yes'+(_msg ? '&msg='+encodeURIComponent(_msg) : ''); } // Call appropriate default / fallback refresh var win = window; // Preferences app is running under admin app, we need to trigger admin refersh // in order to refresh categories list _app = _app === 'preferences'?'admin':_app; var app = this.getApplicationByName(_app); if (app) { // app with closed, or not yet loaded tab --> ignore update, happens automatic when tab loads if (!app.browser) { return; } if (app.browser && app.browser.iframe) { win = app.browser.iframe.contentWindow; } } // app running top-level (no full refresh / window reload!) if (win == window) { var refresh_done = false; // et2 nextmatch available, let it refresh if(typeof etemplate2 == "function" && etemplate2.app_refresh) { refresh_done = etemplate2.app_refresh(_msg, _app, _id, _type); } // if not trigger a regular refresh if (!refresh_done) { if (!app) app = this.activeApp; if (app && app.browser) app.browser.reload(); } } // if different target-app given, refresh it too if (_targetapp && _app != _targetapp) { this.refresh(_msg, _targetapp, null, null, null, _replace, _with, _msg_type); } // app runs in iframe (refresh iframe content window) if (win != window) { return win; } }, /** * Print function prints the active window */ print: function() { if (this.activeApp && this.activeApp.appName != 'manual') { var appWindow = this.egw_appWindow(this.activeApp.appName); if (appWindow) { appWindow.focus(); // et2 available, let its widgets prepare var deferred = []; var et2_list = []; jQuery('.et2_container',this.activeApp.tab.contDiv).each(function() { var et2 = etemplate2.getById(this.id); if(et2 && jQuery(et2.DOMContainer).filter(':visible').length) { deferred = deferred.concat(et2.print()); et2_list.push(et2); } }); if(et2_list.length) { // Try to clean up after - not guaranteed var afterPrint = function() { var app = framework.activeApp; framework.activeApp = ''; framework.setActiveApp(app); egw.loading_prompt(app.appName,true,egw.lang('please wait...'),app.browser.baseDiv, egwIsMobile()?'horizental':'spinner'); // Give framework a chance to deal, then reset the etemplates window.setTimeout(function() { for(var i = 0; i < et2_list.length; i++) { et2_list[i].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(_widget) { _widget.afterPrint(); },et2_list[i],et2_IPrint); } egw.loading_prompt(app.appName,false); },100); appWindow.onafterprint = null; }; if(appWindow.matchMedia) { var mediaQueryList = appWindow.matchMedia('print'); var listener = function(mql) { if (!mql.matches) { mediaQueryList.removeListener(listener); afterPrint(); } }; mediaQueryList.addListener(listener); } appWindow.onafterprint = afterPrint; // Wait for everything to be loaded, then send it off jQuery.when.apply(jQuery, deferred).done(function() { appWindow.setTimeout(appWindow.print, 0); }).fail(function() { afterPrint(); }); } else { // Print appWindow.print(); } } } } });}).call(this);